Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Jimbo - 14. Prophetic Dream
It was near dawn when I finally fell asleep. My last thought was, ‘Creator of the Universe, what am I doing? How can I serve you while loving Matan? How can I protect Matan?’
It couldn’t have been much later after finally falling asleep on Sunday morning when Black walked into our room and opened the blinds.
“Gentlemen, there are things I need to review with you before the others arrive. Can you come into the kitchen?”
Black stood waiting. Both Matan and I lay under the covers and were highly aroused. It was a stand-off. Finally, I threw the covers back, stood and strode naked to the bathroom. Matan followed. I heard Black laughing and saying no wonder there was so much moaning when we made love. We decided to enjoy our nudity because for the next week there would be no privacy. We decided to make it a rudie nudie morning in the house while we were alone.
Mugs were beside the coffee maker. Pastries from a bakery and a bowl of fresh cut fruit were on the table. We all dove into the food while Black handed folders to each of us. A man walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. My mouth dropped open. Where did he come from? Who was he?
“Green, meet Yonatan and Matan. Gentlemen this is a member of our team, you may call him Green.”
I felt like a smart ass and asked if each of his team members was named after a color.
“Yonatan, we have had this discussion before. This is to protect you. You may smirk but it is for your safety. Don’t forget what happened less than 24 hours ago. It was Green who drove the vehicle that returned you safely home. You should thank him. It was less than 10 seconds before the assailant was on the ground. In less than 5 minutes you were on the way back to the house.”
We both started our thanks while he just stared at us. Finally, I asked if he was able to speak.
“Yes sir. I speak. It is better for me to listen than to speak. I only speak when it is something you need to hear immediately. When I speak that means there is a safety concern and I need for you to focus on what I say and to do exactly as I instruct. I will not ask, I will instruct. That way we can save your lives.”
We just nodded our heads. We looked at each other and wondered if there were other people in our house whom we did not know. The tension in the room was released when we heard the doorbell ring. Matan and I ran to the bedroom to dress. Ayal, Zeke and Tim came into the house. Black gave them instructions about luggage. Tim looked like he was an orphan. Had it been a mistake to invite him? Green was standing at the front door surveying the yard and street. He nodded to Black. Black then walked up to Tim and kissed him.
“Work before pleasure, Tim.”
There was an audible sigh of relief from everyone.
We all went into the kitchen where Black briefed us on security. The brunch in Norfolk was cancelled after the incident at the Naro Theater. Black ensured we would not go hungry and had purchased a tray of food which we pulled from the refrigerator. We all chowed down and discussed the itinerary for the week and flight plans. Black said that Norfolk airport would be easy for us to navigate. We were taking a commuter jet to JFK. That was when things could get serious. El Al security would be notified when we arrived and would take charge of our security while we were in their space and on their airline. Black was adamant about the safety concerns.
“Do as they say. No push back. No funny games. Those guys play for keeps. Now, let’s talk about traveling clothes. You are a little too casual for my taste. Please wear a dress shirt and a jacket. Matan and Yonatan will wear suits. When we are in the airport you are part of our security team and you will make sure Yonatan and Matan are surrounded at all times. Ayal, you are used to dealing with authorities so you will lead our group. Everyone, give your travel documents to Ayal but be sure to get them back before we go through customs in France. Green will be in front of the group by about twelve feet; I will follow up in the rear. Please use the pissoir before we get to the airport and hold it until we land in New York. We have a three-hour break between flights. No wandering around the terminal. Again, think of Matan and Yonatan being in the center of the circle.”
We did as Black directed and changed clothes. I had a satchel with letters and documents that were needed in Paris. I would keep it with me at all times. Matan and I hugged and kissed and told each other how much in love we were. We gathered in the living room where Green gave each of us a security button. He reminded us of the importance of our assessing an emergency and then responding appropriately.
“Last night, Tim, you backed into the crowd. You also looked somewhat taken aback. Were you scared? What did you see and hear when you did that?”
Tim said he was scared because he had not been forewarned about possible risks. He said he only knew Matan as a customer in the bookstore that he had scoped out as being a young gay man. He then said he heard people in the crowed describing what they had seen. He also heard several people make anti-Semitic remarks. He was able to describe in detail those people who were making those remarks. He was also able to recite the names he heard.
