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the Beast's Lair

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the word "Diet" is "Die" with a T

I've been dieting and I hate it. Why is it that everything in the Southern diet has too much cholesterol, fat or sugar? Maybe it would help if we didn't roll everything in flour and lemon-pepper and fry it.   Salad and pasta and fruit oh my! Salad and pasta and fruit oh my!   I'm sorry but I'm a carnivore. Nothing made of meat is safe near me at the moment. I'm liable to kill it and fry it. I'm hoping that my cat will bring me a squirrel carcass.   Awe- screw it. I'm going to Wendy'



Another quality product from Microsoft

Did I mention that the MSN messenger hates me?   I'm not sure what I did to piss it off so bad.   Every time I try to use MSN, it connects,might work for a short time (or might not) and then it locks up my internet connection. GRRRR.   I missed the GAC meeting tonight because it wouldn't work. That bums me out because I hate to let down the team.   I even uninstalled it and tried to reload it, then cold booted the entire system. Same crap.   How embarrassing. The International Bro



Smarty and Sillygirl

jsmith: She (think of a name) hugged the tree as she looked down at the ground far below. How did she get in the tree? Why is she there? What happens next? _________________________________________________________     Marta hugged the tree as she looked down at the ground far below.   Her Siamese cat Smarty studied her plight with interest as he lounged like a lion, with his paws and tail hanging lazily from a branch just out of her reach.   Now what is that silly girl up to this t



I'm driving, they're griping

So the other day my mum says "Your Dad and I are going to drive to Dallas Monday."   You see, this is really my Mum's tactic for getting me to drive them to Dallas.   Two 80 year olds, 1 car, ~500 miles = recipe for disaster. Dad says he can drive just fine. The Parkingstons shakes and the inability to stay awake for longer than 20 minutes at a strech? Heck, I guess he'll walk it off. My Mom says she can drive just fine- despite being scheduled for cataract surgery in July and being unable t



New Nukes

The Bush Administration has proposed creating a new generation of small, clean tactical nukes for use against super-hardened bunkers in places like Iran and North Korea.   I've always thought that small, tactical nukes were a very bad idea. A small nuke that doesn't lay waste to a continent is much easier to justify using. How is an enemy going to respond to one?   What is really sad is that so few people understand the science behind these beasts. Sure- there are significant engineering c



Pocketbook Activism

Here's an Idea:   A lot of people don't know how many GLBT people there really are. Many of our brothers and sisters are shamed or intimidated into staying in the closet. Here's something that you can do without actually coming out and still make a serious statement.   For every $1 bill you get, give ole George a stash and eyebrows.   After we get a few zillion of these out there and everybody has seen them, we let it be know that these are GAYBUCKS.



Study: Sexual Desire is in Your Genes

I take a look at a number of scientific jounals every month to see what is new. I thought I might share this as it might be of interest. The material is OK as I have cited it and created links to its source.   Your thoughts and impressions are welcome of course.   _____________________________________________________________________________     Study: Sexual Desire is in Your Genes   By LiveScience Staff May 29, 2006 Source Link   Your sexual desire or lack thereof could be in your



Dead Comedians & Return of the Broadband

Why is it that all the comedians that I like are dead?   Sam Kinson, Rodney Dangerfield, Lenny Bruce: I mean WTF? I must be getting old. I know there are lots of younger people on the board who probably don't remember these guys. Do yourself a favor and look them up. You'll laugh your ballz off! Well, that's an exaggeration. OK, so you'll just laugh and in all probability, you will sustain no debilitating injuries.   In other matters...   After suffering with dial-up Internet access for




I won! I won! I won!   I have recently started hanging out on E-bay. It's a really cool place to pick up things at a bargain.   I got a copy of IBM's DB2 for the PC for $25. A new purchase would cost me hundreds. Computer books , science and text books- always WAY overpriced new can be got for a song on E-bay. I got my Object Oriented Programming in C++ for $10 (90$ at the bookstore). College book stores- what a racket!   What I'm really pleased about is the auction I won tonight. I found




Greetings from Boo.   I thought this was a cat but now I think he's a fuzzy pig. He's fat, lazy and grumpy.



Best of time, worst of times

Sumbloke is getting married! I am delighted for him. He is a sweet guy and deserves all the success and happiness that life offers. For this I am delighted.   As much as this Sumbloke's news pleases me, I am stinging over the loss of Green. I thought very highly of him. Sure he had his issues but he was a bright guy, talented writer and a person of great promise. I am going to miss him.   This my friends is life- joy and pain, success and loss, yin and yang. Treasure the ones you care about,



God or the Girl- GMAFB!

Ok the latest hoop of reality-show cheese to be rolled our way is a huge, reeking pile of crap called God or the Girl. In it, several young men try to decide on whether or not to enter the priesthood.   Can you say very sad closet cases boys and girls?   The Catholic Church, and Christianity in general, has been playing this idiotic head game with gay people for millinia. AND they have the NERVE to be surprised when the immature, sexually confused people that they bring on to be priests yea



The Drunken Idiot Song

The Drunken Idiot Song     I'm a drunken Idiot but that's OK, I drink all night and I sleep all day.   chorus: He's a drunken Idiot buts that's OK, He'll drink all night and he'll sleep all day.   I drink beer and I drink scotch and occasionally even gin. I go to the lavatory. And barf and drink agin.   chorus: He drinks beer and he drinks scotch and occasionally even gin, He goes to the lavatory, And barfs and drinks agin. He's a drunken Idiot buts that's OK, He'l



Side effects

May cause cramps and bloating...   If you have an erection lasting more that 4 hours...   May cause diareah and nausea...   May cause sexual side effects...   May cause tremors, forgetfulness and hallicunations...   Don't drive a car or operate heavy machinery for 4 to 6 hours after use...   May cause sinus infection or nosebleeds...   If you experience depression or suicidal thoughts please call your doctor...   May cause delerium, euphoria or dementia...     Screw it! I'l



The Alternative- sneak peek

I am working on a new story and I'd like to see if it sparks any interest.   Ryan McCoy is an ordinary kid with ordinary problems. His folks are divorced, he's got ADD and, his Mom is tired of his crap. He has just run afoul of the juvinile justice system and the new draconian laws.   He is destined to go to "Alternative school" and the story is about his journey.   Interested?     __________________________________________________________________   The Alternative     Ryan McCoy



Fear & Loathing

I've got this little problem. It's called Traumatic Glaucoma. Granted anything that can make you go blind is pretty traumatic in itself but this refurs to a specific type of glaucoma that occurs sometimes many years after blunt force type injury to the eyes.   Like getting punched in the eyes.   My teen years were particulary difficult. I was outted at the age of 13 the summer before 7th grade started in a redneck town in Mississippi. By my count I've had twenty something concussions, 6 bro



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