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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Ticklish Brotherhood - 6. More Brotherly Bonding & Meeting Another New Friend

"Damn, it feels like we've stepped back in time," Anthony said when he entered the ice cream shop. "Nothing's changed in here. There's still the black and white checkerboard floor and the pastel pink and blue and white colors on the chairs, tables, and counter tops."

Sam Bledsoe stopped wiping down the bar when he heard the ding-dong of the doorbell. He smiled as his grey eyes lit up and sparkled when he saw who walked in. The slim, salt-and-pepper-haired man came out from behind the counter and said, “The same guy's behind the counter, too, young man.”

“Sammy,” Aiden and Anthony excitedly hollered as they ran up and hugged the older attendant.

“I haven't seen you guys since you left town. How are two of my favorite boys doing?” Sam asked.

“We’re great, and Aiden, Pappy, Mattie, and I are moving back home,” Anthony said.

Aiden noticed his brother did not mention James. He glanced at Mikey, then nodded when they locked eyes, and his brother mouthed later. “How's Pop,” he asked, hugging the forty-five-year-old.

“He's great. Turned the shop over to me five years ago and retired with Ma to Hawaii,” Sam said. He hugged Dakota and Mikey, who squirmed and giggled when he tickled the younger brunette's sides while hugging him.

“Hey, you didn’t tickle Kota, Ant, or Aiden.”

“They didn’t ask for tickles like you did,” Sam replied, smirking.

“Neither did I.”

“Yes, you did, Mikey. You always do. You and wanting tickles are like an ice cream sundae and hot fudge. One's not complete without the other.” Sam giggled when Anthony, Dakota, and Aiden chuckled and nodded in agreement with his analogy. Mikey giggled and blew a raspberry at him as he got behind the counter and started taking orders.

Dakota ordered the shop’s bacon cheeseburger topped with barbecue sauce, fries, a Dr. Pepper, and a sundae for after the burger. Mikey took a breath, and before he could speak, Anthony tickled his sides, making him squeal and laugh while glaring at his brother. Aiden ordered a Root Beer float and banana split sundae to eat when his brothers ate theirs. Mikey started to order again, but Dakota tickled his pit hollows. Anthony giggled and ordered the same thing as Aiden but added peanut butter cups to his sundae. On Mikey’s third attempt to order, Aiden tickled his hips.

“What's wrong, Mikey,” Sam asked, chuckling. “You don't usually have this much trouble placing your order.”

Mikey started to order. He stopped and stared at his mate and brothers, leaning on the bar, laughing like hyenas. He finally succeeded in placing his order, a bacon cheeseburger with extra pickles, mayo, barbecue sauce, bacon cheddar onion rings, a Pepsi, and the same dessert as Anthony, except he wanted extra hot fudge on his sundae.

“We love our Mikey,” Dakota said. He wrapped his arms around his husband and lifted the shorter man off the floor in a bear hug.

Mikey giggled as he wrapped his arms around his mate's neck and his legs around his waist. “I love you and my brothers, too,” he said.

The four young men sat side-by-side at the counter and chatted while waiting for the burgers and the floats.

“Growing up, was Mikey really as mischievous as everyone’s said he was,” Dakota asked after sipping his soft drink.

Anthony and Aiden glanced at each other before bursting with laughter as they nodded. Their laughter increased when Mikey attempted to pout and look hurt but couldn’t make it last more than a few seconds before giggling.

“This little boy at heart,” Aiden said, reaching across his birth brother, ruffling his brunette sibling’s hair, “brought the light back to Anthony’s eyes.”

Mikey blushed and buried his head in Anthony’s chest.

“Aid’s right, baby bro,” Anthony said, grinning as he cuddled his brother and tickled the back of his neck.

Mikey jumped and squeaked before squirming and giggling. “No fair making Mikey giggle like a little boy,” he squealed.

“Can’t help it, babe,” Dakota said, kissing the right side of his husband’s head, “you’re just too adorable and giggly.”

“Kota... May I call you Kota,” Anthony asked.

“As long as I can call you Antboy,” Dakota said.

Anthony's midsection arched forward a second before he squirmed and giggled when the half-Cherokee reached over and tickled his back. “I'm sooo getting you back, big bro,” he playfully threatened. His blue eyes sparkled when he saw the love that flowed between his Mikey and brother-in-law.

