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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Dragon's Roar - 12. Chapter 12

Mordred stalked through the dark hallways; a permanent smile etched across his face. He used his time to familiarize himself with the presence of darkness within his soul. There had been fleeting moments where it felt as though the soul of his late mistress remained intact and seeking release, but those moments had since grown fewer in frequency as his power grew. Mordred flexed his claw watching Urien move about from the corner of his eye, he was all too aware that the young dragon posed a serious threat to him, so he was sure to keep a watchful eye on this young wielder of darkness.

Urien himself knew he was being watched as he was no fool. As much as he would like to claim the power Mordred acquired for himself, he knew the so-called king of darkness was more grounded than the previous holder. Urien shrugged to himself, being in no rush since he knew things would align soon when everything that was within his birthright would be at his grasp. He would stop at nothing to make sure Levi was left with nothing but despair as he watched everything being taken from him one step at a time.


“I’ve had enough of these games,” Levi shouted as he tightened his tail around the neck of the most recent cultist of light. “My patience has grown thin; I’ve put up with you insects for long enough,” Levi growled as energy swirled within his claws. Sage took a step back, as the days grew longer, and their efforts proved fruitless. He could sense Levi becoming more and more dangerous, frequently acting out of character, quick to anger, and even quicker to bring out the destruction of anyone or anything presenting itself as an obstacle. Sage placed a hand upon his dear friend's shoulder, and for a moment, he could have sworn he saw the faintest flicker of black as the color seemed to return to Levi’s eyes with his features softened and relaxed. Levi tossed the light fanatic down and stormed off his wings flexing in the dark with Vicky quietly following.

Sage let out a breath kneeling before the man who moments ago had been on the verge of destruction. “I may be a bit calmer than my comrades back there, but I cannot promise you that will remain so if you do not provide us with the answers we seek. We have been directed here by a force, not of our design, and we are lacking in time and patience.” The man stared blankly up at Sage. “You cannot hope to seek what has already been found,” a voice echoed from the man though clearly it was because of another being. Sage huffed; another riddle was the last thing they needed. They were wasting time on what could only be described as a hopeless quest, and at this rate, Levi would be liable to blow up the next group of “Right with the Light” cultists they came across.

Levi growled in frustration as they flew amongst the clouds. It was not that they were reaching dead ends, it was quite the opposite as Levi just did not like the course of action that was being suggested. The more he thought about it the angrier he grew, only coming back to his senses when Vicky and Sage howled in fright as he twisted through the air. Levi found himself occasionally feeling as though his mind would become cloudy, and he often lost sense of himself and what was happening around him. His thoughts cleared as he focused on his comrades, there had to be another answer, with everything in his being, he refused to walk the path the world seemed to be steering him toward.


“You don’t just get to decide that you are fit for such a thing,” Sune sighed. As fond as he was of the ‘feathers’, Sune was growing tired of this discussion. “I can’t explain it any better than I already have, you may not like my answer but that is just how things are,” Sune shrugged looking over Zephyr.

“I need more power,” Zephyr raged. “And for what purpose do you seek more power?”

Sune jumped up in excitement as Levi approached, those present only now becoming aware of him as he dropped his veil concealing his power. Levi held his hand up stopping Sune’s approach offering him a nod and a warm smile before returning his attention to Zephyr. “I ask again, for what purpose do you feel that you need more power?”

Zephyr found his gaze locked with Levi’s, and it was as if he was looking into his very soul, the very core of his dragon, but it was not fear that was found, but a yearning, something just beneath the surface that wished to make its way forward. A pulse, almost like a heartbeat reverberated through his core, blinking his eyes, Zephyr took a step back in shock. He had not been aware Levi had made his way closer to him as they stood right before one another. Zephyr opened his mouth to speak before his vision was obstructed by a flash of light.

“We will never bind ourselves to the fate of the old king,” an angry old dragon slammed his fist causing the desk below to splinter. “I refuse to offer up any more of my lineage to the Pendragon bloodline. I have already lost a son, and I refuse to lose a grandson to them as well.” His fit of rage turned to a fit of coughs, his strength beginning to wane once again. “You will take the child as your own, Gawain was a fool, what good was it being of the table when it only served to cost him his life? I will not allow it, Zephyr is to know nothing, he is to be your son to be raised to one day serve our clan as its true ruler.”

“You have my word,” Zephyr’s father looked over at what was a hatchling Zephyr still within the wraps of his shell casing, but the look upon his father’s face was not one of duty or love but of contempt and disgust.

Zephyr recoiled in shock; the vision broken as he attempted to regain his senses. He was not prepared to find himself looking up towards the sky with dozens of blades of ice ready to skewer him at a moment's notice. Getting to his feet he took another step back, coming face to face with the Red King himself, thankfully, they appeared to remain separated due to one of Levi’s great wings. He also noticed Vincent off to the side his weapons already merged into his arms awaiting a command. It was only when he attempted to swallow, that he felt the tip of Vicky’s blade pressed to his throat.

