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    Jeff Burton
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  • 7,193 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Life in Suspension - 7. Chapter 7 - The Feels

I stared at my closet in trepidation. I shook the still damp freshly showered locks of my hair from my eyes as I tried to consider my options. The room was quiet except for the silent hum of my ceiling fan as the blades whirled on the low setting. The air in my room still felt stifling no doubt as a result of my my nerves, which matched the chaos that was my closet.

I had nothing happy. Everything I had was an assortment of whites, grays, dark blues, and of course black. My mom had tried to get me to add to the color spectrum but each time she had been rebuffed. Only now did I wish she had won at least once as I combed through the items hanging on the rods?

This one was too big, that one was too small. And this has to belong to Chris, I wonder how long he's been looking for it.

Corey had once chosen a blue short-sleeved button-down because he said it matched my eyes. I didn't want to wear that one again but I had to have something similar. Buried in the back I found a long-sleeved, navy blue shirt. It was almost a sweater but not quite. It still had the tags on it and I pulled it off the rod to get a closer look at it.

It had four buttons on the front for the neckline, felt amazing against the skin and whatever this material was it felt like it could breathe so it wouldn't get too hot. I couldn't tell you anything more about it beyond that because fashion wasn't my thing.

I tossed it on the bed, along with a white undershirt. The pants I found easily enough, I had a pair of navy blue dockers that matched the shirt perfectly. I remember my mom getting me this pair before things got bad. They still fit since I hadn't grown an inch since I started High School.

I dressed quickly but with care, the shirt and the pants did match right down to the color shade, and the hint of white from the undershirt helped add a break from all the blue as I left the two top buttons unbuttoned.

The shirt didn't have a collar so it didn't seem too dressy, nor seemed like I didn't care. I finished it out with a pair of low ankle black boots with laces which was probably the best pair of shoes I owned. To accessorize I put the gold-plated band back on my smart watch and put it on my wrist.

I looked in the mirror and gave myself a half-smile. I felt this suited me inside and out.

"Whoa looking smashing bro," Chris said from my open door, leaning on the door frame with a crooked smile plastered on his lips.

"You think so?" I asked, glancing at him and then back to my reflection, still slightly unsure.

"Yes, and I've got a couple of things for you." He said as he entered my room, I turned to face him and he clasped one of his favorite gold-plated metal chains around my neck. It had medium-sized flat links that made it up with no other adornments. Next, he opened a bottle he pulled from his pocket, dabbing my neck a couple of times with the clear liquid it contained. The scent was familiar, and pleasant neither too strong nor weak just a happy middle.

"Both of these have always fared me well on my first dates, Nate. Now look," He turned me back to a mirror. I still felt nervous, but the chain brought it together.

My brother heaved a small sigh of contentment as he stood behind me and gazed into the mirror's reflection, "I envy you." He said wistfully.


"Because it's your actual first date." He explained softly, "You may have many more but this is the one you will remember forever dude."

"You sound like mom," I said with a half smile.

"Because she told me to say it." He admitted then continued when I gave him a confused look, "I have a list, Nathan, she knew she was going to miss out on some stuff for you and gave me everything I needed to stand in for her. She didn't want you to feel left out."

"You're going to make me cry."

He hugged me from behind, "Well don't. I can't have you showing up at Corey's with your eyes all red and puffy. Let's go."

The ride to Corey's was a quick one. I had never been to his house before except for that one time when Chris dropped him off while we were in ISS. Like all the other houses in this subdivision, it was well-appointed.

"Have a good time Nate, and relax!" Chris grinned as I got out of the car.

"I will and thanks, Chris."

I watched the car pull away and disappear in the distance, and as it did that twinge of anxiety returned.

'Why are you so nervous?' I thought to myself. 'You know Corey, you know he likes you, it's not like you haven't already had his dick in your mouth so what's the deal?'

The last thought almost made me giggle but I had no real answers to the question.

An eternity later I made it to the door and rang the doorbell. Before I could chicken out and run home with my tail between my legs, the door opened and an unfamiliar woman greeted me.

"Hi, you must be Nathan?" She greeted me warmly and gave me an appraising look.

"Uh yeah," I replied nervously.

