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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Golf Balls and Boy Balls - 2. Chapter 2 Finding A Home

Adam and Jim decide to get rid of their family homes and buy a home of their own.

2 -- Finding a Home

He hit the remote to turn off the TV. We snuggled up and were soon both asleep. When the alarm went off the next morning we were in the same position we fell asleep in. Adam turned off the alarm and we both made a dash for the bathroom. Our morning wood made it difficult to bend it enough to relieve ourselves. “We might as well get in the shower and piss in there. We are going to break our toys trying to get relief.”

“Let’s make sure our new house has urinals like your house has. That sure makes morning pissing easier.”

“I agree.” We got into the shower and kissed, our hard cocks pointing at our chins. We both started pissing and our kisses got more passionate as we pissed on each other. As we finally finished, I gave him a squeeze on the butt and he did the same to me. “Damn that was hot. I could get used to that with you.”

“Me too, it was awesome. It looks like we won’t be able to run again this morning.”

“If we are not too tired from two rounds of golf today, we can run a little extra this evening to make up some of it. Just depends what time we get home.”

We got to the club in time to loosen up a bit and get a feel of the putting green. One thing I was sure of from the practice green was the greens will have a lot of character and be a challenge to read. I’m sure those that play this course often will have an advantage. Adam confirmed that the greens had character, but said they putt pretty much like you think they should. He said the hardest part was getting the correct speed.

I was surprised to see a couple of people that I knew from our club on the practice green. It turned out that our first game today was with them. That made for a lot more comfortable round for all four of us. We had to turn in our individual scores as well as our best ball score. In our first round I shot a sixty-nine and Adam shot a seventy-one with his four handicap (noticed that Hank had adjusted Adam’s handicap) that gave him a sixty-seven and us a eight under sixty-four for our best ball.

We ate a light lunch and rested for about an hour before out afternoon round. The greens were harder and much faster during the afternoon round. We didn’t play nearly as well in the afternoon. I shot a seventy-one but had a couple of bogeys that we both played the hole poorly. Adam shot a seventy-six which gave him an even par round. The problem was we didn’t play nearly as well together and we had a sixty-nine best ball score. The pro chuckled when we turned in our score card. “I thought the course might be a little tougher for you two this afternoon. This course plays so different in the morning and afternoon. You guys will be prepared now that you have seen it. Hank said you guys will be the team to beat. We are glad to have you in the tournament.”

“Thanks, this is a beautiful course. I love the course layout. I did notice that the greens were very different this afternoon. It was not so much the putting, but the approaches had us fooled a few times. We look forward to playing next week. Hope we don’t go one and done.”

“I don’t think you will from the way you guys scored, I agree with Hank you will be the team to beat.”

“Thanks coach, I played here last year, but it still confused me this afternoon. I didn’t hit the ball nearly as long back then, so it is like a new course for me now. I do love this place though.”

“Yeah, I remember you from last year. Several people said that you were one to watch in the future. I can see you have grown a lot. As it stands right now you two will likely be the number one seed, so you two will have a target on your backs. Just play your game and you should be fine.”

He patted us both on the back and we started out the door. “Do you think it would be okay for Adam and I to shower before we start back to Houston?”

“Sure here are a couple of towels.” He handed us the towels. “They are not hidden but they might be all used this late in the afternoon. The towel boy should be putting more out shortly if they are none there.”

We got our bags and headed for the shower. It was a nice shower, but busy enough that we didn’t dare get too close in the shower for fear that we would get hard. I noticed the towel boy was about Adam’s age but shorter. He sure spent a lot of time checking Adam out. Not that I blamed him. We both dressed in blue shirts with khaki shorts and sandals for the trip home. Adam’s big feet are sexy as hell and those sandals just highlighted how sexy they were. I’m pretty sure I will be hard all the way home. “Do you want to drive home or are you tired of driving for awhile?”

