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I kinda finished it... Wow...

Errr entry four.


I kinda went all out over the last three days and i finished Woman's Game 1: Book of Genesis. Wrote just under 6000 words in 3 days... I have a serious case of the Nephys.


And the word count comes round at 29691. I'm amazed. 691 words more than i expected.


I need to develop the plot (aka rewrite the plot) of Book 2 in order to completely round the story up and the dreaded plot holes, which relates to my question this week.


I will definately have this with Cia before the end of the week :o Hope you enjoy your gift dear! :)


Just amazed at myself and how productive i've been since setting up this blog. <3 for GA Blog System <3


Word Increase Since Last Time: 5962



Plot holes are funny little buggers. As an author, how do you handle them? What I mean is, when you spot them in previously published chapters how do you develop around them or does it just fuel you to write more of that particular story?


And as a reader, how do you react when you find them in stories?

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:2thumbs: Snigger


Plot holes are made by plot worms. They are about four inches long with fangs that are twice as long as their heads. They have no legs but can move at incredible speed often overruning a whole chapter or series of chapters before the author realises they are there. Bad infestations can occur where chapters are released as they are written and in severe cases they may inbed themselves so deeply into the story that they cannot be removed without drastic surgery.


The only way to prevent a plot worm infestation is to continually re read your story to look for evidence of worms, such as droppings, footprints or burrow holes. If you can catch the worm before it lays its eggs then you might be able to prevent and infestation.


In very severe cases death of the story may occur together with serious damage to credibility of readers who are unfortunate enough to catch the worms.

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