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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

There's Always Time - 2. Chapter 2

What he had seen was confirmed then Aaron’s head appeared as if looking around a door. That is, if a door was visible. “Don’t just stand there, Ryan. Come on, I want to show you the inside.”

Ryan looked and saw the sheer joy radiating from Aaron’s disembodied face. What was there not to love about that enthusiasm? Even so he tentatively crossed the car park and approached the talking head. When he was close a hand appeared and pulled him into . . . into what?

Ryan looked around as Aaron gestured towards the whole room. “What do you think?”

Ryan didn’t quite know what to think. He looked around what seemed to be a comfortably sized caravan, except that it didn’t seem to have any walls. Ryan could clearly see the car park and the forest. But there were cupboards and a TV that looked as if they were mounted on walls, but instead appeared suspended in space. He looked at Aaron, “Where are we?”

“Duh! We’re in my time machine. Where did you think we are?”

“But out there I couldn’t see any of this and now in here I can see everything outside.”

Aaron looked around, “I see what you mean. I like this one-way setting, because it allows me to see what’s outside while still being invisible from outside. Does it confuse you?”

Ryan mumbled, “No more that everything else does,” as he carefully looked at his surroundings. At one end there was, what could be a kitchenette and a booth style table and seating. At the other end there was a queen size bed and in between a lounge area. He noticed a door next to the bed and assumed correctly that it was a small bathroom.

Aaron placed his hand reassuringly on Ryan’s shoulder. “I understand that this will take some getting used to. How about I get the esky, and we have something to eat and talk?”

Almost robotically Ryan agreed and was about to hand over his car remote when he feared being abandoned on the mountain if Aaron drove off. “I’ll come with you. I think I need some fresh air.”

They left the time machine and as they walked to Ryan’s car he looked back at the empty car park and bush land beyond. They retrieved the esky and walked back across the car park.

“It’s invisible. How do you know where it is?”

“Good question. When you know what to look for, you can see the light bend slightly around it.”

Ryan looked but still didn’t know what to look for, but it didn’t matter because soon they were back inside what Ryan was beginning to believe could be a time machine. Maybe the fresh air had helped!

Aaron opened the esky. “Wow! Look at this. It’s going to be a feast, and Mum has included a couple of beers. How about we celebrate finding our time machine?”

Ryan was still coming to grips with being inside something he couldn’t see from outside but from which he could still see the outside. A fact he still hadn’t quite appreciated when another car entered the parking area and parked close to Ryan’s car.

“We need to be careful. They’ll see us.”

“You still haven’t got it have you? We can see them, but they can’t see us.”

“OK. I believe you, but it’s just weird.”

Aaron was busy unpacking the esky and spreading the picnic out of the table. He opened the beers and handed one to Ryan, who was watching the couple leave their car and hand in hand walk towards the lookout.

“Cheers and thank you for helping me find Eric.”

Ryan stopped watching the couple, “Eric! Who’s Eric and where is he?”

Aaron gestured around the cabin, “This is Eric. People name boats so why not a time machine.”

He wasn’t sure why but Ryan was relieved that Eric wasn’t human. He held his beer bottle out and they clinked the necks in celebration of success. Aaron pointed to the food. “Let’s eat.”

They sat opposite each other across the small table and started eating.

“So you built all this yourself. I’m impressed. It’s so nice and cosy.”

“Thank you. I like ‘nice and cosy’. It’s my home away from home. I’m pleased you like it.”

“Like it! I love it.”

Aaron tore off a piece of roast chicken and held it up to Ryan’s lips. Ryan opened his mouth and Aaron feed him the piece. When Ryan did the same to Aaron some juice stayed on his fingers. Aaron sucked the fingers clean. The game continued with each feeding the other. Occasionally there was more finger sucking.

Ryan picked up a mini Roma tomato and feed it to Aaron. As Aaron was chewing the tomato Ryan remarked, “You know when tomatoes were first taken to Europe from South America they were called ‘love apples’ and were considered an aphrodisiac.”

