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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 4. Chapter 4

Probably should have posted this earlier but been bogged down with another project. Hoping to push it out this weekend.
That being said. Enjoy!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

“They are really making a go of it?” Asked Rachel as Tom listened while I maneuvered us to our next rock.

“It seems that way. Janek and Hugo have been together almost a year, and it’s been two months, with Rory being a part of it. They Comm each other almost every night while apart.” I shrugged. “It seems to work for them. Only time will tell. They are even talking about children.” That comment had Rachel off and running with the questions as I dialed in the Mining Lasers on the rock, watching the Capture Stream while the first of our haul dropped into the holds.

What happens now that they have requested a duty station together will be the big test of their relationship. I sighed as I went back to work. Best part about mining is you can work on projects between the needs of the ship. I informed the gang we would be cutting our time short as ANS Kilmeny was coming into hangar and I wanted to meet them. Tuesday afternoon, I brought us back into the hangar at Low Point Station. Two hours ahead of Kilmeny, which was perfect for what I had planned. Once I finished working out the credit vouchers and other reports needed on my ship, I returned to my room for a quick nap.

1600 hours I was standing in the hangar viewing gallery as I watched the ship cross the threshold and maneuver into their docking slot. Watching a ship dock or depart is always a pleasure. Especially if I am at the helm. I waited a few minutes before I headed down to the Lock and boarded. Searching for my three friends. I found them in their cabin as Hugo beat me aboard. They were in the middle of a snogfest when I tapped the hatch chime. Laughing, I stepped in to hug the three of them. Before turning on Rory Thorp.

“I promise to have him back by the time the ship leaves.” I said as Janek and Hugo hugged me again. Kisses passed before they hugged and kissed Rory. Someone felt nervous about leaving with me. I chuckled as I took his hand.

“Just relax Rory. I will not bite you.” I said, as the other two laughed. Walking off the ship, I headed for the room they had secured for tonight’s event. It was actually two bedrooms, so we would see them later.

“Are you going to wine and dine me first or just jump to the main event?” Asked Rory.

“I’m going to treat you like any other boyfriend. We will go to dinner and then have some fun before we go back to the room and I will display my love for you.” Rory smiled at me as he leaned into me. Kissing the side of my head.

“Love you too Marc. For everything you have done for us.” He paused. Gave himself a brief nod and whispered. “You know where we are going next? Hugo said you added a notation to our request.”

I shrugged, “I haven’t checked yet. I could guess. The next of the new Armed Freighters is coming out of drydock soon. You could take Commander Air Group and Wojact can take Executive Officer. Hugo wants to stay aboard so he can sit the Information Officer and Third Officer slot.” Rory’s smile lit the passageway as we swung into the hotel to check in and drop off our gear.

I gave Rory the full boyfriend treatment. Candle lit dinner, a game of Laser Tag with the gang, which included Hugo and Janek. Rachel wanted to socialize with them, which was a positive thing. Rory was laughing as I snuck us out and up to the park area where we laid on the grass and talked before I leaned in and kissed him. In the way that said, it was time for us to leave and go back to our room. He jumped up and held out his hand for me. Helping me to my feet before we returned to our room. I was rather enjoying the event as we worked through the fresher and bathed each other before I took him to bed. Then let him take me. I wasn’t finished as we walked into the fresher again and he found himself pinned to the wall as I showed I loved him yet again.

My link chimed earlier than it should of. I popped up to check as Rory stretched across my body before his lips met mine. When he pulled back, he looked into my eyes. His expression told me what he was looking for and he found it.

“They told you?” I asked, and he raised his eyebrows at me. “To look at my eyes first thing in the morning. If they glow or not.” He nodded as his smile increased. “Are you happy now? Satisfied that you are loved by me?”

“Yes Marc.” He said as he settled down on me again, kissing my neck. “I love you too.”

“Time to get up, then. Your future mates request our presence at breakfast, which they ordered already.” Rory smiled into my neck before I felt the movement, and he placed a bottle of lube in my hand. His teeth nipped my neck before I was kissed.

“Now would be a good time for a final romp on Rory.” He said as he slid off me and lifted on all fours. Wiggling his ass in invitation. I smirked as I popped the top open on the bottle.

“So that was the reason they chimed us early?” I asked, and he smiled even more.

“They love us.” He said as I shifted around behind him and entered his warm depths as he moaned.

20 minutes later, we were hugging the other two as we sat down to breakfast. It was an interesting affair, as everyone was feeding each other. I raised an eyebrow and caught Janek’s smirk and smiled back at him. It wasn’t 30 minutes later when my link started going nuts.