"Here's your burgers and fries, boys," Sam announced as he placed the plates in front of his long-term customers. "For the double A-team, some bacon cheddar onion rings... On the house."

“Thanks, Sam,” the four young men said.

“Damn, I forgot how amazingly delicious these rings are,” Aiden moaned after taking a bite of the cheesy fried treat.

“Back to your question, Kota,” Anthony said after sipping his drink. “The day I met my Super Mikey, he was nine…”

“Closer to ten,” Mikey childishly whined, cutting off his brother and causing everyone’s amused laughter.

Anthony playfully smacked Mikey's head and continued, “As I said, Mikey was... NINE. I was ten, going to a brand new school, and my two best friends at the time were at a different school. I was really nervous that I wouldn't make any friends. Pappy Tony did his best to cheer me up and make me feel more confident, and he tickled me, knowing that always worked…”

“Still does,” Aiden said. He squirmed and giggled when he got tickled on his sides for butting in.

Dakota loved watching the playful antics and brotherly dynamic. Through their bond, he felt how complete his mate’s heart was having his brothers with him.

“Anyway,” Anthony exaggeratedly stated, “Pappy tickled me to get me giggling and happy about the new school. After he did that, this adorably cute and giggly brown-haired boy came up and said, ”It looked like my dad gave great tickles." Then he said his name was Mikey and that he was also ticklish and loved being tickled. From that day, Mikey and I became inseparable. Pappy Tony and Gamma Cat always said that we shared half of the same heart, and that heart was made whole when we met."

“Kota, Anthony was always a loving and playfully tickle-scheming boy. However, when his platonic mate came along, he was even more mischievous because with Mikey supporting him, he had the confidence to reach his potential,” Aiden said, giggling.

“I can already feel my angel’s heart has become whole, but it’s a different sense of completion than when he’s around his Carter/Knight brothers.”

“Our baby bro loves all of his brothers unconditionally, but the brotherhood knows and accepts that he’s emotionally closest to me and Aiden,” Anthony said, gently rubbing Mikey’s back.

“I've been wondering something,” Dakota said after finishing his burger and fries. “If you and Jordan are the oldest in this brotherhood, why did Adam tell me he wasn't used to having a big brother when we met?”

“Adam was close to his thirteenth birthday when he and Mikey met us,” Aiden said. “In the beginning, Adam considered me and my twin Jordan to be his big brothers,” Aiden paused as he and his brothers thanked him when Sam brought them their sundaes. "However, after doing a genealogy project at school, we discovered that Adam and Mikey are our cousins. Their surrogate mom was Great Uncle Ben's daughter, whom he never knew existed until the project. Adam stopped calling us his older brothers and saw me and Jordy as cousins, but he continued calling Jayce his brother. However, I think it had more to do with his age and the perception of our literal relation than how he actually felt about me and Jordy."

“He’s also been jealous and a bit too possessive when it came to Mikey and our branch of the brotherhood,” Anthony said.

“Don’t go there, little bro,” Aiden firmly ordered.

“It's okay, Aid,” Mikey said. “Adam was jealous and possessive, but he's mellowed out. As for me, I was younger and have always considered Aidenator, Jordy, Jayce, and Antboy my big brothers,” Mikey proudly said.

Sam smiled when he got hugs and kisses on his cheek as the brothers said goodbye and left the shop.

When they were back at the library and standing by their vehicles, Dakota asked, “Are you three going back to the house?”

Mikey smiled when his husband stood behind him with his arms draped over his shoulders, then squealed, giggled, and squirmed as Dakota gently nibbled on the left side of his neck. “Yeah, we've got some catching up to do,” he said when the giggles subsided.

Anthony jumped and doubled over laughing when his brother kneaded his sides and stomach, “No fair, Aid,” he cried out.

Dakota placed his hands on his brothers' shoulders and said, “If you go to the property where your home was, please be careful and watch each other's backs. I have bad feelings about that spot.”

“We’ll be careful, Dakota,” Aiden said as he pulled the slightly shorter, younger man into a strong, loving bear hug and kissed his cheek.

