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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Tall Ship Journey - 2. TSJ Chapter 2

At lunchtime the following day, I was summoned to the Headmaster’s office, where my English Lit teacher was waiting along with the headmaster. “Come in and sit please Zac,” the headmaster said to me.

“The headmaster has informed me of his acceptance of your request for a relocation of your presentation, for next Monday I must say, I am very much looking forward to it, have you set a preferred time for the presentation?” my English Lit Teacher asked me.

“Yes sir. If I may have the later slot at 1400 hours, near the end of the second last class of the day,” I responded, “Very good, and I believe you all have study period following the English Lit Class?” my teacher asked, “Yes, sir, that is why I asked permission to have the presentation at the end of the class,” I replied.

With the presentation arrangements now confirmed, we discussed the plans for later, when the whole school would be invited down to Champion Bay, to launch the official plans for the Water Sports Activity Centre. I was informed that the school had purchased four Ocean Rowing boats, that have a crew of six, similar to those used by the Surf Lifesaving Clubs, as well as twelve Pelican Class sailing dinghies, that have a crew of two, plus twelve two-man sea kayaks, all which would be on display on the day of the event next Monday.

For the rest of the week, my classmates asked me what I would be doing for my presentation, and I just said in a none excited tone, that it was nothing very interesting, and to just wait until next Monday to find out, I got a few looks from my closest classmates, who did not exactly believe me, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

When Friday finally arrived, I quickly changed into casual clothes, and I headed over to Dad’s work at the Radio Station with just a backpack full of homework for the weekend. I had to wait for fifteen minutes until Dad finished work before we started the journey home, where I was looking forward to seeing Jordan again, as well as the Stingray catamaran. It was getting dark when we arrived home, and Mum insisted that we sit down for dinner, before I go over to the Stingray and its crew.

While I was finishing eating dinner, there was a knock on the door, and Mum answered it, “This is unexpected, come in, we are just finishing dinner,” we heard Mum say and moments later Jordan and Carter appeared in the dining room. “Hey guys, good to see you again,” I said happily, as I jumped up out of my chair. “Hey buddy, how was your week at school?” Carter asked, “Yes, it was ok, nothing exciting, just looking forward to getting this English Lit presentation over and done with,” I replied.

“I bet that it will be a big surprise for your classmates,” Carter said to me, and I smiled and nodded my head yes. Having abandoned my dinner, I asked permission to go with the guys to the catamaran – Stingray. “Only if you have made a good-sized dent in your homework, young man,” Dad said to me, and I groaned in annoyance.

“Looks like I will have to delay visiting the Stingray until tomorrow,” I said to Jordan and Cater, “No worries, mate, we will be there still, we just wanted to call in and say hello,” Jordan said to me, “Education is important, so make sure you get it all done, and we will see you tomorrow,” Carter added.

After the guys had left, I helped Mum with the dishes, before retreating to my room to start on my homework, of which I had plenty to do, and it was well after 11 pm before I turned out the lights to get some sleep. The next morning, although tired, I was up by 8 am, quickly dressed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast, where I made myself some toast and a cup of tea.

“Good morning son, I thought you may have slept in some more, considering you were up late doing homework last night,” Mum said to me as she walked into the kitchen. “I am a little tired, only because, I wanted to get all my homework finished, so I have the whole weekend to do absolutely nothing but relax and enjoy some time on the Stingray,” I replied.

“That sounds good, I am going to go and do some shopping in town, and Dad was called into work, so I do not expect him home till later. Have fun out on the yacht, and stay safe,” Mum said to me. Once I had eaten, I retrieved my mountain bike and quickly made my way to the Port Denison harbour, which was just 1.5 km away from home.

I was extremely disappointed when I saw that the Stingray was not in its berth, and there was no sign of it anywhere in the area, so I retrieved my phone and dialled a number I knew well. “Listen to me, and listen good, I have your friend and this yacht, if you report this to the police, you will not see either one of them ever again,” an unfamiliar voice said once the call connected.

“Wait, please let me speak to the owner of the yacht?” I said trying to think what on earth was happening, and all I heard was a loud throaty laugh, “You are speaking to the real owner of this yacht, now listen to me closely. I want compensation for what I lost and I want it within 48 hours, or we vanish forever. I want $12 million, which is what this yacht is worth, nothing less than that, or else… Do you understand me?” the voice said to me, and suddenly the face of the three people on the yacht who sailed the stingray out of Kalbarri came into my mind.

