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Always - 11. Aftermath & Unwanted Answers

Edited :)

“Aw, look at them,” Rose whispered as she and Jeff stood in the doorway looking at Luke and Drew asleep in each other’s arms.

"Rose, I don’t think we should let them know we saw this. I mean you saw how Luke reacted yesterday about us thinking they were gay. If we wake them up they are both going to get defensive, and who knows how they will react,” Jeff said as he pulled Rose out the door.

"I guess you’re right. Eventually they will realize that they can’t avoid what is happening between them, but it seems like they might already have.”

"Yeah, so they don’t need us pushing them. I know Luke is going to have a difficult time and Drew…I don’t know about him, but I think he might as well. We have to keep out of this and let them deal with it.”

"Your right, but we are coming back later. It’s almost nine now so we’ll come back at ten. Luke is checking out today, and I have to see how this plays out.”

"That I don’t object to,” Jeff smiled as he pulled her down the hall toward the elevator.

Meanwhile, Drew was beginning to stir. He let his eyes flicker open to look around the room as he recalled the events of the past night. Thoughts swirled around in his head, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret any of the actions he had taken.

He looked down at Luke’s sleeping face, and for once it wasn’t stricken with anguish. He looked down at his own arms that still held Luke close to him. He checked Luke over again with his eyes, making sure he hadn’t ripped open his stitches during his sobbing fit. Everything looked fine, but Drew still had one nagging thought in the back of his mind. As he looked up at the ceiling he closed his eyes and thought, ‘Am I gay?’

Drew had dated other girls before, but he never considered them special. He dated them because of his reputation more than out of attraction. As Drew thought about it he realized that he had never really come across anyone he was truly attracted to, but he knew he was attracted to Luke; he wanted to protect Luke. Drew wanted to keep him in his arms, and never let go. But, before he could think anymore on the subject he felt Luke begin to stir. He looked down only to find Luke looking up at him with puffy eyes. Then something happened that they didn’t expect.

Their eyes locked; emerald on caramel. Luke’s heart began to race, and Drew’s nearly stopped all together. Neither moved or said a word. Then Luke was tilting his head up while Drew tilted his downward. Their lips met, and an electric current ripped through their bodies making every nerve ending go insane. Not five seconds had passed after their lips met before they untangled their bodies and Drew was scrambling out of the bed. Drew got his answer, as did Luke.

"I’m going to go find Mom. To see when you’re checking out,” Drew blushed as he nervously gave his own hair a tussle before making a break for the door.

Luke just nodded as he stared, shocked, at the ceiling. Drew hurried down the halls not particularly looking for Jane. Drew’s realization kept playing over and over in his head, I’m gay, I’m gay, I’m gay, was all he seemed to be able to think. When he found Jane he found her in the cafeteria eating a salad.

"Hey Mom,” Drew said in a flustered tone.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you this morning?”

"I’m okay. When are you going to let Luke check out today?”

"Well, I have to fill out the paperwork and I have to give a full evaluation, but possibly eleven o’clock”

"Alright that’s cool,” Drew was avoiding looking his mother in the eye.

"Drew, are you alright? You seem a bit flustered.”

"I’m fine. Luke just had one of his nightmares last night and well, it was kind of awkward when we woke up this morning.” Drew let his head fall to the table with a thud and a sigh.

"Awkward?” Jane asked as she shoved another bite of salad in her mouth.

Drew raised his head from the table and replied with a sigh, “Well, last night it stormed, and that brought up real bad memories for him. I ended up,” Drew paused and buried his head in his hands as he finished, “holding him until he fell asleep and that’s how we woke up this morning. Do you know how weird that was?”

"Drew, sweetheart, everything is fine. He needed you, that is all.”

"I guess you’re right,” Drew sighed as he thought about kissing Luke. About how good it felt, how he longed for it to happen again.

"Alright, I think David is coming in for a checkup today so I would advise you to go back and keep an eye on Luke.”

Drew nodded and promptly got up from the table before he headed toward Luke’s room. As he was nearing the elevator he saw David coming out of a hospital room himself. Drew stood watching as he came down the hall.

David caught a glimpse of Drew, turned on his heel, and headed the other way. Drew snickered and took the elevator to Luke’s floor. He walked extra slow to Luke’s room, and paused at the door before entering. He was nervous about going into the room after the kiss. Drew was wondering how Luke would react toward him now that he had had time to think about the kiss.

