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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,613 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content: Contains Sexual situations, graphic violence, disturbing content. Please read responsibly.

Fates Mates & Pirates - 2. Chapter 2

We entered the briefing room door just before the Bridge hatch. I saw Tom sitting next to Grandpa, Rachel sat next to the Electronics Officer. I sat down next to my cousin Robert, the senior pilot, and I assumed that the right seat was sitting next to me. He appeared a little unhappy I was in his seat, but that’s OK. At the end of the day. My family owned the seat. Grandma sat down and looked around the table before starting.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. As some of you may not know, this,” waving a hand in my direction, “is Captain Marc Alexander of the Mining Vessel Bear Claws. He will be flying right seat on this trip to finish his First-Class ticket for this ship class. And some of us are heading to another assignment once we hit High Sec, myself included. He’ll be commanding the Ice Miner during that evolution.” She looked at Tom, “Tom, you’ll be with Captain Alexander and you’ll also sit Bridge watches for Engineering under the Chief Engineer here.” She turned again, “Robert, you and Mike will be backseat driving this trip and we’ll probably run a few asteroid belts to burn up a few hours. Pay close attention to Marc and he’ll teach you the reality of asteroid running.” She looked at us in turn and we nodded, then she turned again, “Rachel, you’re going with me when we hit High Sec and you can sit at the survey station on our Bridge here for this trip.”

“Yes, Captain.” She nodded and looked around.

“Chief, are we ready to get underway?”

“All drives and thrusters are warmed. Main Fuels and Volatiles tanks are full. Water and Environmental are fully charged. All needs and spares are on board, Captain.”

“Thank you, Chief,” She turned to the Electronics Officer. “Are we ready and updated, EO?”

“All systems green. All updates are current as of 04:30 hours. All Astrogation Data and Jump Gate Data have been downloaded for the Helm.”

“Thank you EO.” She looked at Robert. “Chief Pilot, are we ready?”

Robert smiled. “I need some sit-down time on the Bridge with Captain Alexander, but that is just verifying his settings in the seat and system. All Astrogation and Jump Gate data has been loaded, Charts have been updated. Course has been calculated and loaded, with options.” He said with a smile, “Ready to get underway in all respects, Captain.” I saw her looking at her pad as a smile flicked across her face.

“Thank you, Robert. Interesting choice of routes. I think that will work.” She turned to look at the other person who hadn’t spoken yet. “Cargo Officer, are we ready?” He smiled.

“Yes Captain. All galley stores and larders are full. All transport cargo has been loaded and secured.”

“Thank you, Chase.” Grandma said as she double checked something on her tablet before continuing.

“First Officer, are we ready for space?” My uncle Peter smiled.

“Aye Captain. All divisions report ready for space.”

“Thank you, Peter. While I am off the ship, you will be acting Captain.” He nodded, and she looked down the table.

“Valerie. Why don’t you grab an empty seat on the Bridge and see up close how we do things.”

“Thank you, Captain, and please thank the rest of the family for all the help they have given me.” Grandma smiled.

“The best way you can thank them is by doing your best. We all believe in you, and I think you’ll do well.” Val nodded with a smile. “In that case, people, let’s head for the Bridge and see if Marc scratches the paint this morning.” She said as she smiled at me. I heard a few chuckles around the table as everyone rose.

“Come on Marc. All of your settings should be in the system still. Mike you can grab the hot seat for this leg.” Robert said as I followed Grams to the Bridge. Myself and Robert went over the flight plan real quick after I got settled into the seat. I checked the latest Jump Gate info for the first few jumps as they would be fast. Nothing new. We had an escort anyway, not that I think this ship needed it. She had the best Electronic Counter Measures and Cloaking Suite that credits could buy on board. I ran through a Helm systems check to find that I had control and everything functioned perfectly. Raising an arm, I spun a figure in the air to signal I was ready as I looked over my shoulder at Grandma. Nodding, Grandma put Valerie in the chair and stood next to it.

“Engineering bring the Mains online.”

“Aye Captain. Mains 45 percent and rising fast.”

“Thank you, Tom. Marc. Clear Locks and Docking Clamps.” I tapped a few commands, and we heard the clunk of the Main Lock retracted and our moorings released. I tapped a few more commands as I held the ship in place.

“Locks and Docking Clamps cleared. Holding position on Station Captain.”

“Thank you, Helm. EO open hanger doors please.” I heard a few taps and saw the doors begin to open. “Station Control, this is Solar Flare. Request departure clearance.

Solar Flare, you are cleared for departure. Safe travels Captain Armstrong.

