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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Echoes of the Heart - 2. Chapter 2: Carter's actions breeds unforeseen circumstances. How will he get out of it?

Hey hey hey, time to dive into the drama already. Don't forget to drop some comments. I'll be reading ....
Feel the passion...

Carter stood at the center of the bustling office, radiating confidence in his smart and sexy outfit, the epitome of control as he spoke to his assistant. She listened intently as he went over the final details of a project they had been working on for weeks. His smile was charming, almost effortless, as he waved her off and headed back to Jeremy's office—his office now, at least for the time being. He’d had an exhausting day, racing to meet the deadline of one of their biggest clients.

As he entered the large office, the door quietly clicked shut behind him. He exhaled deeply, sinking into the leather chair behind the grand desk. His hands rose to his temples, massaging the tension from his head. Reaching over to the desk, he grabbed his phone and flipped it open.

His pulse quickened the moment he saw it—over ten missed calls from Jeff. His heart skipped a beat as unease settled in. Why had Jeff called him so many times?

Just as he was about to dial Jeff back, the door swung open abruptly. His assistant, a woman with wide, anxious eyes, rushed in, her voice urgent.

“Sir, we have a problem!” she said breathlessly.

Carter frowned, pushing his chair back and standing up. “What’s going on?”

She bit her lip nervously.

“The police are here...they want to arrest the IT specialist.”

A wave of panic hit him like a freight train. His chest tightened, and he felt his phone slip from his hand, clattering onto the table. "What?" he muttered, almost in disbelief.

Without another word, Carter darted past her, his assistant following closely behind as they rushed toward the commotion. As they approached the crowd of employees gathered near the IT department, he saw the police standing in the center, the inspector in chief pointing an accusing finger toward the terrified IT specialist, who looked ready to crumble under the pressure.

“We’ve done our research,” the chief was saying. “That prank came from this building, and only someone with advanced computer skills could’ve pulled it off. There’s only one man here with that level of expertise.”

Carter’s heart pounded so loudly in his chest that he could barely hear the rest. The IT guy looked petrified, his eyes darting from one person to the next as if searching for help. Carter swallowed hard, his mind racing.

Taking a deep breath, Carter stepped forward, his voice steady.

“Excuse me, officer. What exactly is going on here, and why are you causing this disruption?”

The chief turned to face him, his gaze cold and appraising.

“And who are you?” he asked sharply.

Carter straightened his posture, meeting the man’s eyes with confidence.

“I’m in charge of this place. Carter Mayson. Whatever’s going on here, I need to know.”

The inspector in chief folded his arms, staring Carter down.

“Good. Then you should know one of your employees has played a dangerous prank that has not only disrupted public peace and caused worry, it has also caused a lot of commotion and loss of funds. We’re here to arrest him.”

Carter’s breath caught in his throat, but he kept his face neutral.

“And what evidence do you have that points to him?”

“All evidence leads to this building, specifically to this office,” the chief replied. “We traced the source of the false report. It was transmitted using advanced security bypasses only someone with the IT specialist's skillset could manage. We’re taking him in.”

The chief reached for his cuffs, stepping toward the IT specialist, who stood frozen with fear. Every step the inspector took felt like a ticking clock counting down. Carter’s mind raced, his stomach churning.

No. No, this isn’t happening.

Suddenly, without thinking, Carter blurted out, “Wait!”

The inspector halted, turning sharply on his heel, his stern gaze locking on Carter. “What now?”

Carter swallowed hard, forcing the words out as he stepped forward.

“He didn’t do it. I did.”

The entire room fell into a stunned silence. Employees exchanged shocked glances, eyes wide with disbelief. The IT specialist looked up, his face a mixture of confusion and relief.

The chief’s eyes narrowed. “What did you say?”

Carter inhaled deeply, bracing himself.

“I’m the one responsible. The prank—it was my idea, my execution. The IT guy had nothing to do with it. He was nothing but a pawn but he didn’t do anything wrong. I am the one who should be getting arrested and not him.”

The chief’s expression hardened, his voice cold and authoritative.

“Carter Mayson, you are under arrest for spreading false information, causing panic, and wasting police resources. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to remain silent. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.”

