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Remembering Hiroshima

Today marks seventy five years since an atomic bomb was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima, followed three days later by one being detonated over Nagasaki. No-one will ever know how many tens or hundreds of thousands died as a result. I was born just over two years after these horrific events, and grew up in post-war England where I remember a constant national worry about a possible nuclear war. The term "four minute warning" still echoes in my head to this day. That was conside



O Muse, Where Art Thou?

About ten or so years back I was doing a fair amount of creative writing and had even put a little of it online. One of my pieces even appeared in the 2007 Fall Anthology "The Rainy Day" here on GA. Then paid work (from which I am now retired), voluntary work (particularly in the LGBT-support field - in which I am still involved) and various other things (such as developing my creative skills in digital photography) all managed to get in the way and I reluctantly decided to put my creative writi



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