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Enforcer - 15. Chapter 15
Buzz tried to struggle, but Gavin just tightened his grip. His entire body was wracked with pain. He was positive one of his ribs was broken, and it hurt to put weight on his right leg. The aggressive beta had worked him over good, and had enjoyed every sadistic minute of it.
Gavin leaned into Buzz’s ear. “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”
He jerked on Buzz’s arm, all but dragging him through the basement. Gavin opened the door to the war room, and gave Buzz a push, sending him inside.
“Alpha, sorry to interrupt, but I’ve brought him in, like you asked.”
Derek moved around the table until he stood in front of Buzz. Buzz tried to keep his gaze on Derek’s shoes, not wanting to provoke his brother. He started to back away, but he bumped straight into Gavin. He was boxed in, nowhere to run.
Buzz’s head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. His heart pounded in his ears, and his mouth had gone dry. Still, he had to obey his alpha. It took everything in his power to lift his head, but he did it. When he saw what was in front of him, he wished he hadn’t.
Hector had Jed on his knees on the other side of the room. Head hung in defeat, his mate was bruised, battered, and bleeding.
Tears streamed from Buzz’s eyes. He would have traded places with Jed in a heartbeat. He would do anything to keep him safe.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find you?”
Buzz turned his attention back to Derek. “No, Alpha.”
“You have been seen in the company of this man, Jed Stone,” Derek said. He circled Buzz, stopping when he once again came to stand in front of him. “Do you submit to this… abomination? Do not lie to me.”
Buzz couldn’t lie. Not because of Derek’s position, but because he wouldn’t deny Jed. “Yes. Just let him go. I will take the punishment for both of us.”
Derek closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he looked back at Hector, then directly at Gavin. He dipped his chin ever so slightly.
Gavin sneered. “Gladly, Alpha.”
Buzz screamed as Hector’s hands moved to the sides of Jed’s head.
“Say goodbye.” Gavin grabbed Buzz’s head. His fingernails dug into Buzz’s flesh. He gave a sharp tug, twisting Buzz’s neck.
Buzz choked back a scream as he struggled to free himself. He was trapped, held down by strong arms. Hector had to be stopped. Buzz would not let him hurt Jed.
“Hey. Baby.”
Going still, Buzz concentrated on that voice. He knew it. It was Jed. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.
He was home. In Jed’s bed— No. Their bed. It was the middle of the night; the room was dark. The sounds of his harsh breathing were all that hit his ears.
“It’s okay,” Jed whispered softly. “It was just a bad dream.”
Buzz breathed out a sigh. Another nightmare. He rubbed at his puffy eyes, untangled himself from the sticky sheets, then turned towards his mate.
Jed pushed Buzz’s damp hair back and cupped his cheek. The compassion and caring in his eyes made Buzz want to cry. Closing his eyes, he leaned his cheek into Jed’s hand, and breathed in Jed’s scent, letting it wash over him. “Jed…”
“You’re okay. You’re safe.”
No, he wasn’t. And neither was Jed.
* * * *
Buzz dug around his backpack, searching for his old phone. He’d told Jed that he would call Derek, and he intended on keeping his word. It had been a week since he moved in with Jed. He had put it off long enough.
He grabbed the charger and plugged it in, then connected it to the phone. Once the charging battery icon appeared on the screen, he turned it on. A moment later, the phone dinged and buzzed, telling him that he had twenty-six missed calls and thirty-one text messages.
His hand shook as he tapped the screen to bring up the list of voice messages. The last message he received was from Derek. Before that were about a dozen from Shauna. Buzz selected the oldest message from Shauna and hit play.
“Bradley, where are you? You were expected two days ago. Call me immediately.”
“Bradley, I am not accustomed to being ignored—”
Buzz deleted the remaining messages from Shauna, figuring they were just more of the same.
He blew out a breath, then tapped Derek’s message.
“If you think I won’t find you, you are mistaken. This defiance will not go unpunished. And if I find anyone—any man—with you, he will die at your side.”
The phone slipped from Buzz’s fingers, and it hit the floor with a crack.
* * * *
Buzz watched out the station’s front window as the workers installed the new street sign. The new Timber Service Station sign was modern, bright and colorful. There would be no doubt the gas station was open for business.