“I’ll drive; I know I am one of the few eighteen year olds that has a license but not much driving experience. The boarding school didn’t let us drive. I have a ton of confidence in my driving now. Hell, truth be known, I have a ton of confidence period. You have me on top of the world.” He leaned in close to make sure it was private. “You are my world. I’m never going to let you out of my sight.”

“I can’t imagine that either, but eventually we will have to be apart some. I don’t think they will let me go to class with you and I sure don’t want to start college over.”

“Well, you could get another degree or two.” He laughed.

I laughed. “I think I have all the degrees I want.” As we were loading our stuff in the truck, I shielded him from view and put my hand down his shorts and played with his cute butt. “I just had to have one more feel of that sweet butt.”

He put his hand inside my shorts and played with my dick. “I agree, but now we are both going to start this drive with hard dicks.” We broke apart and headed for home. We chatted all the way home not really talking about anything in particular until Adam said. “We will get home in plenty of time to run. I was just thinking that if we buy the Jackson place we will have a mile or more circuit if we make a running track around the inside of the fence. Wouldn’t that be cool?”

“I think that will be very cool. I also think the privacy that place offers is pretty fantastic too. I guess maybe that is just the pervert in me wanting to ogle your beautiful naked body beside that big pool.”

“I was thinking the same thing about your sexy butt. That indoor pool is nice too. The last time I was there, I was only seven or eight, but I was amazed at how big that indoor pool was.”

“That house has been empty for three or four years, no telling what shape any of that is in, but we can take our time and make it just like we want it.”

“I agree. I was thinking that we should buy something smaller, we don’t need a big mansion, but then if we ever have to entertain we will need a big place.”

“I have been thinking, I don’t think I will ever go to work at Carter Enterprises. I should find a way to gracefully bow out and let those that want to run the company, buy it one way or another. I already have more money than I could spend in ten lifetimes, I damn sure don’t need to work at something I don’t have a passion for.”

“Hey, me too. I think I should sell off West International. Mom won’t care, she has her settlement already and I’m sure she will support me selling too. Of course, I could give it away and still have more money than I could ever spend. She told me already that as my guardian she would vote the way I wanted her to on anything regarding my trust.” He was beaming. “Hey do you like horses?”

“I am not very much of a horseman, but I like them just fine. My main interest in horses is at the race track.” I laughed.

“Perfect, let’s go into horse racing. We have so much money we can hire great trainers and buy a show place of a horse ranch. We could be involved as much or as little as we wanted if we made sure we hired good people. What do you think?”

“You know, the more I think about it, the better it sounds to me. Of course, we would want to have our farm close to Louisville. After all, the Kentucky Derby is THE derby, so we would want to be there.”

“Not that I really want to go to college, but I can go to college there and commute to school.”

“By that time you might change your mind. Most teens can’t wait to go off to college.”

“Most teens going off to college don’t have a clue what they are going to do with their life. I may not know exactly what we will be doing, but I know for sure it will be with you. I have everything I will ever need in life with you. Finishing college is something I think I should do, but the only thing I’m committed to is you. I plan on spending the rest of my life by your side.” I had a tear run down my cheek. “You better tell me that’s a tear of joy, not sadness.” He was a little tense.

“Yes, you’ve made me very happy. I want you do to anything and everything that you want in life. I am just so happy that you want me to be a part of it. I love you sweet Adam.”

“I love you too. I love you more than I thought possible. I’m glad we are pulling into the garage, I need a kiss.” We kissed tenderly and after a couple of minutes, Adam said. “Now let’s put on some shorts and shoes and I want to watch your dick flop in your shorts.”

We took off in just running shorts and shoes. That was a mistake, we both got hard and was showing way too much as we were running. We were only about five blocks away when I said. “We have to go home and put on jocks or we’re going to be arrested for indecent exposure.”

“Yep, maybe they’ll let us share a cell. Did you see that kid play with his dick as we passed?”

“Yes, I think we better not go back that way.” We both laughed.

“Look behind us.”

I looked back and the kid was following us. “Shit, let’s hurry and get back home.” We were both laughing too hard to run very fast, but at least we were not nearly as hard as before. We made it back home with the kid following us all the way. “Maybe we should forget about running today.”

