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    Anywhere, USA
  • Interests
    geography, graphic design, movies, music, psychology, art history, ancient Greece...

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  1. You're cheating on us! Hehe, I kid. Being a member on more than one site is a good thing. That's great Blue. I'm happy that you are finding your way and I hope it all goes according to plan and you end up eternally happy with a cute guy, French or not!
  2. I rarely find anim
  3. Thanks everyone! Had a great day and a fantastic evening. I did fix my TomTom, thanks Eric.
  4. Indeed, it is, among others. Tahoma is also another great font, though Tahoma was designed to be used on-screen so it's not the best in print.
  5. Aww shucks. thanks guys and gals.
  6. Helvetica is one of the best fonts to use. It was designed in such a brilliant way it is basically neutral, it's basically perfect. However, I am not sure it comes preinstalled anymore. I prefer to use sans-serif fonts for body copy, but it depends on the audience. In print I go 50-50 sans to serif
  7. Take 5. Breathe. See what the other companies produce. If they look like crap, buy an iPad 2G which will hopefully have Flash support if Apple and Adobe can stop bickering. The iPad probably weighs as much as your netbook anyway . . .
  8. No reading. Only once for speed-editing. Mostly I'm in chat. Join me!
  9. "More accepted" does not equal "totally accepted." Like anywhere, location, history, family, it all comes into play. Have you seen a McDo ad like this in the US yet? It's progress, be happy with that. I thought this is a fantastic ad, the music and atmosphere are great. It's much too slow paced and intellectual for the US advertisement market. Not an insult to Americans, just a note from the current advertising climate here.
  10. He wasn't
  11. That was indeed funny and cute. He needs a better English teacher though.
  12. Tarin


    I agree with Mark. No one surfing the web unattended should be younger than 13, so a certain level of violence and sexuality is acceptable. Say, PG-13 level in a movie should be PG-13 on the web. Partial male nudity, sexual situations, dirty language, a bit of blood, etc.
  13. Well, I picked the wrong upsets this year. Hopefully next year I do better . . .
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