Dakota looked between the older and younger birth siblings, then in a lowered volume, said, "Ant, Aiden, I know you're older than Mikey, but I'd appreciate it if you follow his lead when you're in your old land. I've had troubling visions of events that may or may not come to pass. That's part of why, after I leave here, I'm going for a session with my parent's best friend, Chaunaugh Malloy. She's an experienced Wiccan High-Priestess with extensive knowledge in Cherokee Shamanistic powers and healing, and training me to combine and wisely use the natural gifts bestowed upon me by my parents so that I can become a High-Priest and Shaman."

“Kota, what happens in the visions,” Anthony asked.

“I’m not willing to reveal that right now, Anthony, and before you ask, Mikey doesn’t know what they are either.”

Aiden and Anthony looked at one another and then Dakota before hugging their newly acquired brother, saying, “We’ll defer to Mikey and protect each other with our lives, Dakota.”

“Mikey, if you feel any dangerous vibes, I want you and your brothers to get home immediately. Also, you need to wear the wolf's head pendant while there,” Dakota said.

“You have my solemn promise, my brave warrior.”

“After the session with Chaunaugh and checking in at Barefoot, I’ll be home.”

"Be safe, Kota-Bear. I love you," Mikey said as he hugged and kissed his husband.

"Love ya more, baby boy," Dakota said as he hugged and kissed his mate and brothers, then got in his SUV and left the parking lot.

Mikey hugged and kissed his brothers before getting into his Corvette and driving home with his brothers following him in their truck.


"Hey, the monkey bars are free," Raven exclaimed, and ran towards the metal object.

Airen giggled at the other boy's excitement and was right behind him. They sat at a nearby tree and removed their shoes. "Raver, we've got matching socks," he said with a grin.

Raven loved the crooked smile on his new friend's face and gasped when he saw they were wearing the same socks. "You're right, Airey," he said, giggling. He squealed and wriggled, and his toes curled in the thin fabric when Airen's fingernail lightly scratched the Dalmatian's nose, which happened to be in the center of the ball of his foot.

"The puppy's nose was itchy. Flounder told me so," Airen said. He giggled and quickly kissed Raven's nose when his friend playfully growled at him.

Raven giggled, shook his head and asked, "Flounder?"

The slightly shorter boy giggled and nodded.

"I like it, Flounder it is."

Airen's right arch was on the first rung of the ladder. He paused, then turned and looked at his companion, "I've got an idea," he said.

"What's your idea?"

"Let's see who can get the farthest across while being tickled."

Raven's eyes lit up, then smiled, "I love it," he said, and asked, "Any rules?"

"Nope, unless you can think of any."

"I can't think of any either."

Airen climbed the rest of the way and hung from the first bar. Raven grinned as he let his buddy get to the next one before tickling the back of his thighs. The high-pitched giggles flowed from the boys as the hanging one tried evading the tickles and grabbed the next bar.

Mickey was reading and heard squeals and giggles. He looked around for the source, and smiled when he saw his friend, Raven, tickling another boy and ran over to join them.

"Betcha, this will get ya to let go, Airey," Raven said as he wrapped his arm around Airen's ankles and tickled the suspended sock-clad soles.

In seconds, the squealing laughter poured from Airen's mouth, and another second later, he let go. He would've landed on his butt, but a taller blonde-haired boy moved quickly and wrapped his arms around his upper legs, allowing him to land safely on his feet.

"Mickey," Raven hollered. He waited until Airen was out of the way, then tackled his older friend.

The light and dark-haired boys laughed and squealed as they rolled around, tickling each other until the older one pinned his giggly attacker. Airen giggled as he watched the playful duo.

Mickey hugged Raven, got to his feet, and helped the other boy off the ground. "How's my Raver boy," he asked.

Raven squealed when his friend trapped him in a choke hold, giving him a noogie. He squirmed like crazy, laughing like a hyena while his sock-clad feet kicked the ground when his sides were tickled. "I'm great, Mickster," he said when the giggles subsided.

"Who's your friend with the giggles as adorable as yours?"

Airen blushed and curled into himself as an excited Raven grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the older blonde boy.

"This is another bestest friend," Raven proudly exclaimed. "I met him this morning. Mickey, we both love tickling and, and we're wearing the same socks."

"Whoah, slow down, brave warrior boy," Mickey said while giggling. "Ya need to breathe, and you forgot to tell me his name."

