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Relive the past

old bob


Relive the past


Last few days, I divide my time between my work and writing my memoirs. Nephylim persuaded me to make the story of my life available to all GA members.

It seemed to her that my story might interest other than me and that everyone could learn from my experiences.


Be a model is not an easy task, but if I take her words, I managed to achieve personal fulfillment and I could well give courage and hope to all those younger than me, who fight and struggle to overcome their difficulties.


I really lived passing through happy moments and painful episodes. As I said at the beginning of my story: "My story of soon 83 years of a tempestuous life is a try to understand myself where I come from, an attempt to draw lessons for others from my experiences, my joys and my woes".


By evoking these years, I am pleased to recover many souvenirs which had been erased from my memory. The fact to format them forces me to describe in detail, to situate them in relation to who I was at that time and to highlight the underlying reasons of my actions.


Finally, Nephylim me rendered me a great service by forcing me to look back. It's as if I were now on the side of a mountain, looking to pass the succession in the valley of my adventures, before my eyes flowing like a river through successively shallow lakes and rushing water rapids.


In the words of the poet Horace:


Suave, mari magno turbantibus aequora ventis,

e terra magnum alterius spectare laborem;

non quia vexari quemquamst jucunda voluptas,

sed quibus ipse malis careas quia cernere suavest.


It's nice when the winds trouble the waters of the Great Sea

from the shore to look at the hard labor of others

not because it's a real pleasure that someone is tormented

but because it is gentle to observe what misery one escapes himself


I thought it was fun to illustrate my story with some old pictures. I hope the fun is not only for me.


I am only at the beginning of my story. I have written already nine chapters, while the story should count at the end seventeen chapters


Like all writers, I hope to meet the interest of many readers. But if not, it does not matter. Deep down I know that I write mostly for me and it’s not too bad if my story does not concern others.


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:D What a great task you have in your hands! Can you fit it in seventeen chapters, really? How do you choose what to add and what to leave out? I think you have lived such an interesting and rich life that people will be interested to read about it.


You can add pictures to your stories, I do that all the time. You need to place them in your GA gallery first (easiest way) then link them in the middle of the text where you want to put them.

old bob


Thanks Marzipan. I did it !

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