There had been some big changes in the couple of weeks since Buzz had arrived in the village of Timber. He’d moved in permanently with Jed and he didn’t regret a single moment. The man made him insanely happy in ways he never imagined.
He had also become a part of Jed’s business, using the money he’d saved to invest in upgrades to the station.
For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a real purpose.
Yes, there was still the lingering issue of Derek. Every day Derek didn’t show up, Buzz’s anxiety grew, until he felt smothered by fear whenever he was alone. He couldn’t fight the fear, so he tried to pretend it didn’t exist. Being with Jed made him happy, but sometimes, when Buzz was alone, the urge to run away gripped him. If Buzz wasn’t around, then Derek wouldn’t hurt Jed. He couldn’t let the man he loved be killed, but he knew what would happen if he told Jed about Derek’s threat. His need to protect Jed warred with his need to stay with his mate.
Instead of letting the dark thoughts consume him, he concentrated on being a good mate to Jed, and helping to run their business.
The first thing he did as a business partner was buy each of them brand new uniform shirts: charcoal gray, complete with the Timber Service Station logo and embroidered name patches. Zef was unbelievably excited to have a real mechanic’s uniform. Jed grumbled about the cost, but finally admitted it was worth it. They all looked very professional in their matching outfits.
When a delivery truck pulled up, Buzz was energized. More goodies!
“Buzz!” Jed walked in from the garage with a frown on his face. “What’s this now?”
“I kinda ordered some stuff.”
Jed ground his teeth together. “I thought we talked about this. You already upgraded the cash register and computer system. I thought we were going to hold off on anymore upgrades for a while.”
“I know we did, but we need this stuff.”
Better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission, right?
The delivery man walked into the lobby with a clipboard. “You ordered a drink cooler and some shelving units.”
“Yes, that’s right,” Buzz said with a smile. Once they installed the cooler and shelves, Buzz would stock them with various drinks and snacks.
A bell sounded as a customer pulled into the station, stopping at the first pump. Buzz’s first instinct was to scent the air, to make sure it wasn’t Gavin or someone from his old pack. He didn’t recognize the human, but he hated how paranoid he was getting.
He really wished they had the pumps where the customers could pay themselves, but in a way it worked out better. People liked the extra touch of personal service—and they weren’t allowed to pump their own gas anyway.
Buzz turned to Jed. “Go ahead and get that, and I’ll take care of the delivery.”
Once the delivery was finished, and everything was set up and running, Buzz filled the new shelf with chips and candy, then set about filling the drink cooler. They had made some small changes that really added up. Everything looked bright and shiny like new. People would see the place was thriving, and it would draw in even more customers. Buzz didn’t expect to get rich, but they should easily turn a profit. Jed’s business would contribute to the overall health of their pack and their town, and that was something to be proud of.
The bell over the lobby door dinged and Buzz immediately stiffened.
He smelled lycans. Two of them.
Heart pounding out of his chest, he spun around. How had Derek found him, and so quickly?
Two teens walked through the door, one of them strutted confidently while the other’s eyes darted around. “Where’s the pisser?” the twitchy one asked as he danced between his feet.
Buzz was relieved, and he blew out a deep breath. They were not here for him. He was no fighter, but he could easily take these assholes. He pointed towards the back. “It’s over there.”
While he raced towards the restroom, Buzz assessed the other one. He had a cocky and arrogant air about him as he walked down the row of snacks. Wearing a blue and white high school letter jacket, he felt the need to touch each candy bar, examine it, then put it back. Whoever this was, he didn’t belong here. He was not part of Colton’s pack.
Buzz tried not to be annoyed. He’d just set everything up and now this dumb jock was messing everything up. Buzz grew up with douchebags like this, with rich and powerful daddies, they thought they were entitled to everyone and everything around them.
Yeah, and your brother was the biggest of them all.
“You’re new here,” the stranger said while examining a Snickers bar as if he’d never seen it before. He flicked the candy back into its place, and his eyes finally lifted to meet Buzz. “I see Stone’s found himself a new flavor of the week.” He chuckled to himself. “Flavor of the week. That’s a good one.”
Buzz’s lips curled up and he bit back a growl. Now this guy was seriously pissing him off. He balled his hands into fists and resisted the urge to leap across the lobby and pummel his fists into the man.