"Come in sweetie, Corey is almost ready." She opened the door wider and stepped aside to let me in and I very nervously entered the house and she closed the door behind me. "Linda, he's here."

Corey's mom immediately appeared, with Corey in tow. She was seemingly in a much better mood than the first time I had seen her at school that one day.

Corey like me was dressed in a shirt of similar style and cut, along with the same kind of dockers except he was trimmed out in all black. He looked fucking amazing.

"Christ, black and blue would you look at that." Corey's mom commented with a laugh.

"That's usually how we are," Corey added with a half smile playing on the physical crap we had put each other through the last couple of weeks.

I shied away from the comment trying not to blush, since I was usually the cause in that scenario.

Corey rewarded me with a smile quickly picked up on my nervousness and broke the silence. "Nathan, this is my mom Linda."

"It's nice to meet you finally under better circumstances Nathan." His mom Linda said as she shook my hand.

"And this is my mom's wife, Carla," Corey said as he indicated to the woman I didn't know.

"I've heard so much about you Nathan I couldn't wait to meet you," Carla said as she vigorously shook my hand.

"Uh, you mean..." I said looking back and forth between Linda and Carla, "You are…" I was flabbergasted. My brain lost the ability to find the words. Hell, it lost the ability to form them as well.

Corey smiled again, and saved me from saying anything, "I think we broke him, Mom."

"Yes Nathan, it's what you think it is," Linda said as she and Carla tried not to laugh too hard.

"Wow I had no idea, he never told me," I admitted, finally able to speak after my brain rebooted.

"I was saving it as a surprise," Corey replied as he moved closer and stood next to me.

In another time and place, I would have been mad maybe, but everyone was in such a good mood I wasn't about to burn Corey in effigy in front of them. "Well, it worked!" I said instead.

"How long have you two been together?" I asked because yes I had to know.

"We've been together for almost ten years, but married for what four?" Carla replied.

"Almost five." Linda corrected giving her other half the look.

"That's amazing," I said still totally astounded by this turn of events.

"Corey told you about his dad and the troubles we had when he was younger right?" Linda asked. She continued when I nodded, "His father was half of the actual issue, the other half was I was simply done with men. Once he was gone I had a son with special needs and no use for another single-minded brute. I've known Carla since college and after the divorce we reconnected."

"Reconnected in more ways than one," Carla added which made me blush again.

"Now I get why you wanted to meet me," I said finally finding my voice.

"Of course! I mean not only for this, but after that incident you two had, we had a long talk with our dearest son, and he explained the ins and outs. It was probably the most we'd ever gotten out of him on a single subject in his entire life." Linda said as she moved to the living room and asked everyone to sit, Carla sat next to her while Corey and I sat on the love seat.

"We seriously couldn't believe what he had done dear. I mean we didn't raise him to be like that. Especially after we heard what had happened to your mother bless her heart." Carla added as leaned forward from her position next to Linda.

Corey immediately fidgeted a little in his seat, growing uncomfortable with the conversation. I placed my hand on his knee instinctively without looking or thinking and he calmed immediately. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by his parents.

"He's been keeping us up to date with all of it Nathan, I hope you don't mind. You had us worried for a while there because for a minute it sounded like you weren't doing too good."

"For a while, I wasn't," I admitted. "My dad as well as my brother are getting professional help though and we are all very close."

"That's good to hear. The three of us are pretty close too. And honestly, we nearly fell over when Corey finally told us he was interested in a boy. We've been waiting forever for him to be interested in someone, hell anyone at this point. We were starting to think it wasn't going to happen." Corey's mom said as she winked at her son.

"Mom…" Corey said as he tried to shy away from the attention.

"What? You've got good taste, I mean just look at what you brought home." Linda said as she winked at me eliciting the same reaction from me.

Corey glanced at me and we both shared the same embarrassed look. He had a moment of indecision in his eyes before he slid his arm around my back and pulled me closer.

Linda and Carla looked in stunned silence for a moment, and I started to get worried until Carla spoke, "Well I'll be damned." For a moment they both looked like they might cry.

"What?" I asked as my eyes darted between the both of them.

"Corey, don't hug." Linda started, "I mean occasionally he will with us but it took a lot of work to get even that."