“What’s going on Dad?”

“Pirate incursion. ANS Dagger is preparing to leave if you want to join her. I’m heading out with the third wing.” He said as he tapped out commands on another tablet. I smiled as I turned to my triad and opened my arms.

“I’ll armor up and be right down.” I said as Dad nodded and disconnected. “Time for me to go to work, loves.” I kissed each of them before I grabbed my gear and took off.

15 minutes later I was crossing the Lock and boarding as I told the Watch Stander to inform the Bridge I am on board. Which he did as I made my way up and directly to the Captain as we were backing out of the hangar.

“Sa Alexander. Familiarize yourself with the current events and take the Conn.” He said as I reviewed the holotable from my station at it before I turned to him.

“Aye Captain. Belt Eleven tac Two Tango. Shall we go play in the rocks?” I asked. Which made him chuckle.

“That is why your father asked us to wait for you.” He said as he motioned forwards and I took the hint as we cleared the hangar.

“Helm. Bring the bow around to port. Come to 234.7 Mark 12, Ahead 20 percent on the Mains until I confirm clear traffic.”

“Aye Sa. Coming to 234.7 Mark 12, at 20 percent until clear.” I smiled as I settled into my seat.

“Thank you, Helm.” I plotted a least time intercept course on the current known location of the four pirate cutters and smiled. You picked the wrong belt to play in today. I tapped out some commands and accessed Low Point Station before I used the systems to access my probes still in the belt. In moments, I heard the chuckle behind me as my probes came to life. Showing me everything in my training track. I smiled again as I tapped out a few commands and pushed the idea to the Captain. I heard the snort before he spoke.

“Yes. I believe you are right. Sa Alexander. If you please. Take us to your play area.”

“Aye Captain.” I said as I dropped into my plots. It took me three minutes to plot us a course and two Jump points. I pushed it to the helm. “Helm load Jump navigation. Make for Buoy 88374.34.” I said as I swung my chair to look at the Engineering Officer. “Engineering. Full shield reinforcement of the forward aspect. Please.” Meaning I wanted the full forward half of the ship’s shields reinforced. I smiled as the Captain was giving orders to the Weapons Officer. I watched the timer tick down and called out.

“30 seconds to first Jump.”

30 minutes later, I was standing as we cruised through the asteroid belt. The pirates had been surprised when I brought us out of Jump behind them. It was my playground after all, not there’s. We had no chance of chasing them down in this belt with a Destroyer. But if I had one or two of the Comet class Frigates, this could be a different story. I sighed as I moved back to the Holotable. Over laying the latest of my probe data. The feral grin formed as my fingers started tapping. I stepped back over to my station and tapped the Jump Drive’s charging cycle as the Captain looked at me with raised eyebrows as I returned to the Holotable. Once again, my fingers did all the work as the plot appeared on the Holotable. A criss cross of Jumps that would force the pirates in the direction I wanted as Dad moved in with the wing of Destroyers. It didn’t take long for my idea to flicker into understanding as the Captain raised his head and spoke.

“Helm. Think you can handle multiple back-to-back Jumps inside the belt?” His head whipped around so fast I thought he was a turret as he looked at the new course plot in the Holoview. He tilted his head to the side as he puckered his lips, looking at me.

“Who are you trying to scare, Sa? Us or them?” He asked in all seriousness.

“Both, if need be. I would prefer a Comet Class for this, but you are all I have,” which made him chuckle.

“Yes Captain. It won’t be pretty, but we could do it.” The lead Helmsperson said.

“Then let’s see if we can scare the hell out of them.” Said the Captain.

Dropping into my seat as I pulled my harnesses on while I watched the Jump capacitors charging status. “2 minutes to first Jump.” I said as I shifted screens to check my probe data again. The Navigation Officer sent a pip to my screen, which I studied while nodding. My fingers took off tapping again as I worked out another series of Jumps. I smiled as I slid them into the mix and combined the two courses as I studied them. It didn’t take long to decide as I rerouted the Jumps just as the Jump Capacitors reached full charge. I smiled.

“Jump in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Jump” In seconds I felt us drop out and the main batteries opened fire. “Jump in 3, 2, the guns went silent. 1. Jump.” We came out and pulled sharply to port. “Jump in 3, 2, 1, Jump.” 3 seconds later we dropped out and pulled hard to starboard. “Jump in 3, 2, 1, Jump.” I said as we disappeared. The jolt of reappearance is always unsettling. Then I felt the mains firing again as we began another turn. “Jump in 3, 2, 1, Jump.” Once again, we dropped out 3 seconds after we entered. “Jump Drive on cool down and charging.” I said as we all looked to the Holotable and watched as the third wing had them running. We disabled one and chased off another, but we would be close to 20 minutes before we could Jump again. It was now up to the third wing to handle the last two. A Cruiser had just arrived too and was moving to secure our prize. They were launching fighters and assault shuttles. I smiled as I sat back. What a nice way to burn 5 hours of my day, I thought as we continued to patrol the belt. We were scanning in concert with the third wing. Which meant we had multiple scans of the same area that would act as a concentrated scan once the A.I. puts it together.

