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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Ticklish Brotherhood - 8. Finding A Family Connection

After the cookies cooled, they were put in a container for later. The Bakers decided to treat their new foster son to the ice cream shop.

Florence joined the line of cars parked along the curb. Then she and Walter got out and chatted with the other parents waiting for their children.

"Mama Flo, Papa Walt, it's great to see you two."

The older couple turned toward the speaker and smiled as they each got a hug and kiss on their cheeks from a fair-skinned younger brunette male.

"How are you, John?"

"I'm great, Papa," John Paxton replied. He jumped and giggled when the older man tickled his left side. "Watch it, old man," the twenty-eight-year-old said between his giggles.

"Old man? I'll take ya down with both hands tied behind my back, youngin," Walter shot back with a boyish grin.

"Alright, you two," Florence admonished the overgrown boys at heart but still giggled at their antics. "How's Chance getting along," she asked.

John excused himself as he turned his head and sneezed. "Ugh, allergies," he exclaimed with a nasal quality to his voice. "Chance is getting back to his old self. I'll let him know you asked about him."

"We've both been worried about you boys. Maria's passing has been hard on everyone who knew her, especially you two."

"I remember Mama telling me the three of you were best friends since elementary school, and Chance said you've always been a second set of parents to him. Of which, I'm grateful for and also thankful you two are an important part of my life."

"In our hearts, you and Chance are our boys," Florence said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"We've just temporarily taken in a boy about Raven's age," Walter said.

"That's wonderful, what's his name?"

"Airen Playful Otter Blackhawk," Florence responded. "I think it'd be nice to let the boys get to know each other."

"I don't suppose you and Chance are ready or willing to adopt another boy so Raven will have a brother?"

John chuckled. "Your timing's impeccable, Papa, because we discussed that a couple of nights ago, and we both want some more time to heal from the loss before taking on such a huge responsibility. However, I love the idea of getting the boys together." He snapped his fingers and brightly smiled. "Hey, I've got a cool thought."

Walter snickered and said, "So, that's the smoke I saw coming from your ears." He giggled while ducking his wife's attempted head swat and yelped when John playfully slapped his arm. "Hey, that's elder abuse, young man."

"Puhlease," John said, drawing out the word, "everyone knows you deserve what you get." He giggled and hugged Walter. "I love ya, Papa."

Florence shook her head, chuckling, then asked, "What's your idea, Son."

"Let's also talk to Mikey and Kota. I'm sure they'd like to meet Airen, and you know how friendly Mickey is. That boy's always up for meeting new friends and making them his brothers."

"That's a brilliant suggestion, John," the older couple responded.

Florence gasped.

"What's wrong, sweetie," Walter asked.

"Nothing, my love, it's just that when I mentally pictured Kota, I can see similar physical traits between him and Airen that I think go beyond the shared Cherokee heritage."

"You might be onto something, Mama. Dakota's got family he's never met. It wouldn't be far-fetched that Airen could be related to him somehow."

"Grandma, Grandpa! I made new friends and brothers," Airen excitedly cried out as he ran to the older couple with open arms.

Florence and Walter gave the boy a loving hug and kissed his cheek. The trio turned and giggled as the two other boys jumped on John.

"Uncle John!"


"Oh, crap," John exclaimed just before he was tackled on the grass by the energetic raven and blonde-haired boys.

Mickey and Raven giggled as they tickled and wrestled with their dad/uncle until they got pinned down, and the would-be attackers were tickled on their sides and ribs. "Uncle," the boys hollered about a minute later.

"Do you need some help, John," Walter asked while giggling like crazy.

"Nah, I can handle these two giggly ruffians," John responded as he wrapped his arms around his son and honorary nephew.

"Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa, that's our new best friend and brother, Airen," Raven said as he and Mickey jumped up, ran over, and hugged the smiling older couple.

"What'd I tell ya," John said, shaking his head and giggling. He walked over, grabbed Airen in a bear hug, and tickled his sides while lifting the squealing and wiggling boy off the ground.

