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Chapter 4.1 of Causality live!



It's here and it's Queer sub-chapter :P




Kitt gave me the idea about exploring my supporting characters and the reality that I am building in Causality. I also thought, since this is a story with references to relics of the past, why not open up with a story about the past of a supporting character.


Jack Amos had a short Cameo in Chapter 4, but his story as I played it out in my head is quite interesting. It also highlights some of the key points of New York City's history regarding Ethnic Minorities, Racial struggles, Witch-hunts against Communist sympathizers, and riots.


A few key points:


1. What I describe concerning the history of New York is actually true. Even today, if asked about Mayor Welker among NYC historians, you will hear similar things about corruption, profiteering, and his love of showgirls LaGuardia is still considered one of the greatest Mayors of American history; although, I do know he overspent his own budget, but I placed myself as a New Yorker and in the environment of the 1930's-40's would have praised him as well. I still like him personally as a man with vision and values.


2. As for the scenes from the 1950's Red Scare, Hollywood might have been hurt with black list, but no one ever talks about the other blacklists in professions of Science, Finance, and Law.


In many states, there were several private boards seeking to evaluate the "Patriotism" of employees. Lawyers were especially at risk for speaking out. I chose the association with Bartley Crum (a real life historical figure) as an example of how far as a nation the United States went down towards, when blind association could be used as a weapon against your career.


Also, these private boards did not simply go after "perceived" communist sympathizers; they went after people with moral "failures", i.e. Gay and bisexual men were singled out. This travesty of justice and a betrayal for Americans, who did nothing to deserve it, is far bigger than Jim Carrey's move, The Majestic, focus on Hollywood.


3. In the 1960's, I went for some interesting pre-condom era gay factoids in New York. I had to do some fun research on this, which has changed my views of gay new yorkers :P Some of the older guys on GA will know the things I am describing like "Trucking", when gay guys used to go in the back of open trucks in New York at night to screw around. Again, it's another piece of NYC history that is fun. Also, "Dirty Dicks" was a real Gay Bar, next to several unloading points, where patrons were picking up their guys.


4. The 1977 Blackout and description of the evolution of old Jewish Neighborhoods like Crown Heights in NYC is also true. The rioting breaking out is not uncommon from that era, when a new wave of African American people moved into that section of the community and clashing with the Jewish residents.


I am not trying to be preachy or racially insensitive in this story; I am merely pointing out true events in the context of a fictional gay character. There was definitely issues like the use of Black enlisted men as manual labor to build the "Ledo Road" in Burma (60% of the workforce were African American according to one source) during World War II, which was a waste of manpower and time. However, the surge of anger in the 1970's was also a realistic truth, because American Race relations never quite got cleaned up. Also, I am highlighting a different racial dynamics between the historic issues between Jews and Blacks in New York City.


5. Lastly, I wanted to give you guys a world that can be understood despite all the fictional aspects and the fantasy. Human beings in my story are not better than Human beings in reality; we carry the same flaws and same issues. I want to make that clear with this side story to give everyone a perspective on my writing style and how I intend to write fantasy with elements of truth and fiction.


Some writers of Fantasy and Science fiction hide behind monikers of Aliens, Robots, Demons, Spirits, and Warriors to describe real world issues, but I am not hiding it. This is contemporary Fantasy and Science Fiction, not ancient Swordplay or futuristic worlds.


Ultimately, my belief is that Causality is a story that exists for:


The existing past and potential future living side by side with contemporary realities. The ghosts of the past are not gone from memory, nor are the potential dangers of the future hidden by the mist of time.




Anyway hope you all enjoy it or if you feel like I am going too far in my writing, feel free to give me a PM.


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