“See you in a few weeks Tabatha, Solar Flare out.

“Hangar doors are open, Captain.”

“Thank you, EO. Helm, take us out please and make for the first jump point.” I looked over at Robert, who just held his hands up, waving his figures, and gave me a nod. I smiled as my eyes flicked over my array of screens and I looked out the forward armorplas windows. My smile increased as I saw people in the viewing room of the hangar looking out at us and waving. I reversed thrust gently with a few taps of the thrusters.

“Aye Captain. Scratching the paint, in three, two, one.” She started to say something as we started to move, then just murmured.

“You scratch it, you brought it.” Watching the screens and seeing the stern was clear of the hangar doors, I engaged the Main Engines in a dead slow reverse thrust, pulling the rest of the ship out of the hangar.

“Clear of hangar doors, coming about.” I pushed on the pedals and the bow swung as I nudged the Mains into a forward thrust. “Making for first jump point. EO, you are clear to engage the cloak.” Finishing our swing around, then rolled into a dive as I increased power to line up on our first leg of our journey. Watching out the front armorplas view port, I saw the shimmer pass across the hull. We disappeared in all respects to electronic eyes.

“Cloak engaged.”

“Thank you, Rachel.” Grandma walked up behind me, with Valerie at her side.

“EO, can I have a 5mm ping narrow band forward aspect please?” I asked.

“On your screen now, Marc.”

“Thanks Rachel.” I looked at what I saw. And I brought the nose up to 65 degrees and increased power again. We were now running at 80 percent thrust as I turned us to the Jump Bridge. “14 minutes to first Jump, Captain.”

“Thank you, Helm. Nicely done.” I lifted an eyebrow at that voice.

“Thank you, future Captain Valerie.” A hand squeezed my shoulder, and they moved off. 3 minutes from the gate I repeated my request for a 5mm narrow band ping forward and checked the newest targeted scan. I still had the regular scans.

“Thank you EO. Captains one minute to Jump Bridge request gate cycle 15 seconds from my Mark.” One, one thousand, two, one thousand, three one thousand. “Mark.” I threw the Mains forward to 100 percent power as I lined us into a diving turn on the Jump Bridge. I never come directly in on a Jump Gate or Jump Bridge. More than once, I’ve seen some close calls as another ship exited as one came in. This gives both ships space for maneuvers at the last second if needed. I watched as the gate activated right on time.

“Jump in five, four, three, two, one.” I second after I said one, the Jump Bridge flared, and we jumped. We arrived in system, and I called out.

“2nn ping forward aspect every 2 seconds from now.” I watched as I rolled the ship and head down, kicking in the afterburners. “Shit. Gate camp. Cut the ping.” As I pulled out and up, then goosed everything I had as I watched the main plot.

“Captain.” drawing it out slowly. “Is that our friend?” I could hear Grandma chuckle.

“Yes Marc. Can’t put one past you. Can I Captain Alexander?” I dropped the speed back to 80 percent.

“Too much time in the fields, Captain.”

“Time well spent, I would say.” I caught Robert eying me when he thought I wasn’t able to see him. I brought us around to our new course and head to the next jump point.

“You have the helm.” I said to Robert. He nodded.

“I have the Helm” and I raised my hands up. Then slid my chair back and spun to the right side the work out some changes on the flight path.

“Captain. Recommend flight path change. On your station now.” Grandma walked back to her chair with Valerie in tow and looked at the changes on her screen. She smiled and told Val to sit as she started to explain the changes I had made.

“EO, flash this over to Nu Symphony. Please and ask them to let us know when they are ready to implement.

“Aye Captain.”

“Nice one, kiddo. What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?” I got a few looks from the crew.

“I’m just warming up. Wait until I figure out what to do about being woken up out of a perfectly good dream at 04:00 this morning to come out and play. I’m sure that was Dad’s idea.” She had a twinkle in her eye as she snorted.

“Possibly.” She said. Looking down at my repeater screen, and saw the Destroyer pulling up on us.

“Back to work for me. They are almost in position.” She nodded as I turned and slid back into position. “I have the helm.”

“You have the helm.” Robert said as he held his hands in the air.

“Check out the changes I just made. I think you find they will save you some trouble in future transits.” Robert nodded as he pulled back to look at his Astrogation console.

“Captain. Nu Symphony reports ready to execute new course plan.

“Very well. Helm give the word.”

“Aye Captain. EO please pass the word. Execute course plan at 06:28 hours. Solar Flare will lead with a 10-second interval.

“Aye Helm”

“Execution orders acknowledge Captain.”

