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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,630 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 9. Chapter 9

My apologies for waiting so long to post this. I was working on a story for the Fall Anthology. Caught between editing and dropping entire scenes to rewrite them. The joys of writing! 😊

My family was the last to Board, but that was expected. I dropped off my gear in my quarters and kissed my two beloved before I led them out of the cabin and up to the Captain’s quarters where both of our parents were just arriving as well. My Father led us in as my sister waited with one of the Marine Lieutenants, who I assume is the Commanding Officer of the platoon of Marines onboard. We took our seats and the elder Malachi’s were waiting with anticipation of what was going to be said tonight, but also confused by the location and the Marine.

Camile and Roman didn’t have any idea either but trusted me to explain any new interactions with my family if I thought they needed guidance in a new environment. That was until my father discussed what our findings were on the Bennett Family. At that point, my two beloveds understood they were involved somehow. Dad turned it over to me to explain what we wanted to do.

I took Camile and Roman’s hands in mine as I explained how I wanted to Comm Christopher Bennett and invite him to Low Point Station. Where we could discuss excepting his apology. We would watch them Dock from the viewing gallery in a show of friendship. Then we would head down to the Dock. Or I would. Camile and Roman would move to a secure location away from the hangar as I collect Christopher and lock down his ship. Marines backing up Station Customs and Security personnel would board to search the ship. I droned on about a few details before I turn to Camile.

“My girlfriend,” I paused as I turned to Roman. “And my boyfriend.” Pausing again as I turned to face their parents. “Will be perfectly safe. That is one of our Armored Hangers. We will also have one of our Armed Freighters docked, bow to bow, with the Bennett’s ship. At a moment’s notice, when we are in the Gallery, I can deploy the armored shutters over the armorplas viewport, if it is needed. I also have suits of Armor fitting them and similar to one of my suits. No one will be able to tell we are armored. They also will not be going into the Dock with me. I’ll have other assets disguised around me for that purpose. Once I escort them out of the Viewing Gallery, they will be escorted out of the Armored Zone to a secure area where I will bring Christopher. From there, he will either tell us what he knows, or he won’t. There are different plans for him, depending on whether he cooperates.” I said, finishing up and looking at my two beloved. Each in turn, as they gave me a nod of approval. Their Father had questions which my father and the Marine Lieutenant answered. Jesus and Maria looked at each other. Deep down, they were in a bad spot. To allow their kids to help us could cause them problems and endanger their kids. Equally. Not helping us would be seen as a mark against them in my family’s records for not helping us when asked, and there really was no danger to my twins. I wouldn’t let them be put in a dangerous situation.


* * *

I sat. Slouched back onto the couch with a girlfriend on one side and a boyfriend on the other. The sound of their breathing could barely be heard over the soft background music as we watched the stars glide by during our transit from one Jump Gate to the next. We were taking our time heading down aboard the Malachi’s large lumbering freighter. It wasn’t hard to ask them to allow me to travel back with them. I had already sent the Link to Christopher, and we were just waiting for his reply. My family’s Intelligence Service has already confirmed they are heading to Low Point Station next week. Now we just wait to see if Chris confirms it or not with the invitation to meet with the three of us.

Roman shifted, and I felt the kiss on my neck before he snuggled back down. My arm shifted, rubbing his back in response. Because I love them both, even though I am trying to relax, my other arm moves. Rubbing Camile’s back. Which prompt’s her to shift and kiss my neck on the other side before her head settles back on my shoulder across from her brother’s. I am enjoying our relationship, but I wonder how long it will last. It is, after all, based mostly on the hot sex we have. How long do I have before they tire of us or I tire of having two beloved people at my side? Would I be happy with just Roman? Since he seems to be the more attached of the two of them. I give myself an internal shrug as I hug the two of them tighter and kiss the top of their heads.

We were pulling into Low Point Station. Almost 12 hours behind the Cruiser. And that was fine. I held my two lovers all night after we made love. Now I need to get back to work. I shifted on my feet and pulled my twins tighter to me as I whispered. “I need to run down and pack real quick.” They both nodded and pulled back to take my hands, leading me back to our quarters from the Bridge. It only took me a few minutes to finish before I turned back to the twins. They were looking sad today. I’m sure I know why. “Why so sad?” I asked carefully before Roman moved in to hug me.

“We are attached to you now, Marc. You’re leaving us and you’ll go out on your miner.” He said softly and Camile had moved in too before she continued. “The problem is we love you too, Marc. We just had a fantastic few days together and now we have to separate. We won’t be able to see you every day.” Said Camile. I hugged them tighter to me.