Carter nodded, his face calm, but inside he was trembling. He didn’t resist as the chief moved toward him, pulling out the handcuffs. As the cold metal clicked around his wrists, Carter felt the weight of his decision sink in fully. The reality of what he'd done was now playing out in front of him, and there was no going back.

As the police led him through the office, the employees stood frozen in shock, watching their boss—once so composed, so confident—being escorted out in handcuffs. Carter kept his head high, but inside, the gravity of what he'd just sacrificed for Jeremy’s sake left him feeling hollow.


Laura paced the living room, tension radiating from her in waves. Her face was tight, brows furrowed as she walked back and forth, her thoughts a storm she couldn’t contain. Everyone was there—except the twins, who had been put to bed after their exhausting day. She felt trapped, her emotions boiling over, ready to spill at the slightest provocation.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke through the silence, and the inspector’s voice called her name.

“Mrs. Rivers, we’ve found the culprit.”

Laura whirled around, her body going rigid. Her heart pounded, and her fists clenched so hard her knuckles turned white. Her jaw trembled uncontrollably as a wave of fury surged through her. Her eyes fell on Carter as he was led into the room, his gaze flickering nervously from place to place before settling on her. Her rage only deepened as she saw him, and her breath quickened, her chest rising and falling with the sheer force of her anger.

Carter’s heart raced as he was brought closer to her. He could see why she was so enraged, why the sight of him would drive her to the brink. But standing there, facing her wrath, he felt paralyzed, unsure if he could even justify himself.

Dexter stood in shock, his mouth slightly open as he processed the scene before him. Jeff, however, grew pale with fear. He quickly rushed to his mother’s side, his voice small and urgent.

“Mom, I need to tell you something—”

But Laura raised her hand sharply, gesturing for him to stop speaking. Her eyes never left Carter as she stormed toward him, her breathing ragged.

“So, this is what you wanted, huh?” she snarled, her voice shaking with fury. “More drama? More chaos? Bravo, Carter. Well done!”

Carter's gaze remained fixed on her, his mouth dry as he struggled to find words.

"Even after you made my son disappear for eight months, you’re still messing with my family," Laura spat, her voice dripping with venom.

Jeff, trembling, stepped forward again, desperate.

“Mom, please! It wasn’t Carter’s fault—”

But Laura cut him off, her voice sharp.

“Don’t defend him, Jeff! First, he casts a spell on Jeremy, and now you’re taking his side too? What kind of hold does he have over you?!”

Carter’s lips trembled, but he said nothing. He didn’t even know if he had the right to speak.

Laura continued, her anger swelling.

“My family has been destroyed because of you. You! I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep in months—because of you! How dare you?!”

Carter’s eyes grew glassy, his heart sinking as he glanced at Jeff, who stood silently, staring at his mother in helplessness.

“You’re so obsessed with my family,” Laura yelled, her voice growing louder, “that I’ll make sure you face the consequences today! You’re going to rot in prison, Carter, with the rest of the criminals! No one’s going to help you this time, no one!”

Jeff couldn’t take it anymore.

“Mom, stop! You’re making a mountain out of a molehill!” he shouted, stepping between her and Carter.

“I don’t care!” Laura snapped, her eyes blazing. “Didn’t Carter feel at peace after taking Jeremy away from us? Look at the pain, the anguish he’s caused me!” Her voice wavered, her fury mixing with raw emotion. “But no—he’s a heartless bastard!”

Carter’s eyes closed as if her words were physical blows. He felt each accusation sink into his chest, tearing him apart.

“Mom!” Jeff yelled again, his voice desperate. “I was in on this plan with Carter the whole time. That’s why I took you and the twins to the spa.”

The room fell into stunned silence. Laura’s face drained of color as she turned to stare at her son, disbelief washing over her. Dexter, standing a few steps away, looked equally shocked, his wide eyes darting from Jeff to Carter as if pieces of a long-broken puzzle were finally falling into place.

All eyes were on Jeff now, including Carter’s, who felt a heavy weight of guilt press down on him.