The door to the shop floor suddenly yanked open and slammed against the wall. The glass and metal rattled and echoed throughout the lobby.
His mate stood in the doorframe, fuming. Jed’s face had gone completely red and his narrowed eyes sent glares of death toward the jock. “What the fuck are you doing here, Seth?”
“Just browsing, talking to your latest… ‘buddy’…” Seth glanced down at the name patch on his uniform. “Buzz.” Seth rolled his eyes. “Nice name, loser.”
Buzz planted his feet firmly on the floor to keep from jumping up and kicking this kid’s ass. The last thing he needed was to be front and center of trouble stirred up with a rival pack. That was the kind of thing the gossipers would spread between packs faster than an outbreak of the plague.
Seth’s friend returned from the bathroom. His eyes darted around, assessing the situation. He must have felt the tension in the air. “Let’s go, Seth.”
“Yeah. I’m not gonna waste my time with this trash.” He tossed the candy bar he was holding toward the shelf. It missed the box and fell to the floor. “Oops. My bad,” he said with a snicker.
Buzz watched the two jocks leave the station. They climbed into an obnoxious yellow Hummer, then sped out of the parking lot.
“Do people still drive those?” Buzz asked.
Jed was at Buzz’s side in a split second. “What did he say to you? Did he put his hands on you?” Jed touched Buzz all over, presumably looking for bruises. He even leaned in and sniffed Buzz, then rubbed his cheek against his face.
“No. But his friend used the bathroom and they didn’t even buy anything!” Buzz picked up the candy bar and put it back in its place.
Jed’s mouth opened, then closed several times. “What?”
“I mean, we are running a business here, am I right?” He walked the aisle, straightening everything the douche had touched.
Jed pulled his baseball cap off his head, and ran his fingers through his hair. “Right.” Then he started to laugh, softly at first, then building up into a loud guffaw. He adjusted his cap back onto his head. “I love you, you know that?”
He leaned down and kissed Buzz. Buzz’s eyes slid shut as he leaned his head back and returned his mate’s kiss. He didn’t think he’d ever get tired of Jed’s touches, or his kisses.
“Who was that asshole anyway?” he asked when Jed finally let him come up for air.
“That was Seth Forrest, son of the Forest View Pack alpha. Bathroom boy was his lackey, TJ.”
“Wait, that was the guy who thought he could beat Colton?”
“Yup. His bark is far worse than his bite.”
“No kidding.”
Buzz was a little embarrassed he let his paranoia get the better of him. He’d gone well out of his way before coming to Oregon. He had a new cell phone, and was buying everything with cash. No way would they find him so quickly. Maybe Derek would be glad to finally be rid of him, and just let him go.
He needed to stop being scared, and concentrate on enjoying his new life with Jed.
* * * *
Sitting on a stool behind the cash register, Buzz watched Jed through the front window. His man stood next to a white crossover, filling it with gas. Buzz thought it odd that the state of Oregon didn’t allow drivers to pump their own gas, but he had to admit Jed looked sexy out there. Those uniform pants looked damn good, accentuating his muscular ass perfectly.
“Eww, are you staring at my brother’s ass?” Zef asked. After setting a small blue and white cooler on the counter, he sat down on the other stool next to Buzz. He opened the cooler and began emptying the contents on the counter. Zef pulled out a bag of chips, an over-sized container of potato salad, followed by sandwich after sandwich. “Mama made us a feast, looks like.”
Buzz eyed a plastic-wrapped sandwich that looked like it was filled with pot roast meat. Catching his gaze, Zef slid it over to him.
“Does your mom always make you guys a lunch like this?”
“I think she might be showing off a little for you, but yeah.”
Buzz unwrapped his sandwich and his mouth began to water when the smell hit his nose. “As much as I appreciate it, she didn’t need to go through all this trouble.”
“I’ll let you tell her that,” Zef chuckled around a mouthful of sandwich. “Besides, you’re one of us now. A Stone.”
The meat inside the hardy bread slices was wonderful, with just a hint of brown gravy to keep it moist, but not make it soggy. Buzz let out a happy moan as he chewed and swallowed. “I still can’t get over how accepting your family is.”
