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    Jeff Burton
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  • 5,971 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Life in Suspension - 6. Chapter 6 - A Good Day

I'm trying to get back in the saddle after being gone for so long. So be gentle ❤️

The moderately wooded forest was quiet, except for the fire erupting within the 125cc 2-stoke engines in the belly of our bikes. Chris led the way, maneuvering his steed through the twists and turns of the trail we had gotten to know so well years ago. I followed behind, my own tires kicking up dust and rock in its wake just as he did.

We were surrounded by trees, with finger-like branches that stretched to the sky gnarling at the sun. As we ducked in and out of the shadows, I could feel the sun’s heat licking at my skin, almost enticing me to speed up to experience the next kiss from the rays of light. My heart pounded with every change of direction as we were free from the chaos of everyday life, a welcome escape I had forgotten about for so long.

The trail became more challenging with each turn and each moment. The ground changed from dirt to gravel and back again causing the rear tires to skid and slide as we raced along, only the expert muscle memory and quick reactions as we became one with the machines kept us from harm's way. This was a true test of endurance and skill and neither of us was willing to give in.

I kept a safe distance behind Chris, even though I knew I could be right on his tail and still be safe, his ability in this area always had outstripped my own. He was a better rider, and way more adventurous. How he handled his bike without hesitation or any other kind of second thought was inspiring to me. Watching him was the best part of these rides, I was always humbled by his intuition and experience, and always grateful he never failed to make me a part of his passion.

Chris gave me the hand signal we had worked out for ‘ahead slow’ and I released my grip on the throttle slowly, and started downshifting through the gears. Technically we didn’t need the hand signals since I knew where we were going, but Chris was always one for safety, especially mine.

Our destination was a small overlook area at the side of the hill that we had been making our way up. It overlooked the city we lived in below, and in the mid-afternoon sun, it was just beautiful. This was one of the first spots me and Chris found together when we started riding, and to my knowledge, this was ‘our’ spot, he brought no one else but me here.

Chris brought his bike to a stop, and I pulled up beside him automatically hitting the kill switch for the bike's engine, and started unstrapping my helmet. I took it off and dismounted after kicking down the stand, allowing the bike to rest on it.
The overlook area was just as I had remembered it, as if it had stayed frozen in time. As I got caught up in the moment I realized I too had been frozen in time. Over the last couple of years I had been stuck in this endless loop of anger and sadness, and while I could still feel both the anger and sadness at the edge of my awareness, it felt like it no longer had me held at the throat.

I briefly glanced at Chris who had dismounted and removed his helmet as well. He stood enjoying the view just as I was and a moment of guilt formed in the pit of my stomach.

Being frozen in time as I had been caused me to miss moments with my family, and friends. Here stood next to me the best older brother a kid could ever have, who would be going off to college soon and I wasted our time together. Or at least I felt like I had wasted it.

It was time we’d never get back.

“Hey Chris?” I asked softly, trying not to break the moment.


“I’m sorry.”

Chris gave me a questioning glance, “for?”

“I’m sorry I was angry and wasted all that time when we could have been doing this.” I replied, stealing a glance in his direction before looking forward again.

“What brought this on?” Chris asked cautiously.

“I don’t know, maybe it was the counseling session and talking to Dad.”

Chris turned to look at me and I took a step towards him.

“I realize that I haven’t told you how grateful I am for you being there even with all the crap I made you deal with. It hurts me, that I hurt you to the point of.. Well you know.”

“My little break down.” Chris said, voicing the incident I just couldn’t.

I nodded, but he wasn’t finished. “Nate, I need you to believe me when I say that was not your fault. I didn’t deal with my own feelings. You were able to express yours outwardly with anger. I just let mine bleed on the inside until it couldn’t anymore.”

“But I…” I tried to interject but Chris wasn’t done yet.

“Yes you had problems. I saw what was going on with you even when Dad didn’t, I’m the oldest and I told Dad when mom died I would help keep an eye on you and tell him when it was getting to be too much for you, and I didn’t.. We all made mistakes with this Nathan. Me, you, even Dad.”

