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Mark Ponyboy Peters

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About Mark Ponyboy Peters

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    Who I Am
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    Country life, horses, writing, reading, computers ... among other things.

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  1. Just slowly turning the screws, @Ivor Slipper
  2. All will be revealed soon enough!
  3. And the action only hots up from here @weinerdog
  4. It was almost lunch time when I arrived home, after first saying goodbye to Raffa and promising to see him Monday morning. As I climbed out of my car I could hear the sound of the lawn mower running out back, so I headed that way, to be greeted by the sight of my family, along with Uncle Bryan. Olly was the one pushing the mower, which was a first, while Bryan was offering him advice, with a beer in hand. Mum and dad were sitting at our picnic table in the shade of the house with drinks in
  5. Hmmmm... can't really say I preferred one over the other @Summerabbacat. At the time there was just so much great music about. It's only now, looking back though, that we realise just HOW great!
  6. Thank you @Summerabbacat. One day we'll get there!
  7. The remainder of the weekend flew by far too quickly. On the Saturday night, at Raffa’s suggestion, we ended up going ten-pin bowling. He said he wanted to see how much style I had, which was going to be a challenge considering that I hadn't actually been bowling since I had won that last trophy. I called Hoppy and asked if he and Nathan wanted to join us and they jumped at the chance, so we arranged to meet at the bowling alley that evening. My parents had arranged for Robbie and Meag
  8. Let's just say that Chase wouldn't say no to finding out if Grayson isn't the only one in the family with something worth getting his hands on!
  9. We took our time with our breakfast, watching the world go by as we did so. The Saturday morning shopping traffic began to gradually build as we ate and spent time discussing everything that had happened in recent weeks with Bryan, including the assault and its aftermath, and all the issues with work and with what my father was going through. There was a lot of ground to cover, and Bryan wanted to know absolutely everything that was going on, so we didn't hold back. I even shared with him o
  10. Spot on @Al Norris on all fronts. I know that some have said it's all happening too fast ... I think even Gray said that at one point ... but one can never know just when love might strike! As Raffa's mother will say in a later chapter, 'We knew from the time we first met Grayson that you were meant to be together' (or something like that!) 😉 And as for Animal, sadly we haven't seen the last of him yet ☹️ MP
  11. When I woke on Saturday morning I found myself disoriented for a few moments, after waking up for the first time in a bed that wasn't my own. It didn't take me long before I realised that I was at Raffa's place and that the snoring, beautiful, naked body beside me belonged to him. We had left Meaghan and Robbie's house a couple of hours after we had eaten. It had been an enjoyable night and Raffa had seemed to fit right in with my family, spending quite a bit of time talking to my father an
  12. @Al Norris thank you so much!
  13. 'Are you sure you want to do this?' I asked Raffa. 'We can give it a miss if you'd prefer.' I had picked him up from his place after we'd both gone home after work and showered. Now the sun was setting, and the skies were splashed with colour. Streetlights were beginning to come on and we had just pulled up on the street outside Meaghan and Robbie's house, where I could see mum's car was already parked in the drive. 'Oh no, it's all good. I'm keen, really. A little nervous maybe, but s
  14. Hmmm . . . we'll see!
  15. Wow! What a day! This morning I received the GA newsletter that showed the most recommended stories. I was more than pleasantly surprised that Stockroom Secrets was sitting at #4. Wow! How awesome is that? Nothing compared though to the surprise I received when I logged in tonight . . . with the number of views just for this latest chapter being triple those of recent chapters! More awesomeness! So, I just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU, to everyone who has been reading this story, and adding reactions, commenting on the chapters, and adding recommendations! I can't even begin to describe how grateful I am for all your support! It is truly humbling! THANK YOU!
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