Aaron raised his eyebrows, “Being with you, I don’t need an aphrodisiac.”

Ryan thought for a moment. “Me neither with you. But you probably say that all the guys you meet from time to time.” Ryan deliberately looked at the bed. “Your bed is designed for two.”

Aaron leaned over the table and at the same time pulled Ryan close so they could kiss. Ryan did not resist. They broke the kiss. “So what number am I? How many other guys have you seduced in here?”

Aaron successfully went for another kiss, “Trust me Ryan, you’re number one in more ways than one.”

Ryan grinned, “So you want this to be more than a one time affair.”

“I absolutely do as long as you feel the same.”

“Oh I do, and that bed looks like the place to show you.”

They stood and passionately kissed, which was followed by stripping each other. Naked they moved the short distance to the bed. On the bed they continued kissing and used their hands to gently explore each other’s bodies. Feeling Aaron’s erection wasn’t enough for Ryan. He wanted to taste it. As he licked a nipple and slid further down he glanced sideways.

“Shit. That couple. They’re back from the lookout and walking towards us. I can’t do this with people watching.”

“You really don’t listen, do you. I keep reminding you we’re invisible from outside. But if it worries you, I’ll fix it.” He reached over for a bedside touch screen and within seconds walls wrapped them in a cocoon protecting them from the outside world.

“That better?” Aaron asked as he tweaked a nipple causing Ryan to moan loudly. “By the way you can make as much noise as you like. This is also soundproof.”

Ryan’s apparent concern about further sexual activity was short lived. Within minutes Ryan had picked up where he left off and had reached Aaron’s throbbing erection. He slid the foreskin down and licked around the moist head. As he wrapped his lips around the head he felt Aaron reposition and reciprocate.


Ryan woke, looked around and smiled. This space felt so comfortable and accepting. Aaron, still naked, entered through the door Ryan had noticed earlier.

“The bathroom’s through there,” Aaron gestured, “If you want to use it.”

He didn’t until it was mentioned. Ryan swung off the bed, kissed Aaron and walked through the door where he found a compact but more than adequate toilet and shower. He used the toilet and used a wet cloth to freshen up.

When Ryan left the toilet Aaron was dressing but stopped long enough to share a quick kiss. Ryan smiled, “Yes I suppose we should be getting back.”

“Yes. We should.”

“How do we do this?”

“You drive back and I’ll meet you there.”

“How do we coordinate this? We will have to appear to arrive at the same time.”

“True.” Aaron picked up a small rectangular device. “When you arrive use this and let me know. Press this button and I’ll answer. Just don’t lose it because . . . Just don’t lose it.”

“If it means I can contact you, there’s no way I’ll lose it.” Ryan turned and walked out into the car park.

Aaron watched him leave. “Good because I don’t want to lose you either.”

Ryan sat in his car and looked at the trees at the end of the car park where he knew Eric was or had been. He smiled happily as he started his car.


As he turned into Gibbons Street Ryan was anticipating seeing Aaron, or rather Eric until he remembered that Eric would be invisible. He pulled over, stopped and reached into his pocket. He didn’t understand how it worked but hopefully pressed the button.

Aaron answered, “Hi. Does this mean you’re safely home and I can join you?”

“I’m just up the street.”

“Just a minute. Oh yes I can see you. When you pull into the drive, I’ll get out of Eric.”

Moments later Ryan pulled into the drive. As he closed the door he looked across the blue car roof to where Aaron was standing as if he had just exited the passenger side. They smiled at each other.


They each received a motherly hug. “Dad will be home soon and dinner’s nearly ready. Why don’t you freshen up.”

“Thanks Mum.”

“I hope you enjoyed the picnic. Where’s the esky? I’ll clean it up.”