Chris moved to stand next to me and put a hand on my shoulder, “Listen, I have loved you your entire life, I don’t have a memory that doesn’t have you in it good or bad and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. I crammed you into every single memory I could, even when you weren’t interested. And while it took the three of us a while to even begin to try to heal after mom died I don’t consider anything wasted. Okay?”

“Okay.” I agreed.

“I’m happy you’re finding your way back into being you dude. It must be one hell of a roller coaster for you because it seems to be happening kind of fast.”

That made me chucked a little bit. “It’s been rough. But I’ve had help.”

“I’m guessing, a little bit of myself mixed with a whole bunch of Corey, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I replied with a nod.

“So you guys a thing or… You know. We haven’t had a chance to talk about it.” Chris asked with genuine curiosity.

“It’s a thing.” I said with a half smile.

“Does Dad know?”

“I told him during counseling. That went well by the way. Gavin is easy to talk to.”

“You know, I had that feeling about you guys, you know.” Chris said with a small grin.

“And I kind of bit your head off when you first suggested it.” I said as I recalled that morning he tried to make a joke of it.

“Well to be fair dude, that was a cheap shot on my part.”

“Still, I shouldn’t have done that.”

Chris quickly changed the subject, “I’m guessing this means we’ll be seeing more of Corey?”

“Yeah.” I confirmed, then paused to think a moment. “I couldn’t get rid of him even when I didn’t want him around.”

“Can I ask what made that change?”

“I couldn’t tell you. I mean he says he’s liked me for a long time but didn’t have the nerve to act until I body slammed him originally. Maybe I made him hit his head or something. He has…” I trailed for a moment realizing that perhaps Corey’s secrets where his to tell and not mine and amended my response, “his own issues he’s had to work on. Nothing bad mind you. I just didn’t want to let him or anyone in.”

Chris just listened silently as I continued. “I mean I didn’t know much about him until this little sleigh ride started. I just never paid attention to him. He can kick my ass in Call of Duty, with a broken controller, he’s smart like I mean smarter than me, he’s a year ahead in AP classes, he’s athletic. Oh! And he can play basketball too, he’s trying to get me to join the team with him.”

“No shit?” Chris exclaimed. “You totally should!”

“No,” I said shaking my head with a smile. “That’s your game Chris, I wouldn’t even know how to play if it wasn’t for you.”

“Would you at least consider it maybe?” He asked.

“Well I told Corey I would, but I have more fun with it when I help you, and the same would probably apply to him as well. You know I’m not that competitive.”

“Nathan you are probably more competitive than you think. I seriously think it would help you if you did join and I think you’d enjoy it.. I mean if I was able to find some activity I could enjoy with my future other half, I know I would enjoy it.”

“Maybe,” I replied as I contemplated his words. “I’m just not totally sold on playing with a team. You know that whole loner thing I’ve been going through.”

“I understand. Just consider it though, that’s all I’m asking. You say it’s ‘my game’ but I know for a fact you’re damn good in your own right. You just need a little more confidence.”

“Me and Corey did do a pickup game the other day at the park, and I guess I did have fun.” My thoughts on that however soured as I thought of Max Caster and the way he bailed on me when Jackson told him to beat it right before I got my ass kicked.

“No pressure bro, at the end of the day I just want you to be happy.” Chris replied. Those words alone kept me out of the funk that was forming in my head and I gave him a small smile.

“Chris, if my world decided to burn tomorrow, I’d be happy just to have you there to help me pick up the pieces.”

“I really hope it never comes to that you know.”

“I know.”

“Speaking of burn, we really need to start heading back. I think we left the garage open.”

“Okay, and Chris?”


“Thank you for cramming me into every memory you could. Especially this one. I wouldn’t be half the person I am without those experiences either.” I said with sincerity as I gave him a warm smile and he tossed me into a bear hug before we broke to get the bikes.

The ride back was just as special as the ride there. We took it a little slower this time since we were going downhill for most of it, but I kept my place behind Chris as he took the lead and gave me the appropriate signals as we returned to the base. The scenery was just as beautiful going down as it had been going back up, as the sun’s light flickered lazily through the trees.