“Yep, that kid was about thirteen and very much excited about seeing us jogging with our dicks flapping. We’ll set the alarm for early and run before we meet the realtor. We’ll wear jocks from now on.” We looked outside and the kid was still there. Adam went outside to talk to him. The kid left waving as he was leaving, so I guess all was well. “His name is Adam too; he said he had never seen two guys’ dicks flopping like that. I told him it was a mistake we should have worn jocks he laughed and said he was glad he got to see the show before we locked them down. The last thing he said was he likes dicks.”

“Wow, never thought of that. I could have been out trolling with my dick flopping instead of sleeping alone the last few years.” We both laughed.

“Now your dick only flops for me.”

“Now you own my dick and the rest of me. You can do anything but cut it off and put it in your pocket.” He was running his hand up the legs of my shorts and playing with my dick.

“Speaking of that.” He held my dick so that it wouldn’t get caught in the fabric and pulled my shorts off. He was immediately on his knees sucking my hard cock.

“Oh God, that’s incredible. I need you in my mouth too.” We got into a sixty-nine position and we were working on each other like crazy. We both were rewarded with a rush of cum. We came down from our orgasmic high and swing around to kiss there on the carpet.

We cuddled a bit and Adam fell asleep. I got up and went into the bathroom and was filling the enema bag when Adam came in. “I woke up alone. I didn’t like that.” He saw what I was doing. “Cool we are going to clean ourselves out. That means hot anal sex tonight.” I chuckled.

“I’m sorry I was a party pooper yesterday, but anal sex is not enjoyable for me unless I am clean inside. I know it sounds strange, but I have a real aversion to having sex and seeing a shitty dick afterwards.”

“I understand. I’ve only had anal sex a couple of times and now that you mention it, I didn’t like the dirty part either. Besides, if we do it every day, it will just be another part of our play together. I will enjoy you lubing me up and putting the thing in, my nanny wasn’t much fun when I was seven.”

“Are you sure you want to do this. It might smell pretty bad. I have always done this in private.”

“We are going to be together always through thick and shit. I mean thin. Your shit will be like my own. I know it stinks, but I have to do it. When we are doing it together it will become natural just like our own bad smelly poop.”

“Are you sure you’re only eighteen? You reason too well to only be eighteen.”

“Almost eighteen, but Max always said I was eighteen going on thirty. He always said he didn’t know if it was me or that school, but I never acted like a kid.”

I let Adam put the nozzle in and release the soapy water into me. “I like to hold it as long as I can for the maximum cleaning.” I looked over at the bag. “Clip it off and then remove the nozzle.”

“Ooh that has been up your ass. Do I have to?” He teased. He kissed my cock as he removed the nozzle. I sat on the pot.

“Now you can fill it with lukewarm water for the rinse phase.” When I let the soapy water out, it wasn’t as bad as I feared.

“Phew damn you stink Jim.” He was laughing, so I knew he wasn’t truly revolted. I flushed. “How long before we do the rinse?”

“We do it now. It is back to back wash and rinse.” I raised my legs so that he could get to my hole. He put my dick in his mouth as he played with my hole before slipping the nozzle in. It was in and he released the water before I even realized it.

“Hey I can feel it bloating you with my forehead.” When the bag was empty he gently pulled the nozzle out. “Keep your legs up for a minute before you have to put them down, I want to see it start to come out.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little gross?”

“No, it’s a bodily function from the man I love. I have to see it once.” He put his hand on my lower belly. “Let it go.” He let my legs go so that I could lower them. “Don’t you think it’s cool that we are sharing something so intimate and private that very few people share.”

“Yes, I do, but I have found that some of the most mundane things are special when we do them together.” He kissed me.

I flushed again. “It’s my turn now?”

“If you’re sure you want this.”

“I’m positive. It makes sense that anal sex will be much nicer with us clean on the inside. I think we should do this every day. Besides, we both like to lick each other there and it will be nice to be clean inside and out.”

