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March 20th, 2003

On March 20th, 2003, the United States began their combat operations in Iraq, as part of Bush Junior's "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War. I would like to take a moment and dedicate this song to all the people who were personally effected by this war.



I still remember the start of the Iraq War like it was yesterday. I was in 10th grade. Sometime before, I took part in a student walk-out that protested the upcoming war. At 9:11 a.m., during my French class, I walked out of class and met the protesters. We stood at the corner of DuPont Road and Lancaster, holding up signs that said things such as "Drop Bush, not Bombs" and while chanting slogans such as "To Hell With This Oil War Shit!" It wasn't a lot of people...maybe 20-30 people at most, and in the long run it didn't mean much...we didn't even get media coverage. But there was just something about being a teenager who was absolutely convinced they held all the answers to the world's problems. It was a great moment...one that got broken up when our dean came out and threatened to expel us from the school if we didn't go back in by lunch.


So after the protest ended, I ran through my school courtyard for one lap, while yelling something along the lines of "Peace in Iraq!" or something. Then when I got back to class, my English teacher Mrs. Swann, who was involved in protests back in the 1960's, berated the total lack of organization and media coverage in our protest.


It really disapointed me that the Iraq War didn't lead to a major hippie movement like in the 1960's...I was really hoping for that. But my peers cared more about downloading "My Humps" ringtones on their phones than whether or not people were getting slaughtered over in Iraq.

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Great song. I've loved it since it came out. It holds a very simple but strong message. 



The vainglorious conceit of Bush and Blair was sickening at the time and 10 years has confirmed that to pretty much everyone now. Their lies, deceit and manipulation have also been exposed. And for what? Because Sadam was a very bad man and living conditions are now so, so much better for the population? Yeah, right. Civilians aren't living in rubble ... towns and homes aren't still in ruins ... infrastructure isn't still wrecked ... the government isn't corrupt and authoritarian ... terrorist insurgents aren't bombing and killing innocent civilians ... Islamic extremists aren't on the ascendant ...  

Consider the death and injury - physical and mental - of all those soldiers, airmen, civilians, children, families and their ongoing suffering now - today!  Never mind the environmental destruction from the oil fields set alight by Sadam - an obvious outcome - and the destruction of World heritage historical sites and treasures. And consider the huge profits made by favoured US corporations - like Halliburton - and the cozy links with Bush Administration apparatchiks enriching themselves like Cheney. History will damn these creatures for the villains they are and the "legacy" Blair obsessed over is toxic poison.

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