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When I'm Stuck

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When I'm stuck, I guess I'll try to write here instead. 🫠 You can follow along as I battle through writer's block, general confusion, and constantly having to remind myself that what I do is ok.

Entries in this blog


I could’ve titled this entry “Doubt” again like the previous one. As the stakes of my story get higher, and the threads I’m weaving are only just beginning to come together, I have doubts again. More than ever before. Is it getting ridiculous? Is it still believable? Even a fantasy story has to be believable. I love these characters so much, and they’ve grown in me for such a long time, that it would end me if anyone hated them. I sound ridiculous. So to give my characters and story de


drown in writing


Writing about not writing is, in fact, writing. So now I have a blog! Having the perfect writing setup for over a decade isn't actually enough to produce good writing. Duh. Of course, it isn't. I pride myself on being a good judge of quality, and nothing I had written passed the test. Judging it by my standards was enough for me to decide, "Nope." But: To get better at writing, you need outside feedback. Even mediocre writing will be improved with furious editing.


drown in writing

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