I put a little lube on the nozzle. He raised his legs and put his feet on my shoulders. “You have the sexiest feet. I guess it is to be expected as sexy as the rest of you is, but I have never wanted to kiss and caress anyone else’s feet ever.”

“That’s cool, I think your feet are sexy too I love seeing you in sandals. Well almost as much as seeing you in nothing. We will have fun giving each other foot massages.” I pulled the nozzle out of his hole.

“Hold it as long as you can. At least until I fill the bag with the rinse water.” I started filling the bag again. Once it was full. I hung it up and kissed his cock. “You can release it now.”

“Don’t you think you should get up from there? You are at ground zero you know.”

“As you said it comes from your beautiful body. I’ll get used to it quickly.” He didn’t smell that bad. I flushed and pointed the nozzle at him. “Raise them again big boy.” Again he put his feet on my shoulders. I took his cock into my mouth as I slowly slid the nozzle in. I had to release his cock to release the clamp.

“I think we must the only two in the world that would turn an enema into a cock sucking orgy.” He laughed.

“It’s your fault. Your cock is so beautiful and it just feels like it belongs in my mouth.”

“I know, yours feels the same to me. I was thinking when I fell asleep awhile ago, that if I could manage to stay between your legs forever that would be a wonderful thing.” When he released the water we got in the shower and started washing and kissing. I love the way he washes my hair and I love washing his. “You know we need to make sure the new house has a big hot water heater. We can’t seem to take anything but long loving showers.”

We got out of the shower and dried each other. We decided to go eat at Subway it was not far from the house. We were cuddling on the couch, naked of course. We watched a whole movie before our hands got serious with their exploration. “Jim, I know we cleaned ourselves out so that we could have anal sex, but would you mind if we waited until some other time? I want our first time doing that to be extra special and it just seems like we should somehow wait.”

“I agree with you. I’m glad you thought of that.” When the movie we were watching ended, we headed for bed. We kissed and cuddled and didn’t last very long before we were asleep. Or at least, I thought I could tell Adam was asleep just before I went into dream world. Wait that isn’t true, my dream was wrapped up in my arms. Anyway we fell asleep quickly. The alarm woke us, but we forgot to set the alarm as early as we intended. “Let’s just run and end up at the Jackson place. I don’t think they will mind if we are a little sweaty and in running gear. Even if they do, they can get over it.” Adam laughed.

“Besides they either work for us or are trying to sell us something.” We ran about six miles then headed over to the Jackson place when Adam showed me his watch said it was almost eight.

We jogged through the open gate, but still have a couple hundred yards before we got to the house. We both almost choked when we saw the kid from the day before come out to meet us. “You guys don’t look as hot today as you did yesterday.”

“What are you doing here?” Adam asked.

“My mom is trying to sell this place and she is taking me to soccer from here, so I had to come with her.”

“I’m Adam and this is Jim, nice to meet you.” Adam held out his hand.

“Hi, I’m Adam too. I told you that yesterday.” He shook both our hands.,

“Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry Adam.”

“Are you guys going to buy this place. It’s awesome inside.”

“We are thinking about it.” We went in and found Max and everyone getting a tour of the kitchen and what they called the servants’ quarters. “Well, what do you think so far guys?”

“The kitchen is up to date and plenty big. It looks awesome so far, but the kitchen and the servants’ quarters is all we have seen so far.”

“I don’t like that term, I don’t think any of you have or will be thought of as servants.”

“I agree with Jim, can we find a different term for that area.”

“We will think about it, but the term has been used forever. It’s not because we think of ourselves as servants, but we are your live-in staff. Believe me, we love our jobs and want to continue working for you boys.” Max spoke for the group.

“You realize there are more quarters for the staff too. There is the gardener’s cottage and chauffer’s quarters over the garage.”

“Nice, let’s see some more of the house. Is the indoor pool still a pool or did they get rid of that?”

