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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Modern Love Waltz - 1. Chapter 1

1: A New Home

Four days before my twenty-first birthday I received a call from my father. I was alone in my parent's house in northern Virginia while they were spending time at their lake home a couple hours away. He told me that my grandmother had died.

Having played soccer all my life, I was used to the atmosphere of strength and determination, and I was conditioned to not show emotion. I calmly thanked my father for letting me know and convinced him that I would be okay. As I hung up the phone I felt something inside me. It was incredible pain that yearned to escape. And in less than a minute it did.

I broke down, weeping, sobbing to the point where breathing became difficult. I could not remember the last time I had cried. While I bawled my cell phone rang. I looked at the number on the phone's screen. It was my soccer coach. He would be calling about the results of the scouts for the Major League soccer team that had been at my last game.

I could not answer the phone in this condition. In fact, I didn't even know if I could speak. I waited for my phone to notify me that it had recorded his message. Once it did I flipped it open and listened, "Aye, Sam, it's Coach Dunham," his thick British accent would be impossible to understand for anyone else, "the scouts gave me a call. They say ya got promise. This's good! Aye? Call me and I'll help ya with the details!"

I didn't know what to think, so I didn't. I shut my phone and placed it on the table in front of me and continued to cry. However for a brief moment I had forgotten what was upsetting me. It only took a minute to remember. But that is the effect soccer has on me. It's my passion. I couldn't imagine my life without it.




The next day I picked up my phone and called my coach.

I had been living with my parents for the past two years. After I graduated from high school I began attending a college within walking distance of my parents' home. It may not have been my ideal situation, however the soccer team was too good to pass up, and they wanted me, a full ride and everything.

I spent a year in a dorm room. It was great being free, living on my own. However, my roommate wasn't the best influence. I began partying a little too much. Lost track of my school work, my concentration in practice and games began to falter, I was in trouble.

My coach and I discussed my problems and of my own free will I moved back in with my parents, always with my soccer life in mind. My parents understood why I moved back in, they just didn't like the idea of me not getting out. So they decided they would make sure I wasn't spoiled. I pay rent, cook a lot of my own food, and they don't interfere ever, no questions about where I've been or what homework I have to do. I'm simply renting a room from a couple that happens to be my parents.

"Allo?" The unmistakable accent answered.

"Hey coach, it's Sam," I replied my voice more tired than I had expected it to be.

"Jesus Sam! Fuckin took ya long enough! I thought ya'd be excited about this news!"

"Naw, I'm excited coach," I did care. "So what's the deal. How's this going to work out?"

"Well, I've been talkin with the scouts from D. C. United and they really seem ta think that ya are they're new striker."

"Really!?" I felt my stomach do a somersault.

"Aye! They want ta meet! How does Saturday sound?"

Some excited seeped from me as I thought about Saturday, "I can't do Saturday."

"Awe come on! I know it's ya birthday! But this is important!"

"No it's not that," I replied quickly, "It's just... My grandmother's funeral is that day."

There was silence on the other line for a few moments before Coach Dunham said, "Jesus, Sam. I'm sorry. I had no idea." His voice became more of a whisper.

I felt uncomfortable with the coach feeling bad for me so I quickly chuckled, "Kinda sucks right?"

He didn't seem to like that I was trying to hide my hurt, "Ain't no laughin matter, Sam."

I took a deep breath, "I know... I just don't know how to act."

"Don't act. Where does your grandmother live?"

"Southern Virginia."

"Alright, go down there. See ya family... the scouts will be here when ya get back."

"Thanks coach."

"Aye, and don't worry about the team. They'll be fine without ya."

"Okay, I'll let you know when I get back."

"Bye Sam." With that, Coach Dunham hung up. I closed my phone and took a deep breath.

After a couple minutes of thinking I began to pack my bags.




The drive down to my grandparents' home has always been beautiful, however this time it just felt different, and I knew why. My grandparents lived in a large, old home that was registered as a Virginia Historic Landmark. Some famous civil war soldier is buried in on the three grave stones beside the house; I can't remember who it is.

The drive in front of my grandparents' home is two narrow straight lines of dirt that connect to a gravel circle. As I drove up my grandfather opened the door to the large home. He looked as stoic as ever. I figured he wouldn't show his emotions over what had happened. He raised a hand and waved. I waved back as I parked my Nissan SUV beside the house.

"Hey Pops," I said as he waited for me to climb the treacherous steps of his home.

"Sam! What a nice surprise!" Pops said as he slapped me on the back. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine Pops."

"How long are you staying?"

"I thought I'd stay till the funeral on Saturday." I had thought a head of time about my plan. "I figured I would head over to Laura Woods's rental house. I assume she still rents out that place?" Laura Woods had for as long as I could remember rented out a small home next to the town's church. The home was always fully furnished and completely clean. She kept up with renovations and always made sure the place was in prime condition. However the place was rarely ever actually rented.

"Oh yeah." Pops sighed as he sat down on the couch in his living room. I sat in a chair "She still keeps that place up. You're welcome to stay with me here, but it might get a little crowded, your parents are driving down today as well."

"No worries, I understand."

"Do you need me to call her?" Pops asked, getting up.

"Naw, that's fine. I'm gonna head over there and ask her in person."

Pops and I talked for an hour or so before we decided that it would be best for me to pay Ms. Woods a visit.




I pulled my SUV up to the U-shaped gravel drive in front of the rental house. Ms. Woods lived in the home next door. I got out and carefully stepped over the line of flowers that separated the two properties.

In true Heathsville fashion, Ms. Woods heard my car and was already at the door to greet me, "Sam!" She threw the door open and hurriedly approached me with open arms. I had to lean over to hug the eighty year old woman. "It's so great to see you again..." she paused, her smile faltering slightly, "even if it's under these unfortunate circumstances."

"Oh Ms. Woods, you're always a sight for sore eyes!" I said. Her happiness seemed to seep into me.

"Sam you are twenty years old! I'm Laura to you!" She said patting me on the back as she led me into her home.

"No matter how old I am you will always be Ms. Woods!"

"Oh, well you are sweet. Now I take it you would like the house next door?"

"Is that okay?"

"Oh you know it is!" She laughed. "It's yours for as long as you want. Free of charge."

"Well thank you, but I can't take it for free."

"You're going to have to!"

I laughed and soon we began to catch up. I told her all about soccer and the scouts. She was the first to hear my good news. Her genuine excitement was such an uplifting phenomena. After another hour of conversing I left to unpack in the rental home, however before leaving I left forty dollars on her kitchen table without her noticing.

I opened the front door of the house without a key. There has never been a key to the door, but that's just how this town works. The rental house was small. The front door opened into the living room which consisted of two couches and a small TV. There was a cable box, but I knew it only got about four channels, but I didn't care.

The living room led to the dining room and kitchen. My bedroom and bathroom were off to the left of the dining room. I dropped my duffel bag on the king-sized bed. I wouldn't head back to my Pops' house tonight; I was too tired and decided I would get some rest. After calling a couple teammates from home and letting them know that I would be back Saturday or Sunday, I fell asleep.

Copyright © 2011 ChrisL; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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