"How'd you know I'm ticklish," Airen asked between the squeals and giggles as he gave his friend's dad his signature love-filled hug.

John grinned, then ruffled the boy's hair after putting him down and said, "You've been adopted by the two most tickle-loving boys I've ever met. So, the odds were pretty good that you're a ticklish boy, just like them."

"Umm, Raven's Daddy, what may I call you?"

John smiled and kissed the little boy's head. "What would you be comfortable calling me," he asked.

Airen giggled and said, "I was thinking about Papa John, but that'd get confused with the pizza, so I think I'll call you Unkie John."

John giggled at the cuteness of his newly bestowed moniker and said, "Unkie John is perfect." The longer he looked at the young boy, the more he saw what Florence did. Airen looked like the pictures he'd seen of Dakota at that age.

"You see the resemblance to Dakota, don't you," Florence asked.

"Definitely," John responded. "I've only seen pictures, but he's got the same features."

"That's what I said," Mickey excitedly exclaimed.

"Mickey, earlier, when you told me your daddy's full name, it seemed familiar to me, somehow." The half-Cherokee youth turned to his foster parents and asked, "Grandma, Grandpa, will one or both of you help me get the box down so I can look through my Mommy's family tree journal."

"Of course, sweet boy," Florence said.

Mickey snapped his fingers. "Airey, do you mind if I video call my Daddy so you two can talk and see what we're seeing?"

Airen shrugged, then looked up at Florence and Walter, who smiled and nodded. "Ok, Mickey, since Grandma and Grandpa are ok with it."

"First, let me text my choir director and let her know that I won't be at rehearsal today. If you are related to Daddy Kota, I'm not missing this for all the hot fudge Daddy Mikey keeps hidden that he doesn't know me and Daddy Kota knows about."

Mickey quickly explained his statement to Airen, while Raven and the adults laughed like crazy because they knew about Mikey's addiction to hot fudge. After sending the text and getting a thank you in response, he started the video call to Dakota. "Hi, Daddy," he said, giggling.

"Hey, Kiddo, aren't you supposed to be at choir practice?"

"I was, but decided that it was more important to find out if this adorable boy Raven and I met today and have adopted as our new brother is related to you. His name's Airen Playful Otter Blackhawk. He's Cherokee and Blackfoot half and half, and he looks just like you did at his age. Daddy, he's Grandma Flo and Grandpa Walt's new foster boy. They temporarily took him in, and Daddy, Grandma, Uncle John, and I all have noticed and said that he looks like you. Also, Airen just said that when I mentioned your name earlier, it seemed familiar to him, and he thinks it's from his late Mommy's family tree journal. He's agreed to this video call to let you see him and get his info."

Dakota's deep laughter was clearly heard over the phone's speaker. "Have you finally taken a breath, my excited Warrior boy," he asked when the laughs subsided.

Mickey rolled his eyes as he sighed and said, "Yes, Daddy," which caused the others around him to start laughing.

"Well, are ya gonna let me see and speak with him, Mickey?"

Mickey grinned and nodded as he handed the phone to Airen.

"Umm, hi, Cousin Kotie," Airen shyly said.

"It's nice to meet ya. Airen, how did you decide on Cousin Kotie," Dakota asked.

"It's gonna sound weird if I tell you."

"Well, I'll tell you what I just heard because it might be the same thing you did. The moment I saw your face, the voice of my father, who died a while ago, told me you're my cousin."

Airen's eyes got wide, and he said, "That's what my Mommy, who also died, told me. She said my uncle told her we're cousins and to call you Kotie because that's the name he and your Mommy called you."

Everyone hearing the admissions remained silent as they watched the exchange.

Tears glistened in Dakota's eyes as he smiled and said, "Personally, seeing how much we look alike and what our parents said from the spirit realm is enough proof for me. However, we need physical proof of being related before we can get you out of the foster system. Is Grandma Flo or Grandpa Walt there?"

"We're right here, Kota," the older couple said.

"I'm here too, bro," John said.