“The indoor pool is still there and in fact it is still filled and being maintained every month as is the outdoor pool. The grounds are also being taken care of. In fact the gardener still lives here if you want to keep him on. He is a loyal and trusted employee, and you will meet him in just a few minutes.” We looked at the master bedroom and saw that we could easily upgrade it to the way we wanted it. The house was beautifully decorated and the double stairway was an amazing three story entryway. “This is a beautiful area. It will make an amazing area decorated for Christmas.”

“Did I mention that all the furniture comes with the house? Everything is included, all the kids want is the money, and they don’t want to have to even come back here to look at the place.”

Adam and I talked quietly in the study which was an amazing area with tons of books some of which appeared to be valuable bound in leather. “Adam this place is a steal at fifteen million, but she said she thought we could get it for ten. Let’s talk to the gardener to see if he knows anything that we need to have repaired to make this place livable.”

“Yeah, I am almost feeling guilty only offering ten million for the place.”

The gardener said the place was in fine shape as far as he knew. “So will you stay on if we buy this place?”

“Yes sir, I have planted all these plants, and made these grounds a show place. I couldn’t love it more if I owned the place.”

“We are thinking we would like to put a jogging trail all around the inside the fence, do you think that will ruin the beauty of these grounds?”

“I don’t have a clue how much it would cost, but I think they make a surface that would hold up to your jogging that looks like grass. It would be worthwhile to check it out. Even if we used pebbles it could be made to blend in enough that it wouldn’t look bad. If you are talking about one of those red surfaces like you see around football fields, that will take some work to make it look good, but I will do my best to make you proud of the place.”

Adam said. “I like your attitude. Do you need some help this looks like a lot of work for one man.”

“I usually hire my grandson to help me during the summer. In fact he will be here sometime today. Unless we have a bug problem or something it is designed to be as maintenance free as possible. It is already in the budget.”

“Nice, I love these grounds and have admired them for a long time. You and your grandson do wonderful work.”

“Thank you sir.”

“No ‘sir’ please, I’m Jim and this is Adam.”

“Thank you, I like to show respect. If you insist, I will try to remember. My name is Tobin and my grandson is Corbin.”

“The other thing you need to understand is that we are gay and together. Do you have a problem with that?”

“My grandson is gay and I love him to death. I like you boys already. I don’t see that being a problem. Besides the guy that takes care of the pools is gay too and he and my grandson have been dating for about a year. They both live in Houston.”

“Cool. We just wanted to make sure you were not going to wig out if you see us kissing or even more.”

“Did you boys notice there is a sports area over here that is hidden.” We walked around some plants and a full tennis court and basketball court were there. “It is lighted and built to drain quickly if it rains.” The fence was painted green and both ends of the court had a practice area to hit balls into alone if you wanted. There was even a small spectator area as well as places for the player to rest between games.

“This is a beautiful area. Is it hard to maintain?”

“Not at all, very few leaves get in here and other than that it is pretty much maintenance free. That little building over there is air conditioned and has a full bar. There are ladies and gents changing rooms as well.”

“Wow, if we had a golf course, we would have a club.”

“No golf course, but when Mr. Jackson was younger he talked about putting a putting green and driving range over there. He already has a gate there if you look closely you can see it.” It was clearly big enough to drive through if needed. Adam and I had our mouths open. “The grounds go all the way to the club property. He just left it as wilderness.”

“Sue the realtor, came over and said. “Do you want to make the ten million offer?”

“Do you think they will take it? Does this sale include this wilderness property as well?”

“No, they are trying to sell that property too, but since it is just wilderness they are only asking one point five for that hundred twenty acres. They asked me to get you up to eleven and they would take it. I still think they might take ten. I’m almost positive they will take ten point five.”

“Adam and I have talked. We will take it for eleven if they will let our architect and his builder in to draw up plans before closing. We will put up a million for escrow. I assume they would want you to be the one to let our people in, so are you willing to allow that.”

“Wait let’s offer twelve to this property and the acreage together. That has to be a pretty good buy and it will give us a place to ride motorcycles and all sorts of stuff.”

“Great idea Adam. What do you think Sue?”