“It was not that you lacked power it was that you lacked the truth. Your display was proof of that, the time is upon us for your true power to emerge,” Levi smiled warmly at him before turning back to his mate and raising an eyebrow. Levi flapped his wings, forcing the King back and everyone else seemed to take the motion as a sign to stand down. Still not quite sure what had transpired, Zephyr knew in his core what he was meant to do, gasp and whispers moved through the growing crowd. “I, Zephyr, of the wind,” he shook his head and started again. “I, Zephyr, pledge myself to the King and his court. My bow is no longer my own but one to be wielded as my King commands, he and his mate have my eternal fealty, as my father before me Gawain pledged to your father King Arthur.”

“Gawain of the Sky,” someone shouted in disbelief. “We were all told his son and wife had perished along with him the day our late king fell, are you telling me we are to believe you are his son, yet you remained missing and silent?”

“That is enough,” Jin bellowed, the command in his voice forcing a wave of silence amongst the crowd. Jin stalked his way forward drawing Caliburn from its sheath, the flames immediately dancing along the length of the blade. Sune made a move towards Jin only to find his movements restricted by Levi who did not move to meet his gaze. “Those who live in my kingdom shall not sully the name of my predecessor or his court, your merit and truth will be judged by the blade of the Kings,” Zephyr lowered his head and closed his eyes as the blade was brought down upon him. The resulting shockwave would have blown the citizens gathered away in an instant if not for Merlin’s barrier, who hovered overhead as he watched the events play out before him.

Sune slowly moved his gaze from Jin to where Zephyr had been, what he found was not the scene of death that he had anticipated as Caliburn simply rested against the wind dragon’s shoulder. “As you have all born witness, this dragon speaks the truth, the sword of the king serves to protect the kingdom and those who fight to protect it as well. Son of Gawain, stand, I make this declaration now in the presence of my mate of trusted allies as well as those I serve to protect. Let this be the first introduction of the newly formed Knights of the Round, as the great King before me had his own, I too have seen fit to revive the great tradition. Sune of the Oceans, Vincent of the Land, Bastion of Mortal Plane, Sage of the Light, Vicky of the Shadows, and now Zephyr of the Wind.” A hush fell over those in attendance as the Knights of the Round currently present encircled and kneeled before the King and his mate. A power swirled as Jin commanded his Knights to rise to their feet. “Hear me now, these Knights serve to protect the kingdom and her people, they are my eyes and ears throughout the kingdom and beyond. To those who seek peace and prosperity, they are to serve as your light, but to those who wish death and destruction, they will cut you down without prejudice for the sake of peace.” Jin looked around and smiled warmly at all of them before scooping up his mate and making a hasty retreat. “I know what is about to happen, and I would rather have you within the confines of the palace,” Jin growled, moving swiftly back to their home.

Away from prying eyes, both Levi and Jin were disheartened as Bastion was missing from the Order of the Garter ceremony. His absence was a reminder of the consequences of their recent battle with Morgana in which they all barely escaped with their lives. However, they did not go unscathed as both Levi and Bastion were afflicted by the power of the darkness with seemingly no cure in sight.

Vicky released a spell enshrouding Zephyr and Sune along with her as they faded away within the shadows. Zephyr blinked in surprise as he found them before the Great Lake where he had been training with Sune. Looking around he watched confused as the water dragon went about making an intricate barrier that appeared to be designed to keep things in not out. “What?” Zephyr’s words were lost to him as a pain like no other enveloped his body, and a painful shift was forced upon him; the last thing he saw was Sune’s piercing eyes and what appeared to be the winds of his soul before everything faded away into darkness.


“Knights of the Round, this is preposterous,” one of the elders screamed. “With this, our influence and power once again wane out of our favor, and worst yet, the king committed this act with neither our knowledge nor attendance.”

“Unfortunately, he was well within his right to act, so with the eyes of the Kingdom upon him, we have no choice by to acknowledge the new Round. We must be even more diligent than before, and our moves must be further calculated, for now, should our plans be exposed to the wrong eyes and ears, it will mean our heads. Even if we have an ally in the darkness, we cannot truly come to rely on such an unknown that we have yet to influence.”

Urien scowled in the darkness, the Knights of the Round sounded like something from a child’s storybook, but the way the elders were going on about them could prove to be a thorn in his side. He needed more power soon and a means to do away with Mordred; maybe the right opportunity was just about to present itself, he laughed darkly knowing that he had already reduced the strength of the Knights.

The elders felt a chill run down their spines almost as if they were being watched. “We need to reclaim our influence of power, what we lack in battle prowess, we more than makeup with our time and wisdom. We must make a solid move before their foothold gains even more traction.


Copyright © 2021 Xfighter1984; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Great build up of intensity. I hope the two are able to get their darkness purged soon. I'm slowly getting the feeling they are going to have to accept the darkness in order to control it inside of themselves though. 

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