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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Hide and Seek - 1. Chapter 1

1 - A Major Surprise

Kaira leaned back in her chair and sighed. Man, it had been a helluva shift. A major pile-up on I-95 just over the border had brought several ambulances with severely injured patients that other hospitals could not accommodate. As the area's only level one trauma center, they serviced a wide territory.

In addition to the accident on the interstate, they also received a Life Flight with a twelve-year-old who was attacked by a shark while swimming at Tybee Island. The boy was still in surgery, and it was going to take all the surgeon’s skill to save his life. Both legs were a lost cause. Poor kid.

“Hey, you okay?” Malik asked as he plopped his ass down in the chair next to her. The offended piece of furniture groaned under the man’s bulk. He was built like an NFL linebacker for the Jaguars, not an ER nurse.

“I’m good. After today, though, I need a vacation.”

“It was a rough one. Can’t deny that. At least it’s almost over.”

Kaira glanced at the clock. Forty-five minutes to go. It gave her enough time to review her charts and sign off for the next shift. “Yeah, I’m glad I’m off the next four days.” Three twelve-hour shifts, Wednesday through Friday were grueling hours, but the free time was worth it, not to mention the pay was excellent.

Malik sighed. “I’m just getting started. I think by the next shift bid, I’ll be able to get weekends off.”

Sitting up, she pulled her chair closer to the desk and logged into the desktop to access her charts. “I’m sure your fiancée will like that.”

“Yeah, but will I?” He laughed and pushed his chair back. “Time for rounds.”

“Don’t forget to check on the gorked-out crypt keeper in two!”

Malik flipped her off as he grabbed his tablet and sauntered down the hall.

Kaira laughed. A gorked-out crypt keeper was a nursing home resident who was sent to the ER for no other reason than they were agitated and needed higher doses of meds than the nursing facility could give. Nine out of ten times, they found a urinary tract infection, which caused the increased agitation and confusion.

Just as she finished her last chart, Grace, the nursing supervisor, got her attention. “Kaira, there’s someone in the lobby asking for you. He looks a little lost.”

Kaira shut her eyes. Now what? Her knee cracked as she stood, making her wince. Her forty-nine-year-old body felt the wear and tear of nearly thirty years of walking on unforgiving concrete floors. Too much pain in too many places. Damn, that sounded like a country song. She logged off and headed down the hall. When she reached the reception area, she looked around for anyone she knew, not recognizing any of the faces. One of the receptionists pointed at a man standing near the wall. He worried his bottom lip and shifted from one foot to the other.

Walking over, she put on her most polite smile. “Excuse me? Are you looking for Kaira?”

Pretty light brown eyes looked at her nervously, and he nodded.

“Well, I’m her. Can I help you with something?”

“I’m Noah.”

Puzzled, Kaira’s brows drew together as she wracked her brain for any Noahs that she knew. Suddenly, her eyes widened as a lightbulb went off.

“Noah? As in GA-Noah?”

He nodded.

Holy shit. Noah was her friend from a gay website dedicated to LGBTQ-plus stories. She started posting stuff there a few years ago, and the online community was very interactive. She had corresponded with him frequently through chats for several years. He lived with his husband, Liam, and their two dogs in upstate Maine near Bangor.

“Wow! What are you doing here? Where’s Liam?”

Noah glanced at the floor. “I-I, unh, I kind of ran away.”

“You did what?” Kaira wasn’t sure she heard him correctly. “Define ‘ran away’.”

One side of Noah’s mouth upturned at her request, but he didn’t answer.

This couldn’t be good. “Noah, why don’t you sit down for a few minutes? My shift is just about over. I need to brief the nurse taking over my patients and clock out. Wait here. I’ll be back in about ten minutes, okay?”

Kaira hurried back to the nurses’ station, gave her relief a quick run-down, and then hustled to the employee lockers to grab her stuff. A quick glance at her phone showed a message from Liam. Scanning it, she realized Noah had indeed run away. She immediately debated answering Liam’s message, but decided to wait, as she needed to hear Noah’s side of the story.

Noah was sitting where she had left him, and relief washed over his face when he saw her. She smiled and held out a hand, which he took as he stood, and she pulled him in for a warm, comforting hug which he shyly returned. “Come on,” she said. “Are you hungry? I am. There’s a good seafood place not far from here. We can sit on the terrace for dinner.”

On the way to the restaurant, Noah was quiet, giving Kaira a chance to assess him. He wasn’t quite how she imagined, but she hadn’t been too far off. He was thirty-seven and had a few gray hairs threading his reddish-brown hair, cut in a nice fade in the back and slightly longer on top. More gray was visible in his short-cropped facial hair. He was tall–about six-foot-one or two and lean. Overall, he was quite handsome.

After they were seated, Kaira ordered herself a glass of white wine while Noah opted for water. He looked lost as he read over the menu. Knowing what she did about his and Liam’s relationship, she wasn’t surprised.

Reaching over, she touched his hand lightly. “Why don’t you get the seared scallops or the grilled sea bass? I recommend the twice-baked potato, and you can’t go wrong with either asparagus or garlic green beans.” She knew he would have an easier time deciding if presented with fewer choices.

Kaira ordered scallops, baked potato, and garlic green beans. Noah ordered the same but changed his vegetable to asparagus with hollandaise.

Once the waiter left, she cleared her throat. “So, how about you tell me what happened and why you’re here?”

Noah’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “Liam and I had a fight.”

Pressing her lips together, she tried not to smile. “I figured as much. Do you want to talk about it?”

“He wanted to leave me for a week to go on a trip with Master Ryan.”

Ah, there was an issue. Noah and Liam were in a committed twenty-four-seven D/s relationship. It was beyond comprehension that Noah took it upon himself to leave unexpectedly unless something else happened.

“How did that make you feel?”

“I didn’t want him to go. I feel like I am finally at a place where we’re happy, and I don’t have to worry and stress all the time. I’m not having nightmares anymore, and we’ve even set goals for the future. I’ve never done that before. Then he says he wants to go to New York for a week-long so-called ‘Dom seminar’ at a retreat in some frou-frou resort in the Adirondacks. I know there will be other subs there that they’ll use in demonstrations, and when I asked him why I couldn’t go, he yelled at me to ‘grow the fuck up and get over my insecurities,’ and then he turned me over his knee.”

Kaira winced. “He hit you in anger?”

Noah nodded.

Oof. That explained a lot. In all of her correspondence with Liam, he had constantly reiterated that a Dom should never, ever hit a sub in anger or as punishment. Instead, after cooling off, they should discuss what happened, reflect on what went wrong, and talk about how they could have handled things differently.

She was going to have words with the man once she had Noah settled.

Noah was a sensitive soul. His birth mother placed him for adoption as a baby, and his adoptive parents abandoned him when he came out his freshman year of college. He’d fallen in with the wrong crowd and had several brushes with the law for auto theft, underage drinking, and possession of marijuana. His friends left him holding the bag, and if not for the mercy of a sympathetic judge who had sentenced him to two hundred hours of community service at a youth center, he would not have straightened out, nor would he have met Liam.

“Oh, sweetie. He should not have done that, but is there anything else you’re not telling me?”

Noah fidgeted with his napkin on his lap. “I may have complained and not listened when he wanted to talk it out.”

Kaira harrumphed. “Still no reason to yell at you like that. He should know better. That doesn’t explain how you ended up here.”

It was surprising his napkin wasn’t frayed at the edges. “After he hit me, he didn’t say anything. He just left. I waited for hours. I didn’t think he was coming back, and I panicked. I packed a bag, turned off the location on my phone, took an Uber to the bus station, and got on the next bus to Portland. I still didn’t know what to do when I got there and somehow ended up at the airport. He’s probably going to kill me, but I charged a plane ticket for the next flight. It was to Orlando. After I got off the plane, I wasn’t sure what to do, and then I remembered you said you worked at the trauma center in Jacksonville, so I took a chance and got another bus ticket here.”

“Do you have your phone?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You know I have to call him and let him know you’re alright. He’s already messaged me through GA. He wanted to know if I’d heard from you. I’d rather respond directly.”

“Are you going to tell him I’m here?”

Kaira sighed. “I don’t know what I’m going to tell him. It’s only fair that I let him give me his side of the story before I make any decisions.”

Noah slid his phone across the table.

She slid it back. “I’ll wait until after dinner, and we get back to my place.”

“I’ll need to find a hotel close by.”

“Nonsense. I have a guest room that hasn’t had a guest since…” Her eyes clouded over as she realized the last guests to stay with her had been there for her ex-husband’s funeral two years prior. “Well, it’s been a while. I won’t let you stay at a hotel when there’s a perfectly good bed for you at my place.”

Before Noah could protest, the waiter arrived with their meals. They looked and smelled heavenly. Putting aside the serious discussion until later, they enjoyed the food and company. Noah relaxed more as the meal progressed, and their conversation was peppered with laughter as they fell into the level of comfort they had online. At the end, they split a slice of apple pie with ice cream as a treat.

Groaning, Noah leaned back and patted his stomach. “I’m stuffed. That was so good!”

“I’m sure it’s even better when you don’t have to clean up after, too.” She reached for the check the waiter deposited on the edge of the table.

“Hey! Let me get that.”

Shaking her head, she swatted his hand away. “Nope. You’re now my guest, and guests don’t buy dinner.”

“That sounds like bullshit.”

She laughed as she handed her card to the waiter as he passed by. Once he returned, she added a tip, and they headed to the car. It was a twenty-minute drive to her condo building. After her divorce, she bought the oceanfront corner unit on the fourteenth floor at an auction. The price had been a steal, but the place needed major renovations. It took close to a year and a half, but now she had a lovely little oasis overlooking the vast Atlantic.

As soon as they entered, a fluffy black and white tuxedo cat ran over and rubbed against their legs. “Hello, Mr. Meowster. I’ll feed you in a minute.” The little cat purred as he followed them to the guest room.

“Why don’t you put your stuff away and take a shower? You probably feel grimy after traveling so much. And I’ll need your phone.”