Soon we broke out of the canopy and back into the open as we cut across the field heading back into the sub-division. We took it slow getting back to the house, one thing Chris was crazy about was not disturbing others with the bikes. Technically we weren’t supposed to ride them on the street as they weren’t plated, or even street-legal for the most part, so extra care was taken to keep the cops out of the area.

When we reached the house, Corey’s car was parked at the curb, he was in the driveway lazily sinking a basketball into the hoop above the garage door. He stopped ball in hand, the second our bikes came into view as they tore up the driveway.

“I didn’t know you guys had bikes,” Corey said with a little awe in his voice, as we hit the kill switches.

“I think we got mine, end of my freshman year yeah? Nathan got his a month later because he wouldn’t stop bugging Dad about it.” Chris said with a chuckle.

“Nice,” Corey said as he walked around them.

“We’ll take you out at some point,” Chris commented as he started walking his back into the garage. I followed him with mine and put it back in the spot I had pulled it from earlier.

“This was my first time out with it in almost a year,” I commented.

“He did well today though, almost like he never stopped,” Chris said as he took my helmet from me and hung it on the hook on the wall next to his.

“I may have done well, but he did great.” I said thumbing at my brother causing him to blush, “Dude it’s true. You’re fucking amazing with that thing. I could ride for years and never be half as good as you are.”

“Come on now…” Chris said trying to shut me up.

“Lug head, trust me he’s the big biker in this family, I’m just along for the ride,” I stated as a fact.

“Lug head?” Chris asked with an arched eyebrow.

“Hey, I told him I’d stop using it but he says he likes it.” I shot back.

“I do,” Corey said, then looked between me and Chris. “I came by to see how today went.”

“It went great. We talked about you. Well, I sorta talked about everyone.” I said sheepishly hoping he wouldn’t mind.

“Isn't that the point?” Corey asked.

“Well yes, but… You know I hadn’t told my dad about us yet.”

“Or me!” Chris piped in.

“You already guessed!” I shot back.

“Yeah, I did,” Chris replied with a smile.

“So everyone knows then?” Corey asked innocently.

“Yes, I-” I was interrupted by Corey rushing me into an embrace causing me to forget what I was about to say.

“You sure are tactile when I’m around.” I commented breaking the silence.

“Only for you.” He replied, then looked at Chris

“Damn,” Chris commented as he watched from a small distance.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to wait anymore, and since everyone knows…” Corey said with a shrug, then whispered, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” I said in return. I could tell Chris was getting antsy, he had no idea what to say or do at this point. “So how was school?”

“It was fine, boring without you,” Corey said as he released me.

“Alright, you two. How about I start dinner? Corey, you’re invited if you can stay.”

“I can, Mom’s out late tonight.”

“Fantastic, Nate let’s get the bikes situated and get the garage closed up.”

It didn’t take long to get the garage sorted and as promised Chris started dinner with what looked like Corey helping. I disappeared to grab a shower and changed into a white tee and a random pair of shorts. When I reappeared, it was apparent Corey had taken over the kitchen, and deep in discussion with my brother.

“Should I leave you two alone?” I called out with an arched eyebrow as I pulled a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Nope, dinner plans changed though, Corey is making this Mediterranean-style chicken with rice, and a side salad.” Chris beamed as he went back to chopping up vegetables.

Corey didn’t even look at me as he drizzled a little olive oil in the chicken as he seared it. “Something my mom taught me.” He said simply.

“Nate, can you take over for me, I want to grab a shower,” Chris said as he finished chopping and dumped the contents into a large bowl.


Chris disappeared as I looked into the bowl then the ingredients and went to work on chopping a roma tomato into slices, “something your mom taught you?” I asked shaking my head as he bumped into me while adding spices to the rice.

“Something like that.” He said with a blush.

“You don’t have to impress my brother you know, he likes you as is.”

“I know, I just wanted to do something special.” He said glancing at me. “I have something to ask you.”

“I’m all ears.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date?” Corey asked quickly.


“Tomorrow night.”

“Anything fancy?”

“No just dress casual, maybe a shirt with buttons.” He said as he thought about it.

“I’d love to, I’ve never been on a date before,” I admitted.

“Me either, and my mom wants to meet you.”