“I know my loves. Roman my boyfriend and Camile my girlfriend. I feel it too. The difference between us is I have lived my whole life like this. You haven’t. I have your schedule. I’ll move mine around to be here when you are. If you’re close enough, I’ll even come to you and spend a night flying down with you.” When I finished speaking, two pairs of sad eyes locked with mine.

“You would do that for us Marc?” Asked Roman.

I tilted my head back and looked down at them. Locking eyes with each in turn. I could almost see the sadness coming off them in waves as the bright, hopeful orbs of their eyes wanted to know if I would really do that. “I gave you both a token of my love. A public display that I love you both. They also serve the purpose of reminding you I love you and I have your symbol of love on my finger, too.” I sighed softly. “My word as an Alexander. I do indeed love you both and that I will be here when you are as much as I can.” I said, as I snuggled into both of them again. I felt the hot dripping on my chest and shoulder before I pulled them both tighter to me.

“Shhhh. Don’t cry and never forget I love you.” I whispered as I rubbed their backs and kissed the tops of their heads. Roman’s head came up first and his lips meant mine. The kiss was long and passionate before he pulled away and Camile’s lips replaced his. She was gentle compared to Roman, but no less passionate. Nor was it shorter in duration. I sometimes wonder if they have implants, as their kisses are almost always the same duration. Like they synced their implants and set a timer.

“We love you too, Marc.” They said in unison again. And implants would explain a lot of things. Including the twin communication thing. I lifted an eyebrow as I thought about that. They were both past their sixteenth Birthingday. They have the contacts to get one and it would be perfect for them as they are so close together all the time. I wonder which one. I’ve been eyeing up two models, but Mom wants me to wait until I’m eighteen.

“What are you thinking about, our boyfriend?” Asked Camile as she looked at me curiously.

I shrugged, “Just wondering what implant you two have?” I asked with a 50/50 chance of being right. They both started laughing and hugged me tighter to them.

“It seems, my dear sister, that our beloved boyfriend is very smart and he caught us,” Said Roman with a very happy face.

I looked at Camile and she had that look that said, ‘Damn. We just got caught.’ Then she sighed. “We were going to tell you. The time just never seemed right.” She confessed.

I smiled as I responded, “I’m not mad about it, love. Jealous actually. I still have almost 5 months before I can get one. That’s why I was asking. If I get one from the same manufacturer, I could link directly to the two of you like you do with each other. Then you would know what I am thinking and feeling.” I ran my hand up Camile’s back and slowly let my fingers work their way around the back of her lower skull to a point behind her left ear. I felt a slight bump that wasn’t natural. I tilted my head and did the same to Roman. I stopped when I found his. I looked at both of them before I spoke next. “I would love to be able to jack into you both while we make love so you can feel what I feel when I am with you.” Their eyes went wide and Camile’s mouth dropped open.

“You would do that with us,” Asked Roman. Just as astonished as Camile was.

“Yes. I would take us to the next level.” I said honestly. And deep down, I knew I would if I could.

“But.” Camile started and then had to think. “But. We’re not Bonded. That would open you up to everything. And we would be open to everything. You would do that with us? You would let us know everything you know. Everything you feel. Every thought.” Camile asked. Not understanding why I would.

“Yes Camile.” I paused as I lifted her ring hand. Placing the ring in front of her eyes. “I gave you a part of me already. I did it because I love you and Roman. I asked about children not only in jest, but because I wanted to know.” Roman’s back stiffened as his head jerked back.

“You’re checking off the boxes.” Roman asked, shocked. He shook himself visibly. “You are thinking maybe we could be Bonded Mates. Not true Mates, but Mates, nonetheless. You are checking off the boxes on your list and if they are all checked, you are going to ask us to Bond with you,” Roman said in awe as he took a step back and grabbed Camile. “He’s not kidding Camile. He is checking off the boxes, and he took the first step to the next level with these,” Roman said franticly as he held up his ring finger.

Camile’s eyes locked with mine. “By the Stars. Our boyfriend has marked us, and he is evaluating if we would be good Mates or not.” She paused. “You are. Aren’t you Marc? You are not just loving us. You are testing us. And what happens when that last box is checked, Marc? What will really happen?” Asked Camile, concerned.

