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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 11. Chapter 11

Hello everyone. The next chapter has arrived. Enjoy!

Rolling in place, I lifted and shifted my arms. Camile looked up at me and then the slow smile started as she dropped into an implant conversation with Roman. Seconds later, she returned, and they moved next to each other under me. I smiled down at them before lowering myself to passionately kiss each of them in turn. Then I lifted again.

“Good morning, my Camile and my Roman. How are my two beloveds this morning?” I asked in a low-toned, loving voice. They each reached up with a hand to caress my cheek as they dropped into the implant communication again. “That’s cheating.” I mumbled, and their eyes twinkled as they nodded simultaneously.

“Yes, our love, it is.” Said Camile, before she shifted and slid out from under me. I let her go as I fixed Roman with a questioning glance before Camile demanded my attention with a smack on my bare ass. “I’m just getting ready for a fast session before we go up to eat breakfast with our family.” She said as I felt Roman shift under me and his knees suddenly brushed my sides as he reached down and stroked my dick to full hardness.

“It seems like my beloveds want another loving before we are tied up in our operation today,” I said in a tone filled with lust that you could have cut with a knife.

“Our beloved boyfriend seems to have the power to make anyone do what he wants. Including us,” Said Roman as he relaxed for me. My hand shifted from his ass to mine as Camile lined up behind me.

“Our boyfriend just needs a reminder that we love him, too.” Said Camile as she slowly slid a finger into me. Which elicited the moan of pleasure that deserved. That they both loved to hear. It only took a minute before she wrapped her arms around me and whispered, “OK. I’ll wait while you enter your boyfriend.” She said huskily as I twisted my head to kiss her.

Shifting my legs and pushing Roman’s legs up farther. Making his ass raise higher in the air before I reached down and lined myself up with him. His hands gripped into my sides. Hard. Making me lock eyes with him.

“Do it Marc. Just as hard as you did it before.” Roman said. His words dripping with the desire to have me hurt him again.

I lowered down and kissed him. Waiting a few heartbeats for him to become fully involved in the kiss before I thrusted deep into him. His back arched as his head yanked away from mine while he let out a deep, guttural moan. Mixed with pleasure and pain as his eyes rolled back in his head. His hands tried to pull me deeper into him until I thrust in and out. Camile found my rhythm and matched it with her thrusts. Within fifteen minutes, we are all sweating profusely and Roman’s face said he was in ecstasy, as I could feel Camile’s absolute joy behind me as she fingered herself and me. Roman practically pulled the sheets off the bed as his body tensed, arching and shooting his load all over the two of us. Once his ass tightened around my dick, I arched back with almost a roar as I unloaded into him as Camile collapsed onto my back. Panting loudly.

I held her weight as I lowered down and kissed Roman. His hands flew to my head and held me as we kissed. We separated, breathing hard as he whispered. “I love you Marc, but I’m spent after that. Take your girlfriend, my love. Love her just as hard as you did me.” I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him again. It was just a fast kiss before we separated, and I shifted myself and Camile over to his side. I tilted gently and let her slide off next to Roman. I slipped back over her and went up on my knees. Those beautiful dark eyes followed my every move. When my dick rubbed across her wetness, she reached up and grabbed my head. Pulling down for a kiss.

When she separated, she hissed out huskily. “Do it. Just as hard as you did to Roman. Mark me Marc. Hurt me, so I know I am yours.” I looked into those eyes and she was demanding I do it.

I leaned in again and entered her slowly. Her hands shot up and grabbed my hips and yanked me forwards. Forcing my hardness deep into her with a loud guttural moan of her own. Her eyes locked onto mine. Begging me to do it. Even though I have been careful with her in all of our couplings. She wants it hard and painful now.

15 minutes, several louder moans and grunts later, I collapsed next to her, panting just as hard as she was. Roman smiled over at us as he laid on his side. Head propped up on his elbow.

“That’s what it feels like, Cam.” Roman said softly as his other hand pushed the hair out of her face before he reaches across and lovingly strokes the side of my face. “Our beloved has marked both of us again. Making sure we know he is our boyfriend and potential Mate.” He paused before adding, “If we go that far.” Spoken just as softly in his loving tone. I had no doubt in my mind he would Bond with me if I asked them now. Camile is now thinking about it seriously.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. Pulling it to my lips and kissed it, before I lifted out of the bed and reached over to help Roman up first and then I placed one knee on the bed as I reach in and slipped my arms under Camile and lifted her off the bed. Roman walked at my side, arm around my lower back, as we walked into the head.

