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Purpose Premium

   (1 review)
Sub-genres: Suspense, Soft Sci-Fi

A timeless spirit moves from host to host demanding vengeance for the innocent who are killed. The only problem is that wasn't it's true purpose.

A non-corporeal spirit - a Purpose - gives great power to it's host and compels them to seek out the guilty.  The current host finds his world upended with no explanation by a young homeless man who dredges memories of his life before the Purpose took over.  Memories he spent decades locking away.
Copyright © 2012 Andrew Q Gordon; All Rights Reserved.

Story Recommendations (1 member)

  • Action Packed 0
  • Addictive/Pacing 1
  • Characters 1
  • Chills 0
  • Cliffhanger 0
  • Compelling 0
  • Feel-Good 0
  • Humor 0
  • Smoldering 0
  • Tearjerker 0
  • Unique 1
  • World Building 1

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User Feedback


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I'm going to copy my review that I provided on Amazon when this story was first published:


"To borrow a famous quote, this story is "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" with deadly and frightening consequences. The two main characters are bonded by forces outside themselves and it takes luck, persistence and danger to tease out the meaning of it all. It is wrapped in a love story between two men. So those who are repelled by homoerotic love should be warned, but love scenes are not explicit. Their journey to self-awareness and knowledge of the forces that bind them is tense and dramatic. I heartily recommend this story for everyone with a sense of danger and adventure."

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