When he opened the door he found Luke struggling to get out of the bed. He was about to fall when Drew ran over and caught him.

"What are you doing?” Drew asked still holding his arms.

"My knee,” Luke grimaced in pain, “It’s hurting. I have to walk.”

"Okay, I’ve got you.”

Drew helped Luke off of the bed and supported most of his weight.

"I’m sorry about last night. I should have never acted like that,” Luke said as he limped forward.

"What? No. Luke, you have nothing to be sorry for. You needed me and that’s what friends do. They are there for each other.”

"I am sorry about this morning.”

"Umm, that was as much my fault as it was yours. Let’s just forget it.” Drew didn’t even believe what he was saying.

Luke nodded, “Let’s just keep it to ourselves. We don’t have to talk about it anymore.”

"Agreed,” Drew said as he helped Luke limp around the room, and out into the hall.

Luke felt the heat from Drew’s arms radiating through his body.

"Is your knee feeling any better?” Drew asked as they came back into the room.

"Yeah, at least the pain is gone now.”

"Does it really hurt you that bad?” Drew asked as he helped Luke back into bed.

Luke nodded, “Yeah, I just have to walk around so it won’t get stiff, and then it’s fine again.”

"Well, I talked to Mom, and she said we should be able to get out of here by eleven. I figure that we should pick up your stuff first then head to the house, and I’ll fix lunch. Sound like a plan?”

"Are you sure alright with me living with you?” Luke asked one more time as he thought about the morning’s previous events.

"Luke, man we’ve been over this. Stop thinking that you don’t belong.”

Drew sat down in the recliner, and also let his mind reflect on that moment…on his unwanted answer. “I was just caught up in the moment,” Drew said to himself. “Yeah, I’m just confused. That’s all it is.”

"I haven’t belonged anywhere my entire life.”

"Well, you belong now.”

Luke nodded, unconvinced, and looked out the window trying his best not to make eye contact with Drew. Although he couldn’t help letting them drift back to Drew’s relaxed form. He let his eyes scan over his body. He looked at Drew’s bruised knuckles and cheek. As he did so he felt a pang of guilt in his chest.

"How are your knuckles?” Luke asked still staring at them.

"They’re sore, but nothing too bad. I’m a boxer I’m used to these sorts of injuries,” Drew said shrugging.

"Oh,” Luke said as an awkward silence engulfed the room.

"Do you want to learn how to box?” Drew asked, with a little enthusiasm.

"Jeff tried to teach me and we both realized the only thing I was good at was art, and football.”

"I played football once. I ended up under a huge pile of sweaty jocks in padding.”

Luke smiled and Drew watched as the other boy got a far off look on his face.

"You miss football don’t you,” Drew said staring at his poignant expression.

"Yeah. I loved it almost as much as I loved art. When they kicked me off the team I was too preoccupied with my Dad’s death to let it really hit me. Then when David attacked me,” Luke grimaced, “I woke up and they told me that because of my knee, I would never be able to play again. That’s when it really hit me.”

"I’m sorry about your knee. I really wish I would have met you before all this happened to you.”

"Trust me, all of this would have happened no matter when we met.”

"Maybe you’re right.”

"Right about what?” Jeff asked as he walked through the door.

"Do tell,” Rose chimed in as she entered behind him.

"Oh, nothing we were just talking about sports,” Drew said, without looking at Luke.

Rose and Jeff shared a look that slightly confused both Drew and Luke.

"So, Drew, how was the air mattress? More comfortable than the couch?” Rose asked wrapping her arms around Jeff’s waist.

The question caught Drew off guard, and he stumbled over his words. “Uh, yeah it was um way better than the couch. I got woken up by the storm though.”

"Fuck man, I got in the car and drove to Rose’s last night. There was no way in hell I was staying in my double wide with a storm like that brewin’,” Jeff laughed as he kissed Rose on the top of her head.

"Yeah, it got pretty bad here,” Drew said, looking out the window.

Rose saw the anguished look on Luke’s face.

"Were you okay last night?” Rose asked looking at him with sad eyes.

Luke just nodded quietly as he picked at the stitches in the hospital blanket. Drew looked over at him with an uneasy expression. He struggled to avoid getting up and pulling Luke into his arms.

