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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Bored House Husbands - 3. Chapter 3

When Mike asked John and Frank if today was the first time they had ever had sex with a man, they answered, “No” simultaneously. They looked at each other in shocked and utter amazement.

Finally, Frank said jokingly, with a big grin on his face, “Why John, you sly little devil. Tell us about it.”

“I vowed never to talk about it,” John objected.

“Mike and I can leave the room,” Joe said. “You guys said that you could tell each other anything without fear of recriminations.”

“You’re right,” John said. “I’ll confess, if you will, Frank.”

“Sure. There’s nothing to lose. You know how much I love you, John. Whatever I tell you about my wild and misspent youth, swear to me that you believe me when I tell you that now you are the only man in my life.”

“I swear, but I want you to come clean also, in front of your dad and Mike. I told you that we should bond with them, so I’ll tell my story if you promise to tell yours.”

“Your confessions are just as safe with us, as if you told one another,” Mike assured John and Frank.

“OK then,” John began. “When I was a young teen-ager, I became very friendly with Dennis Farmer, a school chum of mine. Every day after school, we did homework together, either in my house or his. On weekends, we played ball together with a bunch of other school mates. Denny’s father took me everywhere he took Denny. He knew that I had no dad, and he became a surrogate father to me.

“One Saturday morning, just after my sixteenth birthday, Denny and I really hadn’t planned on doing anything or even getting together, but I went over to his house to see if he wanted to go to the park, and maybe we could get into a pick-up basketball game or something. I had just gotten my driver’s license, and my mom said she didn’t need the car that day, and I could use it. When I got there, Mr. Farmer answered the door, wearing a bathrobe. I suspected that he had nothing on underneath. He told me that Denny and his mother had gone to the mall to buy Denny some clothes. He was growing out of everything at a rapid rate.

“I said I would leave and come back later, but Mr. Farmer insisted that I should come in. He figured that Denny and his wife would be home in about an hour. He told me that he was watching a videotape, and we could watch together while we waited for them. He said he would make us some lemonade, and sort of have a picnic. I was thrilled to spend some alone time with my surrogate father.

We went into the kitchen, and he made a pitcher of lemonade. He put the pitcher on a tray and added two glasses. I thought that we would sit down in the den or the living room to watch the movie, but he said that the film was in progress on the TV in his bedroom. He led me down a hallway to the master bedroom. He placed the tray on his night table, and climbed into bed. The TV, with a movie in progress, faced the bed.

“He told me to close the bedroom door, strip to my underwear, and join him in bed. Honestly, fellas, I thought it was a perfectly natural father and son event, and I was overjoyed.”

“It was natural, John,” Frank interrupted. “Dad and I did it all the time. Didn’t we, Dad?” Joe smiled, nodded, and took Frank’s hand in his.

Mr. Farmer was on top of the covers, and when I finally undressed, I joined him there. He took my hand and held it in his. I was surprised, and very pleased, that he was being so intimate with me. After all, I wasn’t his real son, just someone he had taken under his wing.

“Finally, I looked at the screen to see what he was watching. Denny and I had sneaked a peek at straight porno films, so imagine my shock to see that Mr. Farmer was watching one. But something was wrong, and it took me a minute or two to figure it out. He was watching a male film. My first impression was that some guy was fucking a girl, but at the first close up, I could see that it was a guy fucking another guy…in his ass.”

“Wow,” Mike asked, “how did that make you feel?”

“I got so aroused, I was hard instantly. I tried to hide it, but I had nothing to cover up with. Fearfully, I looked over at Mr. Farmer. His robe was open and he was masturbating himself. His cock seemed enormous to me. I was overcome with lust. I wanted to do the stroking for him, but I was afraid, so I started to jerk myself off. As soon as I did, he pushed my hand away, and started to do it for me. I was so aroused I started to whimper. I closed my eyes as I drifted into outer space. Suddenly everything felt different. My cock was warm and wet. I opened my eyes to see Mr. Farmer giving me a blow job.

“I tried to warn him that I was cumming, but I guess he knew. He swallowed everything I gushed into him. When I could breathe again, he kissed me on my lips and pushed his tongue into my mouth. He asked if I would do that to him. I didn’t bother to answer, and went right down on him. He came so quickly, I didn’t even realize it until he began to spurt into my mouth. I swallowed what I could, and he joined me in eating the rest of his stuff.

“We lay quite still for a while after that. I suggested we get dressed before Denny and his wife came home. He laughed and told me that he had lied to me. They had gone to visit Denny’s grandma, and they were having dinner at her house, so they would be gone all day. I didn’t tell Mr. Farmer, but I was secretly pleased. We watched the movie for a while. The two guys were still fucking, and Mr. Farmer asked if I would like to fuck him, because he sure would like to fuck me.