Raven smacked his forehead, causing the other boys to giggle and shake their heads. "He's Airen Playful Otter Blackhawk."

"Hi, M...Mickey," Airen sheepishly said. His arm was extended for a handshake.

As soon as he looked at the younger brunette, Mickey felt drawn to the boy. Then, with his signature smile and boyish giggles, he asked, "How about instead of shaking hands, you give me the most incredibly, awesometastically, out of this worldly Airen hug."

That was all it took to make the shy boy's eyes sparkle and brighten. He smiled, wrapped his arms around Mickey, and gave the older boy his most heartfelt hug.

"Wow! Your hug feels like the ones my daddies give. They put all their love and protectiveness into them."

Airen looked up into the sparkling eyes of the taller boy, "You've got two daddies, like Raver," he asked.

"Yeppers. In fact, you look like you could be a younger version of my Daddy, Dakota Buckingham-Carter. He added Carter, which is my Daddy Mikey's last name. Daddy Kota's half Cherokee and half Irish."

Hearing the name and Mickey's daddy's mixed heritage sparked something in Airen's mind.

"Hey, Airey, Mickey's just as ticklish as we are," Raven said, giggling like the little boy he is.

"Don't listen to him, Airen," Mickey said while he giggled and squirmed without being touched. "Mickey's soooo totally not ticklish. Nope, nope, not ticklish at all."

Airen and Raven chuckled as they shared a look before tackling the older boy. Mickey squealed and laughed as he wrestled with the other boys and squirmed when they pinned him down.

"Are his feet ticklish," Airen asked.

"Nope, no way... Nuh-uh... Mickey's feet are sooo definitely not ticklish," Mickey said between the flowing giggles.

The giggly Native American boys pulled their captive's sneakers off as their fingernails lightly scribbled across the pink and green polka-dotted sock-clad soles. Not even a second later, the trapped boy's howling, high-pitched, boyish laughter flowed into the tickling duo's ears.

"Mickey's still not ticklish," the blonde boy hollered. His laughter became more boisterous when his socks were removed, and his soft, bare soles and toes were tickled. His endurance gave out a minute later, "Okay... I give... Uncle... Mickey's extremely ticklish," he admitted through the laughs. He panted and continued giggling as the boys replaced his socks and shoes before giving him a double-sided hug.

"You two are awesome. Thanks for the amazing tickles," he said.

Airen and Raven blushed. They thanked Mickey for playing with them just before the bell rang. The trio shared another hug, then separated.

I love these guys. Watching them bond and seeing their love for each other is really awesome for me.

Hope @chris191070 @akascrubber @Paladin @Greg @BoyLove and everyone else who's taken the time to read this story enjoys the new chapter. I'm very grateful to everyone who's read, reacted, and commented on this and my other stories.

Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

They make a wonderful brotherhood, full of love and tickles for each other.

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32 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

They make a wonderful brotherhood, full of love and tickles for each other.

Yeah, they do, @chris191070.

I loved creating Sam and I was giggling like crazy when I heard the analogy he came up with. 

I'm also glad that I decided to give Mickey, Raven, and Airen more page time. The scene at the monkey bars was just too adorable. Mickey was awesome and already demonstrating his natural protective, playful, and loving big brother instincts. 

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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More fun tickling with old and new friends. Dakota’s warning about the property seems like foreshadowing something dangerous to come.

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1 hour ago, VBlew said:

More fun tickling with old and new friends. Dakota’s warning about the property seems like foreshadowing something dangerous to come.

@VBlew Me? Create danger foreshadowing? I'm shocked you'd think I'd do that. Hehe

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Posted (edited)

Tickling is so loving in this brotherhood it's impossible to imagine any of them not being ticklish.

More concern being expressed about the old land containing dangers. Hmm will they manage to stay out of trouble?

Edited by Paladin
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9 hours ago, Paladin said:

Tickling is so loving in this brotherhood it's impossible to imagine any of them not being ticklish.

More concern being expressed about the old land containing dangers. Hmm will they manage to stay out of trouble?

Mikey, stay out of trouble? @Paladin You have met him, right? :rofl:

I love how well John's characters blended with my boys. They have enough similar qualities while managing to keep their own unique personalities. 

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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