“Damn.” Noah unlocked the cell and handed it over. Kaira put her thumb on the screen so it wouldn’t time out before she was ready to make her call. While Noah did as instructed, she went to the fridge, poured a half glass of Zinfandel, and then shook some kibble into the cat’s dish before going out on her balcony.

The balcony was her favorite part of her home. It wrapped around the corner, giving her unfettered views of the ocean and the beach to the south. She could watch the sunrise and sunset every day and be guaranteed a beautiful view.

Sitting on her favorite chair, she tucked her legs under her and stared at the phone. A picture of Noah and a man who must be Liam graced the screen. Liam was gorgeous. Hair as dark as raven’s feathers and deep chocolate eyes seemed to penetrate her soul.

Taking a sip of wine, she tapped Connect on his contact info. It rang once.

“Noah! Where the hell are you? I’ve been so worried!” The voice on the other end was deep and authoritative. There was no doubt she was speaking to a Dom.

“It’s not Noah.”

“Who the hell is this, and where’s Noah?”

“It’s Kaira.”

Silence hung, and she pictured the wheels of Liam’s mind spinning. She had no intention of making this easy.

There was a sharp intake of breath as realization hit. “Jesus Christ. Is he in Florida?”

She smiled and toyed with the stem of her wineglass. “He’s safe. He told me what happened. Care to clarify?”

A thunk from the other end of the line told her he must have banged something, probably in frustration. “What exactly did he tell you?”

Ahh. She was hoping he asked that question. Jumping on the opportunity, she lit into him. “Only that you did precisely the opposite of what you always told me a Dom should not do. How dare you hit him in anger? What the fuck were you thinking? Are your control issues out of control? I don’t care how belligerent he was—it’s no excuse to beat his ass because you’re pissed off. And then you take off without a word? He fucking thought you abandoned him! You know how he feels about that! You are his world! How would you like it if the roles were reversed? I can’t fucking believe you would do such a thing! Jesus Christ, Liam—you’re an asshole! No wonder he ran as far away from you as he could!”

Several heartbeats ticked by in silence.

Liam blew out a breath. “I know. I was wrong. When I left, I only intended to go for a short drive to calm down. I started feeling sick and went to the walk-in clinic. I found out I was reacting to a new medication. He never answered when I called. By the time I was done and returned home, he was gone. I’ve been out of my mind ever since. Can I talk to him?”


There was a choked sound that startled Kaira. “What do you mean? No?”

“What part don’t you understand? The ‘N’ or the ‘O’?”

“Put Noah on the phone.”

One breath.Two breaths.


“The answer is still no. He’s busy at the moment, and even if he wasn’t, I think he needs a little more time to process things. You hurt him badly.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Kaira smiled. He sounded sincere. “I know you are, but he’s not ready to hear it yet. Let me talk to him tonight, and then he can get a good night’s sleep. I’ll call you in the morning, and maybe he’ll want to talk by then. Is there anything I need to know about his routine or things he usually does?”

“Please make sure he takes his meds. He can spiral quickly if he doesn’t. Other than that, let him be himself. He’ll let you know if he needs anything.”


“And Kaira? Take care of him for me. Please?”

“I will.”

Kaira ended the call and watched the twinkling lights of a cargo ship in the dark distance as she contemplated her next steps. On one hand, she knew the right thing would be to put Noah on a plane back to Maine. On the other hand, this opportunity would never come around again. Standing, she picked up her empty wineglass and knew what she had to do.


2 Surprise, surprise

Mrrooww. Mrrooww.

A paw batted Kaira’s cheek.


“Fine! I’m awake, you little imp. Move.” Kaira gave the cat a nudge, and he jumped onto the floor. Stretching and yawning before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, Kaira blinked away the remnants of sleep and checked her phone to see what time it was. Six a.m. It was a god-awful hour, but when Sir Meows-a-lot demanded food, she knew he wouldn’t give up until she gave in. Sighing, she headed to her bathroom. As she washed her hands, she heard noises coming from the kitchen.

Noah grinned as he turned to her. Coffee was brewed, and the smell of something baking greeted her. “Good morning! Breakfast will be ready in a couple of minutes. I made a sausage, onion, and spinach quiche.”

Kaira’s stomach grumbled in delight. “I may not give you back if you keep this up.” She laughed as she poured herself coffee and added a splash of half and half.

Mr. Meowster wound his body around Noah’s legs. “I have some eggs for you if your mommy says it’s okay.”

Kaira rolled her eyes. “It’s fine—but I’m warning you—he’ll never leave you alone if you keep that up.” She grabbed his dish from the drainer and measured out some kibble. Noah slid a small plate with scrambled eggs to her, which she dumped on top. Her guest snatched the bowl, and Mr. Meowster purred loudly as he followed his new bestie to his feeding station.

“Don’t expect me to purr like that when you slice the quiche.”

Noah laughed.

“Let’s eat out on the balcony. It’s a nice morning, and I want to discuss something with you.”

Noah raised an eyebrow at her as he reached for the potholders to take the quiche out of the oven. “What?”

“Just a proposition.”


“Don’t worry. I think it’s something that might interest you.”

During their dinner conversation, they talked about some of the places she and her ex-husband traveled to during their marriage. They had been able to take a couple of nice trips every year as they didn’t have kids. That conversation set the wheels in motion for the idea she had.

A soft, cool breeze off the Atlantic ruffled Noah’s sleep-tousled hair as they ate. Kaira had pulled her salt-and-pepper locks into a messy bun. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore was muted by fourteen floors of distance but provided a soothing background.

“How would you feel about a little sightseeing before returning to Maine?”

Noah wiped his mouth on a napkin. “I don’t know. I feel like I should be getting back to Liam.”

“What if a little road trip involved him?”

“Oh god, I’m not sure I like the look on your face. What are you cooking up?”

Kaira smirked. “A bit of cat and mouse. Look, you’ve been pretty sheltered your whole life because of your anxiety, right?”

There was a moment’s hesitation before Noah nodded.

“Hear me out. Just by coming here, you’ve shown the confidence you’ve gained over the past few years.”

“Stupidity is more like it.”

“Hush. You’re far from stupid. What I’m proposing is driving you back to Maine but taking the long way. I’ve always wanted to make a cross-country road trip, and this is as good an opportunity as any. We can stop along the way and take pictures at whacky places like the World’s Largest Rubber Band.”

“That’s a thing?”

“Yes. That’s a thing, but that’s not my point. My point is—a trip like this will give you a chance to explore and, at the same time, get you home.”

Noah pursed his lips. “Where does Liam fit in? Are you inviting him?”

An evil grin spread across Kaira’s face. “Oh, he’s invited—but he won’t get the itinerary. Think of it as a game of hide and seek. We’ll tell him what route we’re taking, but not where we will be at any moment. He’ll have to try and catch us.”

“Oh, man. He’ll shit a brick. I don’t know about this.”

“I’ll make you a deal. If I get him to agree, then you’ll do it. If not, I’ll take you to the airport—no questions asked.”

Noah shook his head but there were crinkly lines of amusement toying with the corners of his eyes. “It’s his decision. Go for it.”

“Ye have little faith. Challenge accepted.”

They cleaned up their breakfast mess, and Kaira decided it was time to put her plan into motion. If Liam agreed, they would only have about a day’s head start.

They sat in the living room with Mr. Meowster, traitor extraordinaire, curled up on Noah’s lap.

Liam answered on the first ring. “Will he talk to me?”

Kaira looked at Noah and rolled her eyes. Drama Dom, she mouthed. Noah giggled.

“Yes, you can talk to him. First, I have a proposition for you.”

“Jesus Christ. Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

“Aww. It’s not that bad. I want to kidnap your husband for a couple of weeks. You’re more than welcome to try and catch us.”

Her phone chirped with an incoming video request. She tapped the green circle and smiled at the scowling face filling her screen. Grumpy Liam was just as hot as the screensaver picture.

“What kind of shit are you trying to pull?”

She snickered. “I’m not trying to pull any shit. Noah and I talked last night and may have discussed his lack of travel experience. All I want to do is remedy that. I’m proposing driving him back to Maine—via the West Coast. You are more than welcome to try to intercept us along the way. I’ll even drop hints. I promise to have Noah call you every day as well.”

Liam’s brows furrowed as he contemplated her offer. “That’s the craziest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”

Kaira shook her head and sighed. “No. If you stop to think about it, it’s not—Noah’s my friend. We’ve had some soul-searching conversations these past few years. I’ve seen him gain a confidence that wasn’t there when we first started talking. He got that through hard work with his therapist and from the love you give him. He feels safe and secure, which is great—but at the same time, he’s fallen into a rut. Think about it. His daily routine is the same. The highlight of the week is going grocery shopping. Seeing a little bit of the world would be good for him. You once told me you knew Noah was in good hands with me. You know I adore him. I just want to see him spread his wings a bit—then you can have him back.”

Liam’s cheeks puffed out as he blew out air. “If I say yes—and I’m not saying it yet—how long will this take?”

“I haven’t mapped it out exactly yet, but I’m guessing about two weeks, give or take a couple of days.”

“You have that kind of time off?”

Kaira smiled. “I’ve accrued over two months of vacation time. My boss has been hounding me to take some of it. If you’re worried about expenses, I’ve got that covered too. I can afford to do this.”

Liam sniffed indignantly. “I’m able to cover Noah’s share.”

“So you agree?”

The scowl was back. “I didn’t say that. Let me speak to Noah.”

Kaira blinked slowly at the screen.


She handed the phone to Noah.

“Hello, Sir.” His eyes looked down at his lap, where the cat was curled into a ball.

“I owe you an apology, boy. I shouldn’t have reacted so badly, and I’m sorry.”

The Dom just scored some major brownie points in Kaira’s book. Noah’s eyes glistened as he replied. “I’m sorry, too, Sir, for running away. I should have trusted you.”

“Look at me.”

Noah looked directly into the phone. Even from the other end of the couch, Kaira could see the look of pure love on Liam’s face. It was easy to see he adored Noah.

“We both made mistakes, and we’ll have a long discussion when I see you again.”