It was only 20 minutes before we were dressed and Camile was awfully quiet as we walked to their parents’ for breakfast. Thankfully, I was up almost 90 minutes before breakfast for our morning tryst. It was a nice sit down, although I spotted Roman had to shift a few times and gave him a knowing smile. Which caused him to blush. By 0800 hours, we were headed over to the station and my quarters. During which we slipped into our armor. Roman did his own, but Camile gave me a shy smile as she asked me to help her. This time, she didn’t stop me when I slowly kissed her as my fingers entered her. She moaned twice before I felt it and removed my fingers. Dropping down and using my tongue to clean her. When I stood again and kissed her, I slowly inserted the warmed tube and she pulled away to tap her controls, then kissed me again after whispering, Thank you.

I popped open my weapons vault and pulled out my small stunner/needler. I removed the charge pack and checked. Even though it said 96 percent, I swapped it out for a freshly charged one. Double checking the loaded cartridge for the dart component. It was full. Slipping it inside my underarm slot, I turned to find both of them looking at me. Or more precisely. The weapons vault and its contents behind me. I raised an eyebrow at them as I closed the door and it sealed.

“Are we going to have trouble Marc.” Asked Camile as she studied my face.

I shrugged. “I hope not, but I would rather have the ability to defend myself and not need it. Then need it and not have it. Besides. Where I might need it. The two of you will not be.” I said confidently. It took a little time to register what I said before they nodded. And that is when they really looked at me and my armor as I slip a shipsuit on over it. Then they look at the spot they know the weapon is at.

“You can’t even tell it is there. Would you know if you didn’t see me put it there?” They both shook their heads no.

“Marc.” Started Roman. “What level of personal armor are these rated at?” He asked slowly as Camile raised an eyebrow at him then looked at me.

“Yours are rated at level III. Mine is a level V.” I stated, as the fact it was. The levels run on a scale of I to VI in protection. Each level adds a little more and once you hit level III, it adds other things. Like disguised weapons pockets. Extra fiber reinforcement for bodily attacks. Extra layers for heavier kinetic projectile protection. Where their level III armors are the top of the line, personal wear protection. With the basic high-end projectile and beam weapon protection. My level V suit has a few bells and whistles. Secured and concealed weapons pocket. Evacuation Emergency capable of loss of atmosphere or contaminated air. And it also has a medkit for emergencies. Then I realized what they were thinking and moved in to cup their faces with my hands.

“Don’t think bad thoughts, my loves.” I said as I gave each one a fast brush on my lips. “I am trained in many things. Hand to hand combat weapons usage. Armor usage. Tactics and strategy. I will be fine. I will not be alone. Several of my family’s security people will be down there. As will Marines, Customs Personnel, and Station Security. No bad thoughts. I will be fine and you two will keep me calm by being locked away in a secure place outside of the Armor Zone of the hangar and docking area. OK?” They looked at each other and I saw it again.

“No. You talk to me this time.” I said as I pulled them close. They both looked at me sheepishly.

“Sorry.” They said, and I shook my head no.

“No. You can do that. But in this instance. I’m the one you need to talk with. I’m the one to get your ideas and comfort from, because you don’t know the extent of the planning and forces being used for this operation. It is a military operation and has been planned like one. Because that is the way I do things. That is the way I was taught.I said, trying to reinforce that everything would be OK. They stared at me for a few seconds before they lowered their heads against me. Hugging me tight in their embrace.

“I’m here, my loves. I’ll be safe. More importantly to me is you will be safe. OK?” I said slowly. They nodded against me. “Look at me, please, my beloveds.” Possibly it was my change in tone, not just the request that made them look up fast. I smiled at them. “I love you both.” I continued watching them, smiling. “Go ahead. Talk it out between yourselves. You have enough information now.” I said. They slowly looked towards each other. I could tell they opened their implants and were speaking. I rubbed their backs as I waited. I knew when they realized it, too. The hugs got tighter. The breathing harder as the bodies shook under my grip. The sniffles could be heard. My beloveds were very emotional creatures, and I didn’t know if that was what I wanted in a Mate. I loved them, though. “I love you Roman and Camile. I do now and I always will.” I said softly as I kissed their heads.

It was 20 minutes before they slowly looked at me. “We love you too, Marc.” They said in unison. Telling me they were still connected. I kissed them both again. My hands moved up to the nape of their necks and massaged them.