“I will ask you both. Here and now. What do you want me to do? It is true we are not True or Fated Mates. But we could be Mates. Is that what you want? I think you should both take the time while we are separated this week to think about that. Think about what you want from me. Think about what I would want from you. I’ll add at this point. I would be satisfied with 4 kids, but I am not opposed to more. Don’t be afraid you will upset me with your answer and don’t be afraid to ask me questions. Being Bonded Mates is a decision that both parties or, in this case, the three of us have to agree on first. Maybe just one of you is interested, maybe neither of you are. Maybe, deep down, you both are. Time and thought will tell us the answer we need to hear. Notice. I said, need to hear. Not. Want to hear. Regardless of your answers. I do now, and will always, love you both. Does that answer your question good enough for now, my Camile, my Roman?” I asked as I finished. They were still hugging each other, and I noticed the implant must be active. Cheaters. I whispered, and they both gave me a sideways glance as they nodded.


* * *


I departed the Malachi’s Freighter, the Naomi Maya, heading up to my quarters to stow my gear and then head over to the family office to check in before I head for my meeting with Brandon and Seiko. Hopefully, I will make it to Naomi Maya in time for lunch. I can’t be late on the first day of the twins awakening. I am interested to see if they will follow through or just remain friends. As I said. Time will tell. And I think at this point they would make a good fit for me. They still have more tests to pass, though.

I had my latest list of parts up as I whittled it down to the last minor replacement part. That would finish the repair list and now it’s off to make more credits so I can get the Mining Laser Upgrades. Planning out a fast mining run for Tuesday morning to return Friday morning. Which will let me be here when my twins return. Tonight I have dinner with them before they leave for Weissman Station. Notifying Tom and Rachel that we are leaving at 0800 hours. They responded in the affirmative as the Lock chime sounded and I checked the screen to see Brandon and Seiko.

An hour later, I am leaving the ship with two more crew members who will be with us tomorrow. Heading up to my quarters, I stopped in to check a few issues with Dad before I headed for the Fresher. A fast hot shower later and I am dressed, headed to the Naomi Maya.

Once on board, I headed for their cabin. Which is where the Watch Stander at the Lock had said they were. I tapped the chime key for admittance before Camile opened the hatch wrapped in a towel.

“You can just walk in, our boyfriend. You live here too.” She said as she wrapped me in a hug before she kissed me. I could tell she was communicating with Roman again and seconds later, he came out of the head. Towel scrubbing his wet hair, naked as the day he was Birthed before he moved into the position that Camile just vacated. His hug and kiss were the same duration as hers was, and I chuckled as we separated. They both smiled as they shifted to hug me together.

“And what time is dinner?” I asked. Thinking I know the answer already. Their Links chimed, and they grimaced as they looked at it.

“Mom wants to talk to you before dinner, but we are eating at the Station. Then we are going to spend some private time with you.” Said Camile, then Roman leered at me, “In your quarters.”

“Oh… Then I guess I should pay your parents a visit as the two of you dress.” I paused and leered right back at the two of them in their state of undress. Looking each one over hungrily as my hands moved across their bodies, feeling the hot, naked skin beneath my fingers. I gave myself an internal shake. “Before something detains me here.” Which made them both smile and nod against me.

I hugged Jesus and Maria Malachi before Maria took my arm in hers and walked me off the Bridge.

“We noticed the change in our children last night and then this morning. By lunch they were almost certified zombies, as they spent so much time communicating with their implants. Would you know why that is Marc?” She asked knowingly.

“It started as separation depression. Now I am sure they are in shock as they figured out that I am,” I paused, looking for the words before I just shrugged, “At the thought I am seriously looking at them as possible, Bond Mates.” I said slowly as I pieced together the words I wanted to use. She patted my arm as we walked down to the conference room.

“Jesus had to laugh as he asked them if they figured it out yet. You are following the path that most Bonded Mates follow. We did the same thing. Not everyone finds a Fated Mate. Most don’t. We understand that. And now. They do too.” She paused as we entered the conference room and moved over to the viewport to look out into the hangar. “What are your intentions towards our two children, Marc?” She asked, and I smiled.

“I intend to keep right on doing what I am doing. Loving them as they think about what they want as I continue to work my way down the list of what I want.” I said softly before I sighed, “I also told them that regardless of their decision. I love them now and always will. Whether we are just friends or Bonded Mates.” Maria patted my arm again.

“And they are most certainly thinking. If they meet all of your requirements. Then what? A formal request of them to Bond with you?”

“Yes. We will have much to work out between us as far as living arrangements, what they want to do. What I want to do. We already know how many kids we would have.” She laughed softly as she nodded her head.

“Yes. They told us about that talk at lunch. They were so upset because they thought you were joking, and you really were not.” I smiled.

