There is a part of a man's body. I love it, absolutely love it. However, some people call it by certain names, names that make me cringe. The part of the man's body is his ass, and that's generally what I call. I sometimes call it a butt, which is normal. However, some in the gay community call it by other names, names that compare this most beloved body part to women's private parts. Make no mistake, I have no interest in those lady parts. It seems to be gay men who use these terms: manpussy, mussy, boy pussy (we'll say it's meant for twinks for this blog entry and other entries in the future), vagina, man c**t, and boy c**t (see previous mentioning of boy). Why? I don't get it. If I were f**king a guy, and he said, "Oh god, f**k my man c**t," I'd probably lose my hard-on. I don't know about anyone else. Am I the only one who hates the above terminology?