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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,527 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 8. Chapter 8

Hello everyone,
I present you with the next installment for your reading pleasure! Enjoy!

Not allowed to see them as they dressed, so I had to dress on my own. They changed somewhere else and had the garment bags dropped off at our suite. I had hoped they would help me dress, but I will make do. Twisting again at the mirror as I watched my tails swing out behind me. I added the full-length cape and spun it again. Checking the view in the mirror before doing the twist test again. My black pants with silver trim down the outer legs and long-tailed jacket. Red shirt and silver vest looked good as usual. The black cape with the red interior made me really stand out. I retrieved my necklace and fastened it around my neck, centering the Family Coat of Arms. I patted inside my vest and felt the needler that was there.

Checking my twins’ location, they arrived at the Hall with their parents as their father had just arrived and I arrived with my parents after I had a discussion with them about what happened. My Dad was going to check with Aunt Gloria about the Bennett family and see if something else was going on besides my quarrel with them.

I walked into the Formal Dining Room and searched for my twins. Making my way around looking for them, I stopped to talk to their parents. Sa Malachi chuckled as he spoke. “You’re looking for them and they are looking for you.” He said as I nodded. His Mate was looking around and pointed. “There they are Marc. They spotted you and are headed this way.” She said.

I turned to look in the direction she pointed. It was like the crowd parted for them as they approached. My mouth hung open as I saw the stunning beauty approaching me. Both were wearing a shade of gray that was almost black. Roman wore a half cape off one shoulder with a white, silky interior. There were accents in black, and he wore a white silk top that accented his upper body form while being open at the neck to show the beginnings of his muscular chest. Camile was wearing a full-length gown that flowed as she walked with the one side split so that when she stepped forward with her left leg, it was exposed up to mid thigh. The low cut under the neck caused by the shoulder wrap of the gown suggested something I already knew and displayed a very well made necklace and brooch that sparkled in the lights. She was beautiful. They were beautiful and by the way they were looking at me, I must have passed inspection. They stopped a few steps from us. Their outfits shimmered in the lights of the room.

Bowing formally to each of them before I stepped closer to offer each one a hand as I spoke.

“Camile and Roman. My beloved twins. My beautiful girlfriend and my handsome boyfriend. Will you allow me to escort you to the Formal Ball this evening?” My soft, loving voice that only they could hear.

Roman bowed to me as he lifted a hand to take mine. Then Camile curtsied before she took my other hand and spoke. “We would be most honored if our most handsome boyfriend would escort us tonight.” She said, and I stepped in just a little closer and so did they. Raising each hand slowly to my lips, I kissed them. I lowered their hands and stepped in closer again and kissed Camile on the lips first. Then I kissed Roman on the lips.

“My beloveds are the brightest stars in the sky this evening. Will you allow me to display the two of you on the dance floor?” I asked with anticipation.

“Of course we will, Marc. You are the only person we want to dance with tonight.” Said Roman as Camile nodded. I dipped my head and stepped forward, making them turn as I did, and the three of us walked through the crowd, which seemed to part for us too.

We settled on the dance floor for a slow dance. I held one in each arm as they snuggled in against me. We garnered considerable attention as we moved around the dance floor with everyone else. Maybe it was the shimmering outfits under the dance floor lights. Maybe it was because the three of us looked like young royalty, with Camile’s gown flowing and mingling with the capes that Roman and I wore. And unlike Roman’s shoulder cape. Mine was a full cape that when we spun on the dance floor, it would fly out and then wrap around my twins when we stopped. They loved that, as it kept people from getting too close and the fact that I could cover them with it.

“Our Dad told us that the Bennett Family had problems in High Sec and that’s why they move to Low Sec a few years ago.” Said Camile into my chest.

“Interesting. I asked my dad to check them out with Aunt Gloria. Something just doesn’t seem right.” I sighed. “May we spend the rest of the evening without discussing Christopher Bennett or his family? I would like to display my beloveds and make everyone jealous of what we have together?” I asked distracted as I concentrated on slow dancing with two people without stepping on their feet or tripping them up.

Two pairs of lips touched mine before they snuggled back against me. “Of course, Marc.” They said together.