I stopped chopping and thought for a moment, “Your mom?” I asked. I had only seen her that one time after she reamed Corey a new one in front of Chris and me at school that fateful day.


“Is she cool?” I asked a little worried.

“She’s great. She knows everything. Well almost.” He said shyly, I knew the detail he had left out, that frantic session after the basketball game in the park.

“Well, I wouldn’t expect her to know about that,” I said laughing as I resumed chopping.

“Know about what?” Chris called out as he bounced into the kitchen.

“Nothing!” Corey and I called out in unison.

“Oh, that,” Chris said taking one of the tomato slices and popping it into his mouth.

“He knows?” Corey asked mouth agape.

“He doesn’t, he just thinks he knows.”

“Dude I could smell it on the both of you when I came home that night. This place reeked of sex so bad, I’m surprised Dad didn’t notice.” He said laughing as we both turned red.

“We didn’t even do that!” I yelled as I threw a piece of tomato at him.

“Maybe it was the bit of jizz on your chin that gave it away, no idea,” Chris said with a shrug and a twinkle in his eye as he started getting dishes from the cabinet.

“Corey, I’d love to meet your mom,” I said flatly as I tried to shift back to the topic of conversation.

“Make sure you wipe your chin before you do!” Chris called out from the dining room.

The banter continued from that point on between me and my brother as the three of us worked on dinner. I could tell Corey was adapting to Chris’ antics pretty quickly which surprised me a little bit. My brother wasn’t as direct as I was all the time and was pretty fluid in his humor, yet made sure that Corey was comfortable and welcome.

We ended up with more food than we thought which worked out great because Dad surprised us with his presence as we were setting the table, he even let us all have a little red wine with the meal. As we sat at the table, ate and talked I realized that this was the first time in a long time we had actually done this as a family.

I must have spaced out for a moment with those thoughts because Corey gave me a slight poke in the side.

I blinked and looked around the table as my Dad looked at me and asked, “penny for your thoughts?”

“Mom would have loved this.” I said with a wane smile.

“Yes she would.” My dad replied.

“Most definitely.” Chris chimed in.

“I’m sorry I never got to know her.” Corey said as he looked at me with a solemn expression.

Chris smiled at Corey, “oh dude she would have loved you.”

“Absolutely,” dad confirmed. “This right here is the thing she lived for. Family and friends enjoying themselves. We really need to do this more boys.”

“To mom,” Chris said raising his glass. “Sorely missed, but never forgotten.”

“Here here!”

The evening continued for another hour or so. Mainly us sharing memories and telling stories. Corey of course had questions which everyone answered without hesitation. I really didn’t want the evening to end.

Today had been a huge milestone in healing for our family, and it almost felt like we hadn’t lost her at all. All good things however do come to an end at some point, and It was getting late so everyone helped clean up the dishes, pack up the left overs some of which I knew my Dad was going to take to work the next day and soon it was just me and Corey standing out on the porch as I walked him to his car.

“Have fun?” I asked.

“More than I could have imagined.” Corey replied.

“I hope all that social interaction wasn’t too awkward or anything for you.”

Corey turned to look at me and brushed a bit of hair from my eyes, “I like your family. At first I was a little unsure but…” He stopped and frowned as he tried to think of the words to finish his sentence.

“But?” I asked quietly.

“You made me feel welcome, like I belonged.” Corey finished.

“You are welcome, any time Corey.”

Corey smiled a little at that and gave me a hug.

“Am I really the only one your uh, you’re okay with hugging and stuff?” I asked trying to confirm something that had been in the back of my mind.



“I don’t know. Sometimes it’s an overwhelming urge to just touch you, and I like that urge.”

“I do too.” I replied.

“I need to get home.” Corey said after checking the time.

“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said giving him a hug.

Corey smiled and returned the hug. I stood out on the porch long enough for him to drive out of view.

“You had a good day today.” A voice said as I walked back into the house and shut the front door.

I looked over at my dad and gave a nod, “the first I hope of many. Dad, I just want to say thanks.”

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “For?”


I probably should have checked my phone at some point during that evening but with how it went I totally forgot about it. And usually, I didn’t check it at all until I was getting ready to leave for school the next morning. I really wouldn’t have bothered except for a notification of a message from someone who hadn’t tried to message me for days, it read:

castermax15: hey can we talk about what happened?

