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Dragon's Roar - 10. Chapter 10

“You should be removed from the throne and spend the rest of your days locked away in the dungeons. This is a result of the reckless actions of Red Wyverns. You lust for war and destruction; now, we must all suffer.” The council wasted little time in calling an emergency session once it was clear Morgana had no intentions of an immediate return. “Now, we are left in even more peril with your so-called warriors left battered, bruised, and even mentally shocked. Above all else, you have locked the heir away from any attempts at contact, for all we know, he could have succumbed to his wounds while you sit here lying to us all.”

“Enough, I will hear no more of this nonsense. How dare you make such remarks to the king! He not only protected the lives of countless citizens, but he put his own life on the line to fend of Morgana and her accomplices.” Vincent stomped his way towards the councilors, his scales glimmering and vibrating, and his arms shifting into copper blades. “Let me ask you all this. Where were any of you during the battle?” Vincent held eye contact with each member until they shifted their gaze from him. “Where were you when Sune was taken down, when Bastion wailed in pain as his mind was assaulted, or when even the newcomer Zephyr rushed to take on our enemies knowing he had no chance against them? Let me remind you, several of you were cowering under the barrier of the very King, which you are berating while the rest of you made a mad dash to save your own hides.”

Sune, still very much worse for the wear placed a hand upon Vincent’s shoulder, who visibly calmed at the touch of his dear comrade. “Our King is here in body only at this very moment, look upon him. Take a good long look – right now he is lost in his own grief. The loss of life under his protection, the loss of the overall feeling of safety we enjoyed in the kingdom, especially here in the capital, and most of all the corruption his mate suffered at the hands of darkness. Yet, here you all sit pompously in your puppet seats of power with a chip on your shoulder and an axe to grind simply because you want more speaking power despite each of you lacking the physical means to back up any of your words.” Sune watched them visibly flinch with each point he drove home fighting through his own pain and grief he pressed on. “Don’t aim to look ashamed now. We all know should any of you think you had the means for a coup you would indeed take it. The others may bite their tongues, but I do not have the desire to do so. Also, I know one or many of you staged the failed attack on our Capital before Morgana showed herself.” There was an audible gasp throughout the chamber. “Heed my words, should I find any connection between you and our enemies, I will be sure to end your life between my own jaws.”

Sune let out a tired sigh turning on his heels as he carefully made his way to Jin who had not said a word during the entire proceeding. He lifted Jin’s chin up with his good arm until their eyes locked. Sune’s face softened yet again as this imposing warrior was battling an inner turmoil that they could only serve as support. “None of what transpired was your fault. The people do not blame you; we do not blame you, and Levi certainly does not blame you. We all love you and hold you in the highest esteem. Do not let these crusty fossils have you thinking any other way. Levi is fine, he is tougher than most, and Merlin has personally said he will be able to overcome this latest trial. You were amazing out there I heard, and in the end, you saved us all.”

Jin blinked several times and reached out to gently take hold of Sune’s arm which was encased in one of Merlin’s healing slings. “How are you holding up?” Jin spoke softly as he gently caressed Sune’s glimmering scales.

“We are all going to be fine. It will take a bit more than this to keep me down. Besides, there is someone whose feathers I need to ruffle for trying to be the knight to my damsel in distress,” Sune smirked and placed a gently kiss upon the red’s forehead. Sune gently touched Vincent’s back as he walked past the captain and gave the members of the council one final glare before leaving the room.


“On your feet lover boy,” Sune shouted as he doused Zephyr with water.

“Even injured, you show no mercy,” Zephyr grumbled, shaking his feathers dry. He was ready for a snarky reply but was stopped in his tracks by the look upon Sune’s face, one he was not familiar with but was not altogether unwelcome. “What?” He was cutoff as Sune pressed his lips against Zephyr’s. The moment was short lived as Sune tripped the wind dragon up with his tail walking away in a fit of laughter.

“My hero,” Sune whispered walking away with his fingers pressed to his lips with a burning desire to make sure this wind dragon was elevated to the next level. Zephyr dusted himself off as he followed behind the water dragon equally confused and excited about what had transpired. He had never considered that he could be infatuated with a dragon of the same sex, but he knew that it was not something uncommon outside of his clan. “Next time, you try to play hero, let's make sure you have the skills and power to back it up,” Sune smirked looking over his shoulder at the flushed green dragon.