“Yes, I hear you, but where am I going to get that kind of money? My family are not wealthy at all, we live in an average house in an average country town,” I stated. “Well then you had better speak to the parents of your good friend here, I am sure with the size of the property that they own up north, they have plenty stashed away for rainy days. Remember you have 24 hours, starting from now,” the voice said before the line went dead.

I sat down on the beach, not sure what the hell I was going to do, and I had no idea how long I was sitting there until I heard someone approaching me. “Are you ok mate? You had better get out of the sun, as it looks like you are already a cooked lobster,” the man said to me, and almost right away I felt the stinging and burning sensation on my exposed skin, before looking up at the sky and seeing the sun was well up high.

Pulling out my phone I looked at the time, and I was shocked to see that two hours had passed since the phone call. I stared at the space where the stingray should be located, and I tried to think what to do next, but that was interrupted.

“Hey Zac, why are you looking so red, and where is the Stingray?” Beatrice asked me, and I saw her younger brother standing next to her. “It's… it's been…” was all I could say before I burst into tears. “Zac… Mate. Tell us, where is the Stingray?” Jackson asked me, and I wiped my tears away with my arm sleeve and took some breaths before answering.

“I came down to spend the day on the yacht, and it was gone. Then I received a phone call, and I was told that they wanted $12 million as compensation for losing the yacht, and not to get the police involved, or I would not see Jordan, Carter, or the yacht ever again,” I said as I fought away tears. “What about our brother? Where is he? Where is Carter?” Beatrice asked me.

“I do not know for sure, but I presume he is onboard the yacht too. I am sure it is those three that stole Jordan’s original yacht and destroyed it on the reef,” I responded. “I thought they went back home to Europe?” Beatrice said to me, “That is what I thought too, obviously they have returned for revenge,” I replied. “So, what are we going to do Sis?” Jackson asked.

“Zac, did they say where exactly they expect us to get that kind of money?” Beatrice asked me, “I said to them that I am from a simple middle-class family and that we don’t have that kind of money, and they suggested that I get in contact with Jordan’s family up on the station since they have such a large property up north,” I replied.

Beatrice and Jackson took me up to a local café, where I was given plenty of water to drink and Beatrice covered my red arms, legs, face, and neck with hand lotion to assist with the severe sunburn that I had received. While that was happening, I called my Dad, to get some advice on what to do, as I was not sure what we could do, without involving the police.

Over the next ten minutes, I explained everything to Dad, and his voice sounded like he was very angry, by the time I had finished. Then suddenly, his mood changed. “Son, I have an idea, but first I need to speak to Jordan’s family up at the station, then we will start planning the idea, once I have the go-ahead to do it,” Dad said to me, and he ended the call without saying goodbye.

With Beatrice and Jackson having no place to go since the yacht was their home, I suggested that we head back to my place, where I was sure they would be welcome to stay. “Hello dear, why are you so sunburnt, and… why hello Jackson and Beatrice, good to see you both again,” Mum said as we entered the house.

After the greetings and being given cool drinks, we all sat down in the lounge. “Mum, there has been an incident… do you remember when Jordan’s first yacht was taken and sailed down the coast? I said to Mum, who nodded her head with a frown. “It has happened again, and by the same group of young people, and they have our brother Carter and Jordan as well,” Beatrice informed my Mum.

“Oh, my goodness, that is not good. What has happened? Have you called the police?” Mum asked me, “No, I received a call from the kidnappers, and they say not to involve the police or authorities, or I will not see Jordan or the yacht ever again,” I responded, as I became upset again, as Jackson put his arm around my shoulders in support.

Copyright Jan 2023... All Rights are Reserved, Preston Wigglesworth
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Well..that did not take long...if they find and capture the pirates, they should feel the full force of the law!!!

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It's obvious the wealthy Swiss businessman's two spoiled rotten sons learned nothing from their slap on the wrist leniency after stealing the first yacht. 

I suspect Zac's Dad and Jordan's parents will be phoning the businessman in Europe ASAP but this time ADF and SAS need to be involved and charges for international piracy, at least a $12Million fine and a lengthy stay in one of HM Australian prisons.

Even if the pirates turned off AIS so they can't be tracked at sea, preliminary tracking would give an indication of where they may have gone. Also, if Zac phoned Jordan's SatPhone, Inmarsat tracks that separate from AIS and could help triangulate location.

Time for these pirates to swim with sharks.

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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