It was unfortunate that I was stuck in a debriefing for our incursion into the asteroids that lasted over an hour. I will admit it was educational and once again validated my point of view about the Comet Class Frigates. After which I was tired and had a date tonight which prompted me to return to my quarters to get cleaned up, change and take a nap as I feel it’s going to be a long night.


* * *


I walked into the restaurant and let the host lead me to my table. There were two people seated there, which had me wonder who the other was until I got closer. Camile turned her head and smiled towards me as she stood, bringing the other person up with her.

I looked at both of them and smiled. “Twins?”

“Hi Marc. Yes. This is my brother Roman. I hope you don’t mind, but he needed to speak with you too,” Said Camile cautiously. Gaging my interest in having him here. Dark hair, dark eyes, light brown skin. Good muscle tone that I didn’t need x-ray vision to see on his lean body and nearly as tall as me. And those lips made me run my tongue across mine. Before I gave myself an internal shake.

“Roman. Nice to meet you.” I said as I shook his hand after I hugged Camile. And that smile. “Please. Sit. How are you, Camile?”

“I’m good. Better than Christopher, that’s for sure. We were on our way up the Pipe when we heard you closed the hanger doors. That was when Roman came and talked to me. I think he needs to tell his story to you too,” Camile said as she turned to her brother and nodded.

“Chris was sleeping with all of us. I found out from a friend that he had a bet with somebody that he couldn’t date 4 people at a time. I do not know if there was another person or not.” He continued to look at me until I shrugged.

“He’s got nothing now.” I thought for a second. “What are the two of you doing after dinner?” I asked with a mischievous grin.

Camile’s eyes twinkled. “I’ve heard you have a devious mind. What are you thinking?” She practically purred out as Roman studied me with interest, giving me a dip of his head. I smiled sweetly as I reached across the table and took each one’s hand with one of mine.

“My Father would like me to allow him to apologize to me. I also have to let his family know I won’t lock down the hangar doors should they arrive again. Would the two of you date me? Be my boyfriend?” I asked as I looked at Roman. “And my girlfriend?” I asked as I looked at Camile, “While I Comm and handle that trash?”

Roman gave me a crooked smile as he tilted his head while he drew my hand up and kissed it before asking, “And what is in it for us?” Camile looked at him and then back to me with a considering look, then nodded.

“Stay with me tonight. I’ll show what a good, loving boyfriend I am,” I said as I squeezed both of their hands while locking eyes with both of them, smiling. Roman leaned into Camile and whispered into her ear. Her lips quirked up at the edges before she whispered back. Roman kissed her cheek and then stood to rearrange the seats.

“Let’s start now. So, we get used to each other. Sit here please, our boyfriend,” Roman said in a low, sexy voice. I felt the change in the air as I just gained a boyfriend and girlfriend. The pheromones were floating all around us.

My own response was to stand and lean in to kiss Camile, then sit between them as I kissed Roman before I spoke in a lust-filled tone. “Should we have sex before I send the Comm or after? Or both.” Camile’s hand landed on my thigh at the same time Roman’s did. Both rubbed my leg and slid up to my crotch at the same time. Feeling my growing hardness. Just as our waiter came over to take our orders. I received a kiss on each cheek as they grabbed the menus. Camile ordered first as Roman gave my dick a hard squeeze, making me moan as I gave my order. Camile chuckled and then pulled my hand under the table and into her crotch. I felt the heat, and then she opened her shipsuit and pushed my fingers against her wetness. Once Roman finished his order, I moved my hand to his dick and stroked it before I squeezed.

“I see we are going to be having sex both before and after that Comm and probably during too. For now, I suggest we eat dinner. Before something happens that the rest of these patrons will not soon forget.” I said with my low, commanding tone. Both Roman and Camile chuckled and pulled their hands away from me. Camile grabbed my chin and turned my head for her to kiss. Then Roman followed suit.

“OK, our boyfriend and yes. I think of sex before and after. During the call, we can make sure he knows we are dating each other.” Roman’s low sexy voice said as Camile agreed.

