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Starting to write again and some details on my Holiday Theme entry

I know, it's been only two weeks, but I had to stop writing as I wanted to create a few degrees of separation between my fiction and my dream world. I have stopped dreaming about President Obama's assassination, which is a relief (Unless, it comes true, but I am not Christopher Walken :P )


Today marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination, so I will give the man his due and a moment of silence as a fellow New Englander...



As for my writing schedule, Causality will probably get another chapter next week, but I want to focus my work and energy on my interpretation of "It's a Wonderful Life", Frank Capra did a great job talking about average Americans trying their best during the Great Depression to get by. We are in another economic downturn with many people still unemployed or underemployed. I want to focus on an average man in a setting that Gay writers are usually one dimensional about,Religious services.


I know I will be writing a tight rope between staunch believers, Atheists, Agnostics, and gay guys that give a damn about that subject. However, during great times of turmoil and trial, people turn towards religion for solace and seek for guidance from a higher being. One thing many gay writers forget at times is that faith is not an evil monster, but it can be an oasis in a desert.


The character in question will be a recently outed gay clergyman, who's life is on the downturn. Abandoned by his church, his friends, and his family, he contemplates the same thing that the titular character of "It's a Wonderful life" did, suicide. This guy is not someone GA members will like and may even want dead for all the harm he has done to others through his years doing "good work". However, that is the point, how much is a single life actually worth despite its negative impact on others? (I consider this a corollary question to the one posed by Capra)


For long time followers and readers, I have love of parallels and inversion.


I could have written about a gay teen facing alienation, bullying, and contemplating suicide, but it is a road much traveled by writers on here and elsewhere and merely copies Capra's famous movie. I want to do an original based on his work.


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