“I need the two of you to reach down deep inside and grab my love. Hold it tight and don’t forget. Clear your minds. We’ll discuss our decision tonight. Only let the love stay in your minds. Christopher is coming. He is expecting to see three people in love. Can my loves do that?” I asked as I watched their eyes widen. I stayed silent as I let the process run its course. It was Roman who looked away first. Putting his head against my neck, and kissed me.

Camile kissed her brother’s head before she kissed me. Then she leaned into her brother. “Sorry Marc.” She said sadly.

“So am I Camile, but I can do this myself. You two don’t need to be there.” I replied. My tone was neutral. Roman’s head came up.

“I will not leave you alone, Marc. I’ll wait in the Viewing Gallery with you.” Said Roman in a shaky voice, still trying to control his emotions. Camile nodded her agreement.


 * * *


The battle armored marines stood outside the Viewing Gallery hatch as we approached. One of my family’s security people approached me, handing me an earbud which I slipped into my ear and subvocalized a Comm’s check. They heard me, clearly. I nodded my thanks as Camile and Roman had checked out the Marines before following me into the Gallery. They settled into my sides as I tapped out commands on the controls and watched the ship approaching.

“That’s an armed freighter, ANS Kilmeny, that is sitting below us. The Bennett's vessel will be moored in front of it.” I said, as an explanation of what was going to happen.

“Are its weapons loaded?” Asked Camile.

I shrugged. “Don’t know. But there is a full platoon of battle armored marines onboard. I see 8 maybe 9 on the Dock in dockworker shipsuit’s and there seems to be 14 or 15 Customs or Security personnel down there too.” Roman lifted his head off my shoulder to look for himself. Then I saw he pursed his lips and lowered his eyes to the ground for a few seconds. I felt the communication between the two of them and sighed, “Now is not the time to be distracted from what is going on, my loves. In about 15 minutes, you’ll have plenty of time to do that.” I said as a word of caution.

“Sorry Marc.” Said Roman sadly. And he is going to be the one hurt most by our discussion later. Unfortunately. I leaned in and kissed his head before I leaned over and kissed Camile, too.

Camile pulled me tight as she looked up at the ship lining up on the threshold. I was watching carefully, as was the Destroyer around the side of the station. I am sure. Roman snuggled into my side. His head is on my shoulder. A fake smile appeared on his face. The term that comes to mind is, ‘Don’t leave your day job.’ As far as his acting ability goes. Camile was doing better. She even leaned in and kissed me. Roman decided he was bored and turned into me for a hug. His lips pressed against mine before his head went down on my shoulder again. Waiting is the worst.

The ship moved into position and we waved at them once when Christopher tried a timid wave at us. I watched as the Docking Clamps locked on and the Lock extended. That was our cue to head down. I tapped off the controls before I turned my beloveds to the hatch and headed out. We entered the passageway, and I separated from the twins as I turned to the Security Personnel.

“Take them over to lounge PL-4 please and protect them.” I said as I spun on the twins and gave each a brief kiss before I turned and departed down the passageway for the lift to take me down one level. They didn’t say a word to me, and I didn’t say one to them. I was on my mission now and needed to be alert. Not concerning myself with our conversation later. I heard the Security Personnel move them in the opposite direction and the Marines followed behind. Which caused a startled comment out of Camile. I smiled as I stepped into the lift.

Walking out onto the Dock as I headed to their Lock, I nodded to a few of the Security and Marines I knew. People would watch us and it would look like I knew a few of them, as this was my family’s station, and they probably worked for us. I waited nonchalantly for Christopher to come out. Three crew members came off the ship and headed for the personnel hatch to enter the station. “Three heading out.” I whispered.

“Copy.” They will find a warm welcome from the people waiting there for them. Another person came off before Christopher. Chris came towards me and the other headed for the personnel hatch.

“One headed out and I have Bennett.” I subvocalized this time. Before I stepped forwards to meet Chris.

“You’re hungry I hope.” I said as I stepped forwards and smiled.

“I am. Where are the twins?” Christopher asked right when I tapped a key. Alarms screeched to life. We both heard the Clamps lock down as the Armored shutters dropped over the viewports and across the Lock to his ship. I grabbed his elbow and tugged him towards the hatch.




Alarms sounded and blast doors slammed down with the entire room reverberating with the sounds of metal smashing into metal. Then suddenly everything went quiet. Camile had jumped into my arms as we sat on the couch.

“What was that?” I asked the guards. A female security person turned to us.