They looked at each other. The esky was still in Eric. Aaron replied, “It’s still in the car. I’ll go and get it. The food was wonderful. We really enjoyed it.” Mum smiled appreciatively.

Moments later Aaron returned with the esky. “Got it. Mum, you’re cooking dinner so I’ll empty and clean the esky.” Ryan no longer worried about Aaron endearing himself to Mum.

When they sat down to dinner Ryan’s Dad handed each of them a beer followed by “Now sons, how was your day?”

“It was wonderful. I found e . .” Aaron moved his ankle to avoid Ryan’s foot and continued, “. . verything was awe inspiring and I gained a totally new appreciation of the countryside around here.”

“Pleased to hear that. We’re a country family and very tied to the soil and the environment.” Ryan’s father continued, “The family will be here for lunch tomorrow. I told Ryan’s sister and brothers about you, and they all want to meet you. Told them you’re better for Ryan than Stanley.”

“Would you all stop talking about Stanley.” Ryan almost shouted. Aaron was wearing a shit-eating grin.

Mum changed the subject, “Do you know if your campervan has been fixed?”

“I’m delighted to say it is. I’ll be able to collect it on Monday.” He winked at Ryan.


That night in Ryan’s room it was a case of clothing not optional as they entered the bed from opposite sides.

“I see you have ‘your side of the bed’. Is that fixed or negotiable?

“With you? I was about to say everything is negotiable, but I think it’s that with you I just have to be more open minded.”

“Yeah that’s it. Being prepared to consider things you thought weren’t possible”

“Does that extend to having sex?”

“I’m not sure that over the centuries we’ve really invented any new ways of having sex. We might think we have. I remember when I thought I’d invented masturbation.”

They embraced each other laughing. Their erections may not have been amused, but still they were interacting with each other. They realized they wanted more.

“Aaron, I want more than we did on Kaputar and in the shower I prepared. I’m ready for you.”

“Have you thought this through Ryan? You make a lot of noise. Playing with your nipple would be enough to attract attention.” To prove his point, he played with a nipple. Ryan’s moans started getting louder. Aaron stopped.

“I still want you to fuck me.”

“Oh yeah and when your parents bang on the door, me having to explain that you’re OK just enjoying yourself too much.”

“Yeah, I may be louder than you’ve heard so far.”

Aaron pulled Ryan in for a kiss. “I have a solution. We have another bedroom, and it’s soundproof.”

“You mean Eric?”


Nothing else needed to be said. They pulled on shorts – no need for underwear – and quietly walked out the back door. The night was still warm as they made their way down the stairs and disappeared into Eric.

Swiftly shedding their shorts they leaped onto the bed and into each other’s arms.

“Do you want me to make the walls opaque?”

“Not this time. I like that I can see the stars.”

“I’d like to make you see some that aren’t in the sky.”

“Promises, promises.”

The sky was forgotten as their attention turned to each other.

If not for Eric’s sound proofing, they could have woken the neighbours.


They stretched out and relaxed with their bodies still touching. There was a connection between them that transcended time. They felt together.

Ryan focused on the stars above them and identified the Southern Cross. His eyes followed the pointers south.

He lazily played with Aaron’s hand. “Where were going when we err met?”

“I was returning home from shopping.”

Ryan turned to look at Aaron, “What! You hop into a time machine to buy your groceries.”

Aaron laughed. A laugh that Ryan enjoyed. “No not groceries. I go back in time and buy things that are rare and collectable in my time. Things like first edition books, Marvel comics, some toys, merch and other stuff. I gradually sell them to collectors or auction them. I make good money doing it.”

“Not what I’d think of using a time machine for, but I had friends at Uni who were into Star Wars collectables. I was always amazed how much they were prepared to pay.”

“Absolutely! And in my time, they’ll pay even more.”

“I love being here in this bed with you but we should get back to my bed so we’re there in the morning.”

“Sure and I’ve got something to show you.”