“If I recall oh master of masters found himself in a quite perilous situation,” Zephyr remarked, before ending up back on the ground once again the victim of Sune’s infuriating yet tantalizing tail. Zephyr shook those last thoughts loose running to catch up.


“You expect me to leave? How could you even ask me that with the condition everyone is in? I can’t leave Bastion, not like this?”

“Sage, listen to me. Your time and efforts will be better spent traveling with Levi. The current state of events has made it clear that the journey must continue. Furthermore, it is imperative that you both complete this task and acquire the true power of light.” Merlin returned to Sage’s side with an elixir from his personal store. “Drink, you will need your strength. I know you have sensed it in both Levi and Bastion. What ails them is not something simple healing will have any lasting effect on. They have the corruption of darkness flowing through them. For Bastion, I can maintain his current state leaving his mind in a manner of suspended animation. However, should they both remain afflicted and not stabilized by light they will eventually succumb to death, or worse yet become servants to the darkness itself. Should that happen, there will be no hope left for anyone to rise and stand against the forces of darkness.”

Sage looked down at Bastion, he looked at peace as if he were enjoying one of his many naps, but Sage could see the swirling tendrils of darkness clouding the mind of his fiancé. Tears slowly trickled down his face, and he knew that it was only a matter of time before those tendrils took the love of his life from him. Sage placed a gentle kiss upon the lips of his sleeping love. “I’ll be back for you, I promise. Keep fighting for me, for us. We all need you in this fight, I need you. Come back to me whole and don’t cause this pain in my heart and soul to become a permanent fixture.”

“I see to his safety I assure you of that.” Merlin nodded as Sage gathered himself and exited the room only to come face to face with Levi leaning expectantly against the wall.

“Are you sure you can leave just like that with the current state of affairs?” Sage questioned as Levi fell into step with him. “The two of us will have our work cut out for us, and there is no telling what plans Morgana may have to hinder our attempts.

“You should know by now the shadows are never far from me.” Levi smiled as Vicky emerged from the shadows, her body cloaked within her wings. She rolled her eyes as Levi smiled affectionately at her before she concealed her face within her hood to keep them from seeing her blush.

“I do prefer our chances with a shadow dragon within reach,” Sage chuckled as Vicky grumbled. “Jin, will he be, okay?” Sage asked as the trio approached the main gate.

“He will be fine. The council may give him a hard time, so it will take time for Jin to forgive himself for the destruction, but the people truly love the red brute,” Levi smiled warmly. “He has yet to realize just how much his warmth sets the kingdom at ease, even with the pain of loss, our people are eager to move forward under his leadership.” Levi affectionately traced his claws along the bracelet Jin had clasped on his wrist those many years ago as he felt the ethereal warmth of his mate hold gently onto his very soul.


Vincent quietly stood by Jin’s side as they watched the trio fade from eyesight. He stood strong as he felt the King gently rest his weight to his side embracing the weight of his duty to support his King not only on the battlefield but in those moments when quiet strength was the true victor.

“That dragon is going to save the world, and I am proud to call him my mate; I will protect him with every fiber of my being so that all those will be able to experience the jewel of our kingdom – the jewel of my life.” Vincent quietly listened as his King spoke so affectionately about his mate, and he vowed he would protect the love of these two not just as the Captain of the Royal Guard but as their trusted and loyal friend. A storm was approaching, and this time, they would be prepared to stand firm amongst the darkness. Vincent nodded as the Royal Guard began their rounds with fierce determination burned in every soldier yet unaware of just how much of an impact their King truly had on all of those connected to him even beyond that of his inner circle.

Copyright © 2021 Xfighter1984; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Al Norris

Posted (edited)

@Xfighter1984, your story keeps getting better and better.

So, Levi has collected water, fire, and earth. He still needs light, air, and (shudder) dark. I can see that Levi is taking Sage with him to retrieve light. I suspect that it will be Zephyr who helps Levi collect air. I don't see how Levi can turn Urien to his side to collect Dark.

Edited by Al Norris
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