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Feedback and stuff



Firstly I'd like to thank all of you that commented on my latest chapter of Love Never Dies. I'm really proud of that story and feel like it's the best I've produced so far. I'd also like to put a little plea in here...

Pretty please, if you've read it, post you thoughts/comments in the forum. It's really hard to describe how much it helps to write when I know you're enjoying it.


I'm already working on the next chapter and would hope to post it in the coming week... I also want to get back to runaways, I really miss those guys just now and feel like I need to breathe some life back into them :)


I found out today I might need to go away for work the week after next which really sucks. I hate being away from home (Chris :P ) so hopefully they'll tell me all is good and I can just forget it.


I seem to keep messing things up of late... I've made a few mistakes by keeping stuff to myself and ended up hurting the people I love the most.. I really need to stop doing that! :hug:


Well thats about all I can think of just now...


Oh! I need to thank Kevin (AFF) for the support he'd giving to not only myself but many other authors by linking us in his signature. You're a pretty amazing guy kev :)


Bye for now :wub:


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