Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Empty - 3. Kin
I present to you, Chapter 3. Enjoy.
P.S. I don't have an editor so mistakes are bound to be everywhere.
There are two things in life one cannot evade. Death and tax. Death is one thing we certainly cannot avoid. From our very first breath, we are fated to die. It’s inevitable. Why am I thinking about death at such a time? Well, simple. Rudolph is giving me death glares in the rear-view mirror that could obliterate me if looks could kill. I wonder why he agreed for me to come with them if he’s going to look at me like I killed his favourite family member and then I shat on their grave while in his presence.
“So, Arnold…” Grayson began hesitantly. “What would you like to do when we get to the mall?”.
“Is this guy for real? I have no idea what to do at the mall anymore. I mean, I haven’t had friends in 2 years and he’s asking me what I’d like to do when we get there? At this rate I’d like to go home, but that reply would not earn me a place in Grayson’s good books.” I pondered as I looked blankly at Grayson.
“No idea. I don’t go out a lot and well, I don’t have friends to go to the mall with, so I guess I’ll follow your lead.” I replied with a shrug.
“Great. We got ourselves a boring one.” Rudolph remarked, not caring to hide what he just said. I ignored his remark as I had no energy to deal with his idiocy at that point in time. I merely lay my head against the window and watched as the scenery went by. Grayson kept looking back to see what I was doing. I noticed him doing this quite frequently and eventually I assumed he had something on his mind. After being isolated for 2 years, I’ve learnt to read people and their intentions at times.
“What do you want Grayson?” I finally asked, tired of watching him swivel round to constantly look at me.
“I was just wondering about what you said about friends. You said you don’t have any friends and well I was just wondering why because you’re the kid with the wealthiest parents. I mean, don’t the rich kids stick together?” Grayson asked, fidgeting a lot after asking his question. It seems he was rather nervous as to what answer I might give or if I’d answer at all.
“Well, 2 years back my boyfriend killed himself. I lost a lot that day and well I became a shadow of my former self. None of the rich kids cared about me, so when I hung out at my table they didn’t even raise an eyebrow. They just went on as normal and replaced me like I was an outdated car model or something.” I replied not daring to face either of the two. I didn’t care what people thought of me. I’d cut off that part of me the day Alex died. But in that car, I didn’t want to be judged by these 2 for some odd reason.
“We’re almost at the mall,” Rudolph announced. “I hope you have your smile ready, Captain Grouch.”
“Scowl? Check. Idiot in the driver’s seat? Double check. Yeah, I all prepared to hit the mall.” I said in a mocking tone. That didn’t sit well with Rudolph at all, but Grayson was amused by our bickering.
“You two argue like an old married couple. It’s adorable.” Grayson mused as he looked ahead. “Well, here we are, Captain. Welcome to the mall. A place where high school kids, being us, come and hang out when we have nothing better to do. Usually we just come here for the food court.”
“Wow. I had no idea that this is where teenagers came when their minds have no alternate entertainment or when they felt the urge to eat something unhealthy. I’ll document this discovery as soon as I return home.” I retorted as I got out the now parked car.
It seems the place underwent major renovations since my last visit here. 2 years is a lot of time and in that time, they have added an ice-skating rink and a second bowling alley as the one used to be crazy full. I remember all this because Alex and I used to come here after our food dates. It feels like that was decades ago, but it has only been 2 years.
“Are you going to stand there all day or are you actually going to follow us inside?” Rudolph asked as he went on ahead into the mall.
The mall. A massive gathering place for people of all ages. It’s also the place where a group of 3 people were currently navigating in hopes of finding something to do. I was just following the 2 idiots while they argued over where we should eat and what to do after getting food. I swear these 2 guys think with their stomachs and nothing else. As we approached the food court, a familiar face caught my eye. This person’s name had escaped my mind, but his faced is forever etched into my mind. It was my twin brother’s friend. I hadn’t seen him since my brother left and Alex entered my life. He averted his gaze as soon as I spotted him and walked into the gaming store he was standing in front of. That guy has always been a little odd for my liking with his staring and him averting his gaze when he finally realizes that I have caught him (usually takes him 5 seconds to realize that I have caught him staring).
“Arnold, we’re going to get some burgers and a milkshake. Want to tag along or do you want to sit at that table over there and wait for us to bring the food over?” Grayson asked.
“I’ll go sit at the table. I’m a little tired of walking because you 2 couldn’t decide on where to get food,” I replied as I headed towards the table Grayson had pointed out. “Also, I’d like a strawberry milkshake thank you very much.”
As I sat down, my phone began ringing. It was my mom. “Weird. She never calls me at this time.” I thought to myself as I answered the call.
“Hello mother. What do you require of me at this hour?” I enquired.
