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Anatomy of: A dreamer without a dream



Well, it is now up for your reading pleasure.


Consider this my return to active writing again and science fiction. I have been holding back my ideas for a very long time and now I think I can explore them.


It is a social commentary brand of science fiction, so I hope it does not detract from readers. For all those who have waited, almost 2 years, for a new chapter in W.L's science fiction universe or meta-verse, this will be a welcoming gift. A major story will be coming soon (This time a completed story with 36 chapters spread across 3 parts), if my editors do not kill me and I can make the July deadline to coincide with GA's Anniversary Novella.


In the past, I have written stories based on cerebral takes on life, but I have never gone full out and done something like this story. It holds for me a new commitment towards writing my own voice and exploring humanity for its best and worse qualities.


When you read this story, notice the imperfections in my characters; their fears and doubts, their hopes and beliefs. Human beings are not two dimensional, where gay = good and straight = bad. People don't just hate out of nowhere, nor do they love without exception due to nothing. I want to create a story based on a world of hopes and dreams, but filled with misguided beliefs and hidden truths.


I have also begun a journey in this story on the concept of "Life", not just based on the biological processes of living, but the actual influence of living. In the tradition of Science Fiction, I am taking up a challenge against mankind's perceptions and prejudices, but not against merely a race, religion, or identifiable group of people alone, I am challenging the very notion of "life" itself through the perspective of the GLBTQ community.


Even on the Soapbox, I rarely see this issue talked about, nor even addressed by liberal adherents or conservatives adherents, which adds to the poignancy of the issues.


Hope readers enjoy it for all its pleasures and disturbing realities.


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