Green smiled. “Ah, Black, you chose beauty and brains.”
We all chuckled that Green had a sense of humor.
At that moment, the front doorbell rang. Green motioned for all of us to stay in place and to not talk. He walked to the front door. I could hear him talking to two people. All of a sudden, I was grabbed by the arm and pulled out of the room. Black had also grasped Matan. We were in the kitchen when Black pushed a button and a hidden door in the paneling opened. We were pushed through and the door closed behind us. We were stumbling down steps into a basement. The lighting tracked our movement and we had just enough to see the steps. Once we reached the basement floor, Black pushed a brick in the wall and another door opened. We were in a passageway. I could smell the salt air from the river. We were running. We reached the end of the tunnel and a door opened. We were on the riverbank.
Standing there were a buck and doe. We had seen hoof prints on the shore when we were mud larking but this was the first time we had actually seen the deer. They stood and did not move. Black was astounded but they provided a sense of safety and calm to Matan and me. I looked at them and said, “Thank you for protecting us.”
A boat was pulling close to the shore.
“Get in the boat.”
We did as Black directed. No questions. No talking. We jumped from the muddy shore into the boat. The deer stood sentinel until the boat sped from the shore and then they bounded up the hillside and ran through the neighborhood. The boat was heading in the direction of Newport News Shipyard which was six miles downriver. We were then pushed to the floor of the boat and a canvas covering was placed over us. I held Matan and kissed him. If we were to die, it would be together. I judged us to be mid river. Just as quickly as we had sped away from the shore, the captain throttled down the boat. I could hear Black talking on a phone.
We were assisted into a sitting position. Our suits looked like we had slept in them. We were muddy up to our ankles. I had guessed correctly. We were in the middle of the river.
“Yonatan, your parents are at the house. Your mother said she has an important message for you. She will not tell Green what she wants to say. Your father is with her. Two questions: do you want to talk with your mother and what do you want to do about your father? He has threatened to kill both of you in the past. Extra security staff are on the way to the house right now. They will be in place by the time we reach shore. Tell me what you want.”
I looked at him and then at Matan.
“Yonatan, you and Matan will be physically safe. Your father will not be able to hurt you. Your mother may hurt you with words but she has no other weapon. Remember you said we were a safety team and I need to hear your thoughts.”
Again, I looked in Matan’s eyes.
“We will go back. Matan and I will listen to my mother. My father is not to be in our house. I want the police called and charge him with whatever will frighten him. I do not want him locked up but I never want him on the property again. I now wonder if we are even safe in that house. We will discuss that after Paris.”
Matan nodded in agreement with what I had said.
The boat captain had been standing by and listening to the conversation. Black nodded to him. The captain was taking a leisurely pace back to the dock when Black said if we didn’t get back in a hurry, we would miss our flight to New York. The throttle was pushed forward and we almost fell from the instant propulsion. The captain turned to us and grinned. Even Black had a grin on his face. We pulled up to the dock and got out. We climbed the dock stairs up to the house. All I noticed while climbing the steps was the water squishing out of my shoes. So much for making a good impression.
My parents were on the patio. My mother was seated but my father was pacing. I noticed armed police at the corners of the house. Green stood between us and my parents. Once Black nodded, Green moved out of the way.
“Mother, I understand you have something to say to me. What is it?”
She looked around as if she didn’t know what to say or what to do.
“Can we talk in private.”
“No mother, there is no privacy in my world. What do you have to say?”
She hesitated. My father stopped pacing and looked at her.
“Just tell them about your crazy dreams. You made me drive you over here today and now I have to deal with the police because you have gone plumb damned crazy. Just tell him so we can go home.”
“Jimbo, you know that you were born with that stuff across your face.” I nodded. She burst out crying. “I have always had dreams about things that would happen. I mean I dreamed about them before they happened. They always scared me. I never told anyone because I thought it was of the devil.”
I was curious but also aware of the time. “Mother, I may want to talk with you more about this. But later. What did you dream that caused you to drive here today?”