“If Carter is going to face punishment,” Jeff continued, his voice trembling, “then I should too. But what serious crime did we commit? We were trying to help you, to help the twins. We knew how much you missed Jeremy. If he saw that news, he would have no choice but to come back. We had no idea it would get so out of hand.”

Laura stared at Carter, her expression twisting in pain and disbelief.

“Even after destroying my home,” she whispered, her voice low and cutting, “you still managed to wreck the little I had left. Do you realize that news could’ve defamed us? Our enemies could have taken advantage of this situation.”

Carter kept his gaze steady on her, then sighed, his voice soft yet firm.

“I never intended to tarnish your family’s reputation, not then, and not now. The last eight months have been hell for me too. I miss Jeremy just as much as you do, no matter what you think of me. My only motive in this was to bring him back.”

Laura’s fury flared again, and she snapped,

“Shut up!” She stepped forward, gripping Carter’s arm with a fierce, almost brutal intensity. “No matter what your excuses are, you’re going to rot in jail for this. I’ll make sure of it.”

She began dragging him away with force, Carter stumbling as he struggled to keep his footing. They made it a short distance before she pushed him hard, sending him off balance.

Carter was falling, bracing himself for impact when suddenly, a strong hand shot out in front of him, stopping his descent. His hand instinctively grasped the arm that had saved him. Before he could comprehend what was happening, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, steadying him. Carter looked up, his breath hitching in his throat as he stared into a pair of beautiful, familiar eyes—eyes that shone with a mixture of confusion and shock.

The handsome face in front of him was both unexpected and deeply familiar. The breath that came from the man’s lips brushed Carter’s skin, and in that instant, tears welled in his eyes.

“Jeremy,” he whispered, his voice trembling.

Jeremy’s heart beat in a steady rhythm, but as his eyes locked with Carter’s, the world around them faded away. He couldn’t focus on anything but the boy in front of him, those eyes sparkling like diamonds, Carter’s breath brushing against his skin, cool and calming, while his very presence seemed to light up the space. Carter smiled, scanning Jeremy up and down, taking in the striking difference in his appearance—he was dressed in a yellow long-sleeved t-shirt, black jeans, and matching yellow sneakers. A small bag had dropped on the floor by his feet.

Carter’s heart swelled as he looked at Jeremy, who was still staring at him, looking both confused and captivated. His gaze flickered to Jeff and Laura, who had tears streaming down her face, her entire body trembling from the surge of emotions.

Carter couldn’t help but whisper, “Jeff, our plan worked.”

Jeremy blinked, his expression shifting.

“Plan? What do you mean, plan?” he asked, clearly lost.

Carter was just about to respond when suddenly Laura appeared in front of him. With a sharp push, she shoved him aside and rushed to her son, cupping Jeremy’s cheeks, covering his face in desperate, sobbing kisses.

“Oh my God, Jeremy! You’re back!” she cried, her voice breaking, her disbelief palpable. She pulled him into a tight embrace, her body shaking as she held him as if afraid to let go.

Jeremy hugged her back just as tightly, though his eyes remained on Carter, who stood there, a radiant smile lighting up his face—so bright, it pierced right through Jeremy’s heart. It was the kind of smile that could melt anyone, and Jeremy felt a strange warmth bloom inside him.

Dexter, meanwhile, was watching Jeremy with tears brimming in his eyes. His gaze was intense, almost predatory, as if he wanted to devour Jeremy then and there, to kiss him and make love to him without any restraint. The emotions on his face were raw and overpowering.

Laura broke the hug, her hands shaking as she cupped Jeremy’s cheeks once again, her fingers trembling as she checked his face. “How are you? Where have you been all these months?” she asked abruptly, her voice full of disbelief.

Jeremy smiled softly, almost teasingly. “Mom, how are you doing?”

“I’m fine now that you’re back,” she replied, her face softening with relief.

Jeremy’s gaze wandered back to Carter, who hadn’t stopped smiling, his excitement practically contagious. Before Jeremy could say anything more, Dexter suddenly lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Jeremy, squeezing him into his chest with such force it felt suffocating.

“I missed you so much!” Dexter sobbed into Jeremy’s shoulder. “How could you leave me like that without a word? I searched everywhere for you. I tried to contact you, but you never responded.”

