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Batman Under the Red Hood Review: An example on what American Animated movies can still do versus their Live action counterparts



Based on my reviews, yes I am a Batman and DC fanboy :P (I will do Marvel from time to time, I like the Hulk storyline and Marvel CCivil War storyline between Capt. America vs. Iron Man's factions)


However, when it comes to Cartoons, I prefer DC and here's a good example why: Batman: Under the Red Hood


The wiki has spoilers: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman:_Under_the_Red_Hood


The Plot summary is very obvious to most Comic book readers, but the short version is simple: the 2nd Robin Jason Todd is back from the dead and has returned to Gotham to clean up crime "by any means necessary". He will become a drug lord, deal guns (This movie was made way before the Fast and Furious program in the US was public), and murder to reduce and control crime. Batman is struck by guilt and grief at the appearance of his young protege doing all this.


The opening scenes give you some extremely dark imagery that reminds everyone of Dark Knight's Heath Ledger Joker.



The entire movie just keeps building up until you hit the catharsis, Batman and Red Hood, Jason Todd, square off:



I can't, but agree with Jason. Even though, Batman does the right thing; I feel emotionally like Batman as a mentor and a father to Jason should have pulled the trigger on Joker a long time ago. I can feel Batman wants to do it, he wants to give in to his hatred, but in the end, he does not.


The story is a tragedy, but it is a good exploration of the differences between what Batman represents and what Jason does after his resurrection. Batman is driven by vengeance, but he is not consumed by it. He represents the type of human being, who will fight near the edge of law and order, but never break the line of reason. Jason represents the "Victory at all cost" types of men, who is willing to break the rules in order to make the world a better place.


I highly recommend this movie for both kids and adults. For kids to enjoy a hero without clear morality, but clear ethics. For Adults to reflect on the line between extremism and goals, why there are some lines in the sand that cannot be crossed.


5 out of 5


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