“Well hello to you too Arnold. I just wanted to find out where you were as your father hasn’t come back and he never called me to let me know what’s going on. It sounds like you’re at the mall. Are you safe? Do you have your card with you? Who are you with there? Do you need me to pick you up?” mom began asking as I grew a little unnerved by her concern. She hasn’t doted on me in a while, but lately she seems to be doting on me a lot and I don’t think I’m ready for that due to her distant behaviour in the past few years
“Yes, I am at the mall. Dad probably forgot to mention that after I called him. He is extremely busy after all. I am safe here and I do have my card with me. I am with Rudolph and Grayson, my new friends. No, I do not need you to come and pick me up thank you very much,” I replied quickly trying to end this conversation before it escalated into a full-blown interrogation.
“Alrighty then. Please be home by 17:30. We have some very important guests coming over tonight. Your dad told me this morning that he got a new business associate that’s loaded and well, you know how he is, so he will be basically showing off his house and family. Also, he has a son about your age. Maybe the son could help take your mind off Alex for a while.” Mom said issuing me my curfew for the day and the reason for it being so early.
“Alright mom. I’ll make sure I’m home at 17:15 latest to prepare for our guests. I must go now; my friends have returned with the food. Bye!” I shouted as I ended the phone call before she could get another word in.
“What was that all about?” Grayson asked as he took his seat next to me handing me my food. Rudolph took a seat next to Grayson which placed him opposite me.
“That was my mom. She just wanted to serve me with my 17:30 curfew because my dad has guests to entertain tonight and so I need to be home early as dad usually arrives at 17:40 if he’s going to entertain guests,” I replied as I grabbed my food. “Thank you by the way for the food and milkshake.”.
“No problem. We’ll see to it that you are at home by 17:15 latest so you can prepare if need be. Also, it’ll give you time to catch your mom up on your day,” Grayson said, thereafter digging into his meal. Rudolph had long begun his journey into his meal and so I decided to join in as well. After 3 minutes, I felt like someone was staring at me and as I looked up, Rudolph looked like he was staring straight at me.
“Do I have something on my face?” I asked as I returned his stare.
“Sorry to burst your bubble; I wasn’t looking at you but the guy that’s been staring at this table or more specifically at you since we sat here.” Rudolph replied, finally looking down and resuming his meal. I turned around to see that guy from earlier. He had a different look on his face this time round though. It looked like he was jealous or angry. I didn’t worry myself about it too much and turned back to face Rudolph and Grayson who had decided to converse between themselves.
After our meal, we walked around for 30 minutes before heading to the ice-skating rink. It was rather packed, but it was alright to skate. I had been to skating rinks before and had had lessons on how to skate. I was no professional, but I used to really enjoy it. I picked it up relatively fast and was a natural by the 7th visit. I haven’t been there since mom and dad divorced.
We skated for about an hour before we decided to call it quits and go grab something to drink and maybe some doughnuts. We did that and left the mall at around 16:30 to go to the park in town to just eat our doughnuts and enjoy our milkshakes. The park was just a 5-minute drive from the mall, so we arrived there at 16:35. We ate our doughnuts and had our milkshakes. As promised, I was at the house by 17:15. I promised to see the guys tomorrow and bid them farewell. There wasn’t much said after we had discovered my stalker at the mall and I was glad.
As I prepared, I started thinking about my earlier “death” thoughts. I thought of something we all evade but cannot escape besides death and tax. Our past. It comes back to haunt us when we least expect it and when it does, our reaction to it is bizarre at times.
At 17:40 on the dot, we heard dad’s car pull up. I knew it was his because he loves revving it when he is parking it. I went to the door to greet dad and our guests. Mom was also there waiting. We heard 2 loud voices, with the second voice being a familiar one. I looked over at mom and she had paled considerably. It seemed my suspicion about who the voice belonged to was confirmed. As my stepdad walked through the door he announced he was home.
“Honey, Arnold, we have visitors. This is…”
“Good evening, David,” mom began.
“Good evening to you too, Catherine,” dad replied while returning the dark glare she was giving him.
“Isaac,” I replied coolly.
“Well, it seems everyone is already acquainted…” my stepdad nervously chuckled to try ease the tension in the room.
“Yo, I hope I’m not too late in meeting our…” Cameron began, trailing off as he came down the stairs and saw who our guests were. Without another word, he turned around and headed back upstairs and slammed the door to his room.
“What a great way to kick off our family reunion,” I spat coolly towards our guests. Isaac shot a rather angry glare at me and I shot one back. Mom and dad were having their own little glaring competition and my stepdad was feeling a little flustered by the whole situation with him being the odd one out.
“Uh… I think supper is ready. If we could all make our way to the dining table, we can begin the evening.” Stepdad announced trying to diffuse the situation.
We all walked to the dining table expecting to be full solely on food, but it seems fate had other plans and the knowledge we were about to acquire that night would keep us filled for days to come.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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