“Thank you EO. All yours helm.”

“Follow the leader, Aye Captain. I’ll lead them on a merry chase all the way to High Sec.” I said in faux pirate slang. She nodded and brought Valerie over to stand behind me again. The timer clicked down, and I slid the throttles forward to 95 percent and rolled into a downward angle as we shifted our course. 20 minutes later, I started a nice gentle turn to starboard.

“Micro-jump in 1-minute Captains.”

“Looking good Helm, let it rip.” I smiled at Valerie.

“Obviously, my grandmother is a bad influence on you. Jump in five, four, three, two, one. Jump.” The stars shifted momentarily, then we dropped out of Jump into Real space. Some people have issues with jumps, queasiness, dizziness, light headiness. I always loved it. I looked down at my screens and Rachel had set up the ping I wanted. I watched it for a second as I brought us around to the new course and headed to the jump gate.

“Thank you, Rachel, and you can stop now. 12 minutes to jump Captain.” Our escort popped out right on schedule and followed us to the gate.

“EO, please pass the word to close up for jump and then we will separate to the 10 seconds interval after the jump.”

“Aye Helm.” I waited a few moments for her reply. “Acknowledged Helm.”

“Thank you, Rachel.” I watched the timer click down as I watched our distance drop. Nu Symphony was flying wing to wing with us. I marveled at the sleek Destroyer lines and felt sorry for them to have to babysit us. We were really slowing them down by the looks of her engine nacelles. I sighed, which caused Robert to look over at me. I just shrugged as I altered course slightly and dropped our nose. Our new vector was precisely matched.

“Captains, I request Jump Gate activation in 30 seconds.”

“All yours in 22 seconds.” I throttled up and lined on the gate, our wingman right on us.

“Jump in three, two,” the gate flared, “one, Jump.” And we were gone.

“Ping up,” said Rachel as we exited the other side and I kicked in the after burners and rolled ship in to a clean dive with our wingman right with us allowing the distance to open up. I watched the screen as I pull back on the joystick and applied some pedal action to slide us around a turn as I righted us on our new course.

“Micro Jump in three, two, one. Jump” Off we went again. The stars settled once again as I maneuvered us around, checking our scans. Before settling on course for a Jump Bridge. I saw our wingman drop in behind us and smiled.

“Catch me if you can. Micro Jump in three, two, one. Jump.” Once again, the stars shifted, then settled a few moments later. “Jump Bridge in 7 minutes. Hit me Rachel, if you please.” I swung around as the Destroyer pulled up to us and brought us on a new heading.

“EO Flash to Nu Symphony. We have company 65.23.43 12 km.” And I swung us back on course and boosted the speed.

“What is it Marc.” Grandma was looking at her screen as I responded.

“Don’t know, but it was cloaked. Gave off too many shadows, though.” Everybody was looking and only Mike could find it. I smiled as he looked in my direction.

“Captain. Nu Symphony Actual wants to know who is flying this thing and do they want a job?

“Captain Marc Alexander of the Mining Vessel Bear Claws and I have a job. Thanks anyway. I’ll be happy to escort them every time, though. Good piloting over there.” I responded, which made Grandma laugh.

“Yes, send that EO. With my compliments.” The EO smiled and nodded to Rachel.

“Request Jump Bridge activation in 30 seconds. Mark.”

“Let her rip in 20 seconds.”

“I would rather let her fly than rip, but OK. Ripping in three, two, one, Jump.” We dropped off the other side and Rachel called out my ping as I swung us around. And immediately swung back as our wingman altered course and put themselves between us and them as the bubble erupted.

“EO. Prioirty to NU. GET ON COURSE. We’ll pop this one. They jump first and pop the next when we arrive.” EO looked confused until the Captain said.

“Send it” I hit the afterburners and brought myself right alongside and on course with Nu Symphony.

“Now, pop that puppy and let’s Jump.” I waited until I heard the telltale buzz of the Electronics Warfare system sending out a pulse and my screens flicked as I saw the Nu make her jump.

“Jump” I yelled as I pounded the button and we were away.

“Nice one Marc. You think we have another one ahead?”

“That’s been my experience. Unless he was working alone. What’s the recharge time on our interdiction bubble popper?”

“Twenty minutes. Nu is faster at 5 minutes.” We dropped out of Jump and I spotted the Nu lining up for the next jump and I just followed them in again.

“Jump in one. One.” And we were gone.

“Everything alright up there, dear.” That was Grandpa. Obviously, us popping the bubble and making nonstop jumps had caught his attention.

