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Enjoying nature in the city

No more reviews for today, I just want to add a blurb about seeking out nature in the urban jungle.


I've realized that beyond all the technological and lines of financial detail that I go through, I actually enjoy nature. No seriously, I've been walking around the parks and private gardens of Boston and its surrounding areas in the last few weeks. I have climbed up hills to seek out arboretums filled with hundred year old trees and understand why people sought their preservation.


There's a stillness in nature that allows you to think, something that a world connected by wireless signals and a social network of billions doesn't allow. Every other moment, I have to look at a new set of numbers, speak with another client/vendor, or fix something, but in nature, I feel like my world just slows down back to a pace that it should be.


No, I won't be joining a liberal organization to protect the trees or swamps lands, but I think people need to take advantage of these places around their city and try to spend some time there. Modern life is hectic and running at the speed of light, so sometimes you need to slow down and smell the roses.


Hmm...come to think of it, Conservation does have a root from Conserve and if you remove the -on and add -ve, you get conservative :P

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Is this a new appreciation growing? It seems a good thing.



I find peace sitting on my deck and staring at the woods:)

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