Matan and I joined mother at the table. She spoke in a low voice so others could not hear. She told me in excruciating detail about Matan and me being in danger and that people were trying to kill us. She had the dream three times and described the buildings, the way the people were dressed, and her screaming for us to be careful. She also knew this all happened in Vienna. She couldn’t explain how she knew that but she knew. She would awaken just as men dressed in black, with guns and hoods grabbed both Matan and me.”
I was rattled. She had a gift also. She had traveled here in genuine love to warn us. She then asked why Matan and I were dressed up in church clothes and what happened that we were so muddy.
“Well, it seems that your timing is perfect. We are flying to Paris tonight. At this point there is nothing on our itinerary about Vienna so you don’t need to worry. Thank you for coming over today. It shows love and concern. I love you Mama.” I hugged her as did Matan. Matan walked over to Green and asked him to ignore the earlier comments about having Mr. Ward charged. Green nodded and walked over to the officers and spoke with each of them. I could tell there was some push-back but Green held his own. The officers disappeared.
Black gave me a look that said, ‘get your ass in gear’. I said I was sorry we didn’t have more time and were late for the airport. We walked around the house and I saw a caravan of cars idling. Police cars with lights flashing were in the front and the back.
“We are ready when you are sir.”
The officer stood at the door to the vehicle that Matan and I were to ride in. We got in with Black. Green got into the vehicle in front of us. The officer closed the door, went to the lead vehicle and we left for the airport. When we reached the entrance to the neighborhood, we looked across the road and saw the deer standing at the edge of the woods. I punched Matan in the shoulder and pointed. We were looking at them and it seemed they were looking at us. Somehow that was very comforting to me.
The cars didn’t fly but their aerodynamics were tested as we pulled onto the interstate. Except for being tossed around like luggage, I enjoyed the ride and had a grin on my face the entire time. I was about to thank the police officer when he said their detail was not complete until we were on the plane and it was in the air. The guys followed the orders given to them earlier by Black and we moved through the terminal surrounded by our team. A policeman was leading the way. People stopped and stared. Ayal had all of the papers ready and we easily boarded the airplane and shown our seats. It had been such a busy day I had not had time to think about the fact that I had never flown before. I grabbed the armrest as the jet bridge was pulled back and the plane pulled away from the terminal. When the stewardess said to follow along with the safety instructions, I grabbed the paper and followed every word and action. The others were complacent and barely acknowledged what she was saying. I felt a lurch in my stomach as the wheels left the ground and the airplane found purchase in the air to fly us to New York.
Matan reached into his coat pocket and took out a piece of paper which he handed to me. He had folded it in quarters. He then turned to look out the window. I read:
Remember your Whitman.
We two boys together clinging, one the other never leaving,
Up and down the roads going, North and South excursions making,
Power enjoying, elbows stretching, fingers clutching,
Arm’d and fearless, eating, drinking, sleeping, loving,
No law less than ourselves owning, sailing, soldering, thieving, threatening,
Misers, menials, priests alarming, air breathing, water drinking, on the turf or the sea-beach dancing,
Cities wrenching, ease scorning, statutes mocking, feebleness chasing,
Fulfilling our foray.
Tears came to my eyes. I reached out and held his hand. He let loose with a deep-seated sigh of contentment. He looked at me and an endearing smile swallowed his face. He swiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed me. He immediately pulled back and let loose an expletive. He kept forgetting about his busted lip. His smile was crooked because of the busted lip and the bruising of his nose. He was still handsome with his aviator sun glasses on his face. He said he would wear them in public until the bruising disappeared. If he wasn’t so slender, he would have looked like a prize boxer after a bruising round.
We landed and Green told us to wait until everyone else was off the plane before we deplaned. He led the way followed by Ayal who held all of our documents. The guys had paid attention and formed a security circle around us. When we moved to the international terminal we saw the Israeli security team approaching. They had a brief conversation with Green and then directed us to a private lounge.
A woman approached us and offered greetings. “Gentlemen, it looks like you had a bit of an accident with your clothes. Please remove them and we will have them cleaned before your flight.” Matan’s eyes grew large at the thought of undressing in front of everyone. The guys chuckled. The woman apologized and pointed us to dressing rooms where robes were available for us to wear until our clothes were cleaned. Thankfully, there were also showers. We handed her muddy clothes and shoes. The room had a late afternoon tea laid out so we could nosh. Soon, plates were filled and everyone was in a good mood.