I smiled my mischievous grin and nudged each of the twins’ heads with my nose and they looked at me. “If I Bonded with both of you, how many children would we have?” I asked innocently. I watched as the mouths dropped open and eyes grew as they pulled back sharply to look at each other. Mouths snapped shut as I could almost see the words crossing back and forth between them as they communicated as only twins could. Then they looked back at me. Camile squinted as she tilted her head, trying to read my expression. Roman hummed against my shoulder, thinking. This tune ended, and we stopped where we were as we waited for the next tune, which also turned out to be a slow dance. Thankfully.

“Four.” Said Camile before Roman lifted his head, looking first at her and then to me. “Each.” He deadpanned.

My eyebrows lifted before I spoke. “Four for each of us, or four from each of you?” Confused.

“What would you want?” asked Roman. Turning it back on me.

“I was thinking two with each of you, but 4 each would be OK too.” I replied.

“Boys or girls. Or what mix of each.” asked Camile.

“Whatever the Stars provide us with.” I thought they were teasing me as I was them, but they might also be feeling me out in case we go farther. That would be interesting. Roman’s head dropped on my shoulder again and I smiled as I felt the slight movements as he was trying to keep a laugh from coming out. Shortly I felt Camile laughing into my chest and Roman couldn’t hold it anymore.

“So. How many kids?” I asked, and they both froze. Slowly looking at my face.

“You weren’t kidding?” asked Roman, suddenly concerned that they made a mistake.

I bit my tongue and shook my head no as they locked eyes with each other, until I chuckled. Which turned into a full rolling laugh as Camile smacked me before she buried her head into my chest as Roman hugged me tighter as he laughed, too. Once they stopped, I kissed the top of their heads.

“Seriously. How many kids would we have? Just so I know.” I asked in all seriousness.

“It would probably be four. A boy and a girl each from the two of us,” Roman says as he slides his hand across my stomach. Letting out a low moan as his hand slips across my dick, giving me a squeeze. “Maybe more if you don’t develop stretch marks.” He says with a smirk and we laughed again.

Just then, the tones sounded, announcing that everyone needed to return to our seats. Which caused me to step back and bow to each of them as they returned it to me. I spun, and they moved up alongside me as I led them to the table. Receiving a few appreciative nods as we made our way through the slalom course of tables.

3 hours, a meal, multiple dances and me having to step in as someone was hitting on my girlfriend, whom didn’t want the attention, and we were finally free. We departed the dining hall, and I made a turn into the exhibition area. I was looking for a certain vendor I knew. Heads turned as we glided through the walkways between the stalls until I angled us and Javier spotted me.

“If it isn’t His Royal Highness, Marc Alexander himself and the Royal Court.” Said Javier Cohen with an exaggerated bow before he extended his hand to me. Which I took before he asked, “How may we help you today, kind Sa?”

“Sa Javier Cohen. I am glad you are here. I need your and Atticus’s help with people approaching my beloveds.” As Atticus stepped out of the portable workshop in the center of the stand. His bony hand reached across the display table to me and we shook.

“How can we help you, young Alexander?”

I turned aside and pointed to Roman and Camile. “My beloveds are too beautiful. Too perfect.” Which made them blush. “I need a symbol that marks them as mine. Can you take my Coat of Arms and stretch it out onto a special ring I may give them, so everyone knows they are my boyfriend and my girlfriend?” I asked. They both looked from me to the twins and back to me before Atticus pulled a Tablet out from under the counter. I removed my necklace and handed it over to Atticus. Pulling the twins to my sides as I waited. Javier came back with a piece of equipment that scans hands. He also had a display pad loaded with a selection of the different ring bands they offered for this specific ring. The twins kept looking between me and the Cohen’s, then down to the design taking shape in the Holoview.

“Marc, what are you doing?” Asked Roman.

“I believe you asked for a ring as your prize, since you two won me over, my boyfriend.” I replied before I added. “Besides. You two need proof that you are taken to keep unwanted affections away.” I said as Javier slid a hand scanner to me and I placed Roman’s hand on it, then Camile’s.

“That is beautiful Marc.” Camile looked in awe at the design taking shape.

“The Cohen brothers are the best in the region for this kind of work.” I said, which made Javier smile.