“Yes. I was playing with them while looking for an answer. I didn’t want to scare them away.”

“Prudent and Jesus laughed. He thinks you handled them perfectly and now they know what you want as far as children go. They have also seen how you react in public with them as well as private. There is really no difference. You treat them the same. As the cherished beloveds they are to you. They like that very much. They also like that you don’t favor one over the other but treat them equally. Just so you know. Jesus and I would be happy if they Bonded with you. Although we feel if they do, we will not see them as much, but that is to be expected.” She paused again. “To that end. They need to be aboard by 2000 hours as we depart at 2030 hours. We’ll be back on Friday morning. Probably before 0600 hours. Join us for breakfast at 0700 hours and then take them out for a few hours.” Maria suggested. Which made me smile. It was exactly what I had planned to do.

I returned to the twins’ quarters and tapped the hatch open to find them fast at work on their Tablets before they jumped up to greet me. In minutes, we were headed off the ship as the twins took me to dinner. Two hours later we were standing under the water jets in my cramped fresher. Both hugged me as tight as I hugged them. It was our goodbye for the next few days before I walked them back to their ship. I could feel the sadness wafting off them like the heat of the desert under the blazing sun of midday.

“No tears this time. You are both loved more than I ever expected I would. I’ll be here when you return, as I promised I would be. Waiting to hold you both in my arms again.” I whispered between their heads. I felt Camile pull me tighter to her as I felt Roman’s body give a slight shutter as he tried to control his emotions before his head lifted. I could see the two were communicating again and just waited.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can, our boyfriend. Know we love you more than we thought too,” Roman said sadly as Camile’s head lifted. “You gave us much to think about our boyfriend. I love you. We love you and we will talk and think about what you said this morning while we are gone.” Camile said before she leaned in and kissed me. Slow and passionate as she let me feel, not just hear, her love for me. Roman followed suit after she separated her lips from mine.

20 minutes later, we stood by their Lock as I took each twin in turn. Pulling them into a hug and kiss. Whispering what needed to be said to each of them. Individually and as my pair of lovers.

“My Camile. My girlfriend I love.” I said, looking at her before my eyes darted to Roman. “My Roman. My boyfriend I love.” I pulled back a little and looked at both of them. “Safe travels to you both and your family. Until we meet again, my beloveds.” I whispered. A slight hint of sadness in my voice.

They glanced at each other, and I smiled before their eyes darted back to me. “We hope you have a good mining trip.” And then they each laid a hand on the side of my face. “Until we meet again, our boyfriend. Our love.” They said in perfect unison. I twisted and kissed both of their hands before I sent them onto the ship.

I stood on the Dock and watched as I waited for them to depart. All the time working out how our relationship would work as a Bonded set of Mates. And unless they or I will change lifestyle, we wouldn’t. I shouldn’t say that. I could. They could stay on their ship, and I would stay here mining. We would see each other two, maybe three, days a week. I could live with that, but I don’t think they could, as they are having so much trouble handling this. Maybe in time they would be alright. I watched as the ship pulled away and the running lights blinked. One last wave to me, which I returned, and I headed back to my quarters and bed.

Of course, that wasn’t meant to be as I saw the people getting off the lift and turning towards me. The broad smile that crossed my face told them I was happy to see them.

“And what are the three of you doing here?”

“Looking for you Marc. We have a few hours and thought we could talk?” Said Janek as Hugo and Rory held him between them. We hugged and kissed before I stood back and looked the three of them over. Nodding my head in satisfaction.

“Well. None of you are showing, so I guess no one is pregnant. What would you like to talk about?”

“How about the ship you are assigning us to?” Said Rory. I shrugged and motioned for the three of them to follow me.


* * *


I piloted the shuttle into the landing bay of the shipyard’s main station hangar, or I should say, Jessica did as I watched over her. I waited until she had everything shutdown before we departed.

“Thanks for bringing me Marc and letting me fly.” Jessica said as she worked her way under my arm.

“I figured you could use a little freedom while I give these three the tour.”

“Which ship are you taking them to?”

“ANS Caelestis Anastassia. One of the new Armed Freighters. In the meantime, I am assuming you are going to hang out with Victoria and the gang over here?”

“That was the plan. Meet you back at the shuttle in an hour?” I kissed the top of her head.

“Jess, that sounds good. If we finish earlier, I'll let you know.” I said as I gave her one last squeeze across her shoulders, and she was off. We turned in the slip's direction I wanted as the three of them looked out at the 8 ships being built. Two Comet Class Frigates, two of the new Armed Freighters, a mining vessel, two large freighters and a Cruiser. Passing us through the security check points under my authorization as I walked us into the proper viewing gallery.