Tim sat beside Matan and me. He looked at Matan. “Just who are you? I met you as this young, possibly gay, boy who worked at the grocery store who was a voracious reader. I wanted to help you by pointing out gay books. Now, I find out that people are out to hurt you. I have never ridden in a caravan like that today. You have an Israeli security team that is protecting you. You have a handsome boyfriend. And, we are heading to Paris for your week of break from college. My head is spinning trying to make sense of this.”
I laughed, “Tim, welcome to my world.”
“Tim, I am Matan. I am still the boy you met in the bookstore. I have a boyfriend who is my eastern star. My parents are in Paris and we are going to visit them. I don’t know much more than that. Honestly.”
“Matan and I hope to find out more while we are in Paris. I have a list of questions and hope to get some answers though they are hard to come by.”
Tim looked at us incredulously. “You mean, you don’t even know why all of this is happening?”
“That would be true. I went to summer camp and met this man and my life hasn’t been the same since. See, Yonatan, this is all your doing. Until I met you my life was that of a simple boy who was a nerd living in the world of books.” Matan started laughing and hugged me. He kissed me and then jerked back with tears in his eyes. “I keep forgetting that I have a busted lip.”
Ayal and Zeke had pulled up chairs and heard part of the conversation. Zeke's face was full of wonder. Ayal just followed the conversation without saying a word. He knew more than he was divulging.
The time passed quickly and soon our clothes were returned. They looked nicer than they had before we put them on that morning. There were also new neck ties. Expensive neck ties. Our shoes had been polished and looked much better than my feeble attempt to get a high shine on them. We dressed and came out of our dressing room. Matan had on his aviators. He smiled and did a turn in the middle of the room like he was modeling the clothes. We all laughed and said he was handsome.
The security officer at the door told us that we would be the last to enter the plane. Soon enough we walked onto the jetway and turned left once we were in the plane. Ayal told me that he wanted to travel with us more often because he usually flew coach. I didn’t know what it meant to turn left. I soon discovered. We found our seats and Matan kept on his sunglasses. He looked like a rock star. We were offered drinks. Matan and I jokingly asked for wine and the glasses appeared. I didn’t think that would happen. The steward, Etienne, was handsome and said to call him whenever we needed anything. Matan started asking him questions in French and I sat pretending I could understand every word. Matan grabbed my hand and started kissing it. Etienne was glowing and his words gushed out. After he left, I asked Matan what he had said. Matan told Etienne that I was his husband and that we were visiting Paris to be with his parents and to have a honeymoon. Etienne told him that he wished for the same thing and that hopefully one day he would find the man of his dreams. We relaxed and sipped our wine.
I looked up and Black was standing above us. He smirked. “Okay, boys. Do not get drunk and rowdy on this flight. Understood?” We nodded our heads and were trying to be so grown up. We could rise to the occasion.
After dinner, the lights were dimmed and our chairs converted into beds for us to sleep. Matan and I held hands while sleeping. It wasn’t easy but we both needed to feel the touch of the other. When I awoke, I could sense that Matan was looking at me. I opened my eyes to love and light. His grin was broad.
“We are doing this Yonatan. We will be in Paris soon. You and me in Paris. Can you believe it?”
I could only return the broad smile. Soon the morning needs required that I use the restroom and I also took care of morning ablutions. I was in a pair of pajamas. We had hung up our clothes during the flight. Matan had packed a small carry-on case with pajamas so our dress clothes would not get mussed. He wanted us to look amazing when we deplaned. The others had not thought to do the same and were trying to get the wrinkles out of their clothes. Etienne appeared with breakfast choices for us. I told him that I needed hot black coffee immediately. He laughed and said my wish was his command. After drinking the cup of coffee, I looked at the food options. Matan and I chose different meals and then ate off of each other’s plate. Etienne came by and saw us doing that and then brought us another plate with different food. It was like a smorgasbord of breakfast foods.
After eating we dressed for our Paris arrival. It was my first time out of the United States. Hell, I had only been to Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Washington DC, and Maryland. That was the extent of my traveling. I was excited about the possibilities.