“They’ll be so happy to get the twelve, I’m sure they will be happy to agree to that and I will be happy to allow them in. That is a good price for the acreage, but it hasn’t sold because there is very little access to the property. You don’t have a problem though. When do you want to close?”

“We’ll be out of town all next week, so any time after that will be fine with us.”

“How do you want to complete this paperwork as the buyer?”

“We want it in both our names partners fifty-fifty.”

“That might be difficult with Adam being under twenty-one, unless he is emancipated.”

“I haven’t thought of that, but if we can’t get him emancipated before closing list me and his trust. His mother controls his trust; we will just have to get her to sign. We will have our attorneys work on getting him emancipated. I think that is a good idea.”

Adam was on the phone with his mother. I heard him say sorry to wake you, but I need something quickly that you can easily do. Sue and I continued talking and I didn’t hear anything after that.

“Mom said she would have our attorneys draw up the emancipation papers and would sign away her rights to me as long as Jim was listed on the trust until I turn twenty-five. We are running, so you need to follow us to Jim‘s house to get the escrow check.”

“It will take me a few more minutes to finish filling this out. I think I have all the information I need. Is there someone that can get in touch with you next week when you are out of town?”

“Max will be the one you can call.”

“I’ll stay and make sure she has what she needs. Will you boys come to dinner tonight?” Max asked.

“Sure we’ll be there by six unless Jim’s meeting goes longer than we are planning on.” We took off running once we were outside. We got to our house about the same time Sue pulled up. We signed all the papers and I wrote her a check for the escrow. Even before we took our shower, I called Harry, the architect that I used to renovate this house. He assured me that he would contact Max on Monday to get in to see the new house.

Before we got into the shower, Adam started filling the enema bag. He got on the pot and put his feet on my shoulders. All thoughts of inserting that nozzle were pushed aside for the moment and I sucked his big dick. I didn’t linger long there but moved his balls out of the way and started licking his hot hole. “I’m cumming!” I moved from his hole to his cock just in time to catch the first blast of Adam cream. When he became too sensitive for my mouth on his cock, he eased my head off him. I straddled his legs and began kissing my sweet lover. After a few minutes Adam said. “Switch places. I need to taste you now.”

I sat on the pot and put my feet on his shoulders just like he did me. He sucked me a little then went for my hole. His tongue and mouth were driving me crazy with desire. From being excited sucking Adam, I knew this was going to be over long before I wanted it to be. I grabbed Adam’s head and moved him up to my dick. He knew immediately that I was about to spew. As soon as his hot mouth started sucking my cock I fired my first blast into his sucking mouth. He sat on my lap and we kissed passionately.

“I guess we are ready now.” Adam said between kisses. He got off my lap and got on his knees. I put my feet on his shoulders. He kissed my cock as he slipped the nozzle into me. He released the clamp. When the bag was empty, he removed the nozzle and put water in for the rinse cycle. I unloaded the load in me and flushed the toilet. He put my cock in his mouth as he put the water into me. “I wish I could stay between your legs, your cock is perfect.”

“Your cock is the perfect one.” We swapped places and got him cleaned out. In the shower we washed each other. “I love the way you wash my hair.”

“Me too. Of course, I love your hands on me everywhere.” We finished our shower, dressed and headed toward the office.

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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

I have to give you this, you sure thing big in your story - you toss millions around like they was Benjamins. :P


I'm not sure how to say this but you are certainly not shy about pushing the envelope are you? Not my favorite parts to be honest. But to each his own, I was able to skim those fairly easily. Be interested to see what happens, everything can be perfect forever.

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On 06/19/2011 01:04 PM, Andrew_Q_Gordon said:
I have to give you this, you sure thing big in your story - you toss millions around like they was Benjamins. :P


I'm not sure how to say this but you are certainly not shy about pushing the envelope are you? Not my favorite parts to be honest. But to each his own, I was able to skim those fairly easily. Be interested to see what happens, everything can be perfect forever.

If you are going to think, why not think big?I look forward to your email.
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