“We’re good, Don. Marc is just teaching us and our escort how to avoid Gate Campers with Interdiction capability. He’s trying to teach an old dog new tricks.” The Bridge muttering stopped as we dropped out of Jump again.

“EO pass to Nu. Take my target course and jump. I am sending now.” My hands flew over the keys as they sent a new course to Nu Symphony. I watched as they turned with me into the new course.

“Jump in One, One.” And off we go again. “Engineering, how are the Jump Drives holding up?”

“Standby Helm” Tom was on the link with Grandpa. I could hear his voice but not make out the words. I was busy working out a new course.

“Robert, you have helm. When we drop out of Jump space, roll and dive, drop Z minus 2500 meters and pull back up and to starboard. Say 65 up and 40 to starboard. While I work this out.” Nodding, he said.

“I have the Helm.”

“Helm. Engineering reports, we can probably get three more jumps in rapid secession before we need to slow down to recharge capacitors and let them cool.” We dropped out of Jump space. I swung to the scans.

“Copy that Engineering. Last Jump and then we Gate out.” I watched as I saw what I was looking for. I turned back to my course changes and hit send.

“EO. Pass, Tag. Your it. Catch me if you can.”

“Steady on course.” Came from Robert as I slid back into my slot. “Jump in One, One. Jump.” And I saw Nu jump just as we did.

“Next stop, one big ass Gate Camp on the Jump Point, if they can beat us there.” Which caught everyone’s attention as we exited Jump Space to Real Space. Except I jumped into it not farther away.

“So, the bubble doesn’t affect us as we came in just behind it.” Gram nodded to Val as she was scrutinizing her screens.

“Holy shit.” Someone said. “I see six hostiles.” I groaned.

“I need Jump Gate activation NOW. Pass to NU. Run for the Gate.” I had everything this old girl could give, blowing out her ass end to move us forward, and we felt the vibrations through the deck plates as I drove us to the Jump Gate. I saw the gate spool up as I watched Nu Symphonys aft shields light up with multiple hits from weapons fire as the Gate flared to life. And they jumped. We were right behind them. We dropped out the other side into normal space and I drove us away from the gate and brought us onto our new course.

“EO. Tell Nu to Jump. Now

“Jump in one. One.” Jump and we were off again.

“Helm, Nu acknowledges and jumped. I believe his exact wording was no shit.” Grandma was covering her mouth as she stifled a laugh.

We dropped out of Jump space and lined up again on our next Jump Bridge. Our wing man was right with us and we jumped again. Once through the Jump Bridge we lined up on our next jump that I plotted. I took us on a nice leisurely jump into an asteroid belt. They needed to cool down the Jump Drive, and I figured we should too. Besides, I needed to pee.

Floating in the belt for forty minutes, practically shut down, as we sent the crews to lunch and rotated people around. I ate in the Captain’s cabin while I worked on our new course plots for the rest of the trip. I sat back and sighed while rubbing my neck.

“Busy day, Marc?” Grandma asked with a knowing smile as she patted my shoulder. I pushed over the tablet for her to see as I grabbed some more food off the platter to eat. She looked over it and sighed before handing it back ten minutes later. “That is about what I thought.” Gram gave out a tired sigh, “At some point, I think we are going to start bringing entire fleets through to hammer these pirates again like we did twenty stanyears ago.” Grandpa just nodded as he ate. Brian brought out more coffee and asked if anyone needed anything. Then departed again. I took the time to hit the head again before I spoke.

“I’m going up to the Bridge and send this over to Nu Symphony. I would like to get underway in ten minutes if you think we are ready.” Grams nodded.

“Yes, we need to be moving. Two more jumps and we should have no more problems with Gate camps. Besides, we need to get into that Wormhole before it destabilizes.” Her expression changed, and I saw that twinkle in her eye again. “Did you want to take Mike with you?” I had to think that one over. He was cute, if a little older than I would like, but I think Grams would like me to train him in how I fly.

“Yes, I think he will enjoy that.” Grandpa snorted.

“I think you might like him too.” Grandma just gave him her knowing look before she turned back to me. I wasn’t sure how to take that. So I just nodded and left. Grandma passed the word over the ship that we would get underway in ten minutes. I entered the Bridge and everyone nodded to me as I headed for the helm. Mike was sitting in my seat watching the read outs and scans until he noticed me and jumped up. “Sorry Captain.” I thought I saw a blush crawl up his face as I moved past him to sit down.

“Nothing to be sorry for, Mike. I technically can’t sit in the left seat, but I can sit in that one.” As I pointed to the Captain’s seat. “I think your Captain is going to send you with me for a few days to learn how I do things. Would that be alright with you?”

