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Some cheering up for the holiday season...


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Sorry to say that I'm feeling a bit sick at the moment, but I'm so used to being ill every couple of weeks that it barely gets me down anymore. I guess it just is what it is. ::Shrugs::

BUT...I've been writing so much over the past few weeks, that I'm still close to being on schedule! So all of that hard work isn't going to waste. :P

So check back in an hour or two for the stories to continue while I get myself back in working order. Cool? And more emails are going out tomorrow! Promise! And I love you lots!

Also, hehehe, I got a Christmas pressent as a donation to the https://paypal.me/Comsie account! And that was super awesome! So thank you so much! And a couple of you asked what I might want for Christmas so they can help out! Hehehe, well...I want what I wanted from you guys EVERY Christmas! And it's free! ::Giggles:: So yeah, bring me that!

LOL! Just wanted to feel silly for a little bit! Makes me feel good! Mwah! I'll be back in a day or two when I feel better...

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Feel better. I’m kinda in the same boat. Slight fever, nasty cough, and chills like crazy but other than that I’d still go to work. That said, yesterday my brother tried to kill himself with pills 5 hrs from me and was fortunately unsuccessful in his attempt. That said, suicide is a huge trigger for me so I’m struggling right now. He needs to be committed. I love him but I can’t anymore. His drama is too much. One of these times he’s going to be successful. Sorry to be Debbie Downer on the holiday cheer. I’m super excited on the rest of your news Comsi. Can’t wait

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On 11/30/2023 at 3:09 AM, SilentandBroken said:

Feel better. I’m kinda in the same boat. Slight fever, nasty cough, and chills like crazy but other than that I’d still go to work. That said, yesterday my brother tried to kill himself with pills 5 hrs from me and was fortunately unsuccessful in his attempt. That said, suicide is a huge trigger for me so I’m struggling right now. He needs to be committed. I love him but I can’t anymore. His drama is too much. One of these times he’s going to be successful. Sorry to be Debbie Downer on the holiday cheer. I’m super excited on the rest of your news Comsi. Can’t wait

Oh God...I'm so sorry to hear that. That's got to be really hard to take in and deal with. If he can find the help he needs, I hope it does him some good. It's one of those things that you have to work out on your own, and it's good to have help. But outside of just being there for him in his time of need, there really isn't much else that you can do.

I'm sending some positive vibes your way, and I'll wish for the best. Hang in there, bud.

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2 minutes ago, Comicality said:

Oh God...I'm so sorry to hear that. That's got to be really hard to take in and deal with. If he can find the help he needs, I hope it does him some good. It's one of those things that you have to work out on your own, and it's good to have help. But outside of just being there for him in his time of need, there really isn't much else that you can do.

I'm sending some positive vibes your way, and I'll wish for the best. Hang in there, bud.

Your warm thoughts and encouragement help thank you. Sigh. A lot of my trauma started around a boy who was a narcissist abuser, using that “power” to control me and manipulate me and rape a few times. That started at 13. I was a freshman, he a sophomore. Things got bad quietly when i finally grew a spine and tried to end it. He called me over to his house before school one morning, and from 15 feet away i watched him out a snubbed nosed 22 revolver to his temple and pull the trigger. I blamed myself for decades. I’m mostly passed it now. Therapy has done tons. But triggers still happen. My brother is one. I love him bc well..he’s my brother ya know? But he’s got his own demons and poor coping skills to go along with even more shitty decisions. I just can’t anymore. I can’t be around him and his drama. I don’t want to cauterize the relationship but I’m afraid I need to. It saddens me and the fact that he viewed suicide as his only option to fix his life. Fix? Hmph. More like quit. He refused to listen to anyone’s advice, only asking once he’s made up his mind to see if anyone could convince him to change his mind. He’ll do it again if the docs cut him loose soon. Now he’s really fucked his life over. This hole he’s dug suddenly got very deep. I won’t lie, I’m very very worried for him.

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