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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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A Wizard's War - 36. Full

**Content Warning**
This chapter contains graphic sexual content featuring non-human characters in a fantasy setting.

Connor sat uncomfortably in the corner staring into the fireplace as he pretended not to hear the moaning coming from the bed. It was Simon’s voice he heard, but it was not Simon.

“Are you sure Simon want this?” the big orc Fogrot asked, making Connor jump.

“The demon was convincing before…” Connor considered but kept his eyes away from the scene.

Fogrot was staring at the bed with concern watching as Rummert used Simon’s body for his pleasure and the demon urged him on.

“Rummert not, how you say? Sharpest tool. He sleep, eat, drink, fuck.”

“So, I hear,” Connor shrugged.

“’Why ask why?’ Is how Rummert acts, but I see more in the Kingmaker. I see you have history.”

“You could say that,” Connor sighed.

“When you left to this ice castle, I don’t think you come back and we all die. At least we not dead.”

“Would you two stop talking and join us?” Simon’s voice called longingly from the bed.

“I thought we’d be getting out of here by now,” Connor called back, “What do we need from these creeps in robes and black armor anyway?”

Yidian put their hand out to stop Rummert’s aggressive thrusting and then extricated their naked body from the bed sheets. Rummert looked pathetically as the gaping hole moved away.

Connor soon sensed and felt the naked presence standing right next to him. Simon’s body was perfectly formed and muscular now, but Connor resisted the temptation to look as he stared into the fire.

“You want to protect Simon, don’t you?” Yidian asked.

“That’s the only reason I’m still here,” Connor growled.

“You see how strong we’ve made him,” Yidian spoke softly as he indicated Simon’s body, “And now we must make his protector strong as well.”

Connor finally turned to look, “What do you mean?”

“You shared things with Simon that you never experienced before, but there is more to experience.”

“He speaks true,” Fogrot grunted in agreement, “I’ve felt this power.”

“I don’t need power,” Connor stood, “I need to get my friend back!”

Yidian reached out and laid a cold hand on Connor’s shoulder, the werewolf shivered at the touch, but did not recoil.

“You’re cold as death,” Connor spat vehemently as he looked into Simon’s opaque dead eyes.

“Cold as undeath,” Yidian corrected as a smile spread across their face, “But only temporarily.”

“What is your goal, demon?” Fogrot demanded.

“Auron Qualls will grow restless and take us from this place soon,” Yidian considered, “And as long as we are needed, I can protect you. But when our use runs out, you must be strong enough to protect Simon.”

“It only speaks in riddles,” Fogrot shook his head.

“This seed…” Yidian reached down and played with the erection he was developing during the tense exchange and let it poke into Connor before continuing.

“This seed can make you stronger. We do not need to do anything else, but you will consume some of this seed, Wolf, if you hope to help your friend.”

“You are vile,” Connor shoved the demon away and sat back down in fury.

“More for me, then,” Rummert bounced eagerly on the bed, where he’d been keeping himself hard for the return of Simon’s ass.

“I will join as well,” Fogrot decided reluctantly, “I could use the extra strength you can afford after our long journey.”

“The offer stands,” Yidian walked back the bed with the two orcs.

Connor stared into the flames while the moaning and the sounds of flesh on flesh intensified. He was ashamed to admit how aroused he had become and how the beast inside hungered for release. He had completely lost track of time during their journey and had no inkling that out over the icy plains of the north a full moon was rising.


As the full moon approached, the Corbetts and the pack had made various preparations. Ellina Hawthorn paced in an upstairs corridor crushing a handkerchief relentlessly in her tightened fists. She did not like the idea of locking the entire pack behind a door and leaving them until morning. She had argued that she trusted them, she especially trusted Wilhelm, but they would not allow such a risk. When Wilhelm’s father, John Corbett, issued a command, it was obeyed.

She could hear them inside now grunting both human and inhuman cries of pain as their transformations occurred.