“I said that I would love to try it, and he said that I should fuck him first because he needed more recovery time than I did. He went into the bathroom and came out with a jar of Vaseline. Once more, he went down on me, slathering my cock until I was hard again. He applied the Vaseline generously all over my almost mature rod. He rolled over on his back, and lifted his legs. He put a dab of Vaseline on his asshole, and told me to enter him. He helped me line up my cock with his hole and I pushed right in. He winced, and accepted responsibility for not warning me to enter slowly.

“When his initial pain left him, he told me to start pumping. Nature had already taken over, and I was already pumping. He thrust up to meet my downward motions, and I came rather quickly.

“I was pretty well spent, and I fell out of him very soon after I climaxed. He got out of bed and poured us two glasses of the lemonade, which was a bit tepid by this time. He told us to have the lemonade, and hopefully he would be ready to fuck me by the time we were finished.

“We could never get him hard enough, and he was never able to fuck me that day. Apparently he needed another two or three hours of recovery time. He said that we would do it another day. There never was another day. My ass is still virgin, Frank.

“When my lust was abated, I became ashamed. I had done unnatural things with Mr. Farmer. I had committed mortal sins, or so I believed. I never went back to that house, and I avoided any further friendship with Denny. I knew that he was very hurt, but I couldn’t tell him why.”

“Looking back on it now, so many years later, how do you feel about the incident?” Joe asked.

“I wish I had gone back for more. I might have discovered my true nature much earlier than today. Instead, I find myself hopelessly in love with your son, Joe, but I’m married to a woman, and I have a seven month old boy.” John buried his head in his hands and started to sob. Frank picked him up and held him in his arms.

Joe and Mike wanted to comfort him also, but they didn’t know what to say or do. Finally Mike said, “OK Frankie. It’s your turn.” Frankie continued to hold John all through his narrative.

“Sorry, John baby,” Frankie began, and he held John closer. “It was more than one time for me. It was lots of times, with my college roommate. It’s funny, I can’t even remember his first name. His surname was Baker, and that’s what we all called him.

“Late in the first semester of my freshman year, I told Baker that I had a date with a ‘townie’ that evening, and that it was a sure thing. Even if I didn’t sleep at her place overnight, I was certain that I would be back quite late. I told him to feel free to ‘entertain’ in our room that night, if he got lucky. I was supposed to meet the girl at a diner downtown, but she never showed up. I tried calling her several times, but there was no answer. With blue balls, and an exploding libido, I went back to the dorm. Our door was locked and I had to use my key to get in. Talk about getting a shock, I was electrified.

“There was some guy, fucking the living hell out of Baker. I didn’t know what to do. I was frozen in my tracks. I was sane enough to close and lock the door, hoping to maintain some privacy for Baker and his friend. In the calmest voice I ever heard, Baker invited me to get undressed and join them. I panicked, but like I said, I was so horny, and I was overcome with lust. I got undressed, but not knowing exactly what to do, I presented my cock to Baker, who began to suck it tenderly and lovingly, while he was still being fucked. I got off quicker than the guy who was fucking him. I watched as the two guys came simultaneously. I could only conclude from what I witnessed, that the guy being fucked was enjoying it as much as the guy doing the fucking. After all, Baker had an orgasm.

“Finally Baker introduced me to his friend, who got out of our room as soon as possible. I think he was embarrassed. Baker certainly wasn’t. I asked him why he hadn’t ever told me he was gay, and he asked me why I hadn’t ever told him that I was straight. I got the point and shut up.”

We didn’t mention the incident for several days. The next Friday night, I asked him if he had a date. He said that he didn’t, and he asked if I had one. I said no, and I foolishly asked him if he would like to hang out with me. I guess that was an open invitation in his eyes, because then he asked me if I’d like to fuck him. I said yes without even hesitating. I couldn’t believe it. I fucked him that very night. It was such a great experience, that I let him fuck me. We had good solid male sex almost every day after that, but it didn’t last long.

“A month later, just before winter break, the unthinkable happened. I returned to our room after classes, and Baker’s stuff was all gone. The room was completely cleaned out, like he had never lived there. He left me a note. His folks had been killed in a car crash during an ice storm. They lived in a rural area of Wisconsin. He had to rush home to make funeral arrangements, and he didn’t think he would be back, because he would be taking over his father’s hardware and general store.

“I didn’t even know his home address or his cell phone number. It was long before anyone ever heard of Google. It marked the end of my experiences with a guy. I resumed making out with girls, and as you know I married and fathered a child. Just like John, I often regret the unfortunate circumstances that ended my activity as a homosexual. I also might have discovered my true self years earlier, and would not have married.”

Frank was still hugging John tightly, and even after his narration appeared to be over, the two men seemed disinclined to let go. “It doesn’t matter,” John whispered in Frank’s ear. “We have each other now.”

It was like they forgot that Joe and Mike were in the room, until they heard, “Ahem!”

They separated, and Frank said, “I’m going to make us coffee, and I have a bag of fresh baked Danish pastry in the freezer. I’ll defrost them, and we can talk while we eat.”

“That’s a good idea, Son,” Joe said. “The situation you guys find yourselves in, certainly needs to be discussed.”

