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the Beast's Lair

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A quick primer on COG - A Taste of Nightmare Fuel

Continuity of Government (COG) First really became a serious concern in the fifties at the height of the Cold War, when everyone with a chemistry set was playing with weapons of mass destruction. This made a whole generation of officers, who made their spurs after the surprise attacks on Pearl Harbor, extremely worried. COG (Continuity of Government) are the contingencies, plans, and facilities to continue government activities and operations after a major attack or large-scale


JamesSavik in mad ramblings

Please stop with tornadoes == climate change. It's not just wrong, it's idiotic.

We had a terrible tornado that ran through Mississippi two weeks ago Friday. Many talk babblers have attributed this to climate change. It's not. The South and Mid-West are prone to seasonal tornado outbreaks. It seems worse because our population is denser. Tornadoes that used to blow down trees out in the country are more apt to hit something now. The Rolling Fork tornado isn't even the worst tornado in our state's history. In 1966, an EF-5 destroyed a large swath of South Jackson, killed


JamesSavik in mad ramblings

It's not aliens, we're already here.

Aliens are not invading. Why would a civilization who can cross light-years invade us with weather balloons? Now, we Vampyre, we've been here all along. Hollywood never did get us right, despite all the hints we dropped. Bela Legosi? Humph! Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt were better, but they've never done us justice. We were stranded on Earth, oh about sixty thousand of your human years ago. If that date rings a bell, that was when Neanderthals went into a steep decline and moder


JamesSavik in mad ramblings

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