Ellina had formed a fast bond with Wilhelm and though she would never speak it out loud, she cared for him. He was sweet to her in a way that was not clingy or, as some boys had been over the years, lecherous. He’d pick her fresh flowers to put in her chamber or take her to special places only he knew about. Her favorite day was when they had journeyed to the bottom of the falls to watch the water cascade over the cliff in roaring splendor.

Many people were leaving Graymere Falls after the death of the barkeep and then the threat of war in the neighboring town of Mayweather. Word had even reached their ears that orcs were beginning to organize on the open plains. After the horrors she had witnessed, Ellina felt there was nowhere safe to go, except right here with the wolves of Graymere. But how could they protect her behind a locked door?

On the night of the full moon, she was alone and frightened.

Her mind wandered to the mead in the kitchen, maybe the liquid would warm her inside and settle her nerves. She started down the stairs when she caught the first glimpse of the full moon through the windows overhead. It was a huge disk in the sky almost orange and menacing as Raigar’s might loomed over her. Pulses of energy radiated from the room in which she had locked the others.

The Moon Stone fragment glowed within.

Ellina yelped in surprise as her muscles hitched and spasmed. Off balance she tumbled the rest of the way down the stairs, scraping her arms and hitting her head hard enough to draw a trickle of blood. At the base of the stairs, she intended to use her hand to touch her wounded head, but when she saw her hand in the light it was deformed and had claws.

“What is this…” she rasped in a growling voice that was not her own.

Looking down she realized her dress was straining against her swelling body and in horror she realized she had auburn chest hair sprouting from the bodice. She screamed in revulsion as she tried to find her feet. As she stepped on her right leg though, it audibly snapped, and she crumpled onto her hands and knees. The pain from her broken leg was excruciating.

Her panting, labored breathing was ragged and full of deep guttural barks. When her other leg and both her arms began cracking and popping as they dislodged and shifted, she let out a full roar filled with rage and pain. Her golden eyes glowed up at the yellow light cast by the full moon as her mouth elongated in a row of sharp fangs.

Ellina’s mind went blank as the pain consumed every thought she had.

The wolf sniffed at the small splatter of blood by the stairs and licked it clean. She could sense the others in her pack upstairs, but as much as she scratched at the door, tearing long claw marks into the panels she could not get inside.

The wolf felt hungry, and her stomach grumbled, so she found her way out of the mansion and into the forests beyond. She was led by a beast’s instincts and found a group of chickens all clumped together behind a human residence. How stupid they were to all be gathered in one place? It was almost not a satisfying hunt at all, but when the wolf discovered the metal fence there was a bit of excitement getting to tear through the barrier with her powerful claws.

She tore into the first chicken and tasted its delicious raw flesh and blood. She was quite satisfied after the first, but when she smelled the other chickens that had fled during the slaughter, she knew she wanted to find them. There would be plenty to keep her busy during the restless night.


The room was heavy with the scent of sex and the pervasive stench of orc sweat. Yidian was expertly riding on top of Fogrot as Rummert stood over them on the bed and filled their mouth and throat. Simon’s erection was bouncing around in front of them as they moved up and down on Fogrot’s shaft.

Both orcs were in an eager state after Yidian had given them a fresh taste of the Seeded One’s power and they were ready to fill Simon once again. Yidian felt the power like electricity flowing through them and their body felt strong once more.

“Your throat so tight!” Rummert grimaced as he began to unload, and more hot fuel was added to the furnace of energy welling inside.

Yidian heard the menacing growl as they let Rummert’s massive cock slide from between their lips. Simon’s glowing red eyes looked out at the wolf standing in the room, hunched with its hackles raised. It let out another low growl that vibrated through the room. Yidian could feel it in their bones.

“So beautiful,” Yidian smiled at the feral beast before them.

“Good doggie?” Rummert whimpered uncertainly.