Green came to our seats and told us we would follow the same pattern as when we landed at JFK. We were to let everyone else deplane and then we would follow. The plane was full so he said for us to relax as it would take a while. We asked Etienne to bring us another cup of coffee. Soon enough we were ready to exit and face customs. Ayal gathered us and told us the protocol for customs and to speak French if possible or to pair with someone who could. It seemed that everyone except Tim and myself were fluent.
We walked off the plane and a cordon surrounded Matan and me. Matan was wearing his aviator glasses and I put on a pair also. People were gawking at us trying to figure out if we were celebrities. We certainly had security guards, were fresh pressed, hiding behind sun glasses and were ready to meet our public. I chuckled at the thought. Matan and I went through customs together. He explained to the customs officer that he was there to help me since I wasn’t fluent in French. We had our documents ready and passed through easily. We were using our U.S. passports. Again, our team surrounded us and we headed to get our luggage. All of a sudden, Matan broke free and ran across the cavernous space into his parent’s arms. Black almost had a coronary. I walked up and hugged them and said I would get our luggage while they finished their greetings. Black and Green exchanged looks. They sometimes forgot that the man/child known as Matan could be so spontaneous. Once everything was gathered, the ranks closed and we walked outside where there was a synagogue school van waiting to transport Herbert, Judy, Matan and me to the Jenner’s apartment and the rest to their hotel. It was cooler than in Virginia and there was a morning mist. The leaden skies didn’t dilute the power of the tree colors. Their fall weather was a few weeks ahead of Virginia.
I was wild eyed with wonder at seeing Paris. Everything was new to me no matter how plebeian. Matan explained that we were heading into the Jewish quarter – the Marais. The van pulled in front of a ridiculously large home and we climbed from the van and started organizing our luggage. I noticed that Black and Green were keeping vigil and that Ayal had taken charge again. He very efficiently had our bags ready to go inside. The van waited until we were safely in the building before it drove down the street.
The house had been carved into apartments. The Jenners lived on the second floor in a gracious apartment. It had been rather grand at one time and still had the aura of old world charm. The furniture was old and I assumed that meant it was valuable and antique. We were shown to our bedroom which had twin beds. Matan and I just looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. We knew we would end up in one bed. We finally took off our suit jackets and sunglasses. I was untying my necktie when his mother came in. She gasped.
“What happened to you? You have a black eye. What is that bruise? How did I not notice it? You were wearing those glasses which hid things.” Herbert walked in and looked at Matan and then me. He just shook his head and walked out. I told them we would explain at lunchtime.
His mother apologized for the twin beds and said they came with the apartment. She had tried to get another bed brought in for our visit but it proved impossible. We told her we would make do. I pushed back the draperies and looked at the street. We were really in Paris! It was hard to believe.
Judy gave us time to change clothes and bathe before we had lunch. It was a simple meal of breads, meats, and julienned vegetables beautifully presented in the dining room. There were different sauces to dip the bread and vegetables. I liked the varieties of mustards that were available and made a sandwich. Matan had a chef’s salad. She served a white wine and poured glasses for all four of us. We toasted our safe arrival in Paris. We told them about the plane and flying first class. Herbert was shocked that we flew first class. We told them about going to the movies on Saturday night and Toby appearing out of nowhere and punching Matan. We gave a highly edited story of why Toby was angry with Matan. We assured them that Matan had been checked and nothing was broken. We then gave them information on the others who were with us. Herbert and Judy only knew Ayal. She had spoken with Zeke on the telephone but had not met him. Again, we gave an abbreviated story of how we knew Tim.
Judy brought out an apple tarte and my mouth started watering. Desserts were my weakness. She made coffee for me.
There was a telephone call just as we finished the last bite. Mr. Jenner took the call. He came back and gave us an odd look.
“That was the office of the Chief Rabbi. He would like to meet with you this afternoon. I said that I would bring you later today but I was told that somebody named Green would take you. Do you know somebody named Green? Did you know you would be meeting with the Chief Rabbi? Why does he want to meet with you?”
Matan explained how Green was new in our lives as part of a security detail.
Judy Jenner sighed. “I don’t understand. Matan, all of a sudden you have a security detail. Why?”