Dexter pulled back slightly, cupping Jeremy’s face as tears ran down his cheeks. Jeremy’s attention, however, kept drifting back to Carter. He wanted to say something to him—anything—but before he could, Laura pulled him toward a nearby chair, where she, Dexter, and Jeff bombarded him with endless questions. Jeremy barely heard any of them. His mind was spinning, stuck on Carter, who stood there cuffed but grinning as if he were in heaven.

The questioning continued until the chief inspector stepped forward, interrupting the chaotic moment. He turned to Laura.

“Mrs. Rivers, what would you like to do about the case?”

Laura’s smile faltered as she glanced at Carter, her face hardening.

“Drop it,” she said coldly, “but make sure Carter stays away from my family from now on.”

Jeremy watched as the chief signaled for his men to uncuff Carter. Before anyone could say anything more, his family’s questions started again, pulling Jeremy back into their interrogation.

As the handcuffs were removed from Carter’s wrists, he glanced once more at Jeremy, whose eyes were locked on him despite the barrage of questions from his family. Carter's smile only grew brighter, and with a deep, satisfied breath, he turned toward the exit. His pace quickened as he stepped outside, his heart light and his grin widening with each step.

"Thank you," he whispered toward the heavens, gratitude pouring from his soul.

Jeremy's eyes followed Carter longingly, yearning to talk to him, to understand everything. He watched as Carter broke into a joyful run, disappearing out of the house in excitement. But before he could move or even call out, his family pulled him back once more, their questions overwhelming him. Raising his hands in surrender, Jeremy chuckled.

“I’ll answer, I promise! But first—where are my sons?”

Jeff smiled, his expression softening as he replied,

“They’re fine, Jeremy. They’ve been sleeping, but they’re going to be so excited to know you’re back.”

Jeremy’s face lit up at the mention of his boys.

“I missed them so much,” he said softly. “I know I have a lot of explaining to do but I can’t wait to hold them.”

Laura’s smile returned, warm and relieved.

“They’ve missed you too,” she said. “Your room is ready for you, Jeremy. It’s been neat and clean every day for the last eight months—I made sure of it.”

Jeremy chuckled lightly, touched by her words. “Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it.”

His eyes then shifted to Jeff, a more serious look crossing his face. “What about Elena? Where’s my mother-in-law?”

Jeff’s smile faded, and he sighed deeply. “She left a few days after you did. No one saw her leave, and she didn’t say a word. I’ve been trying to reach her, but... nothing. She left a letter behind, saying she wanted to leave everything behind and start fresh somewhere else.”

Jeremy’s face darkened with concern, worry settling in his features as the news hit him hard. His mother-in-law, gone? Without a word? His heart sank as he processed this new development.


The room was cold and dank, with no windows to let in any natural light, save for the faint trickle of illumination seeping through the vents high on the walls. Shadows filled every corner, cast by piles of dusty boxes and heaps of discarded papers scattered across the grimy floor. Dirt caked the walls, and the stench of mildew hung heavily in the air. The space felt suffocating, as though it had been forgotten by time, with only the eerie quiet echoing off the hard surfaces.

In the center of the room sat a woman tied to a metal chair, her body struggling against the tight restraints that bound her. The ropes wrapped mercilessly around her wrists, securing them to the armrests of the chair, leaving deep bruises on her skin. Every time she moved, the legs of the chair scraped against the floor with a hollow, grating sound that reverberated through the stillness of the room. Her ankles, bound just as tightly to the chair legs, were red and raw from her futile attempts to free herself.

It was Elena—her face streaked with dirt, her mouth sealed shut with a strip of black tape. Her eyes, wide with desperation, darted around the dimly lit room as she continued to squirm in the chair, trying to call out for help but only managing a muffled whimper. The fear in her eyes was palpable, her breathing ragged and labored as she fought against her bindings, every breath more strained than the last. Sweat beaded on her forehead, mingling with the grime, and her heart raced in her chest as the reality of her situation set in.