"Hi, Uncle Kota," Raven excitedly hollered.

Dakota chuckled and said hi to everyone he hadn't already greeted.

"Mama Flo, would you and Papa Walt be able to get Airen to Auntie Chaunaugh's? She's heard everything and is anxious to get our DNA tested to establish a biological relationship."

"We'd be happy to, Dakota. Since we've got you on the line, Walt and I planned on taking Airen to the ice cream shop. Would it be ok for Mickey to join us? We can stop by Chaunaugh's after that."

Dakota threw his head back and laughed when Flo pointed the phone at his son so that he could see the absolutely adorable puppy face Mickey made. "You are conspiring with my son, and neither of you is playing fair, Mama," he jokingly said.

"Of course I am," Florence said, chuckling.

After getting his dad’s consent to go with his brothers, Raven and Airen stood beside Mickey and added their puppy faces.

Dakota shook his head and said, "I'm sooo tickling Mikey for teaching our boy that trick, and I'm tickling my boy for passing it on to his brother and cousin. Fine, I give in, but no mentioning this to Mikey because he's already had a sundae with me and his brothers."

"Really, Adam, Jai, and Lance are back in town," John asked.

"No, Aiden and Anthony."

"I hope they will still be at the house when we drop Mickey off. We'd love to see our other boys again," Walter said excitedly.

"You know the Giovanni side of the family," Dakota asked.

Florence chuckled. "Did you forget Walt and I have lived in the same house for at least forty years. We used to babysit for Tony and Cat."

"I hadn't realized you babysat Mikey and his brothers. Anthony's planning on rebuilding the old home, so they should be at the house when you take Mickey home, and if they're not, they'll probably be across the street assessing the property. If no one is home, someone will be there shortly, so Mickey's fine to be there alone."

"There's no need for that, Kota. If no one's home, we'll stay there with Mickey. I'm sure the boys will love having more time together,' Walter said. "Something just clicked in my mind about the fire that burned down the original home. I was the lake's fire department's chief back then, and I remember there was something strange about the specifics, but I'll have to review my notes from the case to be certain."

"Thank you, I'm sure my angel boy and brothers would love to know if something shady happened to their old home. We love you guys, and Mickey, be my good warrior boy for Grandma Flo and Grandpa Walt."

"I'm always a perfect angel, brave warrior daddy," Mickey said, giggling.

"We're angels too, Uncle Kota, Cousin Kotie," Raven and Airen said between their giggles.
Dakota giggled.

"Yes, you boys are all angels."

"Love ya, Kota," John said.

"Love ya, too, Bro."

I love seeing this story coming together. Like always, my characters decided they wanted to take a different path than what I planned on.
Yes, @chris191070 @akascrubber @Paladin @VBlew @Greg and @BoyLove there's excitement on the way. :gikkle:
Thanks for reading, reacting, and commenting. I really appreciate it.
Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
  • Love 5
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

I always walk away with the warmest heart after reading one of your chapters.  The Goddess is certainly watching out for this family!

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10 minutes ago, Greg said:

I always walk away with the warmest heart after reading one of your chapters.  The Goddess is certainly watching out for this family!

@Greg I was so excited after the last chapter that I had to keep the momentum going and started on this chapter. I love seeing the boys excitement. 

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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1 minute ago, chris191070 said:

I loved this chapter. A family full of love, laughter and tickles.

:gikkle: @chris191070 I don't know who's more excited, Mickey or Airen and Dakota. :gikkle:

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It seems good that Airen and Dakota are cousins. It will get the boy out of the foster system and with a loving, tickling family.

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9 hours ago, Paladin said:

I loved the interaction in this chapter. So much shared love.

@Paladin It was so much fun seeing everyone coming together and revealing their connection to each other.

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9 hours ago, VBlew said:

It seems good that Airen and Dakota are cousins. It will get the boy out of the foster system and with a loving, tickling family.

@VBlew Airen is such an adorable boy. John and I are really proud of and happy with how he's been able to come alive and show his loving and funny personality. 

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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