I wrapped my arm around Corey's back like he did to me and gripped his side a little. "He's uh always done this. I mean there isn't one time I can think of when I touched him even when we weren't exactly being nice and he didn't complain. He told me about him, you know. I honestly never knew until he told me." I finished meekly.

"It's not a bad thing Nathan at all, we just thought we'd never get to see it is all." Linda said as she looked at Carla, "Looks like we did it right after all."

We spent the next half hour talking more in detail about Corey. The more we talked the more comfortable I got allowing me to share some things I had noticed in our interactions. Corey remained beside me during the entire exchange, unbothered while we spoke about him in earnest.

I think this had been his plan all along because they were able to give me details about him personally that he probably never thought to tell me. He really wanted me to know about him as much as possible and to him, this had been the best way to do it.

Of course, they asked about me as well, mostly the general stuff one would ask, like how school was going in general, and which classes I was in. They seemed thrilled that I was doing well in the same AP courses Corey took even though he was a year ahead of me.

We ended up talking about school sports and Corey's sudden interest in basketball, which brought up the discussion of my playing as well.

I gave Corey the same look and line I gave my brother and him before, "I'll think about it."

Corey did reaffirm his belief that I was better at things than I thought I was, and that I should try if nothing else but to have fun and he did have a point.

I was very appreciative that they didn't bring up the hard questions about my mom and everything that followed. I knew that they wanted to know more, but didn't press for it on the first night I was here, and I hoped I gave the impression of being willing to speak about it as time went on. By the end of the conversation though they did know a little bit more than what Corey had told them which was the goal.

"Well, this has been a night of firsts for us." Linda finally said at the end of the conversation.

Carla had pulled Corey aside for a moment as we were getting ready to leave allowing us a moment to talk by ourselves. "I honestly don't know what else to say."

"If it makes you feel any better, neither do I Mrs. Andrews-"

"Call me Linda."

"Linda." I corrected. "All I know is one day I dropped Corey to the floor for being a jerk, and he kept coming back." I paused for a moment as I got lost in thought, "he kept coming back even when I didn't want him to, and I couldn't understand why."

"Taking a wild shot in the dark here, but I'll assume it's because he liked you."

I nodded. "At the time I didn't know he did or had for a while now."

"He still has that science project you guys did in the 8th grade. It's been on top of his dresser since then." Linda replied with a chuckle.

"You're kidding me. I remember he asked me if he could keep it, I never figured he'd still have it."

"Oh he kept it all right, every time I commented about getting rid of it I got told under no certain terms was it ever to be removed. He's also got the report you wrote and probably all the handwritten notes associated with it."

"Why?" I asked.

"I asked myself that for the longest time and only realized the answer recently. And it's simple, he has it because of you. He really does like you, and while I'm happy he does it worries me a little."

I thought about her reply for a moment before I asked why again and she continued, "Oh don't take that to heart Nathan, it's just a mom's worry over her son getting hurt is all. Corey has come so so far. Yes, he does know the hurt from his father leaving. I know he shrugs off minor hurts like what people may say to him at school because he just doesn't care about what people think. If something were to happen between you guys, it would hurt him and you too and it's that what causes us to worry."

"I mean I don't have a crystal ball and can't see the future but I don't want to hurt him. Well not anymore anyway." I replied sheepishly.

Linda laughed brightly at my comment taking it as if I meant it, "I understand. Corey is pretty resilient in his own right, and from what I hear so are you. Corey really does like you Nathan."

"I like him too," I admitted. "I mean before Corey came along I was angry. Angry because my mom died, angry because I was gay, just angry at everything. I was so close to losing myself to it and sometimes I still feel that anger, but Corey pulls me out of it. It just disappears, I don't know how or why but it's because of him. So here we are, black and blue."

"Like a bruise."

"I mean yeah, if you think about it, we both are. We both have our own problems and issues, that have bruised us both. And maybe together we can take those bruises and be something better, you know?" I said with a shrug.

Linda's eyes sparkled with the same hue and depth as Corey's. "Maybe you can."

Corey finally appeared with Carla, "Ready to go?" He asked.

"It was a pleasure finally meeting you Nathan," Linda said as she gave me a hug, which I returned.