“Sa Marc has the Bennett kid and dropped the Armor Shutters. By now he is off the Dock and the Marines are securing the ship.” She said with the smile of a proud parent.

“So. He is OK.” I asked.

She chuckled. “Of that. I have no doubt. That armor you are wearing, although not as heavy as his, will stop everything short of a Marine Battle Rifle round. And only our Marines have those. Sa Marc also had 4 marines on the Dock with him. Just in case.” She paused as she thought something over, then shrugged. “This is the life with an Alexander. Expect him to keep you safe while he walks into the danger.” She said before she turned back to talk to one of the Marines. I heard one of them comment, I don’t see them being his mates. They don’t have what it takes to handle being with him. And that comment struck home. Marc is a very smart and, apparently, a very dangerous person. We are not a match for him or even on the same level. I dropped into my implant to talk with Camile. We’ll never be more than friends with Marc, and he already knows it.




I saw the fighters from Kilmeny just before I dropped the armored shutters, picking out Janek and Rory’s fighters as they watched over the Bennett’s ship. There was no doubt in my mind that they were watching what I was doing too.

“Time for us to leave.” I said, as the claxons stopped wailing. “Time for you to tell me what is really going on. The Who and the What of it. Don’t even bother lying about it.” I said as the Platoon of Marines moved past us and four from the Dock stepped around us as we moved.

“What Marc?” Christopher almost whined out.

“Let’s start with smuggling.” I inquired. And his face went white. “Let me tell you how this works. You tell me and I protect you. Understood?” I asked in my low commanding tone when I tap my Link to meeting record.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He stuttered out, looking around while I led him to a conference room.

My head turned to face him and locked eyes with his. “Remember when I said the universe was a very small place to me? What do you think happens when I decide to turn away from my beloveds and look around me? Especially when I am at the Guild’s Meeting. Where I have people from all over the region to talk to.” I asked coldly.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” He repeated with more conviction.

I rolled my eyes as we approached a room, and the Security people were waiting with two Marines by the hatch. I waved my hand. They opened the hatch, and I dropped Christopher into a chair as I nodded to one of my people. Christopher jumped as the hypo-spray hit his neck. Almost immediately, his eyes dilated and his face went slack.

“Now Christopher. Let’s start with whom is smuggling and what they are carrying.” I said gently and Christopher shook his head no. I reached out and took his hand in mine and gave it a friendly squeeze. “Remember what I said. You tell me and I protect you. So. tell me Chris. Baby. What is happening? Who is smuggling and what?” I said seductively. Chris broke down and cried as he talked. Nothing like injecting a little inhibitor reduction serum to loosen tongues, I thought as he started to explain what was going on. Mostly. I knew it, and so did one of our interrogators. Who took over from me and asked all the questions.

Thanks for reading.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

So no bonding with the twins! Chris doesn’t seem to be very strong either. He is probably more of a victim than a conspirator when it comes to the family smuggling operation. I am anxious to learn the details. Will the smugglers surrender or will they fight? Will Marc use his combat skills and his secreted weapons? Excellent chapter!

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As I once heard someone wordily say, "The fecal matter is about to het the rapidly rotating oscillating device."

Chris' family is in for some rough times ahead.  Possibly Roman and Camille are in for a tough discussion.  The Marines and security personnel are more familiar with Marc and his reputation than Camille and Roman seem to be.

Good chapter.  Perhaps Roman has more inside him than he thinks he has in the way of determination and bravery.

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1 hour ago, gmc said:

So no bonding with the twins! Chris doesn’t seem to be very strong either. He is probably more of a victim than a conspirator when it comes to the family smuggling operation. I am anxious to learn the details. Will the smugglers surrender or will they fight? Will Marc use his combat skills and his secreted weapons? Excellent chapter!

Thanks  gmc!

It's always a work in progress.

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40 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

As I once heard someone wordily say, "The fecal matter is about to het the rapidly rotating oscillating device."

LOL..Thanks ReaderPaul!

I've used that saying a few times myself.

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It's pretty obvious that Roman and Camille are no match (in all senses of the word) for Marc. Even Marc's guards see this. It's a shame because they certainly enjoy the sex and the closeness they have with Marc.

The discussion they will be having, later, is going to be tough on them... Well, tough on Roman. Camille has already figured it out.

And now Chris gets his due. Another shame, as he could have been part of Marc's growing clan.

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1 hour ago, Al Norris said:

And now Chris gets his due. Another shame, as he could have been part of Marc's growing clan.

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

And someone finally noticed….😇


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