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North to Alaska

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Countdown: 36 Days!

So, my sister came up to help me on Friday with my storage unit. We stuffed her minivan full of my boxes and hauled it all back to where I'm currently living. We pulled out the few units that will be going to my new home (the rest will go to storage in Alaska) and then we got to work on the remainder of my bedroom. The miscellaneous boxes I've been living out of the last 2 years are now gone. Funny how the room seems so much bigger. :lol:


But it hit me as I set the last box on the stack that -- sweet Jesus! -- in one month I'll be back in Alaska! It's really happening. I guess the money I shelled out to pay off my credit card wasn't enough ... I'm practically itching to get going.


Other things I realized this week...


(1) I have cat stuff at my parents' but I'll need another set for Chevak

(2) I have way more ebooks than I realized

(3) I forgot to grab my bookmarks off my old laptop before handing it over to be purged <_<

(4) I still don't know where the controllers are for my PS2

(5) Flash drives breed


On a different note, My sister and brother-in-law want my car, so that's one worry off my checklist. My niece and nephew will be out to visit their dad in June, so I'll get to hang out with them before I leave. ^_^ I'll be accompanying them to the San Diego Zoo and to a waterpark. Not sure what else.


My sister suggested I use google plus (?) as an alternative to Facebook in order to stay connected to friends down here in CA. Anyone know how to do that? I checked it out when I got home today and either I'm blind or it's not as easy to find as my sister made it out to be. Granted, it was part of a 5-second conversation as I was leaving her house this morning. BTW, she and her husband moved out of the hellhole they've been in the last year. Much nicer place they've got, and the house certainly has character! LOL. There's a pillar in the living room and all the doors are different colors.


I turned in my final portfolio for my beginng teacher program last week, so that's a weight off my shoulders. Choir is officially over for the summer (as of today), so another responsibility bites the dust. Since my students are all working on class projects this coming week, I may actually be able to leave school before dark. I wonder if that means I'll be able to get some writing done? I've been plagued with visions of Dmitri and Mordred surrounded by pirates singing sea chanties. Anyone know of some good ones?


Also, the latest Star Trek movie sucked ass. :thumbdown:


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