“And what are you and your brother going to give him, in return, to mark him as yours Sa’s Malachi.” Asked Javier as he looked back and forth between the two of them, who appeared to be in mild shock over the idea, and then to me. “The split ring design, maybe?” Javier asked as he presented it. Nodding and stepped back. I smiled as Javier had smoothly slipped the idea into the twin’s mind and made another sale. Ever the consistent salesperson? Javier started explaining the metals used and how it worked as he showed the ring to the twins. Then they both picked it up and looked at the separate pieces. Placing them together at Javier’s urging. Camile smiled and locked eyes with her brother. Again, the twin communication thing before Camile took off the necklace and opened the brooch. Inside was a beautiful Coat of Arms of the Malachi family.

“Could this be stretched out like Marc’s is? Half on each ring, so when they are together, they display the entire design?” Camile asked while Roman slipped his arm around me as his head rested on my shoulder while he watch Atticus as he finished adjusting my design for the rings I had chosen.

40 minutes later, we had the rings made and package in their boxes as I led them back to our suite.

“That was fast.” Said Camile.

“It’s the design that takes time and it has to be perfect, or the construction process is worthless. Atticus and Javier are masters at design and metal composition. Once the design is correct, it only takes the plasma cutters and laser etchers minutes to complete the desired ring, once the fabricator produces the correctly sized ring blank with the proper composition of metals.” I said as we were walking into the suite. I led them straight to the floor to ceiling armorplas viewport that overlooked the Gas Giant. I popped open a box and retrieved the ring from it as I turned and took Camile’s hand in mine.

“Camile. My girlfriend. My love. What I give you now is a token of my love for you. A public display of my love for you. That tells everyone that you are my girlfriend.” I said as I slipped it on her finger before I pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately. Pulling away from her, I grabbed the other box and retrieved the ring before I took Roman’s hand.

“Roman. My boyfriend. My love. What I give you now is a token of my love for you. A public display of my love for you. That tells everyone that you are my boyfriend.” I finished speaking and placed the ring on his finger. I looked up just in time for him to crash into me. Lips assaulting mine in a passionate kiss that showed me he loved me just as much as I do him.

Camile opened their box as Roman and I kissed and were ready when we separated, handing the other ring to Roman. They took a minute to study them and realized that Roman had to go first as his ring was the inner and Camile’s was the outer.

“Marc Alexander. You asked us to date you in what started as a one-night connection to put Christopher in his place. I asked you what was in it for us and you said, ‘A night with a good, loving boyfriend. You are most certainly a good, loving boyfriend and I love you for it. Let this be my half of our token of love for you. A public display of our love for you and that you are our boyfriend. My loving boyfriend.” Roman said before he slipped the ring on my finger before he repeated the hug and kiss as before.

My boyfriend. Marc Alexander. Our boyfriend. What started in jest turned into something more. You work hard to make sure we both feel loved. That I feel loved. And now I want you to know that you are loved. By me. By us. You gave me a ring that claims me as your girlfriend. Now I give you a ring that claims you as my boyfriend. That completes the ring that claims you as our boyfriend. I love you, Marc. Just as you love me. As you love Roman. As we love you.” Camile finished as she took my hand. I watched her slide it across my knuckle to the other half. Align them perfectly before adding a little twist that locked them into one ring.

Reaching behind herself. Camile shrugged and her formal gown dropped off her shoulders and her body. By the time it hit the floor, her bra and underwear were already off as she stepped out of the pile of cloth. Her hot body wrapped itself around mine as she kissed me. Passion, tongue, and muffled sounds as she told me with her body, she loved me. Moments later, I felt the heat of another body touching my skin as my formal wear was being removed from me. One piece at a time.


* * *

Rolling over, I ignored the constant chirping in the distance. An elbow pushed into me as someone rolled. Another body shifted. Climbed over me and smacked something. The chirping stopped. Lips touched mine. Tongue forced into my mouth. Another weight shifted and rested upon me. Lips touch my cheek, my nose. A moan and another shift and I had two tongues in my mouth. Four hands feeling my body and something wet rubbing my hard dick before a shift and a hand guiding my dick into some place hot and wet. A person was rocking on top of me as I felt my legs being lifted before a stinging pain shot through my body as I was penetrated. My eyes shot open. My arms reached out, grabbing Camile’s waist. Pulling her down hard on my dick, making her moan. Roman was thrusting into me hard and I was almost there. In seconds, I was going to blow. I helped Camile ride me faster as I tried to thrust up into her. Roman grunted as I felt the hot fluid coating my insides and Camile was panting hard as her head flew back and I felt the fluids pouring down my dick onto me as my balls tightened up and I shot my own load into Camile. Who, in turn, dropped to kiss me as I rolled her onto her back. Ending up on top of her.