When Drew looked up at Rose and Jeff they were staring at him with knowing expressions. “They can’t know about last night. Can they? Shit. They are looking at me like they do,” Drew thought to himself.

"So, we saw David in the lobby when we walked in. Looks like he broke his jaw,” Rose said.

Luke’s eyes snapped up to Jeff and Rose. His expression went from distant hurt to fear almost instantly.

"What?” he asked, stunned.

"Mom told me he was coming in for a checkup today. Don’t worry I met him in the hallway and he took one look at me and went in the other direction with his tail between his legs,” Drew said looking out the window.

"Do you think he remembers anything?” Jeff asked.

"Seems like he does but I don’t know. I think he just realizes I’m not like everyone he used to control.”

"Boy, are we all thankful for that,” Rose said with relief flooding her words.

"So, when Jack Twist over there gets better I think we should all go out,” Jeff smiled looking from Drew to Luke.

"Yeah we could drive up to the lake or something,” Rose suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me; what do you think Luke?” Drew asked making eye contact with him for the first time since Rose and Jeff had arrived.

"I-I don’t think I should. You guys go,” he said looked back down at the stitches in the blanket.

"Yeah right, like Drew is going to leave you here.” Rose smiled.

"She has a point dude,” Drew said with a laugh.

Luke shrugged.

"Well, we can decide when you get better,” Jeff gave his friend a warm smile.

"Aren’t we popular,” Jane said as she walked into the room filled with teenagers.

"Yeah I guess,” Luke said.

"Well, I have all of your paperwork done and all that’s left is my approval. Can I ask you guys to step out while I examine him real quick?”

They all nodded, and quickly shuffled out of the room. Drew shut the door behind them as they convened out in the hall.

"Okay, spill. We all know Luke had to have a nervous breakdown last night. It is driving us crazy. What happened?” Rose blurted out.

"Rose!” Jeff exclaimed.

"Oh, you know you’re wondering the same thing.”

"You guys really know him. I woke him up from a nightmare and then he lost it when it started storming.”

"Is he alright?” Jeff asked.

"Yeah, now. Last night though…I didn’t know if he was going to be alright. He was shaking, and crying…” Drew trailed off as he shook his head.

"How did you calm him down?” Rose asked.

Drew shifted his weight, and nervously tussled his hair. Rose and Jeff exchanged a look.

"Man, we are not going to think any less of you guys. Not everyone one is as narrow minded as Luke’s dad was.”

"What are you talking about?” Drew asked pretending to be confused.

"Dude, we may be small town but were not that small town. We see the way you two look at each other. You can’t honestly tell me that you don’t care about him in that way.”

Drew buried his face in his hands again and groaned. He thought about telling them the truth. That he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing him, holding him, how he loved the feel of the electricity running through his body when he did. He wouldn’t bring himself to tell them, he couldn’t.

"Jeff, he is my friend! Nothing more,” Drew spat.

Jeff and Rose said nothing, and the three of them remained silent until Jane came back out and gave the okay for them to shuffle back into Luke’s room.

"He can leave as soon as he gets dressed,” Jane said smiling. “Now Luke you should walk on that knee to keep it from getting to stiff, but I want you to be extremely careful with your stitches. I will remove them myself when it’s time since you are the new addition to our house hold. Now one more thing. I don’t want you lifting anything heavier than a set of car keys. Got it?”

Luke nodded.

"I’ll keep my eye on him,” Drew said.

Rose and Jeff exchanged another look and this time Drew glared at them, and let out a huff of anger. Luke looked back and forth between the two with a confused smile.

"Did I miss something?” he asked.

"No, Jeff and Rose were just leaving,” Drew said in an almost hostile tone.

"Yeah, we need to be heading out. See you guys later,” Jeff said pulling Rose to the door with a smile.

"Yeah, bye guys,” Rose called.

"Well dears, I’m afraid I must get back to work as well. I’ll see you both at home tonight. Here is a prescription for some pain pills,” Jane handed the slip to Luke. “He can get them filled when he leaves.”

Jane gave them both a kiss on the cheek and headed out the door.

"Well, I guess I can go wait outside while you get dressed,” Drew said as he started to head for the door.

"Wait, Drew I don’t have any clothes here. What I was wearing was cut off of me,” Luke said, grabbing Drew’s attention.

"Oh,” comprehension flashed across Drew’s face. “Umm, you can wear mine I brought an extra pair of sweats, another t-shirt, and a pair of boxers. They’re in my bag.”