“I just wasn’t brought up like this… Two men… You know.”
“Yeah, I get it.” Zef’s eyes darted down to his food, and he shrugged. “Mom and Dad always say they want us to be happy… But at the same time, you don’t want to disappoint them, you know?”
“Yeah.” Buzz watched Zef’s face carefully, trying to assess him, but the younger boy wouldn’t make eye contact. He wondered if maybe the conversation had shifted from being about him.
“So…” Zef picked at the crust of his sandwich. “How did you know Jed was your—”
The front door dinged as Jed walked into the lobby. After looking into the bottom of the cooler, he pumped his fist. “Yes! There’s pie.”
* * * *
“Hurry up, baby.”
Buzz wiped the shaving foam from his face, splashed it with water, then wiped it with a towel. “I’m coming.” He hurried out of their bathroom, and got dressed as quickly as he could. “It’s your fault we’re late.”
Jed snickered. “If your ass wasn’t so damned good, I wouldn’t’ve had to have it.”
Buzz rolled his eyes.
He didn’t want to be late for the pack dinner and meeting, but he just couldn’t say no to Jed. His big mate made him hot and horny.
Buzz checked the time on his phone. “We’re cutting it close, but we’re not late yet.”
Jed pulled Buzz in for a quick kiss, then they left their home.
As soon as Buzz stepped out of the cabin, he knew something was wrong. His breath hitched as the hair on his arms stood up. This time it wasn’t just paranoia.
They had found him.
He and Jed were supposed to be heading toward the common building for dinner, but Buzz couldn’t move.
Jed stopped and turned back toward Buzz, who had slowed to a stop. “What?” Jed lifted his head and began scenting the air.
Buzz already knew who it was.
“Bradley. Do you know how long it took to track you down? The idiots I had to talk to, to make deals with?”
Shauna stood in the doorway of Buzz’s old cabin, leaning against the frame. As she stepped down the porch stairs, Roy emerged from the cabin. The man had a smirk on his face as he watched Buzz.
Buzz ignored him, turning back to his ex-fiancée. “Shauna, what are you doing here?”
She smirked, and calmly answered. “I’ve come to take back what’s mine.”
“Like hell!” Jed yelled. He stormed over to Buzz, standing slightly in front of him, blocking Shauna’s direct view. “Buzz is mine.”
By this time, Colton, Parker and Trey had emerged from the common building to join Buzz and Jed. Parker held Wylie on his hip. The pup looked at the strangers with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. He was a good judge of character.
Colton folded his arms across his chest. “I am Alpha Butler, and this is my pack land. State your business here.”
“I am here for my mate, Bradley Hinske.”
Buzz stepped around Jed. Trying not to raise his voice, he spoke as clear as he could, enunciating every word. “I am not your mate.”
“You have an obligation to me, your pack, and your alpha. I will not let you abandon your duties.”
“I am mated to Jed. As tradition states, I will be absorbed into his pack.”
“If you are his mate—” She spat that last word. “Then where is your bite? Why don’t you smell like him?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we are getting to know each other before we take the final step.”
Shauna smirked. “Isn’t that sweet? You will come back with me, Bradley. You gave your oath. We will mate and raise our child together.”
Roy spoke for the first time. “What?”
Shauna covered her stomach with her hand as she looked at Buzz with a fake smile on her face. “Yes. I am carrying your child.”
Buzz rolled his eyes. “We both know that’s not my baby.”
“You are my fiancé. I would never bear a child out of wedlock with any other. That would be shameful. We will return to California, and we will be mated immediately. There is no other choice.”
Wow. She was really delusional.
“Listen here, slut,” Jed interjected, and Buzz cringed inwardly. Who knew what would happen when Shauna was provoked? “I don’t care who pledged what. Buzz is my mate, given to me by Fate. We’re already in the process of bonding.”
“Buzz will fulfill his obligation.”
“And when the baby comes out brown? Then what?” Jed shot a look at Roy. The man ground his teeth and stared back at Jed with looks that could kill. “If you want to take him, you’ll have to challenge me for him.”
Shauna snarled at Jed. “I accept your challenge.”
Colton cursed under his breath. Buzz was right there with him. Now that they had spoken the words, he could not interfere.