They pulled on their shorts. Aaron changed the settings on the control panel and they stepped outside.

“Look. What do you think?”

“Wow! How did you do that.”

“I programmed it while waiting for you this afternoon.”

They were looking at a 2012 VW Campervan, or more accurately, the image of the 2012 Campervan.

“How did you know what they look like?”

“There were photos in one of the surf magazines I bought. Do you think your dad will be impressed?”

“Impressed! He’ll be super impressed. So impressed that he’ll want to check out the engine and everything mechanical to make sure it’s been repaired properly.”

“But he can’t do that. I’ve only programmed the external appearance. I’ve no idea what the engine would be like.”

Ryan grinned, “You didn’t think this through, did you?”

“How was I to know that your dad would want to look at the engine. Who does that? What do we do?”

Ryan was laughing to himself, “Just reset Eric to invisible but keep that setting. It’ll be perfect when we go to a beach.” He reached across and pulled Aaron into a kiss. “You are the most amazing guy I’ve ever met.”

Back in Ryan’s bed they were deep asleep spooned together until the sun shone through the lightly curtained window. They felt comfortable with their naked bodies entwined and knowing they were together. It was a comfort that was only broken by the need to use the bathroom and have breakfast.

After breakfast Ryan’s Dad checked the gas bottle and announced that he had to go and get more gas for the BBQ. Aaron and Ryan helped clear up after breakfast and prepare for the arrival of Ryan’s siblings and their families.

As often happens everyone seemed to arrive at the same time overwhelming Aaron as he was quickly introduced to Ryan’s two older brothers and younger sister and their spouses.

Ryan’s oldest brother, Ethan, and his wife Caitlin had two young boys who didn’t wait to be introduced and ran off to find grandma. She always had treats for them. His second brother James and wife Jasmine were proudly exposing their baby to the approving noises of dotting female relatives. His sister was obviously and contently pregnant. They were all friendly and very accepting of Aaron.

It was while all the men were standing around the barbecue, drinking beer and pretending to be concerned about how the meat was cooking that Ethan tapped Ryan on the shoulder. “Well little brother,” a term he used to playfully irritate Ryan, “It looks like this time you’ve found a keeper. I have a feeling that Aaron will fit into this family. What happened to that dipstick Stanley.”

Ryan bristled, “If you actually want to know, Stanley was screwing around and I broke up with him.”

“If it helps that’s what happened with me and Sophie, but because of that I met Caitlin. Best thing that ever happened to me. Ryan, I know I’ve only just met Aaron, but I like him and can see him as being right for you and the family.”

“Hey, I’m standing right here. Would you like to include me in this conversation?” Aaron was enjoying this.

Ryan pulled him close, “Thanks for your dating advice, Ethan but I already know Aaron’s a keeper. I just hope he feels the same about me.” A kiss was all the answer he needed.

The conversation moved on. Aaron pulled Ryan away from the group. “Something’s bothering me.”

“What! Our family barbecue?”

“Not like that. It’s that boy with the curly red hair over there.” Aaron pointed to Ethan’s eight year old son.

“Yeah. My nephew. What about him?”

“I can’t put my finger on it, except I know or recognize him from somewhere. You know family events, like a funeral or a birthday, where they show photos and video of someone growing up. I’m sure that at one of those I’ve seen photos and videos of him. There’s one I really remember of him at a fun park.”

Ryan smirked, “That’s probably it. There are family photos on the wall in the hall. He’ll be amongst them. You probably noticed one and remembered. Come on I’ll show you.”

In the hall Ryan waved his hand along the wall of family photos. “There! Is what you’re thinking about amongst these?”

Aaron scanned the photos, “Yes. This one, on the ride at Gold Coast Wonderworld.”

“It’s a great photo. You probably noticed it yesterday and recognized him tpday. So what’s the issue?”

Aaron thought for a moment. “Yes that’s the photo. It’s a still from a video of him on that ride. Ryan, what’s your family name?”