Yidian ground down on Fogrot’s cock and as the fullness of its head penetrated deeper than ever, they let loose a huge load from Simon’s giant cock. A big load splattered on the floor between the smiling demon and the snarling werewolf.

“You boys may not want to be around for this next bit,” Yidian warned as they lifted themselves off of Fogrot’s still rock-hard dick. Yidian kept their eyes trained on the wolf as it approached cautiously. The wolf bent its head to the puddle of semen on the floor and sniffed curiously at the slick mess.

Yes,” Yidian thought, “Take a taste.”

“What is happening?” Fogrot was crouched on the bed confused before noticing the huge wolf.

“Go, now,” Yidian waved a hand, dismissing the orcs from the chamber.

“Will it hurt you?” Fogrot asked nervously.

“I sure hope so,” Yidian giggled drunkenly as his insane smile widened.

The wolf lapped at the puddle, unable to resist the incredible scent. After the first tentative hit, the wolf began lapping eagerly trying to gather up every drop.

“We better go,” Rummert tugged on Fogrot’s arm nervously. Fogrot finally relented and the orcs made a wide arc around the wolf toward the door. The wolf started to turn but Yidian jumped from the bed to draw back its attention.

The wolf snapped in Yidian’s direction as a snarl pulled back its muzzle to expose sharp fangs. It took a step toward Yidian before lurching sideways. Yidian could physically see the sinewy muscles rippling through the beast and then begin to swell. It yelped in surprise as it tumbled onto its side and continued to grow. The wolf panted hard as it felt everything in its body contracting and spasming at once. Sometimes clawed hands and sometimes paws swatted at the air ineffectually as if running in place.

Yidian could see a bulbous gland swelling beneath the creature’s hairy crotch and the red tip of its elongating penis protruded from the prepuce. Yidian stroked the wolf’s fur affectionately, trying to calm the animal as it experienced its first powerful transformation. The Seeded One’s strength was coursing through the wolf and making it stronger, further freeing the wild beast inside. As Yidian’s hands roamed through the fur, one hand made its way to the swelling knot at its crotch. Yidian could feel the throbbing shaft physically growing and swelling in their hand.

All at once the wolf leapt from its prone position and bowled Yidian over its drooling fangs hovering just in front of Simon’s face as it pinned the naked man to the floor. The muscular arms of the beast were half human, half animal. One padded fist stepped on Yidian’s shoulder while the other clawed hand wrapped around Simon’s throat. The sharp claws drew blood as they tightened around their neck.

“Do it,” Yidian whispered up at the creature, eyes full of wonder.

The werewolf licked Simon’s face before pulling the clawed hand down from the throat and across Simon’s exposed torso. Ragged claw marks raked over Simon’s chest and abdomen. Blood trickled from the shallow cuts as Yidian laughed on the ground. The demon wasted no time rolling over on their hands and knees to expose the well-used hole to the werewolf.

The intense aroma of the Seeded One mixed with the previously copious loads of orc cum still dripping from the opening flared the wolf’s nostrils. The werewolf’s long, lolling tongue plunged inside, licking Simon’s stretched sphincter. Yidian moaned with unbelievable pleasure as the sloppy wet maw lapped all the way from balls to hole. The werewolf’s nostrils flared as they snorted and sucked in more of the intoxicating scents.

“Oh fuck,” Yidian whimpered, “That’s amazing.”

The beast could wait no longer. It mounted Yidian and began wildly thrusting, grabbing and pinning its prey with incredible strength. The pectoral muscles were swollen like that of a man and continued to shift and waver between man and monster as needed to provide better flexibility. The canine tip of the werewolf’s shaft smacked ineffectually several times against Simon’s cheek or inner thigh before finally finding the target.