Roy stepped forward to stand by Shauna’s side. “It is my right to volunteer on her behalf.”
“What is this?” Parker asked. “The Hunger Games? Can he do that?”
Colton and Trey looked at Parker like he was off his rocker. “Yes.”
“Oh. Well, how was I supposed to know? Mrs. Stella Thibodeaux didn’t cover that in Pack Dynamics 101.”
Colton blinked. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Never mind.”
Roy cracked his knuckles, then began to pull his tight little tank top off. “Where is your challenge circle? Let’s get this over with.”
* * * *
Jed stripped his clothes off, tossing them onto the ground. Their pack didn’t have a challenge circle. They were going to do this right in the middle of the campground. Once and for all, he was going to prove to the world that Buzz was his. After this, there would be no more running or hiding. He was an enforcer and this was his duty.
Buzz stood back with his other pack-mates, his mouth hung open, looking shell-shocked. Jed couldn’t think of Buzz right now. He blocked him out of his mind because if he got distracted, he could lose.
This Roy guy didn’t look like the kind of man who would get distracted. Even by a psycho woman who was probably carrying his kid, but wanting to marry another dude.
But then, looking at Roy, maybe the man was using that anger and channeling it into the challenge. The man looked like a pissed off bull ready to charge.
Jed wasn’t afraid. He would die before he let them take Buzz away from him. Just the thought was enough to trigger Jed’s shift. A static charge washed over his body as it reconfigured itself. He dropped to all fours as auburn fur burst from his pores. Bones snapped, muscles stretched…
Throwing his head back, Jed let loose a snarl, then howled with rage.
He looked at Roy’s wolf. The wolf was big, but Jed was just as big. He could take him. He would take him.
Roy charged, his snapping jaws barely missing Jed as he leapt to the side. Using the momentum, Jed clamped down on the other wolf’s hind leg and jerked his head with all of his strength.
His teeth easily sunk into the flesh and muscle, and grated against the bone. A horrid metallic taste washed across Jed’s tongue. Jed ignored the urge to let go, to get rid of the foul blood in his mouth. He couldn’t stop. He had to protect his mate.
This time, he would not fail.
Roy twisted his body. His teeth scraped Jed’s side, but Jed barely registered the pain. He could handle it. It was nothing compared to having a silver dagger plunged into your back and left there to poison you from the inside.
The other wolf freed himself from Jed’s grasp. The two circled each other, assessing, looking for an opportunity.
Roy leapt, his jaws aiming for Jed’s throat. Jed dodged, shoving his shoulder against the attacker, trying to knock him off his feet. Roy was too damn heavy to be toppled. He missed his intended target—Jed’s throat—but instead latched onto Jed’s ear and tore.
Motherfuck, that hurt! And it was the same damn ear the hunters shot.
Jed bit back the urge to yelp in pain as the tender flesh of his ear was split into two. He rolled onto his back, his front claws flexing as they slid across Roy’s belly.
Unfortunately, Jed only grazed the other wolf.
Unfazed by his injury, Roy went on the offensive. Again and again, Roy attacked. A nick here, a nick there, neither one landed any fatal blows.
Jed had to turn the tables. He dodged and avoided major damage, but the relentless assaults were starting to wear him down. It didn’t take long for Jed to realize Roy was nothing more than a mindless mass of muscle. His attacks were powerful, but they were also predictable.
His left haunch burned from that last swipe of Roy’s claws, the blood already matting down his fur. Jed ignored the pain and willed his body to obey.
It was time to end this challenge.
This time when Roy attacked from the right, Jed was ready. He crouched down, rolling onto his back as Roy jumped.
Claws sharp as razor blades embedded into Roy’s soft underbelly.
Jed thrust and tore.
Sickening wet splatters of blood, organs, and tissue hit Jed’s ears. Ignoring the sound and the stench, Jed immediately righted himself onto all fours.
His other paw swept across Roy’s throat, and the other lycan fell.
This time, Roy did not get up.
Jed threw his head back and howled his victory.
“No!” Shauna screamed. She ran to Roy’s body, throwing herself on it as it began a slow shift back to human form.
The challenge over, Jed finally turned around and sought out Buzz. His boy’s eyes were wet with unshed tears, but they beamed with pride. And unabashed love. That right there, that was what made it all worth it. That look was everything.