Ryan decided to humour him, “Walker. It’s a common name.”

Aaron nodded, “So your nephew is Trent Walker?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Is there a video of him on that ride?”

“How would I know? Oh, wait there. Yes, it is off a video. Mum wanted something for the wall.”

“No one introduced us so how did I know his name and how did I know there is a video?” He looked at Ryan, “I’m about to tell you something you’ll find even harder to believe than anything else I’ve told you.”

Ryan sighed, “Considering what you’ve already told me, I find that hard to believe.”

“OK I warned you.” Aaron took a deep breath, “That cute red headed nephew of yours, Trent Walker, is my grandfather. My family name is also Walker. And when Ethan just said that I’d be right for you and the family, he was actually talking about his great grandson.”

Ryan rolled his eyes and started walking away.

“Ryan, don’t just walk away. Where are you going?”

Ryan stopped and looked back, “You haven’t lied to me so far. I’m getting another beer. I’ll need it while we talk about this.”

Ryan returned with two beers and handed one to Aaron, which he accepted. “So, you’re telling me that little Trent over there is your grandfather and last night my nephew’s grandson fucked me.”

“Yeah, something like that.” There was a pause while Aaron thought. “Except something’s wrong. You’re probably right that it’s just a common name. My grandfather talks about growing up in Queensland and this isn’t Queensland.”

They were interrupted and told that lunch was ready.

As they sat around eating Ethan glanced at James and looked across at Dad, “Dad, Mum, Caitlin and I have something to tell you, and no, Caitlin’s not pregnant again, but we are trying.” They smiled at each other before Ethan continued, “You know Caitlin’s Uncle Thomas has a beef cattle property near Toowoomba. The thing is he’s not well and has asked us to go up there and help him. James and I have talked, and he agrees that the farm here doesn’t need both of us. We want to go and help Uncle Thomas.”

Dad responded, “Tom is getting on in years and I’ve heard that he’s having a lot of problems managing the farm. Yeah, you two will be perfect to help him out. When are you leaving?”

“As long as I still get to see my grandchildren you have my blessing.”

Aaron and Ryan looked at each other. They didn’t need to say anything. This was the Queensland connection.


Naked they settled on the bed and looked up at the sky. The moon was yet to rise in the cloudless sky leaving the stars to shine with an intensity unknown in the light polluted city.

Aaron gently traced his fingers across Ryan's forehead and down his cheek towards his chin. “I didn’t think we came out here just to look at the stars”

“Sorry. During my years at Uni I’d forgotten how bright the stars are in the country.”

Aaron had reached Ryan’s chin and gently turned Ryan’s head, so they were facing each other. “You are so gorgeous Ryan.” Their lips touched. “The stars would seem even brighter at the lookout.”

Ryan smiled, remembering camping on the mountain. “Yeah, but I’m not driving up there at night.”

“You don’t have to drive. Eric can take us there.”

“Really, We could go up there now?”

Aaron was enjoying Ryan’s enthusiasm. “Yes, we can. Have you forgotten that I brought Eric down here from the mountain.”

“I remember missing not having you in the car with me when I was driving back.”

That pleased Aaron immensely as Ryan continued, “How long will it take?”

“I could check the log, but not long. Five or six minutes.”

“Please. Can we do it? I’ve never travelled in a time machine.”

Aaron laughed. “Of course you haven’t. You hadn’t met me. But, to be fair I hadn’t had sex in one until I met you.”

“Good. I like that.”

Aaron picked up the control panel. “The lookout coordinates are still there so it’s easy.”

“When do we start moving?”

“Look at the readout?”

The walls had become opaque, and two lines of numbers were being displayed. One line displayed the coordinates for Eric’s position. The second set of numbers displayed the time and date.

Ryan noticed that the time and date didn’t change, not even by a second. “Why has time stopped on the display?”