“That noise was our alarm, wasn’t it?” I asked as I lifted off her.

“Yes. We are going to be late.” Said Roman as he stood next to me holding my hand as I helped Camile up.

As we entered the bathroom, I grabbed the lube off the counter when Camile started the water in the fresher.

“Roman my love. This is going to be fast and hard, but know I love you.” I said as I pushed him against the wall as I lubed his hole and my dick.

“Do it Marc. Let me know I belong to you.” He rasped out as I entered him.

“Camile, my love. Bathe us please.” I asked as I started thrusting

“Of course, my boyfriend.” She said as I felt the washcloth start on my back.

We arrived at breakfast at 0712 hours. 12 minutes late. Not as bad as I thought, but I was a little rough on Roman. His kiss afterwards told me I was loved, and he liked what I just did to him, even though he is in pain. Camile, my beloved girlfriend, did a wonderful job of bathing us as we had sex. It was probably the only reason we made it to breakfast at a reasonable time. The entire table looked at our rings with oohs and aahs. My parent’s looking at me with raised eyebrows as I have given none of my playmates a ring or any other jewelry before. There was also lots of whispering among the Malachi family, too. I wanted to stir the pot this morning and leaned over to the twins.

“Four kids. Right?” I asked innocently.

Camile tossed her napkin at me as Roman smirked. Enough people heard it to make it worthwhile later. I checked the time as most people were leaving and sighed. At least they would be in the first session with me today. I thought as we stood while we said our goodbyes and assumed their positions at my sides for our walk through the Exhibition Hall, where Roman pointed out the new advertisement. It was a photo collage of us buying our rings and trying them on. Complete with close ups of the rings, their designs and the original Coats of Arms that the designs were drawn from. I had to chuckle as Roman looked over at me.

“Did you tell them to do that?” Roman asked.

“No. They usually do it when they make something special. Ours were definitely special as it involved our family’s Coat of Arms. Besides. We take nice holopics. Especially in formal wear.” I said as the holopic of the three of us kissing displayed. “I’ll have to ask them to send them to me.” Camile laughed as she hugged me tighter as Roman agreed with me. “So.” I drew the word out to garner their attention. “Will we make beautiful children together, too?” I asked, with one side of my mouth turned up with the mischievous twinkle in my eyes.

Camile smacked me again as Roman leaned his head on my shoulder, speaking matter of factually. “Your height and body structure, our looks. We’ll have to chase suitors off with a Scattergun.” Camile leaned out to look at him and then shrugged as she snuggled back into my side.

Lunch has come and gone. A few people asked about the kids, and we cracked up laughing as we explained the conversation we had last night. Dad, though, was watching me carefully as he thought about it. My next session was boring, but I had the chance to talk to a few people. I received a few nods from people I didn’t know. I also received a Link message from Aunt Gloria. Checking who else received it before, I took a minute to read it between sessions. I was shaking my head when pulled up my twins’ schedule to locate them. This needs to be communicated to them as well. Then I will need to sit down and figure out what my family wants to do about it.

The Malachi family was not surprised, considering some of the rumors they heard. I also asked my sister to discretely check the station to see if they were still there. And they were not. The next issue was to track down my Dad, who was currently in a backroom meeting. I raised an eyebrow at that. Wondering what new deal he was working on. I just tapped out a fast brief about what I wanted. Sending it off. Seconds later, he responded by telling me where to meet him and he had other people I needed to meet.

I logged aboard the Destroyer and was escorted to a meeting room where I found my father and a few other people. I was introduced around and there were some good-natured comments about the Alexander-Malachi triad turning heads all over the station, which made me laugh. As for the other people, we had representatives of other stations and other corporations here.

“I asked Marc to join us to hear what we were talking about, since his closing of the hangar doors seems to have had a ripple effect across the region.” Said my Dad as the others agreed.

