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Daveys Blog

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I like to complain!

Do you ever feel that you're the only one to make contact?   I'll use my mother as an example, I decided that I wanted to see how long it would take her to phone me, so I held off calling. Three weeks later she calls to tell me off for not keeping in touch. I ALWAYS make the call.   It happens online too. Like with some friends if I don't bother to send the hi message it never gets done. I've left it with some contacts before for weeks and finally I get a message all pissed off asking why i




I should be sleeping...     But I'm not   UGH!   back to work in 5 hours       Thats all



Amazing people

So just for the record before you read/ watch this I'm not American.   I may not agree fully with the war, but I have the up most respect for all the service personnel, regardless of the country they come from.   I saw this and it touched my heart, I hope it does yours too.   The way we get by   As I'm in the UK, I don't get PBS programming, so the trailer and story are all i've seen, but its still pretty amazing I think.   Enjoy.



Moving.... Again

We're moving again because of my Job, which sucks.   I like living here, its a good place with good people that have been great with us. I've never heard a single negative comment about gays the entire time we've been here and that's pretty great I think.   But sadly the time has come for me to move stores again and where I go Chris is sure to follow lol So we're back to not knowing how people will react. I hope that it'll be an easy transition again, but time will tell.   ---   My Dads




Hey,   It's been a while since I last wrote anything in this. Mainly because I can never think of anything I want to say. I feel like I've lost touch with this site, that's all my fault I know, I guess I've just allowed myself to get distracted. I'll write this out and if I can be bothered I'll post it, if not meh well at least I'll have written SOMETHING for a change!   I guess I should update on a few things.   Chris is doing good. He's busy pretty much all the time but then so am I. We



My Niece

Hey,   So it's been pretty shitty around here this week. My sister had her baby, a little girl she named Linda Ann, after our Mum. She was born at 1:30am on Saturday and fought for her life for one hour ten minutes before her strength gave in.   I don't really know what I feel right now.   How is it fair that she didn't even get the chance to start her life let alone live it? How is it fair that my sister and her husband are left feeling the greatest loss there is?   It's simply not




Hi!   I just realized its been like 8 weeks since i last updated this and my have things changed for me!   I've moved house and started a new job in that short period of time.   The new job is a project manager for my company building new stores, its proving to be a lot of work but i'm enjoying it loads so it's totally been worth it. The house move came about because of the job, Chris is still staying in our old place but he'll be moving here with me next weekend   Here's a picture o



A day out at the gym....

...Really isnt a good idea if you're outta shape!   I swear I'm hurting in places i never knew I had muscles. Chris is a regular gym rat. He's there almost every day (except when I make him stay home lol) So he decided it'd be a swell idea if we went together again. I used to be a regular too but then I just kinda lost it and started using the computer more. The big attraction before was that it was something we did together, but with our schedules conflicting so badly now I guess the whole ro




Are you in a long term relationship? Do you think your partner has become complacent?   The reason I ask is, Chris and I used to do loads of really romantic stuff all the time. Now it feels a little like we're an old married couple lol. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, hell no! I wouldnt change what we have for anything. Just maybe a few more romantic nights would be nice   I got to thinking about this after a dream I had today, We were on holiday at this beach. It was evening and we we



Inside of me

Hey,     You may have read the short story I wrote called Inside Of Me. My reason's for using such a... tender? subject are simple. The story is dedicated to Clare, my 13 y/o couson. Claire decided life was too hard to deal with so she ended it.   I've been left asking myself why? I mean what the hell drives a 13y/o to take their life? She never left a note, so we'll never really have an answer as to what she was thinking. I wrote the story as a kind of release. About 1AM on the night I wa



Nothing to say....*shrug*

So depending on how long you've been here, you may have noticed ive not bogged in a while.       To be honest I've had anything to blog about. Now believe it or not that's something I'm very grateful for. If you know the history of this blog then you'll know the last year and a half has been filled with enough drama to last my life time. I never thought for a second when I sent that first PM to Myr, pouting over how Ben (Boyneedstherapy) could have a blog and I couldn't that the



