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Wry Wrambling of a Rebellious Rimbaud

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TGI Friday's & A Broken Nose

TGIF’s & A Broken Nose By: Jason Rimbaud It was the year 1997. I was young, with luscious brown hair that fell past my shoulders. I was fit, hard bodied like only the young can have without exercise and down to fuck anything that captured my attention. But I was trapped in the midst of my only at night relationship with a straight boy named Jason and frustrated beyond belief.  I was also at an emergency room at 3:45 am and being questioned by a policeman about injuries Jason h

Untitled Stories

In the last eight months, I somehow managed to write about two hundred ninety-five thousand words over six stories. And out of those six, four are first draft complete.  Untitled Story Number One: Set in Hershey Pennsylvania and revolves around a plot to assassinate a sitting US Senator on the road to a presidential nomination and the contract killer who decides to stop it. The first draft is 96,345 words. Untitled Story Number Two: The story takes place in the US Virgin Islands as our

New Goals For A Pretend Writer

Have you ever read something you wrote twenty years ago and literally cringe in embarrassment? I have so many times it’s becoming a constant state of cringe. And believe me, I’m a master of cringing.  I’ll give you an example of a cringe that came over me about six months ago.. Twenty-one years ago I wrote a fanfic about the members of Nsync. Which I find to be strange as I have never been a fan of their music. Nor have I been attracted to any of the members of Nsync, then or now. 

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud in Life In Glasses

True Ramblings

So we have been open for a month. And I know the pandemic has been heartless for countless small businesses around the world. Thousands of restaurants have closed forever, who knows how many people are out of work due to these closures. So it might have been foolish on the surface to open a new restaurant at this particular time. But we did. I am also saddened by the damage that has been done to the San Francisco restaurant/hospitality scene. A lot of my friends lost everything and it is he

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud in Life In Glasses

After Twenty Years...I Just Did This

So I’ve been in the restaurant/hospitality business for over twenty years. And I can’t believe that after twenty years, I just did this. And before I go into what life changing craziness I just decided to embark on, let me tell you about my writing. Some years back, I lost the memory stick that contained all my writings for the last thirty years. And yes, not only did it hold all my stories, notes, outlines, it also contained all my work notes that I had gathered over the years. I’m not sur

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud in Life In Glasses

Chit & Also Chat Equals An Upset "N"

Chit & Also Chat Equals an Upset “N” May 12th, 2022   I can’t believe it’s already May 12, 2022. Life seems to move faster and faster the older you get. I’ll be fifty in two and half years. Where the hell did the time go? Just yesterday I was twenty year old chasing fuzzy bunny slippers and now I’m lucky to find my slippers. Not sure if that is a euphemism. But it sounds dirty so I’ll allow it.  So I’m bald. But that’s been for like ten years now. I’m one of the lucky one

The Wheel of Time: A Rambling, Digression Filled Review

The Wheel of Time: A Rambling, Digression Filled Review By: A Fan of the Books So somewhere & somewhen, I started replying in a Wheel of Time: The Series thread and realized after a few pages that it was way too long to post in a thread. Plus it was filled with colorful metaphors, talks of naughty bits, and generally senseless ramblings that I decided about that time for a new Blog Entry by the amazing Jason Rimbaud. Or is that the absent Rimbaud? Doesn’t matter. But before I

If You Don't Stop...I'm Never Coming Back Here Again

It was summer, June 2000, when Greg and Mark first met on Lake Walton. Each summer after that, they would join their families for a summer vacation before parting ways for another year. It was summer, June 2000, Greg and Mark were five years old. June 2000 "What are you doing Greg?" "Nothing, just go back to sleep, sorry." "If you keep snuggling me, I'm not going to sleep over here anymore." June 2005 "Greg...what are you doing?" "Nothing." "It sure doesn't feel

Lost Season One: Pilot Episode

So earlier this year, I started a show called Watchmen on HBO. I was actually a huge fan of the movie when it came out in 2009, and was really excited to see what HBO was going to do with that property. And I was really excited to find out that it wasn’t going to be a remake of the movie but more of a continuation of that story in the same universe. From the opening scenes I was hooked and after I watched the last episode, I wanted to find out who created it. And that’s when I was introduc

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

The Maltese Falcon

There Will Be Spoilers Ahead Of The Amazing Movie Maltese Falcon. For those of you that have never seen this movie, The Maltese Falcon is a movie starring Humphrey Bogart as Sam Spade, Mary Astor as Brigid O'Shaughnessy, Peter Lorre as Joel Cairo, Sydney Greenstreet as Kasper Gutman. It is based on a Dashiell Hammett novel of the same name, and written & directed by the talented John Huston in his first directorial role.  A private detective takes on a case that involves him with t

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

My Gay Community

Before I really get into the reason I started writing down these random letters to form words that structure the following incoherent sentences that you are about to read, I want everyone to understand why I decided to write this in my Blog instead of responding in the forum thread where I first started ruminating on this topic. I am writing it here mainly because I think I’m going to offend a few people that read this and more than likely piss off the rest. A few months ago, I came across

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Aquaman Movie Review

Starring Jason Momoa as Arthur/Aquaman, Amber Heard as Mera, Willem Dafoe as Vulko, Patrick Wilson as King Orm/Ocean Master, Nicole Kidman as Atlanna, and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Manta. It was directed by the wonderfully talented James Wan, the creator of the Saw Franchise.   Aquaman takes place shortly after the events of Justice League. This bit of information seemed to be slipped in right away to make sure we all know this is part of the DCEU. But just as Wonder Woman carved her ow

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

News Programs and Do you Still Watch?

Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, AP, BBC America, CBS, ABC, we could go on for paragraphs just listing the different news programs in this country alone.   About ten years ago, I stopped watching news programs on TV and its probably not the reason many of you might suspect.    Once upon a time, reporters would actually inform you of the current events in your local area as well as over the world. If you missed the nightly news, you would have no way of getting the information until the

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

On Writing Blocks and How to Avoid Them

I was perusing the Blogs over at GayAuthors.org when I happened to read a new Blog called Marty's Musing. I don't know Marty but the title caught my attention and I urge everyone to go there and read it as it is definitely the "muse" that started me down this long rambling entry of my mine. https://gayauthors.org/blogs/entry/17900-o-muse-where-art-thou/   To briefly give everyone an overview, Marty once upon a time use to write a fair amount but for the last ten years or so has fo

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Writing Stages of Life

Four months ago, at least from the outside, most would say that I was on top of the world. I have a good job, a great apartment, and an amazing boyfriend. I had a good start on a saving account, a brand new car with all the bells and whistles. If I was a normal person, I would have been content at the success I enjoyed. Yet for all those possessions, something was lacking in my life. I first started working in hospitality the year I turned 21. I really didn't have the opportunity to go to c

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom

Just returned from watching Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.  Or should I say dragged to see the flick.   I should start by saying that I am a huge fan of Jurassic Park, a satisfied fan of Jurassic Park 2, a meh for Jurassic Park 3, and a very disappointed viewer for Jurassic World.     For all the amazing CGI of the first one, they did not skimp on the story and characters.  All I have to say is Alan Grant.  Jurassic Park 2, the sequence when T-Rex squared pushes the camper off th

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Buffalo Wild WIng Encounter

It’s Thursday, September 21st, 2017 and I’m in Daly City California.  It’s my day off, nothing special about that except that “N” is working the morning shift and I have the whole day off to do whatever I want.  If I want to stay in bed all day naked, watching YouTube videos, I can.  Or if I want to do a marathon of jerking off to free porn on the whole interwebs, I can and no one can say anything about it.  And don’t think I didn’t contemplate that last one this morning after waking up wi

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Day off...Cleaning...24

I have the day off, first one in a pretty long time that the Boyfriend is working.  Not saying he isn't the cleanest person on the planet, but he's messy as fuck.  So I really needed to clean the house while he's not around so he won't distract me by dancing around the house in his undies.  Though that does make me feel like fuzzy bunny slippers when he does.   So I needed some motivation to clean this filthy house.  I searched through my almost one thousand movies and decided on re-wa

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Untitled & Unfinished Story

It's been a long time coming but I am finally writing again.  I have several more chapters complete and having a blast creating this world.  It's like a comfortable old blanket and I wrapped myself tightly with it.  Hope you like it.     The sun had long set behind the mountains of the town of Glacier Bay.  The moon bathed the town in a soft light with a backdrop of twinkling stars in the October sky.  The trees gently swayed in the offshore breeze that hinted at the bone chilling

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Bottom(Less) Tales In Vegas

I’m back...and this blog entry is sponsored by “wingtip shoes” and candy apple cigarettes.   I could look this up but I’m a bit too much on the lazy side to figure out how long it’s been since I last posted a blog entry. But I’m sure it’s so long ago that even my one loyal reader has given up on checking my outdated blog and has disappeared into the ether. Unfortunately I am regulated to posting to those that have no idea who I am or realize the sheer boredom the next few minutes will bring

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud


“It’s not that I didn’t like the gift…”   “You don’t,” Ron interrupted while flipping through a magazine.   “Right, but he doesn’t have to know that.”   “He will figure it out when you never wear it and it goes the way the rest of his gifts have gone, “Ron said gesturing towards the closet.   “It’s our fifth year anniversary, that deserves something more romantic than a brown coat and an even plainer brown scarf,” Daniel exclaimed, pushing his hair off his forehead.   “It could have b

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

I just sneezed

I should be here more often but my career ( what a weird thing to come from my mouth ) has me full up the last year. As it is, in a weeks time, I'll be leaving San Francisco to open the second restaurant in what I hope is the start of a national brand.   And though I'm not the owner or investor ( yet ) I am quickly moving up in the new company.   Can you believe they put me in charge of a multi-million dollar restaurant? And a celebrity Chef too boot.   How my life has changed in the last

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Top versus Bottom

In a forum somewhere on that one site, there was a discussion topic that asked a simple question…Top or Bottom.   And after reading all the comments in that thread, and believe me you should read them because they are extremely amusing, I decided to reply to that thread and offer up my perspective.   And then, as one or two of you might know by now, I noticed my reply was getting rather long winded so I decided to answer this question in my blog where there is less of a chance that something

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Personal Questions

A boring look into the existence of Jason Rimbaud   In the forums of GayAuthors, in the Games and Humor thread, there is an entry called Personal Questions. Basically it’s a forum game where each person asks a personal question and the next person answers the question before asking his own personal question.   As I read through all the questions and the replies, I realized that there was numerous questions I would have love to have answered. So I thought it would be a good idea if I took s

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

Isn't It Ironic

A New and Improved Blog Experience Brought to you by the one and only Jason Rimbaud   The other day or maybe it was the other week, life has a habit of going by faster than the speed of light and sometimes I feel like I’m being left behind, I was at work and all I could think about was grubbing on some 4 Alarm Hot Wings from my favorite place in the world, SmokeEaters, in downtown San Jose.   For those of you that watch the Food Network Channel, and more importantly, Man Vs Food Nation, you

Jason Rimbaud

Jason Rimbaud

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