“I thought it would be fun to arrive at the same time we left. I forgot that could be discombobulating for you.”

“Can you do that on the way back?”

“Of course. It will let us have more sleep time.”

Eric settled down, the walls became transparent from inside and as predicted the stars were brighter and even more numerous as more of the Milky Way became visible.

Ryan jumped up, “I remember camping up here, with the stars like this. Let’s go and look from the lookout.” He reached out, took a smiling Aaron’s hand and pulled him towards the door.

Hand in hand and still naked they ran up the steps and along the wooden walkway to the lookout. At night it seemed even more spectacular. The stars outshone the lights of towns and isolated homes spread across the countryside. In the sky the stars stretching to the horizon while on the ground the lights of towns and isolated homes dotted the dark landscape.

Still holding hands they looked awestruck into the night. Ryan turned and pulled Aaron into a kiss. “Thank you for bringing me up here.”

“I’m thrilled I did. This is so much more majestic than I could have imagined.”

They stood in silence absorbing natures overwhelming presence.

Ryan turned and pulled Aaron into a passionate kiss. “I want us to make love up here.”

“I do too, but there’s a bed inside Eric that will be more comfortable than here on the lookout.”

They were quickly back in Eric and on the bed. Time wasn’t an issue as they took their time to lovingly pleasure each other to complete mutual satisfaction.

The stars and waning crescent moon continued to look down on them as they lay in each other’s arms and staring lovingly into each other’s eyes on the rather crumpled and sticky bed. “I suppose we should be getting back. Looking at the sky it’s nearly dawn.”

“Let’s watch the sunrise from the lookout.”

Still naked, they walked out into the pre-dawn coolness and onto the lookout. Warmly holding each other they watched the first rays of sunshine probe the darkness, like an army’s forward scouts. And, as if receiving an ‘all clear’ more followed until they were staring directly into the sun emerging, triumphantly defeating the darkness. Even the stars retreated.

Still mesmerized they returned to Eric. “We need to hurry, Mum will be cooking breakfast.”

“You really don’t listen. We’ve plenty of time. I’ve set Eric to return us ten minutes after we left. That was so if anyone saw us, we could just say we stepped outside to look at the stars.”

True to his word they arrived ten minutes after they left. A fact that Ryan confirmed by looking at the clock and the still starlit night sky.

They snuggled together on Ryan’s bed. “Do you really believe you are Trent’s grandson?”

“Well, it certainly looks like that.”

“So are we, like incestuous?”

“Well not legally. We could legally marry.”


“Yeah, the law only prevents you marrying your parent, grandparent, child, grandchild or sibling, and we're not any of those. The implications of us having children is just a moot point. But, if it’s OK with you I’d like to sleep.”

A reply wasn’t necessary. Within minutes they were both asleep.


Sunrise woke them on Sunday morning. Ryan smiled to himself as he remembered watching the same sunrise with Aaron several hours before. Life with Aaron would take some getting used to.

After breakfast they shared mowing the yard. When they finished Ryan suggested taking Aaron for a drive to show him the town.

“I’d like that, but I’ve got a better idea. I’ve met your parents, now I’ll take you to meet mine.”

“We have to be careful not to be missing too long.”

Aaron shook his head. “Do you ever listen. I can have us back before they realize we’ve gone.”

They smiled at each other. Aaron took Ryan’s hand, “I promise, come with me and you’ll have the time of your life.” They took a few steps and vanished.


I’ve marked this short story as “complete” because this was all I intended to write in response to Prompt #235. A short story with Ryan and Aaron riding off into their version of the sunset.
However, I have grown very fond of Ryan and Aaron, and I have some ideas for their, dare I say, future adventures.
I’m currently writing chapter four of a new story and I’ll need to get that story bedded down before I’ll have time to return to Ryan and Aaron.
Thank you for reading.
Copyright © 2024 Paladin; All Rights Reserved.
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