Story Frustration

No, this isnt in reference to my own writing... thats a whole other subject just now....   This is actually about the Pete and Brian series by Dewey. I finally took the time to read my way through the written chapters over the last week or so.   For me one of the signs of an amazing author is when they can leave me feeling emotionally involved with their characters, Dewey has done just that.   As I finished the last couple chapters tonight (Im having trouble sleeping again lol) I found my



O2 - UK v's Cingular

So Viv sent me a text the other day..... So far I've recived it 48 times!   I swear if I see it again I WILL go crazy, its kept me awake at night, annoyed the crap outta me through the daytime and just generally pissed me off.   Well today we reached a climax, cingular blame O2 and O2 blame cingular.... Viv has talked to a dumb f**k and Ive talked to a dumber f**k lol   Finally, O2 are telling me if I try a new handset and MAYBE it will reset and go back to normal........ I'm praying that




Ive got a cold...   Now everyone gets colds at some point so its no big issue. But the twisted hands of fate chucked a mix of asthma into the equation, so I now have breathing problems. I ended up at the docs the other morning pretty much unable to breathe, now if you don't suffer from asthma or have never been seriouslly short of breath, trust me when I say it's seriouslly scary..   The good old doctor gave me a sparkley new Inhaler and a sweet little dose of steroids. So off I went on my



The weekends over...

So yeh,   as the title says the weekend is over, so its time to share myself with the rest of the planet again.   I had a great time this weekend, I spent like 70% of it cuddled up to chris, which IMO is the best way to spend any time! the other 30 % was spent where your imagination tells you it was spent lol!   We spent most of sunday reading Dom's desert dropping. Now If you have S/O then I suggest you read a chapter story together, we had a load of fun reading a chapter out loud turn a



Weekend Off!

Hey ya'll   Ive decided to take this weekend off. Its the first time I've had chris all to myself in ages, so dont expect to see me about.... at all   He's outside checking his car over just now... I swear that boy, I drove it like 4 miles total today and he's freaking out like i've killed it..   Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend.... I will!   & 2 Viv



I begged..

Well I went to the meeting today and as soon as I was able to get my Boss alone I begged for a higher payroll percentage. Guess what...   NO! Simple answer to a major problem.   The thing that pisses me off the most... Ive not actually overspent, Im sitting right on my cost budget. Its the rest of my stupid ass area that are overspending, yet I'm getting penalised for their actions, fair huh?   So anyway, Ive decided f**k it, if they wont give me the bodies to do the whole job, then we won




Every just have one of those days?   Well I




I just wanted to show this... This is totally me lol! I'll let you guess which is me       'Not everything in black and white makes sense'



Feedback and stuff

Firstly I'd like to thank all of you that commented on my latest chapter of Love Never Dies. I'm really proud of that story and feel like it's the best I've produced so far. I'd also like to put a little plea in here... Pretty please, if you've read it, post you thoughts/comments in the forum. It's really hard to describe how much it helps to write when I know you're enjoying it.   I'm already working on the next chapter and would hope to post it in the coming week... I also want to get back



Newish Story :)

I just posted a story at efiction, its new to you guys but I wrote it back in feb for a valentines challenge at a Yahoo! group. Link to story   Be warned though it's another of my boyband ones hehe plus its the most sappy thing I've written.   Its possibly my personal favourite within my own work   If you read it then... enjoy! If you dont... well you'll never know     Davey!



Mood: Excited!

Ive started writing again.   Ive had a nasty little dry spell where I couldnt get anything to come out. Ive got part of my fall anthology post done, and a tiny bit of Love never dies. Maybe In the next few days I'll actually finish a chapter! That'd be great   Fingers crossed I might have something to post early next week, I'm not sure which story yet, but we'll see     I need to say a huge thanks to Kevin (AFF) for not only reading my stories but for the awesome reviews he left last



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