"Definitely a pleasure, you two have fun. Corey call if you're going to be out late." Carla said as she too gave me a hug which again I returned.

Corey wrapped an arm around me and escorted me outside and I leaned against him as we walked.

"You could have told me," I said as we reached the car and separated.

"I know and I'm sorry I didn't. Are you mad?" Corey replied as we both got in. I waited until we were buckled in and started moving before commenting further.

"I'm not mad at all lug-head, I was just surprised. It was literally the last thing I was expecting."

Corey gave me a small smile. "I love them both. I wouldn't be here with you if it weren't for them."

"Did you do this so I could learn more about you?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied simply before adding, "Sometimes it's hard for me. Because I don't know what I should say. But I want you to know it anyway."

"We will work on that then," I said as I took his hand and interlaced his fingers with mine. I could tell he was beyond happy with that arrangement.

A little while later we pulled into one of the fancier restaurants in town, this is one of the places where my dad actually held business lunches. I had only ever been here once and it had been before my mom died.

Corey pulled into the valet line at the front of the building and we got out.

"Mr. Andrews, good to see you again." The valet greeted me as he took possession of the vehicle.

"Good to see you, Curtis," Corey said with a smile and a nod as we walked into the building.

"Don't you have to have reservations to this place?" I asked quietly.

Corey gave me a near smirk and didn't say anything. We went up to the maître d who had just gotten back to the booth in the entryway.

"Mark." Corey greeted with a nod.

"Corey. Good to see you again. Are your parents with you?"

"No, it's just us this time. This is Nathan. I figured this would have been a good place as any for a first date." Corey explained as he literally laid all the cards out on the table. I kept quiet since I had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance Nathan," Mark looked away for a moment. "Lydia, can you show these two to the Andrews's table please."

"Of course," a young woman said as she approached.

"Lydia will take care of you as usual Corey."

"Thanks, Mark!"

"Right this way gentlemen."

This was almost too much, and I had questions. Lydia led us to a pretty quiet part of the restaurant, the table was a large booth that was private and inviting at the same time. Corey being the perfect gentleman indicated I should sit first, then slid in next to me as Lydia handed out the menus. She then took our drink orders and I waited until she disappeared out of sight before I attempted to seek answers.

"Corey," I said trying not to smile. "What the hell?"

He gave a shrug, "Carla owns the restaurant. She told me to take you here when I asked about dating."

"This is crazy."

"But it's private." Corey grabbed my hand and held it with both of his.

"Private enough to uh, you know…" I said with a waggle of my eyebrows.

"It can be arranged!"

I busted out laughing.

Lydia returned with the drinks, I hadn't even started looking at the menu yet and let her know it was going to be a few minutes.

"So what's good then," I asked finally opening the menu.

"Everything is good. And don't worry about the cost. It's going on the family comp account per Carla's instructions. She and my mom wanted us to have a good time without worrying about anything."

"Well, I'm not going to try to break the bank or anything." Something caught my eye on the menu, "oh hey a Mediterranean chicken dish."

"Where do you think I learned to make the one I made at your house."

"You're shitting me?" I gawked.

"No. The chef is a great person, he's been with Carla a really long time and he taught me a few things. I've helped in the kitchen a lot."

"That's really cool Corey. Well since I've already had that what are you going to get."

"There is a Chicken Marsala dish I like."

"Make it two then."

Dinner ended up being a grander affair than I had thought, turns out the Chicken Marsala was a multiple-course option, and the restaurant really threw out the bells as whistles because it was the owner's table. There was no alcohol except for whatever wine was in the sauce that made the chicken of course since we were both underage and one of us had to drive.

I had never felt so pampered
in my life, the only thing missing was a guy standing by the table playing a violin which I'm glad never happened because you know that would just be weird after a while.

As crazy as the last few weeks had been it was great to finally just relax for once. After the dessert course which consisted of a piece of chocolate truffle cake that I didn't want to know the cost of we waited for the table to be cleared and soon it was just us again.

"Happy?" Corey asked as his hand found mine again.

"Of course, tonight has had way too many surprises though." I chuckled as I took a drink from my water glass.

"I know. I'll try to do better next time."

