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So just like everyone else I'm dealing with this insanity the best I can. I'm pretty lucky so far. I still have a job and so does my husband. My kids are safe, even though one is 350 miles away. 

I still worry though, I can't help it. My mom is 89 and has dementia. She lives with my brother and SIL, not the most ideal situation. My SIL is kinda controlling and basically it's her way or the highway. That doesn't always translate well in a mind scrambled by dementia.  Patience is not her strongest suit. 

My younger child should be enjoying the last few weeks of his high school life.  Instead he's stuck at home,  mind fried by electronics,  both school induced as well as video game induced. He does play guitar, but that is more like therapy for him

You see we found out last fall that he had been molested by a trusted family member when he was three or four. He repressed these memories for years until his brain said no more.  He had always been a handful and his middle school years were torture for us as parents. We have since found out that he contemplated suicide several times.  It tears me apart when I  think of it. 

He's in therapy now and has been since the fall which is when we found out after the shit hit the proverbial fan. It was rough. His therapist is working with him via a Skype type program. My husband and I have been going to group therapy once a week for "non-offending caregivers" and it's helped a lot.  But now it's on hold. We'll just have to deal with stuff on our own for now. 

Which brings me to my main point. GA provides a much needed break for me. I can lose myself in someone else's world for a while and immerse myself in a story. I'm an impatient person and don't usually read stories that are in progress. But when I  do I really enjoy watching them unfold. I enjoy being able to comment and also reading other people's perspectives. 

I've finally been able to focus on writing again.  It was tough as I  was trying to finish up 'A Decision for Jarren' when all the stuff was happening with my son (DCFS and CPS were involved). But now I  have a clear vision and have been writing as much as I  can. It's going to be a two part story, 20 chapters each and I'm trying to stick to roughly 5000 words per chapter. I'm halfway done with the first book and hope to be able to start posting by the end of the month. 

So thank you GA for being here and giving me an outlet where I  can take a little break and just enjoy something. You have the best authors and the best readers in the world.

Thanks for letting me vent. 

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Betrayal exists and is one of a few things that can rip your heart to shreds.  This past week has been probably the worst experience I've gone through in my life.  The hardest part for me is the unequivocal fact that the betrayal came from someone who was supposed to love me unconditionally and vice versa.  When unconditional love starts to impose conditions which are only beneficial to one person it's time to step back and reevaluate. Even if that person is a vital part of your f


kbois in Broken hearts

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