Listening in earnest as they spoke about what they knew, paying especially close attention to what the Station Security reports had popped up. I looked at Dad with raised eyebrows as he turned to me. A few taps, and he fired a file from our security down on Low Point Station to me and I swiftly breezed through it. That information sank in. Smugglers. I listened half-heartedly as they discussed how to handle it.

Hand raised for the attention of my Father. He acknowledges me. “As I understand, you need to lure them to a station in order for a search and seizure? Is that all we need, and is that correct?” My Father’s smile changed as he thought it over while looking at me.

“Yes, and your plan is?” He said as he motioned for everyone to wait for my response.

“We had a discussion yesterday, as you know, but part of that was Christopher Bennett asking me to forgive him. I, in turn, rebuffed him rather hard. I think if I reconsidered and wanted to speak with him, it would lure them back to Low Point Station. Out of sight of CONFED Navy…” I said, letting the thought trail off. My Father signaled to wait again to the group as he gave me the rolling fingers to show I should continue. I nodded and took a moment with my thoughts. “We put them in Hanger P-4 with one of our armed freighters ahead of them, facing bow to bow. I and my beloveds wait up in the viewing gallery as they dock and then go down to get him. I’ll switch into my Armor on the way down and once Christopher is off the ship, I can trigger the lock down. The Marines can back up Customs and Station Security personnel.” I paused again as I played it out in my mind before continuing. “While I have a little discussion with Christopher. He’ll either tell me what we will find and where or he won’t. If he does. We need to protect him…” I trailed off once again and heard a few low chuckles around the room.

“Yup. He’s an Alexander.” I heard from one of the group.

Dad took my idea and changed it, but I could tell he was proud of my idea and willingness to carry it out. That I was all for keeping CONFED Navy out of it made them all happy. Last thing we needed was the Navy stepping in to dictate to us how we do things when we are the ones that provide security in our areas of space with a rather stringent set of rules. Which was how I bought my Rock Prospector Mini, because they were claim jumping. My Father smiled when I mentioned Hanger P-4, because it was an Armored Explosives Handling Hanger. Any transfer of any type of explosive goes through either P-3 or P-4. But most people don’t know that, as not every freighter was certified to carry explosives.

30 minutes later, I was shaking hands with everyone before I arranged a meeting between the Malachi Family and mine over dinner tonight. Dad and I moved to another location for a private conversation on how I should word my request to Christopher. I tapped out a few ideas into my Tablet as I listened. Many thoughts ran through my head. My newest set of Armor isn’t broken in yet. Which gave me an internal wince as I thought about the rub spot rashes that might give me. Dad finished and listened to my questions before we finished.

“You did well in that meeting, Marc. I am proud of you but let me explain it to your mother first before you say anything to her.” Said Dad as he hugged me.

I hugged back as I responded. “I will Dad. I also need to explain to the Malachi family that I will keep my beloveds safe as they won’t be on the Dock with me. Just the Comm contact and the Viewing Gallery.” He nodded as we separated and went our different ways. My right hand crossed to my left, and I fingered the ring there fondly. Which meant I needed a hug. So. Off to find my twins I go as I checked my Link for their schedule.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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34 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

     Sounds like the Bennett's may be in a for a world of hurt; and this time it probably won't even be any fault of Christopher Bennett.
     Marc seems to be drawing closer to the twins than I expected him to, he knows his true mate is out there, does he think he can have his cake and eat it to?

I am wondering the same thing, or might it be that in this future society Children can come from multiple combinations of parental partners?

Looks like the Malachi family was worried that Marc knew more than they thought when he got mad at Christopher----

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Well now, cakes are baking and will everyone come out unscathed?

Will they settle for 4 kids or 8...

And is Christopher's hands completely clean in all of this?

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41 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

And is Christopher's hands completely clean in all of this?

For his sake, I hope so. Even if he is dirty, I hope he comes clean. It's his only hope of a life.

1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Marc seems to be drawing closer to the twins than I expected him to, he knows his true mate is out there, does he think he can have his cake and eat it to?

Marc may be a good guy overall, but let's not forget that he is a privileged kid!

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Marc is very surprising and acts fast. He wants at least 4 kids with his beloveds before he finds his true mate. Then he willingly puts himself in danger trying to prove the Bennet's are smugglers. At least he is open to giving Christopher a way out by confessing all about the smuggling.

I cannot wait to see what happens next.

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