Bet you never saw that one coming! Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, gmc said:

Camile and Roman add another dimension to Marc’s dating. What an interesting throuple they make for Marc’s olive branch meeting! Who says an apology can’t be a disconcerting show of power? 
What a great chapter! Mote please.

Thanks for the comment gmc!

When I was writing this it was for something else. I had stopped for a few weeks and when I picked it up again, I started making changes and converted it to The Westward Confederation series.

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Oh Boy!

Having played as a straight guy, most of my life. And having had three ways several times (2 males and a female - you would think that might have clued me in), I know exactly how much fun that can be. As long as Roman doesn't mind boffing his sister, Camille is okay with that, a very sexy fun time may be had by all! It's also a very sneaky way to let Christopher "apologize" to Marc, seeing that he has just been more than "one-upped!"

Edited to add: The fun Marc had in his private playground showed the Captain of the Destroyer just how much the ship could do by itself without any help. With help, there was no way the pirates stood a chance.

Edited by Al Norris
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Marc rose to the challenge and helped skillfully guide his to remove the pirate ships that entered the corporation space. The pirates were shocked and outfoxed. Kudos to Marc and to those who let him try new options.

Next Marc showed he was truly a pansexual. He is beginning a no hold barred sexual relationship with Camile and Roman who were also secret partners with Chris. He will enjoy himself and please his partners and hurt Chris's ego. I expect  his later willingness to accept the apololgy from Chis will also show Marc is the true alpha.

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3 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Oh Boy!

Having played as a straight guy, most of my life. And having had three ways several times (2 males and a female - you would think that might have clued me in), I know exactly how much fun that can be. As long as Roman doesn't mind boffing his sister, Camille is okay with that, a very sexy fun time may be had by all! It's also a very sneaky way to let Christopher "apologize" to Marc, seeing that he has just been more than "one-upped!"

Edited to add: The fun Marc had in his private playground showed the Captain of the Destroyer just how much the ship could do by itself without any help. With help, there was no way the pirates stood a chance.

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

Yeah. This was fun to write. Marc enjoys his rocks but knows the limits of the vessels he is using.

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3 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Oh, girl cooties...  Yikes.  Well, I sort of did see this coming, but not the twin parts or the three-way, but the deal with Camilla was telegraphed in the last chapter.  

Glad to see that Janek, Hugo, and Rory are making it together, and glad that Rory got some alone time with Marc.  

The pirates could not have picked a worse time or place for an incursion.

Can't wait to see what happens next.  

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub! 

I think Marc likes to use what he has available to make his point known. I point he likes is it isn't a good idea to play on his playground.

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2 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Marc rose to the challenge and helped skillfully guide his to remove the pirate ships that entered the corporation space. The pirates were shocked and outfoxed. Kudos to Marc and to those who let him try new options.

Next Marc showed he was truly a pansexual. He is beginning a no hold barred sexual relationship with Camile and Roman who were also secret partners with Chris. He will enjoy himself and please his partners and hurt Chris's ego. I expect  his later willingness to accept the apololgy from Chis will also show Marc is the true alpha.

Thanks for the comments akascrubber! 

Alpha - not a term I thought of when I wrote this, but it fits. Especially in later books. 

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Okay, the first time you mention her in this chapter it was Camila, then Camile.  Which is it?

If Chris doesn't realize he has been stupid, he is even more stupid than initially thought.

Edited by ReaderPaul
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2 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Okay, the first time you mention her it was Camila, then Camile.  Which is it?

If Chris doesn't realize he has been stupid, he is even more stupid than initially thought.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Thanks!  Camile. no 'a'. 

Chris is... Chris. 

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Another relevant point -- at this time, I predict that the ridiculous body modesty has mostly been eliminated.  Every body has parts; and pretty much the same ones.  There may be variations of size, shape, and colorations, but other than that, mostly similar.  I am also guessing birth control is much easier to access and use than in our present world.

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16 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Another relevant point -- at this time, I predict that the ridiculous body modesty has mostly been eliminated.  Every body has parts; and pretty much the same ones.  There may be variations of size, shape, and colorations, but other than that, mostly similar.  I am also guessing birth control is much easier to access and use than in our present world.

Simple implant that covers the issue. Since most kids are created through the combination of the parent's genetics, tweaked as needed to remove known medical issues, many people never have the implant deactivated.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

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Oh, the perspicacity of our horndog Marc….he just closed  more than one hangar door if you get my drift….

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10 hours ago, drsawzall said:

Oh, the perspicacity of our horndog Marc….he just closed  more than one hangar door if you get my drift….

Horndog... 🤣🤣 Oh yes, he most certainly is.

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

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