Followed by another:

castermax15:  are you ignoring me? :(

And another:

castermax15: im sorry for what happened man, seriously can we talk sometime?

I stared at the messages for a few moments and tried to come up with a reply, but after that incident with Jackson Hunter, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Max. I shook it off, it wasn’t a priority.

At least that’s what I thought, because as soon as I arrived at school that morning, there he was. And it wasn’t like I could have missed him either as he actively sought me out the second I walked into the building.

“Nathan!” His voice called out from the crowd of students that milled around the main lobby. He ran up to me, and paused as he tried to catch his breath. “Hey did you get my messages?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t see them until just before I left the house.” I said absently.

“Oh, well um. Can we talk?”

“About what?”

“Nathan, I know your probably mad at me-”

“Because you did nothing as I got my ass kicked.” I said finishing for him.

“Uh yeah… I’m sorry but I can’t fight back like you can. I mean yeah I’m taller and stuff but you’re like a mini Hulk when you get mad. I would have gotten my ass handed to me man.” He tried to explain.

“Oh you mean like how I got my ass handed to me even though I fought back?”

He didn’t have a reply to that. Not that he had a chance to form one because an angry voice shot through the air, cutting him off.

“YOU! Get lost.” Jessica barked as she sauntered in from stage right. Max gave a harried look at me, then at her. “I’m not going to repeat myself,” she admonished.

Max took the hint and quickly left.

“What would I do without you.” I said sardonically.

“If I wanted any lip from you I’d scrape it off Corey’s dick. How’s the ribs sweetie” Jess replied with a hint of fake malice.

“Not bad now actually, still a little stiff when I stretch the wrong way.”

“What did Maximum Failure want?” She asked, referring to Max.

“He said he wants to talk. Or apologize. Or apologize then talk about something unrelated, I don’t know.”

“You know I almost mowed him down, trying to get into that bathroom right?” She asked as we started our standard walk towards our row of lockers.

“No I didn’t, but at the time I was kind of busy trying to not throw up, Jess seriously though thanks for all that.”

“It’s what I’m here for Nate. Besides, I’ll take any chance I can get to nail Jackson in the nuts with a boot and not get in trouble for it.”

That actually did make me laugh, “and I’m sure you enjoyed every second of it. Glad I could oblige.”

When we reached the lockers we did our obligatory book swaps and I gave her the summarized version of the events from yesterday, including the counseling session, the short bike run up to the overlook and dinner. I was distracted towards the end of it because Corey hadn’t shown up yet, and Jessica caught on.

“Where is your mood stabilizer at, usually he’s here by now isn’t he?” She asked as she looked around at the crowd as I did.

“I’m not sure. He said he was going to be here, in fact I think we have a date tonight.” I replied as I finished and slammed the locker shut.

“Oooo getting serious.”

“Yeah and he wants me to meet his mom.” I added.

“I’m happy for you.” She said honestly.

“Thank you.” I frowned though as I looked through the crowd for a final time before I had to head to first period.

“His classes are at the other end of the building right?” She asked


“Then don’t worry he maybe just running late. You know he’s going to show up for lunch.”

I let out a sigh, “yeah I know.”

“It is weird though. Usually when you say his name three times he just magically appears.”

Okay that was funny, and it was true I awarded Jess the chuckle I know she was looking for. We split company at that point as the warning bell had gone off and I headed to my first period class with slight trepidation because I knew Max would be there.

Max gave me a few furtive glances, but made no attempts beyond that. I will admit I was curious as to what he had to say, and finally that curiosity won out because after class was over I tapped him on the shoulder as we were leaving and jerked my head in the direction of the hallway for him to follow me.

“Alright Max, I’ll bite. You can speak but you better do it before Jessica or Corey finds us standing here.”

“Nathan, dude I’m just.” He said fumbling with his words. “Sorry doesn’t seem to cut it but I don’t know what else to say.” He let out a defeated sigh, “I don’t want you to hate me but there isn’t anything I can say other than I truly am sorry.”