Noah’s bottom lip quivered as he nodded.

So, would you like to do this road trip with Kaira?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

“Okay then. Promise me you’ll call me every day.”

“I will. I promise.”

“You can go. Behave yourself, and don’t let Kaira corrupt you. I love you, boy.”

“I love you, too, Sir.”

“Put Kaira back on. Please.”

Kaira took the phone back and couldn’t hide her ear-to-ear grin.

“Noah will pay his share, and you are to keep your end of the bargain.”

“Deal—except for the corruption part—I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try my best not to lead him astray. I’ll text you our intended route and let you know if there are any changes. Noah can send you pictures of the places we stop. Let’s tentatively end up in Maine at Acadia in two weeks. We’ll meet you at the top of the mountain at sunrise.”

Noah snorted.

“I heard that, boy.”

Kaira knew from previous discussions that Liam was not a morning person.

“Shoo.” She flapped her hand in front of her face. “We’ve got plans to make. We’ll let you know when we get on the road.”

“You better make it quick. I’m looking at flights as we speak.”

“In that case—ta ta for now!” She waggled her fingers at him before ending the call, but not before hearing laughter from the other end.

Turning to Noah, Kaira raised her arm above her head triumphantly. “You heard him. Let’s move. We should get on the road as soon as possible. Take an inventory of what clothes and stuff you have. We’ll hit Target or somewhere and buy enough to get you through two weeks. I don’t want to stop every few days to do laundry.”

The next hour was a whirlwind as Kaira took care of some things. A call to her boss assured her of the time off. She arranged for her best friend to look after Mr. Meowster. Throwing a few week’s worth of clothes into a suitcase didn't take long. Toiletries went into another bag. If anything was missing, they could buy it along the way.

It was barely nine o’clock when they rode the elevator to the parking garage.

“Let’s go! Time to get that flabby butt of yours moving!” Kaira motioned for Noah to hurry up as he dragged their luggage across the parking garage. She stood by the trunk of her SUV, the hatch open. The suitcases were the last things that needed to go in. Noah hefted them into the cargo space, and Kaira pushed the button to close it.

“Before we go, can I dip my toes in the ocean? I want to do the same when we get to the West Coast.”

“That’s a great idea. We’ll take some pictures, send them to your husband, and let him know we’re on our way.”

At the edge of the vast Atlantic, they stood on the wet sand and let the icy cold water wash over their feet. It was February, and they’d just had a three-week cold snap. Kaira had to scrape ice off her windshield at work a few times. Everyone thought Florida was all sunshine and warm weather. It could get cold, and Jacksonville had even seen snow a few times. This had been an unusually cooler winter. Today, however, the forecast called for lots of sun and temperatures in the high sixties.

After they took a few pictures, they sent one of them making funny faces to Liam with the caption Game on! He texted back a selfie of himself sitting in the airport. Damn. They better get moving.

“We’ve got a decent head start. Let’s stop at the store for some snacks and then hit the road. Sound good?”

Noah laughed. “You’re crazy.”

“Not going to deny it.”

The local Publix wasn’t crowded. They decided on an assortment of fresh fruit, shelled pistachios, and a few big boxes of candy that you buy at the movies for ten times the price.

As they made their way to the register, they had to stop mid-aisle. A mom with a preschooler stood with her hands on her hips as her little brat pitched a fit over being told ‘no’. Fake crocodile tears streamed down the little boy’s face as he sat on the floor belligerently.

“Are you done?” his mom asked.

With all the indignity a four-year-old could muster, he stood up, placed his hands on his hips, and replied, “No! I’m just getting started!”

Kaira looked at Noah, and they cracked up. Their response was enough to stop the boy’s tantrum from escalating. His mom shot them one of those kids suck looks. As they passed the unhappy little guy, Kaira stuck out her tongue at him. He returned the favor, and his mom hissed, “Knock it off!” She hadn’t seen Kaira start it.

No regrets.

It was time to get this party started.

“Where to first?” Kaira asked.

“Is Disney World too far out of the way? I wasn’t paying attention when I left the airport.”

“You want to go to the Mouse Trap?”

“We don’t need to go into the park. I’d like to see it, though.”

Kaira made a face. “You can’t see it from the roads. Tell you what—I’ve got an idea. We’ll head that way and do a quick drive-through tour of Orlando. Then, we’ll head to the Gulf Coast and take I-75 up to I-10. That will head us in the right direction. There are a couple of places I’d like to stop. Plus, if we send Liam some Orlando pics, it should throw him off when his plane lands.”

“You’re evil.”

“Still not denying it.”

“Incorrigible too.”


Getting to the Happiest Place on Earth took a little over two hours. Kaira drove under the sign at the entrance to Disney’s property, slowing down so Noah could take a few pictures of the Walt Disney World; Where Dreams Come True arch.

She wasn’t so sure about that, but she was sure they pissed off the cars behind them. She followed the road around the immense property, pointing out various themed hotels along the way. After going full circle, she headed toward SeaWorld and Universal for a few more photo opportunities.

“Which picture should I send him?” Noah handed Kaira his phone when they stopped to use the restrooms at a fast food place.

“Oh! Definitely the Disney arch sign. That should throw him for a loop.”

Noah leaned across the console, took a picture of the two of them laughing, and sent both. When there was no reply, they knew he must be in the air.

“Okay, it’s already noon. I’d like to show you one more place, but we better hurry. They close at five, and with traffic, it will take a couple of hours to get there.”

Kaira knew I-4 was the worst highway in Florida, and the sooner they could get off of it, the better. When they reached the split for I-75, instead of heading north, she took the south exit.

Noah cleared his throat.

“Don’t worry. It’s not far.”

A few exits down, she stayed right and headed west. Up ahead, giant smokestacks adorned a massive power plant. The road shifted from two lanes to one. She pulled into a crowded parking lot and luckily found an open spot. Parking in the overflow lot would have required a shuttle ride back here.

“What’s this place?” Noah asked.

“It’s the Manatee Viewing Center. Come on. Let’s go see the fat sea cows.”

Noah’s phone chirped with a text notification. It was a picture of Liam in his rental car, and the accompanying text read: You can run, but you can’t hide.

Kaira laughed and took Noah’s phone. She quickly found what she was looking for and sent him a meme of Gingy from the movie Shrek with the caption; Run run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

“I think he’s enjoying this.” Kaira handed the phone back to Noah.

“I’m not sure about that.”

“Pfft. He’s a pussycat.”

Noah sighed and mumbled, “You’ve never felt his cane.”

“I don’t plan to, either. Let’s go.”

They strolled down the boardwalk leading to the inlet, where the warm water discharge attracted the slow-moving gray mammals. Noah stopped to read some of the educational signs describing the local wildlife and the electric plant's mission of creating clean energy.

Due to the cold snap, hundreds of manatees leisurely swam in the shallow water. Noah was thrilled to see a small shark and several sting rays. On the way back to the car, he insisted on stopping in the gift shop, where he picked out a plush, stuffed manatee. Kaira added a key chain for him and decided to collect postcards to give to Liam. It would make a nice memory trail if Noah wrote a little snippet about their adventures.

They used the restrooms and headed to the parking lot. Kaira dangled the keys in front of Noah as they walked. “Are you comfortable with driving?”

“Comfortable? Not really. I have my license, but Liam always drives when we’re together. I only use our second car if he’s not home and I must go to the store or something. I hate driving when there’s a lot of traffic.”

Kaira nodded. “Well, I was hoping to share the driving a little more, but I'm okay with doing most of the driving as long as you can spell me if I get tired and get us to a safe area. I’m sure there will be some less crowded stretches of highway along the way. We’ll see how far we get tonight.”

Once in the car, they were back on I-75 and headed north. Traffic was steady, and they made good time, stopping every couple of hours to stretch their legs at a rest stop. As they approached Tallahassee, Kaira exited with a giggle.

“You’re going to love this, and it won’t take but a minute to see.”

Noah raised an eyebrow.

A giant fifteen-foot fiberglass statue of Johnny Donutseed was close to the exit. He stood guard near the entrance of a truck stop. Early in their friendship, Kaira and Noah bonded over their love of donuts, sour cream, and Boston creme, in particular.

They managed to convince an amused trucker to take a few pictures of them together, holding up donuts they bought inside the convenience store. Kaira added another postcard to their purchase, too.

As it was getting dark, Kaira decided to drive another hour before stopping. Noah looked up hotels and found one in Marianna with rooms available.

“One room or two?” Noah bit his lip when he looked up from his phone.

“I’m fine with sharing a double as long as you don’t snore. It’ll save us money if we just get one.”

Her companion huffed. “I don’t snore.”


After checking into the hotel and ordering a pizza, Noah called Liam but didn’t let on where they were. Kaira stepped out to give them privacy and returned after she intercepted the pizza delivery guy.

So far, day one of their epic journey had been brilliant.


3 On the Road Again

The following morning, they debated going to see the nearby caverns. Ultimately, they decided to do it and were glad they did. Hurricane Michael had severely hit the area in 2018, and the effects were still startling. The horrific winds had felled huge swaths of trees, and what was once thick forests was now open land.

They didn’t dawdle at the state park but spent an enjoyable hour with a guide exploring the cool underground terrain with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. Noah couldn’t resist the gift shop either. Kaira thought she might need to trade the SUV for a cargo van before this trip was over. He was having fun, and that’s what mattered.

After getting back on I-10, they left Florida behind. Kaira decided that six to eight hours of driving, plus stops, was what they would aim for every day. With any luck, they should make it to Maine on schedule.

Trying to throw Liam off their trail, they sent him a picture of them standing by Johnny Donutseed. Hopefully, he would think they were further back than they were. He was an intelligent man, though, and Kaira had a sneaking suspicion that he was toying with them. It didn’t matter. They were having a blast.

Noah was in charge of music while they were on the road and decided to rock and roll through the decades. He announced each day that he would feature a different decade, starting with the 50s. Sock hop music and sappy Elvis tunes accompanied them as the miles rolled past.