"Corey I'm not complaining."

Corey smiled and looked at me then away with that same look of indecision from before.

"What's wrong?" I asked gently as I gave his hand a squeeze.

"I want to kiss you," Corey stated

"What's stopping you."


"You don't need it."

His lips were on me in an instant. This kiss wasn't as frantic as our first had been, this one we took our time with. I felt his hands sliding up my back as he pulled me closer. The tantalizing touch of his lips dancing across mine made me melt. I pressed my tongue against him and they danced together with desire, this kiss ended way too soon, we both were breathing a little harder at the end of it.

"Damn, why do you have to be so good at that."

"Uh, it's a gift?"

"Pretty damn good gift." I replied then asked, "Why do you still have that science project we did way back when?"

"Because," Corey replied. He was starting to fidget again.

"Because why?"

"Uh because you helped make it."

"You kept it because of me?"


I thought about that for a moment, I knew of course Corey had liked me for a while.

"Sometimes I kind of wish we had tried this earlier. But then I remember what the last couple of years have been like and I'm glad we didn't." I said finally.

"Mine weren't good either."

"Care to elaborate?" I asked directly.

"I didn't make friends easily. It was chaotic. Too many people, too much noise. Everything was loud."

"You mean when you transferred to this school."

"Yes. It got better when I started playing football. Instead of trying to find people, people came to me. It was good, people were nice until they weren't. Back when we had to do that project, you calmed the noise."

"Is everything still too loud?"

"Not when you're around."

Christ talk about laying it on thick. Corey pulled out his phone as it chimed in a text notification and checked it.

"So uh, do you want to…" Corey tried to ask then stopped and bit his lip.

"Want to what?" I asked poking him in the side.

He flinched and gave me a look, "do you want to spend the night?"


"We have had a couple of half nights. Just not a full one."

"I'd have to call my dad," I replied pulling out my phone.

"My mom already did."

"What? How?" I asked flopping my phone on the table.

"I asked Carla to ask my mom before we left because you two were talking. Carla just texted me to say it was done. My mom still had your dad's number from that night Chris was in the hospital."

At that moment my phone buzzed and I picked it up to check the text my dad just sent me. I showed Corey the text because all it contained was a thumbs-up emoji.

"I hope you don't think you're going to get lucky tonight Mister," I said flatly as I gave Corey a sharp look.

"No! I mean that's not why I wanted you to come over!" Corey replied in a rush.

"Relax, I'm not mad," I said trying not to laugh. "If you want me to come over I will. We just need to stop at my house first so I can change."

It was still pretty early in the evening, despite dinner's complexity it didn't take the whole night away. Corey let Lydia know we were ready to leave and the car was waiting for us when we stepped outside.

"I hope everything went well gentlemen," Curtis the valet said as he opened the front passenger door for me.

"It was great, thank you," I replied with a smile as I got in and Curtis closed the door.

Corey talked with him for a moment before slipping him something, then got in as well.

"So your house first?" Corey confirmed as we pulled away from the building.

"Yes, and brace yourself for my brother."

It didn't take long at all to return to my house. Both my dad's car as well as Chris's were firmly parked in the driveway, Corey parked behind both and followed me inside.

Chris's head snapped up from the book he was reading as he sat on the couch in the front room and I shied away from his sparkling gaze.

"Back so soon?" He chirped as I closed the front door. Corey stood beside me with his hands in his pockets.

"I'm spending the night at his house," I said trying not to grin at the change in facial expressions. "Corey I'll be right back."

Chris shot out of his seat, his book quickly forgotten as he followed me up the stairs.

"Spending the night eh?"

"Oh my God Chris."

"What! Tell me all about it. Where did you go, what did you do, did you kiss, are you going to kiss again, do you need a box of cond-"

"CHRIS!" I shrieked as I made it into my room.

"He took me out to Rialto Ristorante, the food was fucking epic," I said as I removed the gold chain he had given to me and handed it back.

"Dude! No way!"

"His mom's wife Carla owns the place, Chris." I peeled off my shirt and waited for it.


"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" I admonished as I removed my shoes and then stripped to my boxers.