I sighed myself, not out of defeat but out of resignation. I seriously needed to consider a few things before I laid down final judgment on Max, then I knew I’d have to sell it to my little group of guardians to make sure they understood where I was coming from. I loved Jessica but she was always the hard sell.

Max had warned me in person that day in the bathroom. He had been threatened by Jackson and it had frightened him. I wasn’t frightened because my anger that was finally being tapered always used Jackson as an outlet because he was so willing to receive it. I knew I was going to get hurt physically, I always did when it came to that moron, but I wasn’t afraid of being hurt. I guess in a sick way I didn’t mind being physically hurt for some reason and that probably needed to be dealt with.

All of this rolled around in my head quickly and I put a hand on Max’s shoulder, “okay apology accepted.”

He brightened immediately, “really?”

“Yes, really.” I replied as I gestured that we really should be heading to our next class.

“Thanks dude.”

“Don’t worry about it Max. Also I’ll smooth things over with Jess.”

“Is she like a body guard or something? Uh not that you need one!”

“No, she’s just protective. She’s actually a really great person to know. And she helped me a lot when my mom died.” I replied, adding that last bit almost absently.

“Damn. I mean I knew about that last part, everyone did. About your mom I mean.” Max said quickly trying not to trip over his own words with only moderate success. “I’m sorry you went through that.”

“Me too dude, but you know what’s done is done and no one can change. It’s a subject I’m still working my way through, with help of course.”

Max gave me a supportive pat on the shoulder and said nothing more on the matter. Words didn’t have to be said, the support unsaid support meant more to me then words could have.

We made it to class and I sent a quick message to Corey.

natesfate_1022: everything ok? missing you.

The reply was quick.

therealCIA93_: yeah see u at lunch ❤️

Seeing that made me feel better instantly, he’s okay, he’s at school and he’ll see me at lunch.

All was right in the universe.

After that point the rest of the morning seemed to go by quicker than the first two periods of the day. I was feeling a bit more up beat, hell I even smiled a few times to people who nodded in my direction as I passed them through the halls.

“Someone's in a better mood.” Jess said as she slid up beside me.

“Yep. I talked to Max, got that out of the way, and Corey confirmed he’d be at lunch.”

Jess gave me a frown, “that didn’t take long.”

“Max?” I asked, then immediately went into it. “Jess, he warned me right before Jackson got there he did his duty and at least tried. Not everyone is willing to let the punches fly, or receive them I can’t expect everyone to be like you and me. Getting punched hurts. I should know.”

“You know I’ll back off and be nice, once you’ve given me the all clear right?” She asked as we continued on our way.

“Of course.”

“And you know I only protect the hell out of you because I care right?”

“Jess, I’ve never had a moment in our friendship were any of that was in question, including now.”

“I know I just don’t want you thinking I’m a smothering bitch trying to keep people away from you.”

“You’re only a bitch when it counts. I know this, and Jessica.” I said as I stopped and put my hand on her arm. “Thank you, I appreciate what you do for me. All of it.”

“I know you don’t really need any protection, but you’re like the brother I never knew I wanted sometimes.”

I smiled at her, and she smiled back and we continued into the cafeteria. It didn’t take long for us to get our standard fare from the lunch line selections and Corey found us soon after with his food.

“Where the hell have you been?!” I asked as soon as he sat down, “I’ve been waiting all day for a hi, a hug, a.. a… I don’t know a something!”

“The coach wanted to talk to me about basketball try outs and he wanted me to tell you to try out as well. I mean he didn’t really tell me to tell you, more like told me to convince you. So I met him before school.”

“Why does everyone want me to play basketball.” I asked aloud to no one in particular.

“Because you’re athletic, you’re nimble, fast and you have a good aim.” Max said as he approached the table, “can I sit?” He asked glancing at Jessica.

“Sit.” She confirmed with a hint of amusement on her face.

“I’m guessing everyone else at this gathering feels the same way?”

“Yes.” Corey said immediately.

“Well you do play well. And your aggression needs to go somewhere.” Jess offered.

“I started the motion but I agree.” Max finished.

“Fine, motion carries if it means that much to everyone, I’ll try out.”