“Mother, I don’t know anymore than you. Apparently, Mr. Cohen thought it important.”
Herbert was clearly disturbed. “How is that the Chief Rabbi wants to meet with you? Did you contact him? Why wasn’t I notified earlier? I am your father; I have a right to know these things. I demand an answer.”
I spoke up. “We were given hints that we might have to meet with the Chief Rabbi. We know nothing more than that. I was given this information as it seems that he wants to meet with me also. I suggest you speak with Mr. Cohen who might have more information that we do.”
“Yonatan, I am surprised you did not call me about this. Who prepared you for this meeting? The Chief Rabbi is an important man.”
“Sir, an assistant of Mr. Cohen’s provided me with instructions. I also have several letters that I am to deliver to him.”
“Give them to me. I will ensure that he gets them.”
“I am sorry sir; I was explicitly told that I could only hand them to the Chief Rabbi. The people who gave them to me were adamant with their instructions.”
Herbert gave a big sigh and started walking away. “I don’t understand. I should have been told. Why were they given to you? You aren’t even a Jew.” An uncomfortable silence followed until I spoke. “Excuse me, Mr. Jenner. What time is our appointment?”
He was clearly flustered when he told me. My watch was still on eastern time and I asked the time in Paris so I could reset it. We had an hour to get there. I wasn’t sure how far away it was and I wasn’t about to ask Mr. Jenner. He was angry that he had been excluded from the planning. He went into a room and slammed the door.
Judy sighed and said we should get ready because it was a long walk. She said that perhaps we would be taking the subway system.
Matan and I went to our bedroom and closed the door. We each reached for the other and held on. Neither of us had thought we would actually meet with the Chief Rabbi. Herbert’s reaction threw us both off kilter. Of course, I had the letters to be delivered but I thought I would probably deliver them to his office. I opened the satchel to make sure all of the letters were there. I pulled out the large envelope of letters that I needed to give to Herbert to deliver. Perhaps that would appease him but given his mood right then it might be a match to his gasoline. I didn’t know. I decided to wait.
There was a knock at the apartment door and Matan jumped up to answer it. Green stood there waiting for us. He smiled when he saw we were ready. We said good-bye to Matan’s mother and told her we did not know how long we would be gone. She said appointments with the Chief Rabbi were set at fifteen minute intervals. She laughed and said that at least with a doctor you got twenty minutes. She told us not to expect to be there for a long time and that she would have dinner ready for our return.
We exited the building to brighter weather. The sun was peeking through clouds. The temperature had risen a few degrees but it was definitely colder than in Virginia. Black, Tim, Zeke and Ayal were waiting for us. Green said he would lead us and to stay together. They had cleaned up after arriving at the hotel and were dressed in suits. I knew that Black or Green had given them instructions on appropriate attire. We took the subway. People stepped back from us because we were all dressed in black and were all wearing aviator style sunglasses. I asked Matan if he bought them for everyone. He laughed and told me that he hadn’t. We looked a group of hit men from an American movie. We exited the subway and walked until we reached the Grand Synagogue. We entered and walked to the office suite. Ayal spoke in Hebrew to a man sitting at a desk. The man was surprised by the size of our contingent. We sat and waited and waited and waited. One by one, people would be called on the quarter hour. I wondered why we had to be there so early if we had to sit and wait. Finally, we were the only ones left in the office.
Matan and I were called and directed to an office. It was an ornate space. A man was sitting behind a desk and the sun was pouring through windows behind him. His face was in shadow. If this was meant to intimidate and humble us it certainly succeeded. There were two chairs in front of the desk. We stood waiting. We instinctively knew not to sit until asked. Finally, an arm stretched out and made a sweeping motion that we took as an offer for us to be seated. The Rabbi continued to look down at his desk while he wrote. He stopped writing, capped his pen, and then looked up. A smile crossed his face.
“Welcome Matan and Yonatan. Thank you for accepting my invitation.” He spoke in English which made me give a sigh of relief.
I really didn’t think of it as an invitation but more as a command. We thanked him for inviting us. We waited for him to continue as we didn’t know the purpose of the meeting. He looked at Matan and smiled.