"No way! You mean she's…"


I pulled on a pair of basketball shorts and then decided the white undershirt I had been wearing was good enough, it still smelled good from the cologne Chris had put on me earlier so I put it back on and then found my gray Nike Airs.

"That's so fucking cool Nate," Chris replied trying to contain his excitement. He was damn near giddy.

"So you finally got to meet Carla," my Dad said from my door with a small grin.

"You know her?" Chris asked flabbergasted.

"Of course, she's a client knucklehead." He grabbed Chris in a headlock and gave him a noogie, "have fun kiddo?"
"I did thanks, Dad." I grabbed my phone and my wallet from the now-discarded dockers and gave him a hug. "And before the both of you wonder, no I'm not having sex."

"Why not Chris does, who do you think bought the condoms?"

"DAD!" Chris bellowed.

"What? I'm a guy, aren't I? It's not like I haven't been a teenager before." Dad said while laughing at my brother's embarrassment. "I'm not going to give the speech again to either of you. You know what's up. Just be safe."

"I'm not in a big hurry," I admitted.

"And you shouldn't be. Just do what you feel is right Nate, and if you have any questions ask your brother. He probably knows more about what the kids are into these days than I do."

"Thanks, Dad," I replied laughing, more so at Chris's embarrassment again than anything else.

My dad disappeared towards the stairs no doubt to scare Corey some before we left.

"You know you could have told him that you already had-"

I slapped my hand across Chris's mouth before he could say it. "Dude no! That's the last discussion I want to have with my father." I said chuckling.

I removed my hand to reveal Chris's smile.

"I'm just saying you don't have to hide anything, Nate. From either of us."

"I know, and thanks."

We hugged, then headed downstairs to rescue Corey from my Dad's fake interrogation, then left and started the short drive to Corey's house.

"I really like your dad, he seems cool," Corey commented as we parked back at his place.

"He is, and he knows Carla."

"I know."

"Damn did everyone know but me?"

Corey gave me a shrug and a smile but stayed quiet.

Linda and Carla were still up and waiting for us in the living room. I profusely gave Carla my thanks for the chance to experience the restaurant as Corey disappeared to change.

"Oh don't worry about it at all, Nathan. I'm glad you two had fun. We were just about to settle for a movie since it's movie night."
"That sounds great."

Corey reappeared wearing the same attire I was and we went back to the loveseat, he thanked Carla as well. It took a minute for us to settle into a position that felt natural and I ended up in a deep cuddle against Corey with my head resting on his shoulder.

I took a moment, which probably lasted longer than a moment to reflect on the changes I had been going through at such a rapid pace. Some of it made my head spin, but at the same time, it felt right. I felt like I finally was slipping into the person I was meant to be, the real me.

The movie ended and everyone shuffled to close the house down for the evening, mugs and glasses from tea and juice made it to the dishwasher, counters were wiped down and I got my first glimpse into Corey's world when I stepped into his room.

Everything was neat, just like mine, except he beat me on how organized his closet was. I glanced up at the dresser and smiled as I saw the model of the solar system we had painstakingly put together perched on top of it, with the presentation papers framed on the wall behind it. He had a small TV stand facing the bed with a PlayStation 4 along with the 5, with various titles neatly stacked next to them.

There was a small desk along the wall his bed and nightstand that had a laptop and printer setup, and of course the queen-sized bed with a black and red comforter.

The whole room smelled like him, that same hint of sweet musk I had always attributed to Corey.

The silence was interrupted as he quietly closed the door and gave me a sheepish look. I was lost in that moment over what to do, or hell even say. I remembered that one morning when Corey picked me up for school and he wouldn't come upstairs for me to change because it was 'intimate' and now I fully felt exactly what he had meant.

"So what now?" I asked gently.

"I don't know." He replied.

"I don't either!" I shot back.

"No one has ever spent the night before," Corey admitted, with a slight solemn expression.

"Come here," I said gently almost in a whisper.

Corey didn't hesitate and stood in front of me. I reached for his shirt and carefully pulled it up and over his head then yanked his shorts down and off leaving him in his boxer briefs.

"Now me."

Corey reciprocated the actions until I was left in the same state, I moved the clothes beside the bed so they'd be easier to locate in the morning.