Corey beamed, and his smile melted me a little bit. I tried not to let it show because Max didn’t know about us yet. In fact no one at school did and I wasn’t sure what my comfort level really was, or his.
Normal lunch conversation ensued a few more people joined our little group and we got caught up on the normal high school gossip that had been floating around, and let it slip that I was going to try out for basket ball to add to the gossip pool. All in all It was a rather average boring day at school that I was happy about it.

P.E. was immediately after lunch and both Corey and I did our silent thing of just doing the activities together. And since it was close to basket ball try outs we were in the practice gym this time shooting hoops. I could feel Coach Yates watching me as we went through the motions, it wasn’t anything competitive just me and Corey passing the ball back and forth as we made shots.

But the more we played the more people stopped to watch. It made me a little uncomfortable though. Attention was something I never really liked and I was starting to get more of it then I could handle.

It wasn’t until school was over before I had the chance to actually properly talk to Corey.

“So uh, we still doing this thing? You know…” I asked.


“I don’t know why I’m so nervous about it, it’s not like I haven’t already seen you naked.”

“It’s because it’s intimate, just me and you. I’m nervous too.” Corey replied.

“What time should I come over, I’m still meeting your mom right?”

“Yes. 6:30 would be perfect.”

I had no clue what he had planned and he was keeping this locked down.

I met up with Chris and I guess I was overly quiet on the way home because he nudged me in the side.

“You good Nate?”

“Oh yeah, sorry. I’ve got that date with Corey tonight.”


“Yes and I don’t know why.” I admitted.

Chris gave me a light chuckle, “it’s normal bro. I always feel the same way when I date someone new.”

“Are you talking to anyone?” I asked.

“At the moment no. Maybe soon, right now I’m just focusing on school, you, dad, and myself.”

“You should have fun though…”

“Nathan, I am having fun. Trust me I’m not missing out on anything.”

“Okay if you’re sure.”

I didn’t press further and neither did he. He did confirm he would drop me off at Corey’s and when we got home the hard part of this whole affair was apparent.

What the hell was I going to wear?

Copyright © 2023 Jeff Burton; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

I had forgotten Gavin was also in this story. So Nate is going to meet Corey's mother? I'm assuming that they are going out somewhere after that. Everything in this chapter was positive so because of that now I'm expecting some incident is going to happen having to do with Nate and Corey being together perhaps they are going to be outed.Sorry for my suspicions but a lot of times that's  what happens after a calm chapter

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2 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

I had forgotten Gavin was also in this story. So Nate is going to meet Corey's mother? I'm assuming that they are going out somewhere after that. Everything in this chapter was positive so because of that now I'm expecting some incident is going to happen having to do with Nate and Corey being together perhaps they are going to be outed.Sorry for my suspicions but a lot of times that's  what happens after a calm chapter

After Chapter 5, this one needed to be calm.  I've got more drama in the pipe so I figured I'd give 'em a break and a setup to the next part.

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10 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

I had forgotten Gavin was also in this story.

Oh yeah lmao, so here's the story with that.  All 3 stories are going on almost at the same time in the same city/area.  That's why I've been vague on some details because I'm about to bring it all together.  The events in Jacob's Advocate happened the year before Life In Suspension, and Salvaging the Road to Redemption, at the HS across town.

Life in Suspension and Salvaging the Road to Redemption are happening at the same school, at the same time roughly, I just have to catch Ben's story up. I've got a big thing planned I'm just working on which story it's going to appear in.

Oh and I'm putting together notes for Gavin's backstory that'll end up being its own story one of these years.

Edited by Jeff Burton
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1 hour ago, Jeff Burton said:

Oh yeah lmao, so here's the story with that.  All 3 stories are going on almost at the same time in the same city/area.  That's why I've been vague on some details because I'm about to bring it all together.  The events in Jacob's Advocate happened the year before Life In Suspension, and Salvaging the Road to Redemption, at the HS across town.

Life in Suspension and Salvaging the Road to Redemption are happening at the same school, at the same time roughly, I just have to catch Ben's story up. I've got a big thing planned I'm just working on which story it's going to appear in.

Oh and I'm putting together notes for Gavin's backstory that'll end up being its own story one of these years.

Looking forward to all of that

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