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  1. That's what I use tumblr for! I have a private tumblr where I reblog writing prompts, neat images, short fics, etc. When I'm looking for an idea to incorporate into a story, or looking to start a whole new story, I go into the Tumblr page I have and mess around until something strikes. Additionally, I really like making "mixtapes" on youtube. I like listening to them while driving in my car around town. I get a lot of really good ideas sitting at stop lights, hahahaha.
  2. I too struggle with ADHD tendencies where I'll suddenly and cold-turkey lose interest in a project I've invested LOTS of time in, and I've found that organization is actually the key to getting me to the finish line! I do everything on Google Drive, because I can access it anywhere (phone, iPad, laptop, etc) and it's easy to organize writing docs/spreadsheets into folders. AND it's free. When I get a plot bunny/new project idea, I go into GDrive and make a new folder for it. Then I just dive in -- outlines, character inspiration, rap sheets, chapter writing -- until I inevitably lose interest. When that happens, I can go back to GDrive, look into all of the OTHER folders I have, and dive into something else that interests me. It's kind of a round-robin process. Working this way helps keep me from stressing, too. Sometimes I would feel so guilty about disliking a project where I've worked so hard, that I would have to completely delete it out of my life to prevent a kind of shame-guilt complex. AND ALSO having all of the projects available to me to pick and choose from saves me from ruining a project just because I feel stubbornly obligated to keep working on it, even when I'm completely over it, haha.
  3. I'm console loyal in that I've owned everything Nintendo has ever put out, BUT I will play on any and all platforms and I own a variety. (I've never bought an xbox, though...) When it comes down to a really good game experience, especially with MMOs, I defer to my gaming PC. I find my PSes and Wiis are good for more chill, group/party-oriented games, whereas the PC is good for deep strategy and online experiences. I like EVERYTHING!
  4. Gods/demi-god stories are always right up my alley. I'm going to blame growing up with Xena.
  5. Hello! A friend linked me to the site this morning and I immediately hopped aboard. It looks soooo promising! I'm a writer and avid reader so I can't wait to start exploring everything in depth. It's nice to meet everyone!
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