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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Life Changes - 7. Chapter 7

Neil gets news about his court case and Ralph decides he wants to talk to Harry. Everything is good, right?

“Well, I wasn’t expecting that!” Uncle Chris smiled as he hung up the phone.

“What? Good news?” Neil stood rocking Maryann.

“She dropped the case. Ashton wouldn’t support her in this and her lawyer pointed out all the things against her, including how if you moved she’d never see her granddaughter again.”

Neil slid into the nearest seat and began to cry.

I walked over and took the munchkin from him.

“Just in time too. I was going to have to cancel my flight home to help you.”

Stevie had flown home last Monday. As the owner and head chef of his own restaurant he didn’t want to leave it unattended too long. He knew his staff was great, but there were a few occasions coming up that he promised he would cook for. We hated to let him go alone, but we were so happy that Uncle Chris could stay with us a bit longer.

“Well, now you’ll get to go home to Steve,” said Dad as he hugged his brother.

I walked down to the nursery and set the munchkin into her playpen.

“So my issue is settled. What are you doing about Harry?” Neil stood in the doorway still wiping his face.

“What do you mean?” I stared at my brother.

“Nice try. He is here every day. He calls your phone, and then calls the house. Mom wants to hit him. Dad is ignoring it ‘til he knows what you want. Me? Well, I don’t think you know yet, so you should talk to him.”

“Neil, he cheated on me. He was all over her! Him? Whatever.” I hugged myself and stared at the floor.

“You said they kissed, Ralph. He evidently wants to talk. I’m not saying you need to go out, but for your own sake you might want to know why.”

Neil walked over and hugged me tight before checking on Maryann.

I walked out and went to my room. I curled up on my bed and read all the messages Harry sent me today.

“Damn it. I want to know.”

I grabbed my pillow and hugged it tightly. Then I typed out a message to Harry.

Will meet you after school at library. Don’t be late and be ready to answer my questions.

I turned off my phone and fell asleep until dinner.


It was Friday and Uncle Chris was heading back to New York. Neil was taking him to the airport and then he had an interview with a company here in town. Dad was heading back to work and mom was baby sitting the munchkin. That just left me and school.

As soon as I woke up I turned on my phone. There was a single message from Harry. Ok. Ok? No begging or anything, just ok.

Normally Harry and I sought each other out and walked each other to class. This semester we only had an art class together every other day. Today wasn’t one of those days. Instead, I didn’t see a trace of him at all. My stomach was all upset and it made me feel worse. It felt like time itself was broken. One period seemed to last seconds and the next period was days long. By the time the day was over, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to throw up, take a nap, or just pretend like I’d forgotten about my meeting with Harry and go home.

As I headed to the library I noticed there was a crowd around the door. As I got closer I spotted one of the girls from my English class

“Hey, Tavia. What’s going on?”

Tavia hurried over.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear this, but she was nearly shaking with excitement as she slipped her arm through mine and nearly dragged me toward the library.

“Oh my god! It’s so romantic. One of the guys saw Marco’s Florist shop pull up about an hour ago and unload all kinds of flowers, balloons, and even a giant stuffed bear. We’re waiting to see who it’s for.”

I felt off balance. I had a feeling instead of the nice quiet conversation to get my answers, Harry had turned this into circus.

“Um, I think I might know,” I whispered.

Tavia looked at me and then grabbed my arm tighter. “Andrew, get your ass over here. I think Ralph is going to pass out.”

Before I could protest, Andrew Compton grabbed me by the waist and pulled my arm over his shoulder. Tavia moved ahead of us and opened the door.

“Hey, Missy, can you go buy me a water out of the machine. I’ll pay you later.”

“Sure, Tav.” Missy rushed off and the crowds focused on Andrew helping me into the library and seemed to forget what else was already in there.

Andrew helped me in but stopped short as we reached the librarian’s desk and could see the flower display by the window.

“Holy Gay Batman!” Andrew looked at the display and shook his head.

“Did a gay unicorn die in here?” Tavia looked shocked. “Wow!”

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. There was a giant rainbow heart of flowers, two giant bouquets of red roses, two rainbow bouquets of flowers, balloon hearts, balloons saying I’m sorry, a giant stuffed bear, a giant stuffed corgi, and a rainbow of balloons with Harry on his knees surrounded by all of it

“Damn, he must have spent a fortune.” Missy nearly shouted behind me.

I turned to find Missy was holding a bottle of water and staring wide-eyed at the display Harry had created.

“Hell, if you don’t want him, I’ll take him.” Missy handed me the water. “My cheap assed boyfriend bought me a card for my birthday. After this, all the boys are gonna have to up their game.”

Andrew looked at Missy, then Harry and nodded. “Damn, he had to have spent a few hundred dollars!”

I groaned as I watched everyone gawking.

Tavia grabbed her cell phone, snapped a few pictures, and then grabbed Missy and Andrew. “Come on. I think they need to talk.”

“I’m giving you boys ten minutes, then I let everyone in. Also, I want all of that out of my library.” Mrs. O’Conner announced as she stood up from behind the desk and made her way over to the main entrance. “I like a good romance and apology as much as the next girl, but you guys need to remember that this is a school too!”

I shook my head and walked over to Harry.

“Get off your knees you idiot.”

“Look, Ralphie, I…” Harry began.

I held up my hand stopping him. “My mother wants to kill you. My father isn’t sure what he should do. My brother said we should talk. I need answers before I decide anything. Let’s sit down and talk.”

I was about to get a lesson in growing up. Sometimes life isn’t neat and easy.

So things are slowly settling down. Are you enjoying the story? Comments are always welcomed.

Thanks for reading.
Copyright © 2013 comicfan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I get that Harry is only 14 and isn’t likely ready to settle down yet as he hasn’t fully explored his sexuality, though he has been out longer than Ralph so could have more experience than him, and maybe Ralph isn’t ready to settle for one guy either despite how he feels at the moment as he too is very new to this. I’d be having mixed feelings at this display if I were Ralph as while it’s romantic it’s also puts a bit of pressure on him. I mean just think about how everyone reacted and how public it was as like Ralph said it was a bit of a circus. If Ralph were to for whatever reason reject Harry, as unlikely as that is, most people would likely see him as a jerk after everything Harry did. It’s never fun getting a lesson in growing up but they can be necessary.

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2 hours ago, NimirRaj said:

I get that Harry is only 14 and isn’t likely ready to settle down yet as he hasn’t fully explored his sexuality, though he has been out longer than Ralph so could have more experience than him, and maybe Ralph isn’t ready to settle for one guy either despite how he feels at the moment as he too is very new to this. I’d be having mixed feelings at this display if I were Ralph as while it’s romantic it’s also puts a bit of pressure on him. I mean just think about how everyone reacted and how public it was as like Ralph said it was a bit of a circus. If Ralph were to for whatever reason reject Harry, as unlikely as that is, most people would likely see him as a jerk after everything Harry did. It’s never fun getting a lesson in growing up but they can be necessary.

Harry is a teenager and all the angst, fears, and overcompensating that comes with it. He screwed up and now went full blast trying to apologize. 

Ralph is also young. Having a boyfriend a bit older isnt helping much. Unfortunately, if people didn't know they were gay or a couple before, they will now. Ralph isn't one for the spotlight, but it is shining brightly on him and with pictures too!

This is something they now need to work out, and the whole school will be watching. Painful life lesson for both of them.

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