Yidian sucked in a breath as the wolf penetrated and then began to thrust harder and harder. The creature ravaged their hole and plunged the swelling bulb in and out several times. Each time the knot seemed to swell a bit more and the exit was more violent and rough before immediately slamming back inside. After several ruthless minutes of painful penetration, the knot had finally swollen enough to catch and did not draw back out.

Yidian sighed as the sudden sweet relief made all the pain worthwhile. The werewolf was over them panting, hot breath pumping out like bellows, as its heavy body pressed down. Its fat cock was embedded deep inside spewing stream after stream of hot cum directly into the willing bowels. The demon accepted the power, eyes rolling back in their head with pure ecstasy.

“Good wolf,” Yidian maneuvered onto their back so they could look up at the creature and stroke the thick gray coat. The thick knot held fast and continued to pump load after load. Simon’s body felt bloated with fluid.

The wolf looked down at Simon’s face with a more human and measured expression. Connor was beginning to wrestle with his animal nature that the full moon had unleashed as the beast’s carnal need was being drained away and satiated.

Yidian noticed the look of recognition and chose that moment to squeeze around the wolf’s cock drawing it deep and forcing Simon’s own cock to explode with another orgasm. The Seeded One’s cum rained across the scratched wounds on Simon’s chest and stung a bit. As Yidian expected, the wolf could not resist and began licking greedily.

This time Yidian was able to witness the beast’s growth and transformation while already pinned beneath its massive bulk. Veins pulsed and strained as muscles bulged beneath the fur. The snout elongated and drool poured from its mouth as the werewolf let out a roar. But most incredibly, the massive cock clutched in Simon’s ass began to swell. The knot thickened and grew harder as the shaft widened and pushed deeper.

“Praise Belothemid,” Yidian moaned, “Thank you, Simon.”

What had been streams of cum became a flood, filling the Seeded One’s bloated body with an intense explosion of sexual energy. Yidian rode the waves of euphoria as the monster cock continued to dump and swell inside.

The werewolf’s knot was so thick and deep it could not be removed, and the creature eventually laid its head on its paws and remained locked together with the demon through the night. Yidian was awake, feeling the power flow and permeate every part of Simon’s body. Trapped inside, by the massively swollen wolf cock, not a single drop of cum went to waste.


Laying in a pile of leaves beneath a tree, Ellina’s eyes fluttered open as the first light of dawn filtered down from above. Her mouth was full of the metallic taste of blood, and she soon found a brown feather stuck in her teeth. While pulling the feather free, her eyes bulged as they beheld her blood splattered hand. No, both hands! She held them in front of her for a moment before checking her body for the source of the blood. She realized for the first time she was also naked.

A blood curdling scream rang through the forest.

“I think she’s this way,” John Corbett spoke to his son and then smiled sheepishly.

“You think?” Wilhelm laughed and headed deeper into the forest. Navigating the wooded terrain was second nature, especially in the fresh dawn after a full moon. The smells still seemed heightened, and the senses remained hyperaware even in human form.

It did not take long before a naked, crying, blood-splattered girl came flying into Wilhelm’s arms. Her mass of curly hair was everywhere as it had come undone during the transformation. She babbled incoherently between sobs against Wilhelm’s chest as she struggled to remember any of the events of the previous night.

“Here,” John handed his son a blanket, which was then wrapped around the girl’s naked shoulders.

Wilhelm held her tightly until she stopped crying.

“Welcome to the family,” John spoke after a hush had fallen, “I had not realized your bond with my son was so strong. I am sorry, we were not there to support you through your first shift.”

“What?” Ellina asked confused.

“You’re like us now,” Wilhelm spoke excitedly, and it caused Ellina to pull away.

“Like… like you?”

“Blessed or cursed, the Moon Stone has chosen you to be part of our pack,” John nodded solemnly.

“Isn’t it great?” Wilhelm tried to grab her hands, but she recoiled.

“Wilhelm!” John commanded, “Why don’t you meet her back at the mansion?”

“But…” Wilhelm looked confused to his father and then at the fear in Ellina’s eye.