"I’ll be outside if you need me.”

Drew had nearly made it to the door when he heard Luke draw in a sharp breath. He turned to find him clutching his ribs with one arm and the bed railing with the other.

In no time at all Drew was by Luke’s side.

"I’ll help you get dressed,” Drew said, helping Luke stand up.

Drew hurried over the couch and retrieved his bag. First thing first, he pulled out the pair of blue and white plaid boxers and handed them to Luke. Luke attempted to bend down and slip his feet through them, but grabbed his abdomen in pain. Drew placed a hand on his shoulder, and took the boxers. This was the exact thing Drew was hoping to avoid.

"I have an idea. Sit down,” Drew said.

Luke slowly sat down on the side of the bed and looked up at Drew.

Drew squatted down to the floor and slipped the boxers on Luke, and pulled them up to his knees. Luke stood and Drew slid the boxers up his thighs to his waist.

Drew untied the hospital gown in the back, and tossed it on the bed. He looked at Luke’s torso, and saw the black and blue splotches that covered his ribs and abdomen. He looked at the healing stab wounds, but then he saw all of Luke’s old scars. All over his chest and torso were long scars that had been caused by David.

Before Drew realized it his fingers were tracing over the longest scar that reached from just under Luke’s right collarbone towards his heart. As his fingertips traced over the scar, Luke closed his eyes and remembered how he came to acquire it.

The blood was flowing freely from his body. He could feel the fire in his left knee and struggled against the hands that were holding him down. Luke watched as his blood dripped from the blade of the knife that David held over him.

"How does it feel to be the victim? How does it feel to have the life drained from your body?” he remembered David asking him as he lay wet and bloody on the cold pavement.

David lowered the blade below his right clavicle. Luke felt the cold metal pierce his skin as David slowly slid the knife to just above his heart. He wanted to scream but the blood in his throat was beginning to choke him.

"I would cut out your heart, but anyone who kills their parents can’t have a heart can they?” David smiled as he wiped the blood off his knife onto Luke’s jeans.

"David did this to you didn’t he?” Luke heard Drew ask as he snapped back into the present.

He nodded in response to Drew before opening his eyes to meet Drew’s gaze. Drew let his hand fall from Luke’s chest, and he reached for the red, Washington state t-shirt. He smiled as he slipped it over Luke’s head. Luke pulled his arms through while grimacing as his ribs were forced to move. They repeated the same process with the sweat pants as with the boxers, and Luke was able to slip on his converse sneakers without any assistance.

"Are you ready?” Drew asked.

"Yeah, but shouldn’t you deflate that air mattress? I mean you can’t just leave it here,” Luke said, looking at the unused air mattress in the middle of the floor.

"Umm, yeah. I forgot about that thing.”

Drew tossed the sheets and pillows on the couch and unscrewed the plug on the air mattress. It deflated rather quickly and Drew rolled it up and stuck it under his arm.

"Oh, I need to get my drawing and your key.” Drew hurried over the nightstand and retrieved the drawing and the key from the drawer. “Alright dude, let’s get the hell out of dodge.”

Luke smiled.

"Wait,” Drew said. “Isn’t the hospital supposed to make you leave in a wheelchair or something?”

"I need to walk anyway.”


As they neared the elevator, Luke stopped short when he saw his uncle round the corner. Drew looked from Luke to Dr. McGowan and felt the desire to do two things simultaneously; to pull Luke into his arms and to punch Dr. McGowan in the face. He placed a hand on Luke’s back, and guided him into the elevator. As the doors closed Drew removed his hand, and kept a two foot distance between them as he tried to ignore the urge to permanently attach himself to Luke.

"So, do you think your stuff will fit in my car or should I borrow Mom’s Explorer?” Drew asked.

"Yeah, it will fit in your car, don’t worry,” Luke said as the doors opened.

As they exited the elevator Drew automatically moved to Luke’s side at the sight of David standing at the front desk. He looked like absolute hell.

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Copyright © 2013 *HJ*; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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On 08/10/2012 12:00 PM, CassieQ said:
Looking good ;)
Thanks girl! I owe it all to you and Frosty!
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On 08/11/2012 12:39 AM, joann414 said:
Finally going home. I have a feeling this is fixing to get even more interesting. Great job
Thank you!
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