Buzz’s eyes drifted, and Jed turned to see what had drawn his attention.
Huddled over the lifeless mass, Shauna’s body began to shake. Her voice came out in a low rasp. “I’ll kill you.”
Rising to her feet, she turned toward Jed. She pulled a knife from her belt and lunged.
No way in hell was that knife coming anywhere near Jed. Not this time.
Her momentum carried her toward Jed, but he immediately realized he was not her intended target. Jed would take the knife if it meant saving Buzz.
Without hesitation, he swung around as she passed and latched onto her. His jaws tore into her flesh and he yanked his head, tossing her off balance.
She shrieked as the scent of her blood filled the air. Raising the knife over her head, she charged Jed while screaming bloody murder.
Shauna’s steps faltered, and she jerked to a halt, obeying the order.
Jed looked toward the voice of the newcomer, only stopping the fight because the command came from an alpha lycan. The man was a stranger, but his scent told him he was related to Buzz. It was clearly his brother and former alpha, Derek. He was surrounded by eight unknown men.
He seethed knowing their territory was being encroached on by an unwelcome pack. Still, they would not take Buzz from him. Over his dead body. He’d already killed one of them, and he’d take out as many as he could before he saw Buzz leave his side.
Jed glanced back at Buzz. His boy was pale as a ghost, frozen in place. Trey stood at his side, a half step in front of him as he eyed the strangers, body tensed and ready to fight. He should have known his best friend would have his back—as well as his mate’s.
“Back off,” Derek ordered. “Drop the knife.”
On her alpha’s order, Shauna limped back a couple of paces, head hung, eyes to the ground. Her breathing was fast and shallow. The front of her clothes were covered in Roy’s blood. A trail of her own crimson dripped down her leg, pooling around her foot. She let go of the knife and it fell into the bloody soil.
Jed had got the bitch good—better than he’d thought. It would take a shift for her to heal properly. Something she wouldn’t be able to do for several months. But Jed did not pity the woman. Jed had won her challenge against Roy fair and square. By stepping in after the fact, she had broken the rules. He would have smirked if he was back in his human shape.
But he didn’t have time to gloat. The danger was not over yet.
He paced back and forth, still in wolf form, guarding Buzz and his pack-mates from any potential threats. He didn’t like Derek or the men with him on his land. And Derek was not his alpha. He did not have to obey him.
Colton stepped forward. “And you are?”
Derek eyed Colton, then Parker, before answering. “Alpha Derek Hinske. Tahoe Pack. I am here for my brother.”
* * * *
Colton didn’t immediately react to Derek’s demand, but Buzz did.
He’d been so caught up in watching Jed fight, he didn’t smell his brother or the others until they were right up on them. His mouth went dry and his hands started to shake. He couldn’t help but be afraid.
Surrounding Derek was Gavin, Hector, and six of the biggest, deadliest soldiers in the Tahoe Pack. As much as he respected Colton and his pack, they were outnumbered and outmatched. These men were older and had more experience in battle. They were killing machines.
Shauna was right about one thing. Buzz wasn’t officially a part of Timber Pack yet. Would Colton try to protect him from Derek?
Yes, he would.
Buzz didn’t know him all that well yet, but one thing he did know was Colton would fight for him, just as he would any other member of his pack. That was the kind of man he was.
If it came down to a fight, Buzz would ultimately be responsible for the deaths of Jed and his pack at the hands of Derek and his soldiers. Buzz coughed when the bile rose in his throat. A bead of sweat dripped down the middle of his back.
The urge to shift overwhelmed him. If he ran, then maybe Derek would chase after him and leave the others alone. He could feel the itch in his gums and his fingertips. His wolf was fast, but he could never outrun all of these men. Buzz concentrated on his breathing, trying to keep his animal side in check.
Still in wolf form, Jed walked up, his eyes searching Buzz’s. It was as if Jed knew what Buzz was thinking. He had to look away. Agitated, Jed paced in front of Buzz, his eyes trained on Derek.
As if he wasn’t surrounded by an outside pack of hostiles, Colton calmly stated, “I am Colton Butler, alpha of this pack. You are on Timber Pack land. State your business.”