“Now,” John urged, and Wilhelm finally headed off toward the house.

“We will take our time returning,” John spoke to Ellina softly, “In silence if you wish to reflect, but I am here if you should have questions.”

“Alright,” Ellina finally responded as she looked around at a forest she was just beginning to see. Everything was so much more vivid than she remembered. She could feel and sense all the life around her. Scents she had never perceived before and a sunlight that was brighter than ever. It was beautiful in the forest.


Connor woke with a start and then noticed he was lying next to Simon. He studied the handsome face and the light green eyes affectionately for a moment before he realized how cold and lifeless the body felt.

“I know that look was for Simon,” Yidian whispered, “And the glare on your face now is for me, but I still enjoyed seeing someone look at me like that.”

“Am I…” Connor looked down in revulsion, “Inside of you?”

Connor rolled away, yanking his flaccid cock out of Simon’s hole quickly. Connor looked at his body. The hairy flesh was swollen with muscles that had not been there before, massive pectoral muscles and a perfectly defined abdomen. His manhood was larger and more prominent too.

“Your eyes have remained quite predatory and your teeth sharp,” Yidian commented indifferently.

“You did this to me?” Connor growled in fury.

“We did this for you,” Yidian corrected, “And we did this for Simon.”

“Don’t even say his name!”

“We will leave you for a bit to compose yourself,” Yidian continued dismissively as they began to dress and then left the room.

Are we sure?” Yidian thought to themselves as they leaned against the door outside.

“What choice do we have?” Yidian answered themselves aloud. They then turned and headed down the hallway, passing through several corridors to reach the chambers of Auren Qualls.

“Is it done?” Auren asked without looking up from his bubbling flasks and vials. The room was heavy with the scent of eucalyptus.

“We did as commanded.”

“Good,” Auren produced an earthenware jar from a cupboard and set it down, “Fill this with the Seeded One’s seed. The orcs and the wolf should provide enough strength.”

“Will you trick Lord Byron into drinking it?” Yidian asked curiously, “Or will you tell him first?”

“Don’t try my patience, Yidian,” Auren spat, “I still hold your binding spell.”

“Belothemid betrayed us by name.”

“You betrayed him first with your loyalty to that boy.”

“He’ll betray you too,” Yidian spoke coldly, “when he arrives. If you give him a vessel, you won’t be rewarded in the way you hope. But I guess you’d know that, wouldn’t you, Arganon?”

Auren finally froze and Yidian smirked that he’d finally struck a nerve. It had only been a calculated guess, but it had paid off. Auren Qualls was indeed the dark wizard Arganon.

“For over three centuries I have planned this,” Auren hissed, “Don’t forget who holds your leash, demon! Nothing will stand in my way.”

Yidian locked eyes with the dark wizard defiantly as they began to cum into the earthenware jar. Yidian made a good show of it as he laughed at the wizard.

“You are disgusting,” Auren looked away and continued his work, “Leave the jar and return to your chambers.”

“As you command,” Yidian slammed down the jar and then wiped a little extra semen on the wizard’s dark robes before leaving, “Oops, I made a mess.”

©Copyright (2020) (TeamStilinski); All Rights Reserved
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You can also find me on Twitter: @esejag1; Email: 7esejag8@gmail.com
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Ellina is now a werewolf and has joined  the Greymere pack,

Yidian in Simon's body has sex over and over, ending with Connor. But, Yidian is bound to Auren Qualls. He loaded up a jar with semen for his use.

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Yidian is running his own backgame even while being bound. He has made Simon's protectors immensely powerful.

Qualls himself is merely a shell hiding the most powerful of wizards.

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I'd say that Connor needs another drink at the well! Um, just to make sure that everything is working properly.

Yeah, that's the ticket!

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It will be interesting to see how all this works out when Simon is finished traveling the ethereal plane and his spirit returns to his body...

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