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October? Already?

There are few things going on right now that are driving me nuts. I can't believe we are already in October. Seems this year is in fast forward. How did the time slip away so fast?


I am going to bounce around, so those who read this, I apologize in advance.


First up - The government shut down, again! I can't be bothered to point fingers and say whose fault this is. What I can say is if those elected to represent the people decide to put their polices before the welfare of the country we are going to fail. I don't care whose fault this is, I want them to sit down and fix it.


Second - I am proud of the fact I got my Halloween cards out. Now if I can just get the October and November birthday cards and gifts out for family and friends I would be happy. Think they might be late like most of them have been this year.


Third - i might have to track down people at the insurance company. After months of undergoing therapy on my back they want to deny all further claims, stating this might be workman's comp. After this many months they want to make it workman's comp? Grrr. So in the meantime you want to deny the claims and make me pay for them out of pocket? Yeah, this makes sense!


Fourth - A lack of common decency. Sorry, this is more for people I know. I have watched them attacked for things that most people would see as stupidity. If someone asks for your help, you do them the favor and do what you can for them, and are then attacked by them for not helping them in the way they wanted, well to me, that is just plain stupidity. If you ask for help and get it, you should be grateful, but that isn't how things in life seem to work sometimes. They then begin to complain to everyone that you didn't do the kind of help they asked from you is just a total lack of common decency. Truthfully, instead of help from a friend they need to consider professional help and some manners. I'm sorry if you have someone donating time and effort to help you, and you don't like what they are doing there are two simple choices. One, thank your friend for the work they have done, but either point out what you need so that they will do that instead, or save them the trouble of continuing and say you have found another way to go. Second, don't bad mouth them for not doing what you wanted when you didn't have the balls to come out and tell them what it was to begin with.


Fifth - family. These people are related and are supposed to always have your back. Just remember one thing, you pick your friends for the strengths and love you find in them. Family is yours by blood, but nothing says you have to be friends with them. If someone isn't helping you get along in life, but instead are ripping you apart and destroying your self worth, show them the door. They don't belong in your life and you can do better, family or not.


Okay, done with my rant. I'm decorating for Halloween. This and Christmas make up my favorite times of the year. This year with my all my family holiday cards I am sending a recipe card and asking that they pick out their favorite recipe that they make for the family and send it back. Next year everyone who responds I will send a cook book made up of those recipes. Who knows I might just send one to my friends as well and make the Family and Friends cookbook. lol


Anyway for all of those living north of the Equator enjoy your Autumn. Finally some cooler temps. Not looking forward to winter but I love the fall. Till next time everyone, just remember a little patience goes a long way.

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And I love Christmas and you Wayne.  "blows a big kiss"

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