With each failed attempt to loosen the ropes, her distress grew, and finally, her body sagged with exhaustion. She stopped struggling, her chest rising and falling heavily, as she looked around the room, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. She scanned the walls, the boxes, the floor—but there was no escape. Her gaze landed on the vent, the small source of light that barely penetrated the darkness. As she stared at it, the terror began to settle deeper into her bones, and her thoughts turned inward.

‘Please, Carter,’ she thought, her mind racing as her eyes watered. ‘Please, I hope you’re safe. I hope he hasn’t gotten to you yet.’

Elena’s heart clenched at the thought of Carter, and her lips trembled beneath the tape. She had seen what love—twisted, obsessive love—could do to a person. It could turn even the sanest mind into something unrecognizable, something dangerous.

‘He’s gone insane’, she thought, biting back a sob. ‘His love has turned him crazy. He can’t see past it anymore. Please, Carter,’ she begged in her mind. ‘Don’t be deceived. You’re closer to danger than you think. Don’t trust him... don’t fall for the lies.’

Her thoughts were frantic now, her fear intensifying with each passing moment.

God, please, don’t let him get to Carter. His life is in more danger than he knows.’

Tears slipped from her eyes as she closed them tightly, her lips moving in silent prayer. She prayed for Carter, that he would see the truth before it was too late. She prayed that he wouldn’t fall for the deception. The peril was too close, closer than anyone realized, and it was closing in fast.

Inside the mansion, Jeremy stood near the door, still staring at the spot where Carter had been just moments ago. His face was unreadable, his eyes serious and sharp, as if he were processing a million thoughts at once. Something lingered behind those eyes, a silent battle playing out in his mind.

Meanwhile, outside the mansion, Carter was walking away with a spring in his step, his heart light and his spirit joyful. Jeremy had returned. The plan had worked, and for the first time in months, things seemed right again. He hummed softly to himself, unaware of the storm brewing just out of sight.

Was the danger lurking behind Carter Jeremy? Did Carter just sign on his death note?

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Why do I have the feeling that nasty Dexter is behind kidnapping Elena? Would he do something that mean and miserable to his own mother ? Somebody needs to stuff a sock in Laura's big mouth to shut her up! Her name should be Karen she is so mean as well..

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Oops...you did it again! 😁

Well...Carter's stupid diversion at least brought Jeremy out of self-isolation!

Who kidnapped Elena? Dexter?! Might be...but, then again - Elena's thoughts are very intriguing 'Don’t trust him... don’t fall for the lies'. Why would he trust Dexter anyway, not that he showed himself trustworthy and friendly with Carter! Hm... 🤔

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9 minutes ago, Cane23 said:

Oops...you did it again! 😁

Well...Carter's stupid diversion at least brought Jeremy out of self-isolation!

Who kidnapped Elena? Dexter?! Might be...but, then again - Elena's thoughts are very intriguing 'Don’t trust him... don’t fall for the lies'. Why would he trust Dexter anyway, not that he showed himself trustworthy and friendly with Carter! Hm... 🤔

Ikr 😱😱😱😱 even I am wondering 

  • Haha 5
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What is it going to take for Carter to stop allowing himself to be so badly mistreated and disrespected by Laura?  There were hints that he was beginning to stand up for himself in the face of her earlier tirades, in the last chapter, but then in this chapter he seems to backside.

And what the hell is this that the police arrest Carter (for whatever it was he did) and bring him to Laura????!!!!! Who is she that this should happen??

And finally, what is the actual status of Dexter? He behaves as if he were the betrothed of Jeremy, but prior to abandoning his sons for 8 months (I STILL haven't gotten over that!!!), Jeremy was still so wrapped up in his misery at losing Ethan that he surely wasn't a part of that fantasy.   So why does he put up with this entitled behavior from Dexter, and how does Dexter fit into this dysfunctional family in the first place? He seems to be living there full time...

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4 hours ago, quietguy49 said:

Why do I have the feeling that nasty Dexter is behind kidnapping Elena? Would he do something that mean and miserable to his own mother ? Somebody needs to stuff a sock in Laura's big mouth to shut her up! Her name should be Karen she is so mean as well..

My sentiments as well.  Who else could it be, but why Elena?

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