“Alpha.” Derek dipped his head toward Colton, but it was anything but respectful. One of these days, someone was going to slap that smug look off his face. “As I said, I am here for my brother.”
“Your brother is mated to my enforcer. He’s not going anywhere.”
“I do not recognize such a mating. He is to return for punishment.”
“Well, that’s your problem, not mine. And like I said, he’s not going anywhere. He is part of my pack now.”
Parker stepped forward to stand by Colton’s side. He held his head high, puffing up his chest proudly. “Our mating is recognized by the Lycan Council.”
Derek ignored him and addressed Colton. “You let your bitch speak for you?”
Still clinging to Parker, Wylie let out a pup-sized growl as he glared at Derek.
Colton’s voice dropped an octave. Though quiet, his voice was clear and precise. “Do not make the mistake of threatening me or my mate on my own land. I’ve already sent Jed and Buzz’s mating record to the Council. As I said, he is part of my pack now. If you interfere, it’ll be on your head.”
It was unclear if Colton was bluffing about the mating registry. Either way, it was a surprise to Buzz. If the council accepted the record, then it would be real. Buzz would officially belong to Jed. The lies he’d been told would be exposed.
“I could take him if I wanted to, and there’s nothing you could do to stop me.”
“Yes, you could,” Colton responded as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “But you’ll have to kill every single one of us to do it.”
“You’d sacrifice your pack for him? Then you’re a fool.”
“He’s one of us. And we’ll see who ends up being the fool when the Council investigates the slaughter of an entire pack over a legitimate mating dispute. Ask yourself… what do you gain by all of this?”
Derek narrowed his eyes at Colton and the two engaged in the ultimate staring contest. Neither spoke for what seemed an eternity.
Buzz knew this was the calm before the storm. He had seen Derek like this before. He didn’t want to fight his brother, but he would do what he had to do to protect Jed. He wouldn’t win in a fight, but maybe he could talk his brother down. If it came down to it, Buzz would go with Derek. He wouldn’t let Jed and his pack be killed.
“Derek. There comes a time when a man must choose his own destiny. That’s what Mom used to tell us. I’m not a kid anymore. This is my destiny, not the one you’ve chosen for me. I’m happy here.”
Derek blinked first and relaxed his stance. He made no indication he’d heard Buzz, but kept his eyes on Colton. “Out of respect, Alpha-to-Alpha, I will withdraw. This time.” He turned to Shauna. “We are leaving.”
Buzz stood there stunned. Derek was not one to back down so easily. Was his brother really going to let him stay?
Gavin cursed under his breath as he shot Buzz a look of pure hatred. He motioned for Hector to get Roy’s body, then turned to head down the driveway toward the road.
Shauna walked up behind Derek. “What about the child I carry?”
Derek stopped and looked at Shauna, staring down at her stomach, while inhaling. “You are not actually going to try to convince me that baby belongs to Buzz?”
“The man who used to be my brother bends over and takes it up the ass. Last I checked, that doesn’t get a woman pregnant. I’d tell you to marry the child’s father, but…” He tipped his head toward Roy’s corpse being dragged by Hector. “And for the record, disinfectant soap doesn’t work as well as you think it does.” Derek turned and walked down the driveway, following his pack-mates.
“What about our agreement? I still want what was promised me.”
Derek snapped on his heels and glared at Shauna. His eyes flashed amber as his hand shot up. He gripped her around the neck, claws emerging, digging into her skin. “You did not live up to your end of the bargain. I suggest you take advantage of my understanding mood, and be quiet. Is that clear? If the next two words out of your mouth are not ‘Yes, Alpha,’ I swear to god, I will kill you where you stand.”
Like a good wolf, Shauna dipped her head to the side as best as she could. She choked out, “Yes, Alpha.”
After a few more seconds, Derek finally let her go.
Drawing in a deep, gasping breath, she clutched at her throat and ran to catch up with the others.
Buzz almost felt sorry for her. Almost.
Derek stopped and looked back at Buzz for the last time. “You are dead to me, to my pack. If you or your…” His face contorted in disgust as he looked at Jed. “If either of you steps foot in California, you will be executed on the spot.” He turned toward Colton. “And Alpha Butler? I won’t forget this.”
“Neither will I, Alpha Hinske.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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