Two hours after leaving the caverns, Kaira spotted a sign for a roadside attraction. It was a little hard to find, but after driving by it the first time, they added a picture of them each grinning, standing next to a fourteen-foot-tall paperclip.

With every mile that passed, Noah relaxed more. Their conversation kept them laughing.

“You’re joking, right?” Noah shot Kaira a skeptical look.

“No. I’m not. Look it up. It’s on Amazon. Thirteen inches, twelve of which they say are insertable, and it weighs seven pounds. I have no clue how anyone could handle that. It’s a lot for a woman to get in the hoo-ha, let alone a guy in his ass. That’s like us trying to stuff a baby back in there.”

Noah’s eyes bulged as he pulled it up on his phone. They’d been debating the pros and cons of various sex toys for the past half hour. The Walrus slayed them all.

“Jesus. I’d try that.”

“Of course you would. Want me to have Liam order you one?”

Noah laughed. “I don’t think he should waste the money. We already have a nice collection at home.”

“I so want a tour of that playroom of yours.”

“Be careful what you wish for. Liam might strap you to the spanking bench if you don’t behave.”

“I’d rather be tied up Shibari style. Besides, he’s a stickler for listening to limits, and he’s gay. I’m not his type. Not to mention, I’m not a sub.”

“Too bad Amazon doesn’t have an option to order a sub. If I needed a break, he could shop around online.”

“Haha! A Noah clone from Subazon. You could shop Domazon for a spare.” Kaira snorted.

Noah howled. “OMG! Custom-ordered Doms and subs! That could be dangerous.”

“Can you imagine the categories? Let’s see… bear? Check. Daddy? Um, no thanks. Sadist? Not in this lifetime.” Kaira’s eyes watered from laughing so hard.

Noah added, “Liam’s list would be all… cooks? Check. Cleans? Check. Behaves and gives good head? Check and check.”

Kaira giggled. “Did you know that Walmart sells sex toys?’

“What? No way! In their stores or online?”

“I’ve only seen them online but wouldn’t that be a riot if there was a sex toy department?”

Noah laughed. “They better not put it next to the automotive section. You know there would be a bunch of Walmartians who can’t tell the difference between jumper cables and nipple clamps!”

That set them off into gales of laughter that didn’t abate for several miles. When they finally settled, Kaira decided a rest stop was in order. She had to pee and her back was getting stiff. A quick walk would do wonders. They made a stop in Baton Rouge when Noah pointed out there was a monument to the creator of the dollar sign. It ticked another box on their roadside attraction quest.

During the day, they occasionally texted Liam, taunting him to catch up. He usually had a snarky reply. Kaira knew he wasn’t far behind them. It wouldn’t surprise her if, at some point, he ended up ahead of them. He had the tenacity to drive longer and not make as many stops.

“Hey, is there anywhere you’ve ever mentioned to Liam that you’d like to see?”

Noah hummed. “Not really. Although we watched a documentary on meteor strikes around the world, and I said it would be amazing to see the big crater in Arizona. Why?”

“Knowing Liam, I think he will try to ambush us. For all we know, he could be ahead of us now and pulled over at a rest stop, watching traffic pass in hopes of catching us as we go by.”

“Good thinking. We can skip the crater if you want.”

“Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, we know he doesn’t know what vehicle I drive besides an SUV. The windows are tinted, so that’s in our favor. On the other hand, we don’t know what kind of rental car he has.”

“It’s probably a full-size SUV. He has long legs and needs the extra room.”

“That still doesn’t tell us much. As long as we keep doing what we’re doing, we’ll be okay.”

They made it to Lafayette, Louisiana, that evening without a hint of Liam being anywhere close. As a precaution, Kaira made sure Noah kept his location off so Liam couldn’t track them. He hadn’t switched it on since he left Maine.

They left early the next morning. It was a little over two hundred miles to the Texas border, and getting across that state would be a long stretch. Noah mapped out some roadside attractions to see along the way.

The second-largest state took them nearly two full days to traverse. Kaira let Noah drive on the desolate stretches in the western part of the state. They covered the 60s and 70s on Noah’s Spotify channel. Texas had plenty of weird roadside attractions, and Noah’s postcard travel journal saw the addition of the Tallest Shaft in the US—they giggled every time one of them said shaft, a giant Igloo cooler, a massive stag made of junk, a muffler man cowboy, and Kaira’s favorite, an empty cross with Jesus on horseback. Even the son of God couldn’t resist riding off into the sunset. Noah insisted on stopping at a restaurant that touted BBQ and taxidermy. Trying to eat with dozens of glass eyes staring at them was a little unsettling.

Liam joined the fun and sent them pictures of him at the same landmarks. He drew the line at dead animals hovering over him at mealtime.

Kaira was happy to finally leave Texas in their rearview mirror as Noah snapped a picture of the ‘Welcome to Arizona’ sign with its red and orange sun design. Music from the 80s accompanied them to Phoenix. UFO-themed attractions such as The Thing beckoned from strategically placed billboards. They settled for the hokey setup as Roswell, New Mexico, was out of the way.

After another early start, they made good time getting to Phoenix, even with stops to see the Interstate Space Capsule and a giant Earth thermometer. Not wanting to deal with city traffic, Kaira pushed through and went another two hours north to Flagstaff. Hopefully, Liam was still behind them. Knowing the meteor crater was nearby made her nervous that the Dom would intercept them there. They also wanted to see the Grand Canyon.

Tired of driving, Kaira booked two nights at the hotel in Flagstaff. Noah was grateful for the respite. After checking into their room, they headed to the hotel’s Tex-Mex restaurant. The winter desert evening was chilly, but the terrace was enclosed on three sides and had tower heaters stationed along the open area to ward off the cold. Twilight turned the vista into muted shades of violet and cerulean.

They were seated near another table with four individuals who looked like they had stepped into the future directly from Woodstock.

An older man with two long, gray braids, a la Willie Nelson, nodded at them as they sat. “Hey, man. How’s it goin’?”

Kaira smiled. “We’re good. How ‘bout you?”


Noah laughed.

A woman who looked to be in her early 70s said, “Come join us. The more, the merrier. We won’t bite.”

Noah looked at Kaira. She shrugged, and they scooted their table closer and introduced themselves.

The four hippies reciprocated, and they discovered that the two couples, John and Lori, had been friends with Dave and Connie since they were teenagers. They shared a love for the Grateful Dead and were in Flagstaff for a tribute band concert. They spent decades as die-hard Deadheads.

“What’s brought you youngsters to the area?” Lori asked as the waiter brought their drinks.

“We’re just passing through. Noah and I are on a little adventure.” Kaira didn’t go into detail but told them about their hide-and-seek game with Liam and the places they’d seen.

“How fun!” Connie raised her glass in a toast. “To giving the ol’ ball and chain the slip!”

Noah choked as he clinked his glass of lemon seltzer with the others.

“What’s next on your list?” Dave asked.

“Well, Noah wants to see the meteor crater, and we both want to see the Grand Canyon. I wish we had time to take the train from Williams, but I have a funny feeling Liam will try to ambush us at the crater. I wish we could somehow fool him.”

A knowing look passed between the two couples. After a subtle nod, Lori said, “What if you can?” She outlined a brilliant plan. After hammering out a few details, it was a done deal.

The rest of the evening was thoroughly enjoyable. The hippie couples were so fun to hang out with. They insisted on paying for dinner over the protests of Kaira and Noah. They ended up staying on the terrace until it closed. Noah left briefly to call Liam, as promised.

Kaira waved as they exited the elevator on their floor. “We’ll see you at breakfast!”

“Oh my god. That was fun! Do you think their plan will work?” Noah kicked off his sneakers and flopped on his bed.

“It had better, or this little trip might be over.”

“My fingers are crossed.”

The following morning, Dave, Connie, John, and Lori saved them seats at the complimentary buffet. They chattered excitedly about their plans.

After breakfast, they followed the couples to their rooms, where Lori and Connie took charge and transformed them into a third hippie couple. Noah was outfitted in baggy bell-bottom jeans held up by a three-inch wide belt and a tie-dyed Grateful Dead concert shirt. The best part was the wig Lori gave him. Completely gray, the single braid hung down to nearly his ass. For the sake of the disguise, he shaved his close-cropped facial hair smooth, and Connie affixed a matching gray mustache and six-inch goatee. Dave handed over a rolled-up red bandana, and Connie tied it around his head. His look was completed with the addition of a pair of huge, mirrored aviator sunglasses. Kaira nearly died when she saw him.

While Connie transformed Noah, Lori outfitted Kaira with neon green bell bottoms with lemon-yellow pinstripes, a white, flowy, long-sleeved blouse embroidered with tiny daisies, a beige macrame knitted vest that went down to her knees, and white, platform zippered boots. Christ, Kaira thought she was going to kill herself if she fell. She also got a long wig with two pigtails, and sunglasses shaped like stars. A braided leather headband was the icing on the cake.

After taking a shit ton of pictures, they headed out to the parking lot. Why was it not surprising to see a genuine 1960s VW bus in the lot?

It took less than an hour to get to the Visitor’s Center, and Kaira got to the ticket window first and paid for everyone’s admission. After everything the two couples did for them, it was the least she could do.

Noah was awestruck by the deep hole in the ground. They decided to do the guided rim tour and enjoyed every minute, even though they giggled every time the guide said ‘rim’. Noah was soaking up the information like a sponge. When it came time to peruse the gift shop, he put a serious dent in Kaira’s credit card. On the first day of their adventure, Kaira insisted she pay for everything, even though Liam assured her Noah had the means to pay his way. While negotiating with the man, Kaira pointed out that Liam could see where they were by looking at where any charges came from. They finally decided to let Kaira pay for everything, have Noah hang onto all the receipts, and settle up at the end of the trip.

“Oh, look! This should fit Liam!” Noah held up a huge t-shirt depicting an alien with the slogan ‘Mind If I Crash Here?’.

“Looks a little big, kiddo,” Dave remarked.

“Liam’s a tall guy. He’s six-eight. It’s hard to find stuff long enough for him.”

