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Comments on the Day to Day Life

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Birthdays and Luck

It's that time of the year again, yes, I mean my birthday. I don't know about the rest of the world, but as a kid, I use to look forward to my birthday and couldn't wait to get another year older. What the hell was I thinking?   As the Earth makes another pass around the sun, the year continues to turn and the date of my birth arrives again. This year I turned 45. The age really means nothing to me. Okay, so I'm older, but nothing traumatic or anything.   This morning, my usual luck held. I



Heading into the Holidays

The holidays are upon us. Cards, gifts, shopping, and a whirlwind of activity are happening already and we aren't even at Thanksgiving.   People are already in the mood. Some have smiles and are singing holiday songs. Others are taking this time to rip into employees who have no choice but to work these jobs to pay bills. Some are happy and others are miserable.   This year I am facing things a bit differently. Dad will not be out of rehab for Thanksgiving. In fact on Tuesday I have a meetin



Say a little prayer

Real life has become a bit hard. My father is in the hospital and things are rough. Don't want to go into detail. Just asking if you can spare a prayer or two for him and I it would be greatly appreciated.



Some General Observations

i like to think I am like most people. i am a social animal, someone who likes to talk, read, observe life. I try not to force my opinions on others, like to hear the good and the bad, the good to feel better, the bad so it is shared and made a little easier.   From Facebook and real life I see enough anger and lashing out at others. I try never to do that. You'll find I post a lot of Peanuts, Garfield, and recipes. I make Happy Birthday comments, congrats on the good news, and offer condolenc



Just an update

Sorry but lately it seems I do a lot of apologizing and explaining, if not just ranting and raving. Such is my life lately.   Just wanted to note a few things before everyone wonders what is going on.   First up is Jonas. No I haven't forgotten him. I am still writing, although I don't think I have ever thrown out so many copies of a chapter never being quite content with what I have written. For something I had hoped to have finished by now I am getting really picky about how it is going. I



Life and other adventures

Life never goes as planned. I've learned that lesson a few times the hard way. This is just basically a note to say I'm here, I'm alive, I'm doing the best I can, and yeah I still have a ways to go.   I've had a rather interesting year so far. I've learned things about myself I don't like, and done things I could to change. I know I am a work in progress and probably will be til I die.   Sometimes lately I just keep quiet. It is how I handle things. I am being sent back to have new testing d



Some Apologies

I have to apologize to a few people. I am sorry this week has been a total disaster and I haven't been able to keep up as I should.   Monday - I really wasn't out to let people know, but my father was in the hospital for tests. There was a concern about some growths found which biopsies had to be done. Good news is that it wasn't cancer, but it was a nerve wracking few days.   Tuesday - I came home from work to find a letter from the insurance agency saying that my back should have been cov



Cleaning up

I am a hoarder. There, I said it. I hoard memories. I keep things long after I should. Today, I started cleaning out.   I was on my hotmail account and there I still had emails from exs, including one who decided to break up after two years via email rather than face to face or even on the phone. I kept his final message and all the rest. I am past the point of caring about it. I opened it and laughed that I still had it. Amazing what nearly twelve years will do to your point of view. What I o



Facing Facts

It is time of goodbyes. I seem to have a lot of them coming my way. Some are way more painful than others. Some seem to hurt only me. Here is hoping I don't have to say goodbye to them all.




Life, if nothing else, is one of constant changes. The older I get, the more I seem to realize just how much and often those changes come to you. I think I have finally realized you just can't set boundaries and all, because the moment you do life sends changes your way.   I went away for a wedding last week. It was for a friend who I look upon almost as a daughter. I have never seen so many things go wrong for one wedding. All I can say is for the invited guests, who knew nothing but the even



The Final Countdown to a Wedding

A wedding. What could be better?   Personally my life isn't going too swell, but I am determined to keep problems at bay till after Saturday. Saturday is the wedding of my best friend, my daughter, the one person I've counted on when my own world fell apart. From Wednesday on I will do whatever I can, move mountains, bury bodies, hide problems to make sure her wedding comes off without any more stress piling on her.   I have yet to be to the "perfect wedding". I've been to the ones where the



Writing, world building, and keeping it going

Okay, lets forget the multiple titles and things I seem to have collected while I am a member here at GA. When it all is stripped away I am two things - a reader and a writer.   When I first came to GA I came here as a reader. Off site, I was an English major so I read a lot of books. I read for school. I read for pleasure. However, any way you look at it I read. When I came here I did just that, I read the stories that appealed to me. If I enjoyed a story I left a comment. If I didn't, like a



Weddings, Weddings, and a loss

I was gone for most of the weekend, having taken the three plus hour drive up to see one of my best friends. I'll forewarn anyone reading this that I am going to ramble a bit. My best friend is twenty four and could literally be my daughter. She is young enough, but she is a sweetheart. I've known her since she was nearly eighteen and seen her grow up. We operate almost on a father/daughter level. I was there when her grandmother died, her father walked out of her life, and done all I could to h



Easter Oddities - At least for me.