“Yes Captain.” Once again, I thought I saw a blush as he looked down at his ship boots. His bashfulness was kind of cute and I loved dark hair like his. I wouldn’t turn him away. Well, let’s face it. I wouldn’t turn anyone away that could put up with me and my projects. That’s what happened with my other boyfriends. Well, Sasha didn’t count. The other four were just loves. He couldn’t handle I didn’t want to Bond with him. I shook my head to clear away the thoughts of past love as I loaded up and sent the new courses to our ever-present wingman.

We moved out of the asteroid belt and made a series of Jumps through this system and the next. Before we ended up in High Sec and pulled into the first of our stops. There would be two more stops before we hit our Corporate Station and Planetary Industry locations. This station held no interest for me, except for the ship’s weaponry for sale. I did pop station side to join Grandma and Gramps for a quick meal with the Captain of the Nu Symphony Tristan and his wife, Brenda. He tried hard to get me to join his ship, but I wasn’t interested. Grandma was almost cackling when I turned the tables on him and started talking about hiring his ship to work for me. Since I already owned multiple ships and could use their services. By the end of the meal, I had made a new friend and Brenda had struck up quite the conversation on equipment with me.

Heading back towards the Docks, I had checked the schedule for Roman’s location and was happy to find them here. Tracking down their berthing location, I headed for their ship. It’s a newer Jump Freighter that was purchased by both families. Zack is the Captain. Roman runs Operations. They made a good team and had been making a good showing on the Freight circuit. I was interested enough to make an unannounced visit to talk with them, as my own schedule is now changing again. I figured sooner is better than later. When I boarded, the Watch-stander was shocked to see me as he rapidly tapped out a message. Presumably to Roman, since that is who came charging down the passageway and practically jumped into my arms moments later.

“What are you doing here?” He asked excitedly as Zack arrived and pulled me into a hug.

“I thought, since my schedule has changed, I would drop in and see if you wanted to have that discussion now. As I have a few hours.”

They looked at each other before I was ushered up to their cabin. Once inside, Roman moved into my arms again and kissed me.

“Thanks for coming Marc. We wanted to update you on a few things and ask you a few questions.” Said Zack after Roman pulled away from me to step into his mate’s arms.

“We are going to have kids, and we wanted to make you a Starparent to them.” Said Roman. Which made me smile as I pulled them both to me in a tight hug.

“OK. I would be honored to make your children part of my family.” Then I nudged Roman. “And what else?” Roman actually blushed as he buried his head against Zach.

“Will you sleep with us? Just this once. Show Zack what I’ve been trying to explain to him about you and me.” I tilted my head towards Zack.

“He is upset that you have turned down our previous invitations, as he knows about the triad.” Said Zack softly as he rubbed Roman’s back.

“The triad is just a bit different from the two of you. Not that I don’t still love you Roman, but there is a difference in the love I have for them. For Hugo specifically, who has been part of my life for 15 years.” I reached up and caressed the side of Roman’s face. “That being said. Yes. I will spend a few hours with the two of you tonight before I return to my ship.” Roman’s head came up and his lips were on mine before I even finished speaking. His implant begging mine for inclusion.

Zack laughed as he hugged the two of us. Planting a kiss on the side of my head. And that was how it started. When I left a few hours later, Zack understood why Roman loved me and why he had the ring he did as well as the ring I wore from Camile and him. It also brought our relationship to another level. Just like what happened when I held Roman and Camile in a three-way implant link, sharing each other’s feelings as I made love to them. But. Mostly because this would be the first Starchild I ever had. It meant a lot to me personally that they asked it of me. It also means a lot of new responsibilities for me once the child is birthed. Because being a Starparent has the same rights and responsibility as being the biological parent does. It is not a decision to grant or accept the title, to be taken lightly. And like being the biological parent. It is also for the life of the child. Zack’s best friend Elizabeth was to be the Starmother. I chuckled as I walked out of the Lock onto the Dock.

Copyright © 2025 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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An interesting series of jumps and quite the little surprise they found....

Holy shit.” Someone said. “I see six hostiles.” I groaned.

“I need Jump Gate activation NOW. Pass to NU. Run for the Gate.” I had everything this old girl could give, blowing out her ass end to move us forward, and we felt the vibrations through the deck plates as I drove us to the Jump Gate. I saw the gate spool up as I watched Nu Symphony’s aft shields light up with multiple hits from weapons fire as the Gate flared to life. And they jumped. We were right behind them. We dropped out the other side into normal space and I drove us away from the gate and brought us onto our new course.

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