The clerk bagged up Noah’s purchases, and they headed out. As they walked out onto the deck overlooking the crater, Noah suddenly stopped. Kaira bumped into him.

“Hey, watch out!”

“Oh my God. It’s Liam.” Noah turned around abruptly. Kaira pulled him to the side where the restrooms were located and scanned the area. Sure enough, coming from the parking lot, the scowly Dom strode toward the gift shop with a determined look.

“He’s not going to recognize us. Hell, I don’t recognize us. Keep your glasses on, and don’t say a word,” Kaira hissed.

The other two couples doubled back when they realized Kaira, and Noah stopped. Kaira quickly explained what was going on.

“We got your back, baby. Don’t you worry.” Lori patted Noah’s arm. “Come with us.”

The two couples flanked Noah and Kaira, one on each side, as they calmly walked toward the parking lot. Behind her mirrored shades, she watched Liam approach. He barely glanced at them as he got closer. It wasn’t until he was directly in front of them that the tall guy seemed to notice them.

Dave nodded and smiled. “Peace out, dude!” With his pointer and middle finger extended, he waved his hand, forming the universal peace sign.

Liam nodded and kept walking.

Once they were safely in the VW bus, Kaira burst out laughing. “Oh, my God! Did you see the look on his face? Fucking priceless!”

Noah looked like he was going to hurl. “I thought we were going to get caught for sure. I can’t believe he didn’t recognize me.”

John clapped his shoulder. “Our girls know what they’re doing when it comes to hippie transformation.”

Everyone laughed as Dave put the old bus into gear, and it lurched onto the main road. They decided to have lunch in Winslow. This time, each couple covered their own tab. Of course, Kaira and Noah had to have a picture of them standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, because it was such a fine sight to see.

They parted ways after returning to the hotel and becoming themselves again. The couples were going to the tribute concert that evening. Kaira and Noah thanked their new hippie friends profusely. There was no way to truly repay them for aiding and abetting, giving Liam the slip. It had been their best day so far.

Taking the advice of the front desk clerk, Kaira drove to a local brew house for dinner. Noah indulged in a rare beer, choosing a nice, citrusy pale ale. Kaira opted for a full-bodied vanilla porter. They shared an appetizer, and each ordered a different burger, cutting them in half when they arrived and swapping. The desert sunset provided a stunning backdrop.

Back at the hotel, Noah called Liam. It was clear that Noah missed his husband despite their fun and vice versa. Kaira wondered if maybe they should end the chase.

Nah. Not yet.

The following day, they had the luxury of sleeping a little later. By nine o’clock, they were packed up and headed out. It took just under two hours to get to the Visitor’s Center at the south rim of the canyon.

As they stood on the observation platform overlooking the enormity of the deep gouge in the Earth, Kaira felt immensely tiny. Eons of geological history were visible in the myriad of colorful rock layers exposed by the timeless erosion of the Colorado River. It was hard to believe that the sliver of shimmery water far below them was responsible for the beautiful vista stretching out endlessly in front of them.

Kaira tried to gauge Noah’s thoughts. “You want to try to make L.A. tonight? It’ll be a long day of driving.”

“Sure. There isn’t much between here and there, so we might as well push through. Liam probably wouldn’t think we’d put in such a long day.”

“Okay. Let’s get going. I think we have enough pictures and souvenirs.”

Noah pouted. “One can never have enough souvenirs.”

Kaira shook her head and herded her charge back to the SUV. She was right. It was a long day of driving. Even with Noah managing a nice, almost three-hour stretch, they were exhausted when they checked into a hotel on the outskirts of the City of Angels.

It was later than usual when Noah called Liam, and Kaira didn’t bother leaving the room. She barely had enough energy to brush her teeth, let alone go for a walk.

Noah put the call on speaker and kept yawning as Liam asked about their day.

“What the hell did you do to my boy?”

“Nothing. It was just a long day. We did a lot of driving today.”

“Still not going to drop any hints, huh?”

Kaira grabbed her phone and texted a picture. “Here you go. How’s that for a hint?”

“Son of a bitch!” Liam yelled as he saw the picture of two laughing hippies.

“Peace out, dude!” Kaira flashed the peace sign and laughed as she ended the call. Noah smiled as his eyes drifted shut.


4 Up the Coast and Over

Kaira scanned the traffic in the rearview mirror. Southern California highways were insane. After too little sleep and a super early start, they had taken the time to find the Egghead Stonehenge. Noah snapped a few pictures as they looped the traffic circle it was located in a couple of times. She managed to find the mural of Cheech Marin without flying into a major road rage. Noah texted the picture to their hippie friends.

Despite their early start, leaving L.A. proved to be a challenge. When the GPS lost its signal, Kiara took a wrong exit and they ended up northwest of the city along the coast. Kaira had a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel as she drove. She hated heavy traffic and hated idiot drivers even more. She slammed the brakes when a black Honda Accord cut in front of her and missed her bumper by mere inches.

“You goddam idiot, dim-witted, twat-waffle doodlefuck!”

Noah’s head swung around, and he gaped. “Doodlefuck?”

Her eyebrows were smashed together. “What? It fucking fits.”

Noah snickered. It was contagious. Soon, they were caught in a giggle fit. It lightened the mood considerably.

“Goddammit, I need some coffee.” Kaira flicked on her blinker and pulled off at the next exit.

Noah was typing furiously on his phone. He looked up with a grin. “Follow these directions.” The now-working GPS guided them to Red Kettle Coffee. Standing guard out front was an eight-foot-tall gnome with a bird perched on one hand, and propping up a shovel with the other. The best feature was its yellow sunglasses perched on its bulbous nose.

“Wanna snatch his shades on the way out?” Noah asked.

Kaira shook her head. “Jesus. Who’s supposed to be corrupting who here?”

“Aw, come on. I’ll lift you up on my shoulders, you grab them and we’ll make a break for it.”

“You do realize they’re probably glued on there.”


Noah held the door for Kaira, and they went inside to order their coffees to-go. Neither could resist the display of donuts.

On the way out, Noah had to do his best basketball center impression and leap up to try to dislodge the shades off the gnome’s face.

“Darn it.” His face fell as he jogged to catch up to Kaira who was already at the SUV.

Thankfully the GPS cooperated and they were able to zig-zag their way inland to connect with the Five. By the time they approached Bakersfield, they needed gas.

“Oh! Let’s stop in Blackwell’s Corner.” Noah looked intently at his phone. “It’s the last place James Dean stopped and was seen alive.”

“That’s kinda morbid, but okay.”

The gas station wasn’t much to look at, but a few memorabilia displays were inside. They took advantage of the restrooms and bought a postcard for Noah’s rapidly growing collection. She noticed him scrawling on them when things were quiet.

“Christ. Nearly six dollars a gallon for gas. This state is insane.”

Kaira filled the tank, and they got back on the road. As they headed north, they passed Bravoland, a roadside attraction. It reminded her of South of the Border on I-95 in South Carolina. Noah snapped a couple of pictures as they passed. They decided to stop in Stockton for the night. What should have been a five-hour drive had taken almost eight.

Noah insisted on stopping at the grocery store, which had a crashed ‘UFO’ on its roof. While there, they replenished their supply of snacks and drinks.

“Oh. My. God.” Noah laughed at whatever was on his screen.


He tapped his phone a few times. “Follow the directions.”

Kaira knew him well enough to trust his instincts. Following the automated voice, she pulled into a church parking lot.

“Noah, why are we at a church?”

Noah exited the SUV, stretched, and leaned his head back in. “Because there’s a miracle-scented Virgin Mary.”

Oh, good Lord.

The alcove housing the statue was accessible to the public. It was a bit of a letdown. The plain, white marble stood upon a dias, under which offerings had been placed.

“Rather plain, huh?” Kaira cocked her head.

“We should’ve brought some paint to spruce her up.” Noah grinned.

“You’re bad.”

“What? A rainbow Madonna would be nice!”

Kaira giggled as they snapped a couple of pictures before leaving. They found a hotel and decided not to venture out. In the elevator, Noah pointed at a flyer–Live Tonight! From Nashville–CHEATIN’ TACOS!

“Looks like we’re in for a concert.” Kaira laughed as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

The restaurant already had a good crowd, but they managed to snag the last table before a waitlist started. The band's stage was set up outside, and the terrace was packed. A low wall separated the dining room from the concert area. It wasn’t the best view of the stage, but their booth was far enough back that they wouldn’t have to yell.

A cute waiter approached and introduced himself as Rain. He handed them menus and the drink list and promised to return in a few minutes.

The food was basic all-American fare, but the drink menu had many options. When Rain returned, they gave him their order.

“I’ll have the Goldminer margarita, please,” Noah said.

Kaira glanced at the description. Damn, Noah would be six sheets to the wind by the time he finished that—an original margarita made with extra Jose Cuervo Gold.

“I think I’ll get an Orange Blossom margarita.” Kaira’s choice came with a double shot of orange liqueur dumped on top.

“Would you like Big, Bigger, or Biggest?” Rain asked.

“Biggest,” they answered in unison.

“Can we get the loaded nachos and some onion rings?” Noah giggled as he handed his menu back to Rain.

“Add in some jalapeno poppers, too.”

When Rain brought their drinks, their eyes widened. Biggest was an understatement. The glasses rivaled a standard goldfish bowl. Kaira was glad they didn’t have to drive.

The food and entertainment did not disappoint either. The loaded nachos were exactly as described—tons of chicken, jalapenos, pico de gallo, cheese, sour cream, and guacamole. The plate of onion rings was piled high, and the poppers came with a delicious, sweet dipping sauce to counteract the heat.

When the band got onstage, they had barely made a dent in the food. Country music rocked the enthusiastic audience. Kaira and Noah hooted and hollered with the rest of the crowd, even though they weren’t familiar with the music. The lower their fishbowls got, the louder they were. At one point, Kaira thought she saw a glimpse of someone who looked like Liam but chalked it up to alcohol consumption and an overactive imagination. She scanned the area as best she could the rest of the night but didn’t see him again.