“That’s bigger than I thought it was,” said Hugo. I smirked.

“You weren’t privy to the entire project. Only what I needed from you.” I said as I waved my hand at the ship. “It was designed to haul cargo as is her cover, but it was built on the new Battle Cruiser hull. With all the Drives and Power Systems associated with one. She is faster than any other freighter her size and carries the armament of a Heavy Cruiser and she has four fighters with four assault shuttles. Her cargo hold is only 2/3’s of the usable space.” I paused as I turned to look at their reactions. “Your orders should be issued soon. Let’s go look at your quarters.” I said as I led them out and done to the Lock to board the ship.


* * *

40 minutes later, we were walking off the ship and headed for the shuttle as I was getting tired and needed to get some sleep. Jessica met us coming from the other direction and gave me raised eyebrows as Rory was walking at my side with his arm around my lower back. My arm was across his shoulders. While Hugo and Janek walked behind us holding hands. To say they were happy with the new quarters was an understatement. Rory tried to convince me to leave the twins and join them, but that would not happen.

Jessica was in the right seat, bringing the shuttle to life as I sat on the left and reviewed her work. I nodded and she Comm’d for clearance before smoothly taking us out of the hangar and back to Low Point Station itself.

“Are you taking your exams in a few months?” Asked Janek.

“I am taking a lot of exams in a few months. You should all be busy for my Sixteenth Birthingday celebration.” I paused and noticed the confused looks. “You will be on your new ship long before then. Captain Tremblay is already here. Learning and supporting the final construction.”

“Then that means we should get orders shortly? Promotions too?” Janek asked as he leaned into me. I kissed his cheek.

“Yes. You are correct.” I said before I added, “Promotions that you earned. Not pushed by me. Sending you to ANS Caelestis Anastassia was pushed by me, Janek. For many reasons, not the least of which is Hugo’s need to be closer to the two of you on a more permanent basis.” Which earned me a hug tackle from behind by Hugo and multiple kisses from the three of them.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Marc has set up the meet with Chris in the future. He made serious his claim the his beloved could be his bonded, not fated mates. He wanted children with them if they passed his tests. He asked them to think this through and get back to him when they meet next. His beloved parents know what he is asking and is supportive on him. They know few can find a fated mate.

Meanwhile, Marc connected with Janek and his mates. They are overjoyed to be promoted and placed on a new great ship together. They know Marc was responsible for this move and are grateful and pleased.

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humm....what could the following possibly portend???

I stood on the Dock and watched as I waited for them to depart. All the time working out how our relationship would work as a Bonded set of Mates. And unless they or I will change lifestyle, we wouldn’t. I shouldn’t say that. I could. They could stay on their ship, and I would stay here mining. We would see each other two, maybe three, days a week. I could live with that, but I don’t think they could, as they are having so much trouble handling this. Maybe in time they would be alright. I watched as the ship pulled away and the running lights blinked. One last wave to me, which I returned, and I headed back to my quarters and bed.

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Fascinating chapter.  Marc is more self-sufficient that most persons near his age.  Part of that is temperament; part probably from other factors.  The twins, however, have almost always had others or each other near.  This type of background makes consistent separation for days at a time a challenge.

Interesting conversation with the parents of the twins.

Interesting conversation with Christopher coming -- probably.  Hopefully, the family of Chris does not have their own extensive spy network.

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Well, I certainly did not see that one coming.  I am guessing that you can bond with more than one person or group?  I am sure that Marc is going to meet the man from his dreams at some point, and will bond with him, can he do so and still be bonded to the twins?

I am glad that Janek, Hugo, and Rory are getting this new ship, of course, that means that they will be in danger, but at least they will be there together to support each other.

Can't wait to see how the deal with Christopher and his family plays out.  Is he involved or does he even know?

Can't wait to see what happens next.  

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Christopher will have one chance to redeem himself, regardless of whether his family is carrying contraband.

Considering how this society creates children, I can't see anything wrong with threesomes (or more). I do wonder about so-called incest laws. I would think the twins would copulate with each other as much as they would with Marc. That's assuming that they don't now!

There is the dilemma of how this Bond would work. Something Marc is thinking about. I'm sure that he will have a plan worked out if the Bond is made.

@P. E. Knapp, you have rewritten all the laws of sexuality and gender with this society you have created. :worship:

Finally, I like how Marc engineered Hugo to be placed on the same ship as Rory and Janek.

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