"So you like me?" I asked tilting my head a little as I looked up at him.

"I do."

I grinned and reached up to pull his head down to me and kiss him, it started out as gentle as the kiss before but grew as the hunger from what we felt inside enveloped us both. Hands went everywhere as the passion kicked up a few notches.

I cannot accurately explain what it feels like when he this close. The scent of him just makes me stop thinking, almost to the point, I can't stop myself from letting it go further. I know I want more and it took everything I had to separate myself from him as I broke the kiss.

I could see the fire in his eyes that matched my own, and yes we both were breathing hard.

"Soon, just not yet," I said to him and he nodded in full understanding. He wanted it as bad as I did but didn't push it. Damn, this boy drives me crazy.

We ended up in his bed soon after continuing the make-out session we started, our hands stayed above the waist, but I could feel him and he could feel me our excitement was shared.

It seemed like we made out until our lips were raw, I don't know what time we actually fell asleep, occasionally one of us would wake up and kiss the other for a moment even though it stung to do so.

I woke up at the sound of a slight knock at the door, I was lying on my side with Corey spooned behind me. I rose up a little as the door opened and Carla poked her head in.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if you guys were up yet." She whispered. "Linda made food if you're hungry."

I gave her a nod and felt Corey's arm tighten around me as he pulled me back down and buried his face into my neck.

Carla gave me an endearing smile and left us no doubt to share what she saw with Linda.

"Good morning," Corey said gently as I felt his lips kiss my neck.

I gripped the arm that was holding me and squeezed it.

"I so don't want to get up, but I'm hungry," I murmured as he nuzzled me again. I stretched as much as my body would allow while being wrapped up in Corey's limbs.

"We should. I want food too."

Reluctantly we got out of bed and got dressed in the discarded clothing from the night before. I followed Corey as he padded into the kitchen sleep still evident in his eyes.

"Good morning guys!" Linda said as he started dishing food onto plates.

"Morning Mom, morning Carla," Corey said as he sat at the table.

"You guys have a good night?" Carla asked as her eyes shifted between the two of us with a knowing smile.

"Carla!" Linda admonished as she set plates in front of us.

"What! I was being nice!" She replied with a giggle.

"It was nice," I started then took a drink of the orange juice Linda set in front of me. "But you guys can relax our virtues are still intact." I finished with a smirk.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before I added, "Besides it's not good manners to bang your boyfriend senseless after the first date in his mom's house."

Linda lost it as the coffee she was drinking almost went everywhere. Carla cackled and doubled over as a hand slapped the table and Corey looked like he wanted to die from embarrassment as his cheeks went red hot in an instant.

It took Linda and Carla a moment to regain their composure at my outburst.

"Oh, my goodness. I deserved that." Carla exclaimed as she wiped the tears from her eyes, "We've got to keep this one Linda."

"Don't tell me, tell it to him," Linda replied giving Corey a little shove as she sat down.

I felt sorry for Corey because he literally didn't know what to say to any of this and I could swear his cheeks got even more red than before.

We made more small talk as we ate, and Corey found his voice again. The more time I spent with his parents the more I liked them. They seemed as easygoing and understanding as Chris and my Dad and they didn't have really any hangups.

Their love for Corey was evident, it showed with every interaction they had with him and I could feel that same love creeping in my direction as they interacted with me. I helped clear the dishes as breakfast came to an end with Corey helping without being asked. Linda and Carla watched with interest as we interacted with each other until the dishwasher was fully loaded and set to cycle and the kitchen put right again.

Linda caught me as Carla had sent Corey away to bring his clothes hamper into the laundry room.

"I'm so glad you guys found each other." She commented as she poured the last of the coffee from the pot into her cup. "We worried that he wouldn't be able to find love, or be able to express himself like that to another person."

"I'm sorry it took me throwing him to the ground a few times for it to happen," I replied as I thought about it. "I know I left more than a few physical bruises on him in the process."

That comment started a conversation on the day Chris had his breakdown, how I ended up at home, and what I did to Corey when he showed up.

"I feel bad for all that. You know what I did and stuff."