Calling themselves tipsy was akin to calling the Great Salt Lake a pond. After the band’s final encore, they held each other up as they made their way to the elevator to wait their turn. It was a raucous ride, as the other guests were just as intoxicated.

Kaira managed to prop a giggling Noah against the wall while she waved the key card haphazardly in front of the door before remembering it needed to be inserted into the slot. Noah laughed at the loud buzz and click as the lock disengaged. Together, they stumbled across the threshold.

Immediately, Noah flopped on the closest bed and fumbled for his phone. Kaira’s limbs were too heavy to make it to the other bed, so she dropped onto the mattress beside her friend. Noah started laughing and couldn’t stop when Liam answered the video call. The Dom looked amused as he watched them cracking up.

“Did we have a good night?”

OH! DID WE EVER!” Noah’s shouting was unnecessary, and Kaira elbowed him.

“Oomphf. Hey! Thash not neffesairy. Necifairy. Nefarcify. Oh, fuck it.”

Liam’s laugh was rich and hearty. “I’m not even going to try and hold a conversation with you two.”

Kaira giggled. “I’m not drat thunk.”

That set Liam off even more.

“Shit.” Kaira shook her head to try to clear it.

Noah shoved his face in front of the screen. “We shaw a band. Dey’s called Che—mmphff.”

Kaira clapped a hand over Noah’s big mouth. Even in her drunken state, she knew better than to give Liam any clues to their whereabouts. “Shush.”

Noah swatted at her hand ineffectually.

“Good night, you naughty kids.”

“Gru night, Shir!”

Noah’s eyes fluttered shut, and he was out cold.

“Thanks for keeping him safe for me, Kaira.”

She was barely aware of his words as the phone slid from her grasp, and sleep pulled her under.

The following morning was rough, but it wasn’t the worst either of them ever experienced. Kaira winced as she sat up.

Noah opened one eye and quickly shut it. “I feel like your hair looks.”

She threw a pillow at him before padding barefoot to the bathroom. Damn. Her hair was a mess.

A couple of aspirin and two water bottles each put them on the road to recovery. They didn’t bother to stop at the continental breakfast the hotel offered. They craved more than bagels and pastries. Kaira swung into Lumberjack’s Lumberjack for some morning-after pancakes and bacon. An hour later, all was right in the world, and they had another postcard and a couple of photos standing in front of the tall fiberglass statue in front of the restaurant.

Sheepishly, Noah called Liam. His husband teased him over his antics the night before. Liam kept them company until they approached Sacramento. Traffic was heavier, and Kaira didn’t need any distractions.

They were almost two hours north of the state capitol when Noah needed to stop. While he was occupied, Kaira searched for their next roadside attraction. The giant green olive did not disappoint. After consulting the map, she decided it was worth it to continue onward, to add a giant orange to their collection of oversized oddity photos. Then, she had to backtrack to cut over to the coast.

Noah lamented the fact that it hadn’t rained in several days. He wanted to take the longer route around Whiskey Reservoir to see the infamous Glory Hole, but the lack of rain meant the water wasn’t high enough to spill into the concrete drain, creating a circular waterfall.

He had to settle for a stop at the oldest Chinese temple in America and posing in front of a rooster wearing a top hat. They were in Bigfoot country and passed several tall renditions of the beast. At a rest stop, Kaira took a picture of Noah standing next to one of them. She joked, “I wonder if Liam is related.”

Noah laughed. “If he is, then he didn’t inherit the hairy gene. He’s nowhere near what this guy is like.” They were still chortling as they got back on the road.

Kaira carefully navigated the switchbacks as they wound their way across the mountains along the northern coast. They made it to Crescent City safe and sound, where they stopped for the night, but not before making one last stop to smile with a giant Paul Bunyan and Babe.

Whenever Noah spoke with Liam, Kaira had the impression that the man was toying with them. She’d been extra vigilant since the concert when she thought she may have glimpsed him, but there had been no further sightings. She had to keep reminding herself that a six-foot-eight man was hard to hide.

Choosing the coastal route through Oregon meant putting in another grueling, long day, but it was totally worth it. Light traffic meant Noah was comfortable enough to take a few turns driving. The scenery was stunning, with wide swaths of sandy beaches studded with massive rock formations left standing after eons of wind and water hammering them. It was the perfect place for Noah to dip his toes into the icy Pacific.

They didn’t make many stops, but they saw plenty of sights. A picture of Charlie the tuna was a must, and Noah stopped to see Joe the sea lion and Sparky the Dragon, which was non-negotiable. Luckily, they were near each other.

Kaira insisted on visiting the Tillamook Cheese Factory because it gave away free cheese. From Tillamook, they left the Pacific behind them. They headed inland and reconnected with I-5. They wanted to detour to get a glimpse of Mt. St. Helens, but it was a typical Pacific Northwest winter day—rainy and cold. The sooner they got to Seattle, the better.

Arriving in Seattle after rush hour made it less stressful to find a hotel. They were coming down the homestretch, and Kaira had underestimated how long the trip actually was, considering all their stops. They would have to cut out some sightseeing or beg Liam for extra days. Neither option was preferable.

It was a task she would happily put off until tomorrow.


5 Down The Homestretch

“Have you ever had a threesome?”

Kaira laughed. “Does the cat watching us intently count?”

Noah shook his head. “No.”

“You know I'm not adventurous like you and Liam.”

Kaira and Noah had been trading ‘have you ever’ questions for most of the afternoon. They'd long since finished their song decades list and spent the day after leaving Seattle listening to original songs and their remakes. Some were amazing, others not so much.

They were tired of music and had spent the past two days either trading questions or in companionable silence.

“Have you ever wanted to be?”

“It's not your turn, Noah.”

Noah reached for his water bottle. “Just answer the question.”

“Sure, I wish I had been more adventurous in my life. There are a lot of things I wish I did differently.”

“Like what?” Noah popped a few chips in his mouth and crunched loudly.

“Like travel more. Like not get married so young.”

“How old were you? I think you told me once, but I forgot.”

Kaira held out her hand for some chips. “I was twenty-one. Jack and I got hitched two months after we graduated college. We were just kids. Back then, it was expected of you. I was raised thinking it was what everyone did. We didn't know any better.”

Noah brushed his hands on his jeans. “Is that why you broke up?”

“No, but it was part of the reason we split. We grew apart. It happened gradually. One day, we were fresh-faced nurses, and the next, we were jaded individuals. Did I ever tell you why we never had kids?”

Noah shook his head. “You don't have to. I know it's personal for a lot of people.”

Kaira shrugged. “It's not a secret. Jake wanted kids, and I didn't. I knew from a young age that I wasn't cut out to be a mother. I saw my mom age practically before my eyes. She got pregnant fourteen times, and only three of those ended in live births. They didn't know until after she had me that she had uterine abnormalities that contributed to all the miscarriages. I didn't want to go through anything like that. I told Jake upfront before we married, and he said it was fine. After 15 years, it wasn't. He knocked up another nurse, and the rest is history.”

“Aw, I'm so sorry.”

“Oh, don't be. I've been perfectly happy being single. Besides, Jake married the other woman, and they had four kids. At least he was able to create a legacy before he died.”

Noah fiddled with his shoulder strap. “It sucks that he died before seeing his kids grow up.”

“Yeah. Anyway, it's my turn. Have you ever topped Liam?”

“Oh my god!”

“Answer the question.”


“Why not?”

Noah's face was bright red when Kaira glanced over.

“I've never done that.”

“Not even with anyone else? How come?”

He shrugged. “I never wanted to. Liam offered when we first started dating, but it's not something I have any interest in. Besides, I Iike how he kinda gets feral when he gets horny.”

“So what are you saying? He goes all caveman when his Dommy-ness kicks into high gear?”

Noah giggled. Dommy-ness?“ I don’t think he’d call it that, but yeah, he can be pretty intense.”

“I only got that one glimpse of him at the crater, but let me tell you—if I were a gay man, I'd tap that.”

“Jesus. Has anyone told you you're crazy?”

“Yeah. You. Several times.”

“I'm not wrong.”

Kaira laughed.

Noah sipped his water. “My turn. Have you ever done anything sexual with another woman?”

“Yes.” Kaira gave him a sideways glance and zipped her lips.

“Oh, no. You are not leaving me hanging. Spill!”

She giggled. “It was in college. A fellow classmate and I were celebrating after a tough practicum test. We celebrated a little too much and ended up in bed. In a sixty-nine position.”

“Did you like it?”

“I don't remember the details, but I know we got each other off. It never happened again, nor did I ever desire to do it with anyone else.”

They tossed a few more questions and answers back and forth until they needed gas. Liam had agreed to let them extend their time. He pointed out that he would much rather them take their time and be safe. Kaira thought she detected a hint that he was appeasing them by stringing them along, but she couldn't be sure. It was a good thing, too. So far, the weather had been kind to them, but it was a close call traversing Montana when a major weather system slid by to the south. Temperatures, however, were another thing altogether. Kaira had never experienced negative windchill factors. She was not a fan.

Sticking to a schedule that allowed for a maximum of seven hours of driving, they approached Chicago four days and a dozen postcards later. Three more days and their epic adventure would come to a close.

Kaira was determined to enjoy every minute. Noah had been the perfect traveling companion. She hadn't laughed so much in her entire life. She felt privileged to see him transform from a shy, quiet sub to a somewhat boisterous, outgoing man. She hoped he was getting as much out of this trip as she was.

When they got to Chicago, Kaira wanted to experience the area’s famous deep-dish pizza. The front desk person at the hotel recommended a place a few blocks away, saying it was an easy walk. Exiting the hotel, they were blasted by a gust of wind that cut through to the bones. It was an easy choice to make a beeline for the SUV.

Deep-dish pizza lived up to its reputation. Noah lamented that the SUV didn’t have a fridge or microwave. He would have ordered enough pies to see them through until Maine if they did.

“Oof. I’m going to pop.” Noah undid his jean’s top button when they returned to their room.

Kaira was still trying to thaw from the brief walk from the parking lot to the lobby. “Why don’t you call your boo?”