“You should have taken boxing lessons from Max Baer. He was a great Jewish boxer.” The Rabbi smiled and then realized that we had no idea who Max Baer was. He became serious. “Are you okay? I heard it was unprovoked when you were out socializing. You never know when someone will strike a Jew. We must always be on guard.”
He then asked about our flight. After I told him it was my first flight he talked about angels: God’s messengers who flew. He talked about advancement of technology as both good and bad. He spoke of the importance of understanding what came before us so we could build the future that God wanted built; how man through artistic endeavors tried to capture what we as a people experienced. He spoke of how we were to always strive for perfection and the return of God to his earth. He spoke of justice and the importance of law: both God given law and the laws made by man. He didn’t address us while he was talking but rather would look around his office space. At times he would look us directly in our eyes to see if we understood what he was saying.
He asked that we pick up our chairs and move them around to his side of the desk because he liked to look at the sunset each day and wanted us to join him in thanking God for another day. Matan and I picked up our chairs and moved them as instructed. He turned his chair and we looked across rooftops and watched the sun set. There was only the ticking of the clock that let us know about the passing of time. The room became shrouded in darkness as the sun slipped below the rooftops. The Rabbi had started speaking about a chapter in the Book of Exodus. He instructed us on its meaning in our lives. He would pause and ask if we understood what he was saying. He stopped and asked that I say a prayer for our discernment from the studying of scripture. I haltingly started the prayer in Hebrew and the Rabbi and Matan joined in. He then reached over and held my hand while telling me that I did well. “It is good that you are finding God. You are a Jew at heart, I can tell. You and Matan are well suited. Let me look at the rings I blessed. Yes, this is a good and right thing. I give you my blessing.” We sat in silence.
Finally, he asked that we move our chairs back to where they had been.
“Tomorrow is a great day in the world. Matan has a birthday. I am sad though because I haven’t been invited to your party.” He gave us a sly smile. “Perhaps you can convince your mother to send me a slice of your celebratory cake. I do love chocolate frosting.”
We assured him that we would deliver a piece of the cake to him.
“Speaking of delivering things, I have several letters that I was asked to deliver to you.” I opened my satchel and removed the letters. I handed them to the Rabbi. He thanked me and said that God sent many angels to deliver his messages. He then said that he would have letters that he would have me deliver when I returned to the U.S. “You are an angel doing God’s work, Yonatan. Never forget that. You are now of me and with me.”
I started to puzzle over his meaning.
“Thank you for coming. Come at the same time tomorrow with three slices of cake. I want to celebrate with the two of you. I will bring the wine.”
We understood that was our dismissal.
When we got to the outer office we saw that Zeke had his head on Ayal’s shoulder and was asleep. Tim was doing the same with Black only he was drooling. Black had an arm thrown across Tim’s shoulder holding him up. Green was ever alert and looked into our eyes to try to ascertain what had taken ninety minutes with the Chief Rabbi. Neither of us was going to tell anyone about what happened in the meeting.
We left the synagogue in the dark and walked back to the Metro station. We were safely escorted back to the Jenner residence. I told Green that the Chief Rabbi asked that we return the next day at the same time. His eyes widened and he nodded his head that he understood.
When we walked into the apartment, Herbert and Judy were frantic fearing that something had happened to us. We told of waiting for other people who had appointments. We then said that we were to reappear the next day with slices of birthday cake. Judy coughed, I was afraid that she would choke.
“I made the cake. It is a simple birthday cake. It is not worthy of the Chief Rabbi. I will call a baker in the morning and have a cake made.”
I thought for a second. “I think the Chief Rabbi will know if a Parisian baker has made the cake. He wants the cake that you have made. He will honor your gift.”
Herbert looked at me and then nodded his head in agreement. He smiled. I took that moment to give Herbert the package of letters. He thanked me for being a courier and said he would take care of distributing them the next day.
Matan and I were exhausted and went to our bedroom. We pulled the mattresses off the beds and laid them side by side on the floor. After undressing, we laid down and I pulled him into my arms. We were wrapped around each other.
“We’re together in Paris and I love you so very much,” I whispered. Matan, like a red bird, had flown into my life at camp and we now stood together to meet our destiny in Paris.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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