Happy Easter everyone.   My day has been a bit odd.   Originally was planning on having a ham for Easter. Had dug through the recipes and found my mother's recipe for her sweet gravy for ham. Dad had gone out on Thursday to get the ham. When he came home it was with a turkey breast. Guess what I made today?   I went and dug out all my needed seasonings and spices for the stuffing to go with the turkey only to find i had no Thyme. Finding an open store was an adventure but as I finally pull



Quick thoughts

I've been in a rotten mood the last few days. I guess that is an understatement.   For anyone who knows me, they know I have grown to really hate retail and wanted to get back to teaching. Funny, but occasionally you are willing to do a lot for someone else that you wouldn't normally think of doing for yourself. It is what happened for me. I had been working like mad to find a way to be closer to someone I had fallen for and was even applying to teach English in another country. Lets just say



Just trying to get through the day

March is a rough month. That sounds odd I know, but I will explain.   Growing up the month of March was something my family knew would be busy and fun. March held two big events for my family - my mother's birthday and my parent's anniversary. These things were something that my family knew would start and finish major events.   Today is March 10th and my mother would have been 74 today. My father and I have sort of avoided talking about it because neither of us wants to break down again. It



Hey, can you lend a hand? Do you like to read?

I've been with GA for a few years now. When I first joined I would have killed to have immediately found a good beta and editor. Over time, for most things I found myself settling down and working with the same two or three incredible people over and over again. It was comfortable, and I knew I could rely on their honest opinions of my work.   Flash forward to recently. While there are some damn fine editors working on site the Betas seem to have vanished.   What is a Beta? Glad you asked.



Writing, Musing, and Valentine's Day

Alright, no one jinx me, but I've been a bit busy. Yes, my muse found me and has kicked me right in the ass. Last year I could barely get the anthologies out. This year, for whatever reason, I've been finishing one project and jumping right into another.   At the moment Last Christmas is at its mid point. People seem to be reading and enjoying it. For me that is time to do the happy dance. I'm glad when people take an interest and comment. Lets me know where I did right or where I went off the



Oh Christmas card, oh Christmas card, I got you in February.

Well, some people on here know I enjoy mail. Not junk mail or bills, God knows everyone gets enough of that stuff, but actual mail. You know cards and postcards. Well, to be honest, I am sort of a one man army to keep the post office open and in business.   I have friends from all over the world. When I send cards they go from Connecticut to Texas, from England to South Africa, and from Germany to India.   Now let me say this, there are post offices that work and some that don't. I mail thi



Writing? Well a bit

My life in the past two years has been sort of a roller coaster ride. One moment there is a clear road ahead, the next there are so many problems I think dynamite couldn't solve it.   Anyway things have slowed down in the issue department, at least momentarily. I presently have one story that I began to post, Last Christmas. I also have managed to do a prompt a week so far this year and am grateful that something is getting out.   Tonight I finished a story that I have had off and on since O




Here we are barely a week into the new year and already dealing with issues. A close friend of the family lost his father. He'd gone into the hospital for discs in his back that were disintegrating. When the hospital operated they found cancer in his spinal cord. He went from an expected hospital stay of two weeks and then rehab to just over two weeks and him passing away on Sunday. He was buried today.   Also seems I can do no right in other areas of my life. Seriously considering just backin



A look back at 2013

I sit after having done some of the things my mom always did for the holidays. I put a coin in the window as wish that I wouldn't ever be totally broke, had a piece of fish for good luck, and I was going to watch Dick Clark's Rocking New Year's Eve but just don't have the desire to see the new hosts.   I look back at this year and am ready to see it go. There have been many issues. Sometimes I wish I could have been better prepared. My back was the main and over all issue of the year. From the



Missing Holiday Spirit

It is official. This was the year without any Christmas spirit for me.   Since I have gone to work in retail, life as I knew it was over. This year though work has pushed the idea of holiday over the edge. I worked 51 hours over six days. The store has been closing at eleven or midnight, and opened by seven am. There is a marked lack of customers but that hasn't stopped the non-sense. I listen as other stores this year have gone twenty four hours a day till Christmas eve, like Toys-R-Us and Wa



Duck Dynasty

Okay, even living under a rock like I do I have heard of the show. Not the type of thing I sit down to watch, but then I barely watch much of anything on television lately.The show itself is centered around a family that was making nearly a million a year off their business.   Now the father and founder of the group has gone on to have his say on what he feels about gays. That is his opinion, and I feel it is his right to have his say about how he feels. Whether right or wrong he is protected



Time - Where did it go?

Since Thanksgiving I have been on the run. I haven't been sleeping well or keeping up with much.   My father's surgery went well but he is still recovering and that goes slowly.   It seems the post office is playing hide the mail. One of my bills sent out over two weeks ago still hasn't arrived. I got a call today if the bill isn't paid by tomorrow I lose my insurance. Now I have to run there and pay it. Watch me pay it in the morning and check clear in the afternoon.   I finally got my ho



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