“Oh, hell. Don’t let him hear you call him that.” Before making his call, Noah stepped into the bathroom to change into sweatpants. Kaira took her turn when he was done. She felt so much better wearing the baggy pants and an oversized t-shirt.

“Hi, Boo!” she called out as she passed Noah. He hit the speaker, and Liam’s laughter filled the room.

“You’re crazy. You know that?” the Dom asked.

“So I’ve been told a time or two. What have you been up to today?”

“Dodging snowflakes.”

The answer was vague. Snow flurries had accompanied them nearly every day since Montana. They hadn’t stopped at very many roadside attractions because of it. Kaira flopped on the bed next to Noah and scrutinized the small screen. It was apparent Liam was at a hotel. It wasn’t obvious which one. Most chains utilized similar decor at all their properties, and she became familiar with many of them on this trip.

Liam made it difficult by holding his phone close to his face, so not much of the room showed. It looked like the headboard was similar to the ones they had, but she couldn’t be sure.

“Mmm-hmm. That tells us a lot.” Kaira stared him down, but only got a shit-eating grin for her efforts.

“Would it help if I told you I had a burrito for dinner?”

Noah looked worried. “Have you been eating healthy, Sir?”

“Most days I have been, boy. Thank you for asking.”

Sighing, Noah bit his bottom lip. “I can’t wait to cook for you again. All those chemicals and preservatives aren’t good.”

“No.” Liam agreed. “Ten thousand years from now, archeologists will be digging up perfectly preserved bodies, and they’ll all be clutching their Twinkies.”

Kaira chortled. “It’s better than clutching their Ding Dongs.”

When they finally ceased laughing, Kaira blew Liam a kiss and headed down the hall to get some fresh ice and let the guys have a few moments of privacy. When she returned, Noah was watching a game show.

Two days later, they hit a major snag. A Nor’easter blew up the coast, creating havoc in all modes of transportation. They had to hole up in Albany for two nights until it cleared. They killed time watching movies. Kaira was thrilled when she found Lost Boys on one of her streaming subscriptions. The delay was annoying and it was a relief to get back on the road.

“Hey, Kaira?”

“What’s up?”

Noah had his face buried in his phone as they traveled across the Massachusetts Turnpike. “The Loop Road in Acadia is closed in the winter.”

“Ah, shit!”

“What do you want to do?”

They only had about six more hours of driving before reaching Bar Harbor. Kaira had reservations for two rooms at a cute B&B close to the water. As much as she hadn’t minded sharing a room with Noah, she looked forward to a little solitude.

“Is the whole park closed, or just the Loop road?”

“Just the Loop road. It looks like we can get to Seal Harbor. There’s a parking area there.”

“Okay. That’s what we’ll have to do—meet Liam there tomorrow morning.”

Kaira pushed through the rest of the way with two stops—one for gas and an extra restroom break. The bed and breakfast was absolutely charming. It was an old Victorian home with round turrets and gingerbread flashing. A wide, wrap-around porch added to the charm.

Their hosts were a young couple who had bought the house six years ago and converted it into a B&B. A smiling Golden Retriever greeted them at the door.

“Hi! Come on in, out of the cold. I’m Brock. Welcome!” The jovial man gestured for them to enter while nudging the tail-wagging dog out of their way. “Drop your bags and head down the hall to the kitchen. Darla has some snacks if you’d like.”

The kitchen was bright and airy. Weirdly, the modern appliances meshed well with the old farmhouse decor.

Darla looked up from putting the final touches on a charcuterie board. “Hi there! You must be Kaira and Noah. Welcome. Please have a seat. Can I get you something to drink? I have coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. If you prefer something cold, there’s lemonade or soda.”

Kaira and Noah chose hot chocolate, which seemed appropriate for a cold winter afternoon. They chatted with their hosts while they enjoyed the indulgent treat.

When they were done, Brock said, “I’ll show you to your rooms. I’ve already brought your bags up. You’re the only guests staying in the main house. We have another person booked in, but they’re in the Carriage House. They messaged me that they won’t be here in time for dinner.”

“Speaking of dinner. It’ll be ready at six. We’ll eat in here, seeing as it’s just the four of us.” Darla shooed her husband when he tried to steal a meatball from the tray on the stove.

Their rooms were large and clean. Each had its own en suite, complete with old-fashioned claw foot tubs.

Kaira grinned when she saw it. “I know how I’m spending my afternoon.”

Byron chuckled. “There’s an assortment of bath bombs and bubbles under the sink. Feel free to use whatever you’d like.”

Twenty minutes later, vanilla-scented steam rose from the deep tub, and Kaira sunk into the blissful heat. After nearly three weeks on the road, she needed this. An hour later, she was sufficiently relaxed. After drying off, she pulled on a pair of yoga pants and an oversized sweatshirt three sizes too big. A giant UFO and alien adorned the front. Noah bought it for her at the crater’s gift shop.

Dinner was simple, but delicious. Darla made spaghetti and meatballs with homemade sauce, and a warm apple cobbler rounded out the meal. Afterward, they excused themselves, as they wanted to be up early. When Noah spoke to Liam, they arranged to meet at the parking lot near Seal Harbor right after the park opened at eight o’clock. Kaira could tell Noah was eager to see his husband in the flesh.

The following morning dawned sunny and frigid. Noah trembled with excitement. Darla had fixed them some coffee to go. It was a twenty-minute ride to the park entrance and another ten minutes to find the right lot. When they arrived, a salt-covered black Dodge Durango was already in the lot.

Kaira parked a few spaces away and shut off the engine. The Durango’s driver opened his door, and in a flash, Noah was out of the SUV and running toward his man.

“Sir!” He leaped the last few feet, and Liam caught him. Noah’s legs wrapped around his husband’s waist like one of those wrist-snap bracelets that were so popular a few years ago. Their mouths fused, and the heat those two generated guaranteed there was no way in hell any ice could form.

Kaira couldn't help but think when you love someone so deeply, your soul sings. Liam and Noah's love sang loud and clear.

She stayed put and scrolled through her phone. It was too cold to stand outside. A few minutes later. Liam knocked on her window. She stepped out and immediately had to crane her neck to look up at him.

“Christ. No one will ever mistake you for an Oompa Loompa, will they?”

Liam laughed as he picked her up in a bear hug.

Noah, of course, took a few pictures.

“Let’s go find somewhere to eat breakfast, eh?” Liam extended his hand to Noah.

“We passed a diner on the way here. It’s on the left, a couple of miles before the park entrance. I’ll meet you there.” Kaira knew Noah was riding with Liam from here on out.

During the meal, Noah and Kaira caught Liam up with their antics on the road. They kept some conversations to themselves, but laughter was the main theme.

“So where to next?” Liam asked.

Kaira sighed. “I’ve got another few days of driving to get back to Florida. I think I’ll need another week to recuperate. These bones and joints don’t handle long trips like they used to.”

“You’re not leaving today, are you?” Noah sounded almost panicked.

“No. I have another night booked at the B&B. I’ll get a head start in the morning.”

Liam cleared his throat. “Why don’t you stay with us for a few days instead? I’ll cover having your SUV sent back to Jacksonville, and you can fly home.”

“I can’t let you do that. I don’t want to impose. You haven’t seen each other in almost three weeks. You don’t need me around.”

“I insist. It’s too dangerous this time of year to do that I-95 corridor. It’s the least I can do to thank you for taking such good care of Noah.”

Noah’s eyes silently pleaded with Kaira.

“Fine. Three days. That’s all you get. You know what they say—houseguests and fish start to stink after three days.”

Liam stuffed a bite of pancake in his mouth and grinned. Noah pumped his fist in the air and then excused himself to use the restroom.

Kaira pinned Liam with a stare as soon as he was out of earshot.

“You caught up to us in California, didn't you?”


“I thought so. Why didn't you end the hide-and-seek game then?”

“I was going to. You must have known you couldn’t stay hidden forever. Then I saw you at that church with the Virgin Mary statue. As you walked back to your car, the two of you started laughing. I saw Noah throw his head back, and he had such a look of pure joy on his face. At that moment, I knew you were giving him something I couldn't.”


“The gift of your friendship.”



Postcards to Liam

Manatee Viewing Center- Dear Liam, What have I done? I miss you already. Kaira seems nice. I wish you were here.

Johnny Donutseed- Dear Liam, I’m thinking about you a lot. I’m nervous about this trip but excited too. I love you.

America’s Tallest Shaft- Dear Liam, How’s this for a shaft? Haha! Kaira is crazy- but in a good kind of way. Miss you lots!

Giant Igloo Cooler- Dear Liam, We found a cooler big enough for your lunch. LOL. Love you and miss you!

The Thing- Dear Liam, The scenery has been out of this world. Literally. Aliens have taken over. I think Kaira’s been possessed. I’ve decided she’s certifiable. I wish you were here.

Meteor Crater- Dear Liam, Wow! This was so cool! Seeing you was even better, even if you didn’t recognize me. I love you.

Grand Canyon- Dear Liam, I have no words to describe the feeling of insignificance as I stood at the edge of this immense canyon. It made me realize that our time here is less than a nanosecond and we should make the most of it. Thank you for letting me do this. I love you.

Egghead Stonehenge- Dear Liam, Weird doesn’t even begin to describe this state. Even Kaira thinks the people here are whack jobs. The traffic is insane and gnomes shouldn’t be allowed to wear sunglasses. It’s creepy. I hope you’re careful if you come this way. I miss you.

Blackwell’s Corner- Dear Liam, This place is a reminder to hold close those we love. They can be gone all too soon. I can’t wait to see you again. I am having a lot of fun though. I love you.

Miracle Scented Virgin Mary- Dear Liam, Hangovers suck. I miss you.

Lumberjack’s Lumberjack- Dear Liam, I just realized that I should be addressing you as “Sir”. I apologize. But this feels more intimate in a way. It’s hard to explain. I love you, Sir.

Sparky the Dragon- Dear Liam, Kaira says ‘hi’. We’ve almost made it up the West Coast. I’m having so much fun, but I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon. I miss you a lot.