"You're forgiven Nathan. I think you've more than made up for it at this point anyway." Linda commented as she patted my shoulder. "Corey kept us in the loop but didn't tell us everything right away. We didn't know how he felt about you until that day you had that fight and he called us to say he was going with you to the hospital. He came home that night and told us everything."

I nodded and bit my lip. "I think I really do love him."

Linda smiled at my admission, "Then you young man, have my blessings."

She left the room with her coffee leaving me with my thoughts. That admission did something to me, my mood changed and it wasn't for the better.

It was at that point the last week started to catch up to me and I thought about the conversation I had with Chris at the lookout when we took the bikes out. He had been right, I did feel like I was on a roller coaster of emotions because things had been changing fast.

Maybe a little too fast. I dwelled on that thought for a moment, and it made me feel uncomfortable. Why was I uncomfortable?

That was a question I didn't have an answer for.

I went and found Corey in his room as he had finished gathering what needed to be washed.

"I'm going to head home if that's cool," I said to him as I entered.

He stopped and gave me an appraising look, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine Corey."

He immediately frowned and stopped what he was doing.


"Somethings wrong, and you aren't telling me." He said as he gave me a penetrating stare that seemingly saw straight into my soul.

"Corey, I don't know if there is something wrong or not."

"You didn't call me lug-head."

"I shouldn't be calling you that at all."

"But I-"

I cut him off and sighed, "I know you like it. That doesn't make it right."

"Did I do something?" He asked quietly searching me with his eyes.

"No, you didn't. You did everything right Corey, everything. This is…" I bit my lip and tried again, "This is me, not you. I'm just confused in my head a little bit. I don't know why or how okay?"

Corey continued to study me for a moment then nodded.

"Can I see you later?" He asked gently.

"I'll text or something," I affirmed.

I ran into Carla and Linda on my way out and explained I needed to get home for chores of my own, plus homework and they took it. I thanked them again for everything they had done and left.

My thoughts rattled me on the walk home, as if something was trying to sabotage the good I had been feeling. The shitty part about the whole thing? I never sent that text to Corey to see me. He had to wait the whole weekend to see me again.

Copyright © 2023 Jeff Burton; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

2 minutes ago, Jeff Burton said:

To be honest I think I should have called it "Black and Blue" for the double entendre.

That would have worked. Here, I'll supply the theme song:


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1 minute ago, Jeff Burton said:

@Lee Wilson  God isn't that the truth dude, good one.  This is literally the theme for the whole damn story.

I just thought of a theme song for my double whammy, The Boy on the Porch, and The Taft Family’s Before and After: "Straight to Hell" by Drivin' N Cryin'

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6 hours ago, Jeff Burton said:

, well there you go now everyone in this story is going to be miserable. :D


And so will all the Readers. I understand this is the real world but geez did you have to put a:D next to it?

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2 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

And so will all the Readers. I understand this is the real world but geez did you have to put a:D next to it?

IM SORRY! I've been in a mood for the last 3 days and it's effecting everything I do.

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13 hours ago, Jeff Burton said:

IM SORRY! I've been in a mood for the last 3 days and it's effecting everything I do.

Well you will have to "slap yourself silly" @Jeff Burton to emerge from the mood and deliver nothing but H. A. P. P. Y. for Nathan and Corey otherwise we readers will revolt and the last thing you want is a bunch of old queens revolting (LOL). Listen to Edwin Starr's sage advice and it may "release" you from "the mood". And if the song doesn't, check out the shoes on the three back-up singers.



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Well that was an unexpected level of endorphins, LOL WHAT IS WITH THOSE SHOES!?

Edited by Jeff Burton
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Depression + Neurodivergence = Epic teen angst. Very real, Jeff. Well-done. I didn’t need to go to Chapter One to remember these guys.  It gets better… hopefully. #itgetsbetter

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4 minutes ago, Dan South said:

Depression + Neurodivergence = Epic teen angst. Very real, Jeff. Well-done. I didn’t need to go to Chapter One to remember these guys.  It gets better… hopefully. #itgetsbetter

Thanks Dan,  I'm still working on Chapter 8, should be done in a couple of days or I could finish in 10 minutes, whatever my ADHD lets me do.

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A good chapter hopefully the boys will sort out their issues and Corey isn’t too miserable without seeing Nate 

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