“OK guys, let’s all head for the kitchen. I’ll start the coffee and defrost the pastry in the microwave oven. Why don’t you set the table, John?”

When all four men were seated at the kitchen table enjoying coffee and Danish, Joe said, “It’s a fine kettle of fish you two have gotten into, but Mike and I have been there also, so we sure aren’t pointing fingers.”

“Anyway, I’ve kind of made some decisions,” John said, “and that is to do nothing right now. Neither of our wives is home very much, and Frank and I know that sex with them is a sometime thing. As long as we are together all day, Frank and I can be as intimate as we like. When the boys are ready for pre-school, and Frank and I go back to work, we can worry about it then.”

“Geez, John,” Frank said. “I was thinking the exact same thing.”

While Frank was cleaning up, the four men gabbed continually, bringing themselves up-to-date about their lives. “Why don’t you and Mike sleep over in my guest room tonight, Dad, and not have to drive home so late?” Frank asked.

“It’s a tempting offer, Frankie, but neither of us has clothes for work tomorrow. I guess we’ll head for home soon. What time does little Joey go to sleep. We’d like to come over after work tomorrow, and meet our little grandson, and maybe play with him a little too.” Frank was impressed that his dad talked about him and Mike in the plural. He considered little Joey to be Mike’s grandson also.

“I usually put him down between 5:30 and 6 PM.”

“We’ll be here before that, unless there’s a four alarm fire,” he joked.

When Mike and Joe were gone, Frank and John fell into each other’s arms. “I know what you want, John,” Frank said, but my nerves are functioning at warp speed. The excitement of seeing my dad again has really wiped me out. I don’t know if I’m up for sex tonight.”

“We haven’t been a couple for a day, and already you have a headache,” John quipped.

“I know. It sucks doesn’t it? I promise to make it up to you.”

“I told you not to sweat the small stuff. I’ll be happy just to sleep in your arms tonight.”

“That’s fine, baby. I’d like that very much.”

“You know,” John reflected, “I didn’t realize how tired I was myself. Let’s hit the sack. I can’t wait to sleep with you.”

They climbed into Frank’s bed, and John slept on the side Penny usually occupied. They wrapped themselves up, and pressed their flaccid cocks together. They were both asleep immediately, and the babies cooperated. The first one to cry, did not wake them up until it was nearly five in the morning.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

These babies are just os over the top cooperative. Any chance they can be cloned. I know lots of parents who would like one like these two. :kiss:

Edited by Paladin
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Well our househusbands are no longer bored. They now have plenty of  things they can do to occupy their days. The problems they face are wives, marriage and custody. Unless, of course, if the wives are off together, getting it off as it were.

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1 hour ago, Paladin said:

These babies are just os over the top cooperative. Any chance they can be cloned. I know lots of parents who would like one like these two. :kiss:

Who Knows Yes GIF by Bounce

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1 hour ago, Paladin said:

Well our househusbands are no longer bored. They now have plenty of  things they can do to occupy their days. The problems they face are wives, marriage and custody. Unless, of course, if the wives are off together, getting it off as it were.

Met Gala GIF by E!

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What could possibly go wrong/right???

When all four men were seated at the kitchen table enjoying coffee and Danish, Joe said, “It’s a fine kettle of fish you two have gotten into, but Mike and I have been there also, so we sure aren’t pointing fingers.”

“Anyway, I’ve kind of made some decisions,” John said, “and that is to do nothing right now. Neither of our wives is home very much, and Frank and I know that sex with them is a sometime thing. As long as we are together all day, Frank and I can be as intimate as we like. When the boys are ready for pre-school, and Frank and I go back to work, we can worry about it then.”

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4 hours ago, drsawzall said:

What could possibly go wrong/right???

When all four men were seated at the kitchen table enjoying coffee and Danish, Joe said, “It’s a fine kettle of fish you two have gotten into, but Mike and I have been there also, so we sure aren’t pointing fingers.”

“Anyway, I’ve kind of made some decisions,” John said, “and that is to do nothing right now. Neither of our wives is home very much, and Frank and I know that sex with them is a sometime thing. As long as we are together all day, Frank and I can be as intimate as we like. When the boys are ready for pre-school, and Frank and I go back to work, we can worry about it then.”

Alicia Keys Surprise GIF by Complex

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“It’s a fine kettle of fish you two have gotten into, but Mike and I have been there also, so we sure aren’t pointing fingers.” - Best line of the chapter! Fine kettle of fish is right. 🤣

I'm worried what will happen when the wives find out. Maybe they can become a polycule?

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4 minutes ago, BendtedWreath said:

“It’s a fine kettle of fish you two have gotten into, but Mike and I have been there also, so we sure aren’t pointing fingers.” - Best line of the chapter! Fine kettle of fish is right. 🤣

I'm worried what will happen when the wives find out. Maybe they can become a polycule?

Fast And Furious Idk GIF by The Fast Saga

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