Chicago Skyline- Dear Liam, Kaira is definitely nuts. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard. Today we discussed what items belong in a swag bag for a gay Dom convention. We settled on butt plug keychains, pens with a mini-flogger on the end that has rainbow tails, glow-in-the-dark condoms, and a penis Pez dispenser that shoots out white candy shaped like sperm. I wish you were here. Love you!

The Great Lakes- Dear Liam, Only a few more days. I miss you so much. I miss the dogs too. Even their shedding. Kaira looks tired. I drove whenever there wasn’t traffic, but that hasn’t been the case for a few days. I can’t wait to see you!

Bar Harbor, Maine- Dear Liam, Thank you for allowing me to take this trip. I feel high without the drugs. We’ve seen so many amazing places. I’d love to do another trip but with you by my side. I want you in my future forever.

Love, Noah

Copyright © 2024 Secret Author; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Whoa. I laughed my way through this one. Unlike some other commenters, I didn't focus on Noah and Liams relationship. I felt it was more of just background information to the plot. The real deal was the friendship that blossomed between Noah and Kiara. 

Those two are the ultimate friendship goals. 

I would love to do a road trip like this someday and include Canada too.

Amazing job Secret Aurhor!

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On 7/28/2024 at 5:03 AM, Gary L said:

A very distinctive story, a wild road-trip with a sub on leave from his dom, and a straight woman.   Very good story with a great epilogue.    Nicely done.

Thanks Gary!

The epilogue, for whatever reason,  was a last minute addition. I'm glad I thought of it. It felt right. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 6:24 AM, chris191070 said:

A wonderful story about a Dom, his sub and a straight woman.

A wild road trip with the sub and the straight woman. After an argument between the Dom and his Sub.

Thanks for reading Chris!  You're right... it was pretty wild. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 7:17 AM, Mancunian said:

Starting with an argument between a Dom and his Sub this story transforms into a story about love, fun and self-exploration with a game of hide-and-seek as the backdrop. It looks like Kaira and Noah had a lot of fun on this road trip and I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to do that. Liam, the Sub in the story, enjoyed the freedom to have fun and experience independence with Kaira, his straight friend, helping him become more grounded. This never detracted from his love for Liam, his Dom, it added to the appreciation of the relationship he has proving that absence often does make the heart grow fonder of what you have. Liam was outfoxed for a while but then he did catch up, instead of rushing in and claiming Noah, who is more than his Sub and prize he is his much-loved partner, he stays in the background watching and taking delight in Noah's fun. The excitement and love at their re-union is beautiful and will probably strengthen their relationship. While I don't understand the dynamics of a Dom/Sub relationship I do know about love, and that is what this well-written story is about.

The dynamics of  D/s relationship aren't any different from any other relationship... there's just a different set of rules and expectations, and even that is different from one relationship to another. 

This was primarily a story about friendship. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 8:27 AM, Cane23 said:

I've never been too much into D/S especially in some smut (closer to porn) writings where violence and humiliation dominate. Nevertheless, when author finds the fine distinction between d/s relationship built on trust versus brutality, result can be amazing story. This is one of those stories.

This beautiful adventure, on-road story brings, not only the victory of love, but importance of friendship too. Kaira takes Noah on a cross-country trip, to help him gain some self-confidence and regain trust in his Dom partner. At the same time Liam, the Dom, in a game of chase after his husband, remembers the basic rules of their relationship and love he feels for Noah. 

I've enjoyed this journey very much, bravo secret author! 

This was never meant to be a story about D/s relationships. Very few involve brutality. They all require an incredible level of trust.  

The adventure that Kaira and Noah undertook was meant to be fun and I think they succeeded. 

Thanks for reading! 

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On 7/28/2024 at 8:46 AM, CincyKris said:

This is my favorite, so far!  I loved the road trip that allowed Noah to see the country.  I think he gained some confidence and his relationship with Liam will be stronger.  I also think Liam will re-prioritize and appreciates Noah more.  Kaira got a much needed break in her routine and strengthened her friendship with both men.  I have a strong guess on the author!

I know you figured it out pretty quick. I expect nothing less from an original Krew member. Thanks for coming along for the ride! 

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On 7/28/2024 at 8:50 AM, lawfulneutralmage said:

@CassieQ! This beautiful tale wants a comment from you, *wink*, *wink*...

So wrong.

Angry Season 2 GIF by Paramount+

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On 7/28/2024 at 9:09 AM, Mikiesboy said:

This was so much fun. It was a hoot across the U.S., and Liam's final remark was very touching. Thanks, Secret Author!

I'm sooo glad you were with me every step of the way. Literally hahaha!

Liam is a pretty smart guy. 😉


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On 7/28/2024 at 9:25 AM, kbois said:

What's with the damn cats!? Is there a hidden hidden theme?

That aside, this was a fun story with lots of laughs. There aren't too many people I'd ever want to take a road trip like this with without wanting to throw them out of the moving car at some point. Lol

Thanks secret author!

You and I think so much alike!

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On 7/28/2024 at 10:03 AM, drsawzall said:

Not my scene at all but enjoyed the dynamics of this story and as @Mancunian and others pointed out, love is love for all of us who comprise a world of many flavors...well done and I do have a thought as to who the author is by a clue that described a location...

Which location gave me away? It was the bar where Cheatin' Tacos was playing, wasn't it?


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On 7/28/2024 at 10:20 AM, CassieQ said:

As someone who is going to Tybee Island for a vacation in September,  reading a story with a shark attack in the second paragraph was...uh...interesting.  But aside from that, I loved this story.  I love the writing,  the style, the dynamic between the characters, basically everything about this.  A superb story, Secret Author!

Sorry about the Tybee Island reference. Hope you enjoy your vacation shark-free!

I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading! 

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On 7/28/2024 at 10:23 AM, W_L said:

So much plot going on, weird imaginative characters, and an individual journey through the surreal. You need to be ready for an adventure, but it's a nice read.

Weird doesn't even begin to describe these nutjobs... haha. 

Thanks for reading! 

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On 7/28/2024 at 12:22 PM, Cane23 said:

Reading for the second time! This is...just...beautiful!


Friendship is a true gift. My real life Noah gas become a good friend. Thanks for your comments!

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On 7/28/2024 at 12:44 PM, BentedWreath said:

This is the first story with more length and I am here for it! I'm so glad it was posted on a lazy Sunday because I was sucked in from the first few paragraphs. That they were friends from the forum was a fun surprise and the characters were written so well they felt real. Excellently written. 

Thank you!  I try to give my characters as much life and personality as I can. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 12:45 PM, Mikiesboy said:

It is. Very much so. Friends should be cherished like nothing else.

Even the crazy ones!

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5 minutes ago, kbois said:

I promise if he ever runs away, I'll bring him back. 

  Reveal hidden contents

Relatively unscathed. 

Thanks for reading!

he's not much of a runner, but if he ever does, I'll know where he's heading. 
It's a good story. Congrats. 

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On 7/28/2024 at 1:39 PM, Bill W said:

As I started reading, I wasn't sure what to expect.  The talk of what happened at the hospital and then the sudden appearance of Noah had me wondering where the story was going.  Then with the mention of Liam and his Dom/Sub relationship with Noah I was even more confused, probably because I don't understand those types of relationships.  However, once Kaira and Noah started out on their trip playing hide-and-seek with Liam, I have to admit that I haven't laughed and smiled so much while reading a story, at least not in many years.  Their stops at roadside attractions reminded me of vacations I went on when I was younger and I didn't realize so many of those types of attractions were still around.  I cringed a little when they ran into Liam in Arizona, although he didn't recognize them at the time, or did he?  Had he also recognize them when they were having dinner while listening to that country band? 

I was able to closely identify with some of the places they stopped at along the way, since I'd been there as well, and when they got to the B&B and were told that another guest had booked the Carriage House, I immediately suspected it might be Liam.  Oh, and I'm still trying to figure out who Byron is.  :gikkle:  Anyway, the story ended up on a happy note when Noah and Liam were reunited, and I'm hoping it remains that happy.  In the epilogue, I found it interesting how Noah had written messages to Liam on the postcards he'd purchased at the different locations they'd stopped at.  It showed how deeply he loved Liam, even after Liam's unforgiveable breech of trust in their relationship.  It was a great and fun story and the Secret Author is to be commended.     :heart:  :hug:

I'm glad you could see that the story went beyond what people perceive a relationship should be. Noah and Liam are in love. Plain and simple. 

Kaira and Noah have a much more meaningful friendship for all their shared experiences.  

Thanks for reading and commenting! 

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On 7/28/2024 at 11:28 PM, centexhairysub said:

What a great story, this had it all.  I loved the characters, the writing, the idea behind it, just everything.


Thanks so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! 

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On 7/29/2024 at 11:41 AM, Mrsgnomie said:

I was a little apprehensive about the D/s but it was very well written and hit on the emotional relational side quite well (I think). I’m pretty sure Kaira was a Dom the way she bossed poor Noah around lol. I think she needs a few more cats n her life to keep her in her own lane 😂😂. It was a fun adventure and a happy reunion at the end. Good job secret author. 

Kaira is a beautiful soul who only had Noah's best interests at heart. 

No one needs cats. 

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On 7/29/2024 at 4:55 PM, Lee Wilson said:

I think there were two authors. One was definitely Google. Nobody would know all those attractions. Wait! Are they all even real?

Yes they're all real. You can find them all here:

Roadside America


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On 7/30/2024 at 11:03 AM, Headstall said:

Despite how it started, this was an amusing tale, and an adventure all of us could enjoy... and I did most thoroughly. Great job, author. Cheers!

Thanks Gary! I appreciate you reading the story!

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:08 AM, Thirdly said:

I was kind of worried where this may have been heading, considering Noah began by fleeing, but I'm super relieved it led to the open road. From the moment they mentioned the largest ball of rubber bands, my Disney-brainwashed mind immediately started singing "On the Open Road" from A Goofy Movie. Either way, it was a fun read!

page front GIF

Oh no... please tell me you're not one of those mouse-worshippers. 

Glad you enjoyed it!

  • Haha 4
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