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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Dragon's Roar - 11. Chapter 11

Jin looked out into the expanse of the dark sky. It had been nearly a month since he had been in the presence of his mate; if not for the connection they shared, he would no doubt have succumbed to sorrow and loss. The night sky was filled with the sounds of reconstruction as the citizenry and warriors came together to restore their great kingdom and honor those lost on the day that many began to call, “The day of black flames.”

“Hurry back my jewel, the people need us both, and I am not whole without you by my side.”

“As poetic as ever my lord,” Jin growled in annoyance as Sune hung from above with his tail wrapped around a nearby column.

“You often move around these halls quieter than any shadow dragon that I have ever known.”

Sune shrugged and smiled as he landed gracefully on the balcony. “Mind your tongue my lord, or you might be liable to lose it if you speak such words in the presence of our dear shadow.” Jin huffed smoke in Sune’s direction wishing that the shadow dragon was indeed hidden within these walls as this would mean her charge was near as well. “It has been less than a month. I am sure they are moving as swiftly as they can.” Sune looked over at Bastion’s suspended form, the warrior remained in his state of sleep, but the effects of darkness were beginning to manifest physically upon him. His proud sword arm would appear to be covered with ornate tattoos to the untrained eye, but they all knew better. Merlin had advised them that time was of the essence as the corruption was spreading throughout Bastion’s very core. “They have a great deal placed on their shoulders, and Sage will die before he fails to save his beloved, something I am sure you understand all too well.”

Jin lost himself within his thoughts, he knew all too well Sune’s word rang true, but knowing the inner workings of Levi, he knew he would never allow such a thing to occur if it was within his power even if that were to cost him the very life Jin held so dear.


“Another lead amounting to nothing,” Sage yelled in frustration. “We have been through a dozen temples of light with the promise of the source being revealed to us with each being more fantastically false than the last.”

“Calm yourself, my friend, we knew this journey was to be anything but easy. The power of light is something almost as obscure as the darkness itself. Bear in mind that should the power of light truly have the power to combat the dark, I am sure the wielders of light created such deception by design. Were it not for his need to remain with Bastion, I am sure Merlin would be with us on this journey, but alas, he could only point us in the direction to discover on our own.”

Sage meant to speak only for Levi to raise his hand to silence him. Sage turned to welcome Vicky back as her frame emerged from the shadows with somewhat of a smile on her face. “I have found that which we seek, and I believe this to be the genuine direction. Both of you, prepare yourselves as what we move to face will be nasty at best.”

“Then let us move forward, we have many awaiting our return and have dawdled long enough.” Levi smiled. As his companions moved forward, he looked at his hand as the energies within him swirled at an uneven pace. It was not only the people who depended on him for his return, but this journey itself was to quell the corruption within himself of which no one apart from Merlin appeared to be aware.

Following Vicky into what they assumed was going to be another empty temple, they were surprised to come face-to-face with a group of humans. Sage held his head as visions passed through his mind, the visions were vague yet familiar, but he could not quite comprehend what any of them meant. Levi knelt beside him while Vicky took on a defensive stance as the temple dwellers approached the group.

“I have been here before, or some part of me has been here before.” Sage shook his head trying to decipher the meaning of his visions. “Some part of me knows this place, no not this place, it knows this presence, but I do not know how or why.”

“You have returned my child, in another form, it would appear but have come back to us where it all began.”

The approaching monk-like figures stopped in their tracks – flinching at the shock of Vicky smashing her tail against the wall drawing their attention away from Sage who was still clutching his head in his hands. “It would be in your best interest to explain your words from a distance. I do not know you and will not hesitate to end you where you stand.”

“Rest easy child of the shadows, for we mean you know harm. We knew this day would come as it was foretold by the mother of light; we are here to observe, but we cannot influence the choice of the bearers of light. That which you seek will not come without a cost. Although both before me can wield light, only one of you has the true fortitude to survive the burden of light.” The monk nodded in Sage’s direction and began to step forward; however, the being was again stopped in his tracks only this time Levi stood before him, eyes shining with determination and rage.

“I know what you may imply, and I can assure you that I will not allow you to have your way.”

“You misunderstand these intentions are not my own but are the will of something you have yet to understand.”

“Enough, I will not let some glimpse into the future be something that guides my journey. The choices that I make are through my will alone, and I will not be the plaything of what you ordain to be fate.” Levi stood tall, his wings outstretched staring down at the figures before him down. His inner rage was quelled instantly when Sage gently gripped his tail before getting to his feet.

“These people speak in the same circles that my departed father used to speak, yet their words lack the warmth I remember of the gentle yet firm whispers of my mother. Though I knew her only in memories, this was not to be the will she saw before me. For those I love, no cost will be too great to pay.” Levi and Vicky were left in shock as the figures were impaled by blades of light as their bodies became twisted and disfigured before they faded into oblivion. Shrouded in light, Sage spoke, “These beings are twisted by the remnants of darkness left behind yet damaged by the light where they stay too close. Let us move forward, we have people who need us, and we are growing short on time.”


Merlin recoiled in shock as Bastion’s body began to convulse and reanimate from his state of suspended animation. Merlin readied himself with hesitance to put down the knight should he succumb to the darkness.

“You promised, you promised to come back to me, you cannot leave me like this.” Bastion wailed.

“Calm yourself you knight, focus on my voice and tell me what troubles you, for those we love are safe and well as they prepare to walk to the road of destiny.”

Bastion continued, “I will not follow you; you will not win. There is nothing that will protect you from vengeance. I care not if you are a Pendragon, your blood will run as I watch life fade from your eyes.” Just as quickly as Bastion’s rant began it ended, he returned to his state of suspended animation. Merlin dropped his defenses, fascinated yet troubled by the words the young knight had spoken, of Pendragon’s lineage only Levi remained, he thought. Merlin failed to understand how Levi could be the target of the knight's blade.


“Quit your whining, those young fools are no closer to discovering our hand in things than they were a month ago. The water dragon’s idle threats do not concern me; we must move forward with our plan to control the throne. I refuse to be at the hand and foot of such hatchlings. A proper royal should be on that seat, not the violent consort.”

“You truly believe Lady Morgana would be a better fit for such a position? We are not likely to hold much weight in her court I would gather.”

“Silence fool! No one would dare question our actions should they be in Lady Morgana’s name. We must see to it that we do not die in the crossfire. The best outcome remains that they destroy one another at which point we can rise and take control without opposition.”

“Such foolhardy old bones you all turned out to be.” A voice pierced through the dark as the council members looked around attempting to pinpoint the source. “Do not bother. You all cannot perceive my existence until I see fit to do so on my terms.” The figure emerged from the void seated at the head of their table. “I grow tired of your shortcomings and have yet to ascertain why Morgana saw your lot fit to keep alive. No matter, it is of little consequence as I shall arrive at my own conclusion.”

“Those eyes, those scales, there is no doubt in my mind you are indeed of the Pendragon bloodline. It would appear that fate has not been abandoned after all.”

“Some of you catch on rather quickly; perhaps, I was being too hasty in my initial evaluation. Maybe, you will prove your worth in remaining alive.”

The council trembled in horror as they watched one of their own screamed in agony as he was engulfed in black flames until his life was snuffed out in an instant. Emotionless, the dragon before them uttered, “Of course, my patience is thin, and you all could be subject to the same fate.”

Copyright © 2021 Xfighter1984; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Well that was a flabbersmacked ending to the chapter. I swear you enjoy leaving a chapter ending with no less than a thousand questions up in the air. I would definitely be scared to leave you in charge of writing a movie or theater script

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